Biden Threw Away The Old Democratic Playbook, And Republicans Can't Adapt


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The first year of President Barack Obama’s presidency, however well-intentioned, was a disaster. What should’ve been a quick move to pass the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became a painfully drawn out 14-month ordeal, with Republicans pretending to negotiate with the president while at the same time publicly and gleefully mocking those efforts, obstructing to the very end.
Apparently, then-Vice President Joe Biden was taking notes.

Not only did Biden dismiss the Republicans, he didn’t even bother to engage in negotiations. No, “Would $1.3 trillion work? No? $1 trillion? $800 billion?” Because we know that not only would that have dragged out this process for way too long, delaying critical work on election reform, immigration reform, and other Democratic priorities, but in the end, you know those assholes would’ve voted against the legislation anyway. It’s what Republicans have always done, and there was zero reason for Democrats to believe that this time, with a party beholden to Donald Trump of all people, that things would've ended up differently.

Not this time Republicans. You will spend the next 8 years playing catch up, and if HR 1 passes, there will be no catch up. Republicans will then actually have to split the party, and the part that works on legislation for the working class, is the only part that has any chance of keeping office.

The page has been turned of the failures of Reaganomics. There will never be trickle down economic policy of any kind that has any chance of passing ever again.
The first year of President Barack Obama’s presidency, however well-intentioned, was a disaster. What should’ve been a quick move to pass the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became a painfully drawn out 14-month ordeal, with Republicans pretending to negotiate with the president while at the same time publicly and gleefully mocking those efforts, obstructing to the very end.
Apparently, then-Vice President Joe Biden was taking notes.

Not only did Biden dismiss the Republicans, he didn’t even bother to engage in negotiations. No, “Would $1.3 trillion work? No? $1 trillion? $800 billion?” Because we know that not only would that have dragged out this process for way too long, delaying critical work on election reform, immigration reform, and other Democratic priorities, but in the end, you know those assholes would’ve voted against the legislation anyway. It’s what Republicans have always done, and there was zero reason for Democrats to believe that this time, with a party beholden to Donald Trump of all people, that things would've ended up differently.

Not this time Republicans. You will spend the next 8 years playing catch up, and if HR 1 passes, there will be no catch up. Republicans will then actually have to split the party, and the part that works on legislation for the working class, is the only part that has any chance of keeping office.

The page has been turned of the failures of Reaganomics. There will never be trickle down economic policy of any kind that has any chance of passing ever again.

Joe Biden is the most establishment old white man on earth.
The first year of President Barack Obama’s presidency, however well-intentioned, was a disaster. What should’ve been a quick move to pass the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became a painfully drawn out 14-month ordeal, with Republicans pretending to negotiate with the president while at the same time publicly and gleefully mocking those efforts, obstructing to the very end.
Apparently, then-Vice President Joe Biden was taking notes.

Not only did Biden dismiss the Republicans, he didn’t even bother to engage in negotiations. No, “Would $1.3 trillion work? No? $1 trillion? $800 billion?” Because we know that not only would that have dragged out this process for way too long, delaying critical work on election reform, immigration reform, and other Democratic priorities, but in the end, you know those assholes would’ve voted against the legislation anyway. It’s what Republicans have always done, and there was zero reason for Democrats to believe that this time, with a party beholden to Donald Trump of all people, that things would've ended up differently.

Not this time Republicans. You will spend the next 8 years playing catch up, and if HR 1 passes, there will be no catch up. Republicans will then actually have to split the party, and the part that works on legislation for the working class, is the only part that has any chance of keeping office.

The page has been turned of the failures of Reaganomics. There will never be trickle down economic policy of any kind that has any chance of passing ever again.

Joe Biden is the most establishment old white man on earth.
not to the skewed one he isnt....
The first year of President Barack Obama’s presidency, however well-intentioned, was a disaster. What should’ve been a quick move to pass the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became a painfully drawn out 14-month ordeal, with Republicans pretending to negotiate with the president while at the same time publicly and gleefully mocking those efforts, obstructing to the very end.
Apparently, then-Vice President Joe Biden was taking notes.

Not only did Biden dismiss the Republicans, he didn’t even bother to engage in negotiations. No, “Would $1.3 trillion work? No? $1 trillion? $800 billion?” Because we know that not only would that have dragged out this process for way too long, delaying critical work on election reform, immigration reform, and other Democratic priorities, but in the end, you know those assholes would’ve voted against the legislation anyway. It’s what Republicans have always done, and there was zero reason for Democrats to believe that this time, with a party beholden to Donald Trump of all people, that things would've ended up differently.

Not this time Republicans. You will spend the next 8 years playing catch up, and if HR 1 passes, there will be no catch up. Republicans will then actually have to split the party, and the part that works on legislation for the working class, is the only part that has any chance of keeping office.

The page has been turned of the failures of Reaganomics. There will never be trickle down economic policy of any kind that has any chance of passing ever again.
I found it amusing that they couldn't give away anti-Biden gear at CPAC.....:heehee:
The first year of President Barack Obama’s presidency, however well-intentioned, was a disaster. What should’ve been a quick move to pass the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became a painfully drawn out 14-month ordeal, with Republicans pretending to negotiate with the president while at the same time publicly and gleefully mocking those efforts, obstructing to the very end.
Apparently, then-Vice President Joe Biden was taking notes.

Not only did Biden dismiss the Republicans, he didn’t even bother to engage in negotiations. No, “Would $1.3 trillion work? No? $1 trillion? $800 billion?” Because we know that not only would that have dragged out this process for way too long, delaying critical work on election reform, immigration reform, and other Democratic priorities, but in the end, you know those assholes would’ve voted against the legislation anyway. It’s what Republicans have always done, and there was zero reason for Democrats to believe that this time, with a party beholden to Donald Trump of all people, that things would've ended up differently.

Not this time Republicans. You will spend the next 8 years playing catch up, and if HR 1 passes, there will be no catch up. Republicans will then actually have to split the party, and the part that works on legislation for the working class, is the only part that has any chance of keeping office.

The page has been turned of the failures of Reaganomics. There will never be trickle down economic policy of any kind that has any chance of passing ever again.
As usual you are wrong about everything.
If HR1 passes there will be no real republican party. The entire nation will politically be California. Then the only solution will be live fire.

It's impossible for the Republicans to support something the country as a whole can support? Do you really think that with HR1 in place that Reagan would have lost?
The first year of President Barack Obama’s presidency, however well-intentioned, was a disaster. What should’ve been a quick move to pass the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became a painfully drawn out 14-month ordeal, with Republicans pretending to negotiate with the president while at the same time publicly and gleefully mocking those efforts, obstructing to the very end.
Apparently, then-Vice President Joe Biden was taking notes.

Not only did Biden dismiss the Republicans, he didn’t even bother to engage in negotiations. No, “Would $1.3 trillion work? No? $1 trillion? $800 billion?” Because we know that not only would that have dragged out this process for way too long, delaying critical work on election reform, immigration reform, and other Democratic priorities, but in the end, you know those assholes would’ve voted against the legislation anyway. It’s what Republicans have always done, and there was zero reason for Democrats to believe that this time, with a party beholden to Donald Trump of all people, that things would've ended up differently.

Not this time Republicans. You will spend the next 8 years playing catch up, and if HR 1 passes, there will be no catch up. Republicans will then actually have to split the party, and the part that works on legislation for the working class, is the only part that has any chance of keeping office.

The page has been turned of the failures of Reaganomics. There will never be trickle down economic policy of any kind that has any chance of passing ever again.
Poor bastards have been trying to play pin the tale on the donkey with Joe for two years and cannot get anything to stick, as Joe Biden is a pretty good man. When he needs to move, he just moves past them if it is just obstructionism for obstructing sake. Probably why a bunch have announced they will not run for re-election. If Joe and the Democrats can get HR-1 passed, the republican party will fall the rest of the way apart. Not being able to prevent American's casting votes is a gut punch if you do not want to compete in the arena of ideas. I am not even certain they could, as controlling the voting has become their "go to" tactic, so they pretty well gave up on governance for the common good at the national level, intellectually becoming a niche party for all the wrong people at the top already.
The first year of President Barack Obama’s presidency, however well-intentioned, was a disaster. What should’ve been a quick move to pass the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became a painfully drawn out 14-month ordeal, with Republicans pretending to negotiate with the president while at the same time publicly and gleefully mocking those efforts, obstructing to the very end.
Apparently, then-Vice President Joe Biden was taking notes.

Not only did Biden dismiss the Republicans, he didn’t even bother to engage in negotiations. No, “Would $1.3 trillion work? No? $1 trillion? $800 billion?” Because we know that not only would that have dragged out this process for way too long, delaying critical work on election reform, immigration reform, and other Democratic priorities, but in the end, you know those assholes would’ve voted against the legislation anyway. It’s what Republicans have always done, and there was zero reason for Democrats to believe that this time, with a party beholden to Donald Trump of all people, that things would've ended up differently.

Not this time Republicans. You will spend the next 8 years playing catch up, and if HR 1 passes, there will be no catch up. Republicans will then actually have to split the party, and the part that works on legislation for the working class, is the only part that has any chance of keeping office.

The page has been turned of the failures of Reaganomics. There will never be trickle down economic policy of any kind that has any chance of passing ever again.
I found it amusing that they couldn't give away anti-Biden gear at CPAC.....:heehee:

Hahahaha...where did you get that little tid bit?
The first year of President Barack Obama’s presidency, however well-intentioned, was a disaster. What should’ve been a quick move to pass the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became a painfully drawn out 14-month ordeal, with Republicans pretending to negotiate with the president while at the same time publicly and gleefully mocking those efforts, obstructing to the very end.
Apparently, then-Vice President Joe Biden was taking notes.

Not only did Biden dismiss the Republicans, he didn’t even bother to engage in negotiations. No, “Would $1.3 trillion work? No? $1 trillion? $800 billion?” Because we know that not only would that have dragged out this process for way too long, delaying critical work on election reform, immigration reform, and other Democratic priorities, but in the end, you know those assholes would’ve voted against the legislation anyway. It’s what Republicans have always done, and there was zero reason for Democrats to believe that this time, with a party beholden to Donald Trump of all people, that things would've ended up differently.

Not this time Republicans. You will spend the next 8 years playing catch up, and if HR 1 passes, there will be no catch up. Republicans will then actually have to split the party, and the part that works on legislation for the working class, is the only part that has any chance of keeping office.

The page has been turned of the failures of Reaganomics. There will never be trickle down economic policy of any kind that has any chance of passing ever again.

The only change in the Democrat's playbook is their sense of urgency. They learned from the first terms of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama that people quickly got fed up with their bullshit. In both instances, the Democrats controlled the presidency, and both houses of Congress.

But by the midterms, Congress reverted back to GOP control.

The current crop of Democrat morons know by now that they're going to lose control of both houses of Congress in 2022, therefore they're pushing their destructive leftarded agenda ball to the wall now.
The only change in the Democrat's playbook is their sense of urgency. They learned from the first terms of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama that people quickly got fed up with their bullshit. In both instances, the Democrats controlled the presidency, and both houses of Congress.

But by the midterms, Congress reverted back to GOP control.

The current crop of Democrat morons know by now that they're going to lose control of both houses of Congress in 2022, therefore they're pushing their destructive leftarded agenda ball to the wall now.
They're hurrying grabbing all they can with their dirty hands which only assures people will be certain
to sweep out the Biden-ite clowns in Congress.

Look at the so called "Covid relief" bill. It was leftist hogs at a trough in a feeding frenzy.
The first year of President Barack Obama’s presidency, however well-intentioned, was a disaster. What should’ve been a quick move to pass the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became a painfully drawn out 14-month ordeal, with Republicans pretending to negotiate with the president while at the same time publicly and gleefully mocking those efforts, obstructing to the very end.
Apparently, then-Vice President Joe Biden was taking notes.

Not only did Biden dismiss the Republicans, he didn’t even bother to engage in negotiations. No, “Would $1.3 trillion work? No? $1 trillion? $800 billion?” Because we know that not only would that have dragged out this process for way too long, delaying critical work on election reform, immigration reform, and other Democratic priorities, but in the end, you know those assholes would’ve voted against the legislation anyway. It’s what Republicans have always done, and there was zero reason for Democrats to believe that this time, with a party beholden to Donald Trump of all people, that things would've ended up differently.

Not this time Republicans. You will spend the next 8 years playing catch up, and if HR 1 passes, there will be no catch up. Republicans will then actually have to split the party, and the part that works on legislation for the working class, is the only part that has any chance of keeping office.

The page has been turned of the failures of Reaganomics. There will never be trickle down economic policy of any kind that has any chance of passing ever again.
We’ll see.

Republicans control the courts, Democratic success in Congress likely won’t survive legal challenges.
The Democratic Party has nothing to lose by pushing all the legislation possible before 2022. If the voters hand Congress back to the GOP, so be it...
Biden Threw Away The Old Democratic Playbook, And Republicans Can't Adapt
He didn't throw it away...he lost it again...Obamas had to give him three copies already.....
Biden has no playbook he simply says what he is told to say and signs what he is told to sign. Both parties make the same mistake when they have full control of Congress and the Presidency they push everything they can through on a partisan basis and in the next election it bites them in the ass. Here is the thing about goverening like that if it all works out the way you think it will you get all the credit for it but if it doesn't you have no one to lay the blame for it on and you own it and the negative consquences that come with owning it.
The first year of President Barack Obama’s presidency, however well-intentioned, was a disaster. What should’ve been a quick move to pass the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became a painfully drawn out 14-month ordeal, with Republicans pretending to negotiate with the president while at the same time publicly and gleefully mocking those efforts, obstructing to the very end.
Apparently, then-Vice President Joe Biden was taking notes.

Not only did Biden dismiss the Republicans, he didn’t even bother to engage in negotiations. No, “Would $1.3 trillion work? No? $1 trillion? $800 billion?” Because we know that not only would that have dragged out this process for way too long, delaying critical work on election reform, immigration reform, and other Democratic priorities, but in the end, you know those assholes would’ve voted against the legislation anyway. It’s what Republicans have always done, and there was zero reason for Democrats to believe that this time, with a party beholden to Donald Trump of all people, that things would've ended up differently.

Not this time Republicans. You will spend the next 8 years playing catch up, and if HR 1 passes, there will be no catch up. Republicans will then actually have to split the party, and the part that works on legislation for the working class, is the only part that has any chance of keeping office.

The page has been turned of the failures of Reaganomics. There will never be trickle down economic policy of any kind that has any chance of passing ever again.

You don't adapt to dictatorships, you destroy them
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