Biden Tricks Brave Patriot Gov DeSantis Into Requesting 300 Ventilators

"Florida has again broken a record for new COVID-19 cases, reporting 56,633 of them over the past two days, according to the latest CDC data, an average of more than 28,000 per day. It comes as doctors are stressed and hospitals are tapped for resources, their beds continuing to fill with unvaccinated patients infected with the virus. As a result of the increase in cases and hospitalizations, the State of Florida requested 300 ventilators from the federal government, according to a Department of Health and Human Services planning document obtained by ABC News."

This is 1000% Biden's doing....after DeSantis totally owned him last week by telling Biden to keep his nose out of Florida's business and focus on protecting the border -- Biden secretly dumped 45,000 infected illegal alien scum into Florida and ordered them to spread COVID throughout Florida. Now the media is making it seem like Florida is having to ask Biden for help when the truth is -- the virus is not very serious and the only people who are sick or dying from it are illegals, the vaccinated and people who do not believe in Jesus.
Close the southern border and stop importing the plague from mexico before telling Americans what to do
Close the southern border and stop importing the plague from mexico before telling Americans what to do
You know how those brown foreigners are always bringing in deadly diseases because of how dirty they are....ewwww....

Maybe Hitler was a visionary....
Close the southern border and stop importing the plague from mexico before telling Americans what to do
Show us your math on that one, professor. You know, so it doesnt seem like you are just regurgitating something silly you don't understand at all.
Show us your math on that one, professor. You know, so it doesnt seem like you are just regurgitating something silly you don't understand at all.
By your logic I guess you would call it regurgitating since I am not the original source

we have reports from border towns along the border

By your logic I guess you would call it regurgitating since I am not the original source

we have reports from border towns along the border

We keep getting claims about illegals being spread across the country...but the only thing you fuckers document is illegals being shifted around AT the border...most on their way back to Mexico
By your logic I guess you would call it regurgitating since I am not the original source

we have reports from border towns along the border

That doesnt support your nonsense. 7000 positives in 5 months? Florida had 26000+ just yesterday.

So, care to modify your position in light of the facts?
keep getting claims about illegals being spread across the country...but the only thing you fuckers document is illegals being shifted around AT the border...most on their way back to Mexico
So I’m a”fucker” now?

well I hope so at least in the positive sense of doing my manly duty of making women satisfied

libs should try it sometime

as for your most recent demand here is one report

next I suppose you’ll want names, previous address in Central America and current address in America
So I’m a”fucker” now?

well I hope so at least in the positive sense of doing my manly duty of making women satisfied

libs should try it sometime

as for your most recent demand here is one report

next I suppose you’ll want names, previous address in Central America and current address in America
Again, what you are talking about are a few thousand kids and families that have been tested and quarantined where necessary

As opposed to tens of millions of vaccine refusers
People are not moving because of governance and they never do. They were moving because of the high cost of living and the Covid crisis in the North. Unfortunately, the Covid has entered Fla and Texas in record numbers mainly because of poor governance.
The only thing good about California, besides its enormous natural blessings, is the gigantic oil deposit found on Gavin Newsome's head. If we can recycle Newsome's head we can probably bring the cost of a barrel of oil down a couple of dollars.
300 isn't going to do the job. My nice who is in the medical field just received a request to go down to Florida and help.
Tell her to go to Arkansas instead---Nurses are making over a $100 an hour regular time now.
Desantis is callously using Florida as a stepping stone to national office just like Rick Scott before him. Nevermind the damage caused trying to make people in other states take notice of him.
And would do a better job than the idiot in office now.

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