Biden tells Trump to sign the COVID bill NOW with $600 checks for Americans so 'millions can make ends meet' and avoid 'devastating consequences' afte


Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2020
Told you so, Dems' establishments would ask Trump to sign the bill :cool:

President-elect Joe Biden is urging President Trump to sign the new coronavirus economic relief bill into law now or risk 'devastating consequences,' following Trump's Saturday morning Twitter rant.
'It is the day after Christmas, and millions of families don’t know if they’ll be able to make ends meet because of President Donald Trump’s refusal to sign an economic relief bill approved by Congress with an overwhelming and bipartisan majority,' Biden said in a statement Saturday.

Biden added that 'This abdication of responsibility has devastating consequences.'


Biden demands Trump sign new COVID relief bill into law
Make ends meet with $600?.... maybe in Uganda
This thing is like an idiot test. Let's see who will agree with redistributing $billions of U.S. taxpayer wealth to the richest corporations if they themselves get a free check.
And Democrats everywhere failed the test. And the Republicans are so afraid of their own shadow - they went along. millions of people are desperate and on the verge of "devastating consequences" the Dems want to give them all just enough to buy a handgun.

Who needs a handgun?

View attachment 433842
“Who needs a handgun?”
That’s not the right question to ask. That’s a decision for each and every citizen or individual in a free country to make for him or herself. Not for others to question that right.
Told you so, Dems' establishments would ask Trump to sign the bill :cool:

President-elect Joe Biden is urging President Trump to sign the new coronavirus economic relief bill into law now or risk 'devastating consequences,' following Trump's Saturday morning Twitter rant.
'It is the day after Christmas, and millions of families don’t know if they’ll be able to make ends meet because of President Donald Trump’s refusal to sign an economic relief bill approved by Congress with an overwhelming and bipartisan majority,' Biden said in a statement Saturday.

Biden added that 'This abdication of responsibility has devastating consequences.'


Biden demands Trump sign new COVID relief bill into law

Fuck Biden. He just wants Trump to deal with it now, so he doesn't have to deal with it later. That way after Biden decides to send out another stimulus check for $1200 at some later time, he can tell everyone how cheap Trump was and how much more he "cares."

GFY Joe.
Told you so, Dems' establishments would ask Trump to sign the bill :cool:

President-elect Joe Biden is urging President Trump to sign the new coronavirus economic relief bill into law now or risk 'devastating consequences,' following Trump's Saturday morning Twitter rant.
'It is the day after Christmas, and millions of families don’t know if they’ll be able to make ends meet because of President Donald Trump’s refusal to sign an economic relief bill approved by Congress with an overwhelming and bipartisan majority,' Biden said in a statement Saturday.

Biden added that 'This abdication of responsibility has devastating consequences.'


Biden demands Trump sign new COVID relief bill into law

Fuck Biden. He just wants Trump to deal with it now, so he doesn't have to deal with it later. That way after Biden decides to send out another stimulus check for $1200 at some later time, he can tell everyone how cheap Trump was and how much more he "cares."

GFY Joe.
you are the mayor of rightville :clap::clap:
No one has any expectation that 600 dollars is going to do much but it's better than the nothing that republicans thought Americans deserve and the cruel ego trip that Trump is on.
Trump wants to defund the UN and NATO gun control organisations and some of that other useless foreign aid and give the money back to Americans in need. The RINOs and Establishment Dems won’t allow him to do that.
$600 isn't going to buy very much weed.
Boy how times change. I remember when you could get a pound pretty good Colombian for $150 or $175. Makes my eyes red just thinking about it.

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