Biden turns to shake hands.....Nobody is there.

Lost Potato
LOL....Maybe this guy can find it.

After he turned he was looking straight ahead where no one was and still stuck his hand out to shake hands. WOW!
I think he did it twice.....Again when his back was to the camera.

They need to keep that Asian woman that lead him about at the Obama reception by his side at all times.

After Biden finished his speech, he turned around and tried to shake hands with thin air and then wandered around looking confused.

I guess that's what happens when you have a turnip for a brain.

It was a pooka but Harvey took off looking for Jimmy Stewart before Biden's speech ever got started........

After Biden finished his speech, he turned around and tried to shake hands with thin air and then wandered around looking confused.

I guess that's what happens when you have a turnip for a brain.

Looks like Biden actually saw someone with their hand out. Hallucinations are typical for the elderly with senility.

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