Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
No More Hard Questions:
Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings

No More Hard Questions: Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings (
27 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

In January 2017 the Gateway Pundit announced we would be represented in the Trump White House with a reporter at the daily briefings.
The liberals did not take the news well and our reporter Lucian Wintrich was attacked nearly every day he set his foot into the press room. Lucian was even accosted and harassed at one point by the vicious reporter-activists in the room.
It was clear during the Trump years that the media’s goal was to smear President Trump and ignore his successes. They were threatened by any real news outlet. It is not a surprise that today the media is not trusted and despised by a significant segment of the population.
Maybe it’s all the lying?
The Biden regime is not taking any chances with confrontations by real reporters. Earlier this week Biden’s deputy press secretary announced that “conspiracy” organizations will no longer be allowed in the White House… By that, he means conservative outlets.
Like their president, they are not willing or capable of answering difficult questions on their insane policies.

Via Big League Politics:
President Joe Biden’s press team may move to restrict the briefings held at the White House to liberal mainstream media outlets, if language from the new President’s deputy press secretary if more than just talk.​
Questioning climate science, reporting on election fraud, or exposing flawed COVID science will get you banned and silenced by the elites.

Obviously those handling China Joey Xi can't allow journalists to differ with the aims of this Marxist administration. I wonder how long Peter Doocy will be reporting too.
CNN's Jim Acosta is in seventh heaven, except now he can't hassle the speaker or the president.
Any conservative questions would likely expose something the gaslighting media wants suppressed. These are scary times because this level of censorship quickly leads to persecution to enforce it.
Today Jen Pskai confirmed the destruction of the first 11,000 jobs. How soon before coal miners, and gas and petroleum worker in Pennsylvania and Texas and thown out of their jobs.
Now that Marxists control everything in D.C., by having been either fruadulently elected, infiltrated, or appointed have now otherwise threatened, extorted or bribed politicians including judges at all levels across the country, it won't work out that way.
The question is will American citizens go quietly into the abyss of totalitarian control created by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left or stand up and fight for the Rights and God given Freedom.
No More Hard Questions:
Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings

No More Hard Questions: Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings (
27 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

In January 2017 the Gateway Pundit announced we would be represented in the Trump White House with a reporter at the daily briefings.
The liberals did not take the news well and our reporter Lucian Wintrich was attacked nearly every day he set his foot into the press room. Lucian was even accosted and harassed at one point by the vicious reporter-activists in the room.
It was clear during the Trump years that the media’s goal was to smear President Trump and ignore his successes. They were threatened by any real news outlet. It is not a surprise that today the media is not trusted and despised by a significant segment of the population.
Maybe it’s all the lying?
The Biden regime is not taking any chances with confrontations by real reporters. Earlier this week Biden’s deputy press secretary announced that “conspiracy” organizations will no longer be allowed in the White House… By that, he means conservative outlets.
Like their president, they are not willing or capable of answering difficult questions on their insane policies.

Via Big League Politics:
President Joe Biden’s press team may move to restrict the briefings held at the White House to liberal mainstream media outlets, if language from the new President’s deputy press secretary if more than just talk.​
Questioning climate science, reporting on election fraud, or exposing flawed COVID science will get you banned and silenced by the elites.

Obviously those handling China Joey Xi can't allow journalists to differ with the aims of this Marxist administration. I wonder how long Peter Doocy will be reporting too.
CNN's Jim Acosta is in seventh heaven, except now he can't hassle the speaker or the president.
Any conservative questions would likely expose something the gaslighting media wants suppressed. These are scary times because this level of censorship quickly leads to persecution to enforce it.
Today Jen Pskai confirmed the destruction of the first 11,000 jobs. How soon before coal miners, and gas and petroleum worker in Pennsylvania and Texas and thown out of their jobs.
Now that Marxists control everything in D.C., by having been either fruadulently elected, infiltrated, or appointed have now otherwise threatened, extorted or bribed politicians including judges at all levels across the country, it won't work out that way.
The question is will American citizens go quietly into the abyss of totalitarian control created by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left or stand up and fight for the Rights and God given Freedom.

Classic commie regime move.
No More Hard Questions:
Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings

No More Hard Questions: Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings (
27 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

In January 2017 the Gateway Pundit announced we would be represented in the Trump White House with a reporter at the daily briefings.
The liberals did not take the news well and our reporter Lucian Wintrich was attacked nearly every day he set his foot into the press room. Lucian was even accosted and harassed at one point by the vicious reporter-activists in the room.
It was clear during the Trump years that the media’s goal was to smear President Trump and ignore his successes. They were threatened by any real news outlet. It is not a surprise that today the media is not trusted and despised by a significant segment of the population.
Maybe it’s all the lying?
The Biden regime is not taking any chances with confrontations by real reporters. Earlier this week Biden’s deputy press secretary announced that “conspiracy” organizations will no longer be allowed in the White House… By that, he means conservative outlets.
Like their president, they are not willing or capable of answering difficult questions on their insane policies.

Via Big League Politics:
President Joe Biden’s press team may move to restrict the briefings held at the White House to liberal mainstream media outlets, if language from the new President’s deputy press secretary if more than just talk.​
Questioning climate science, reporting on election fraud, or exposing flawed COVID science will get you banned and silenced by the elites.

Obviously those handling China Joey Xi can't allow journalists to differ with the aims of this Marxist administration. I wonder how long Peter Doocy will be reporting too.
CNN's Jim Acosta is in seventh heaven, except now he can't hassle the speaker or the president.
Any conservative questions would likely expose something the gaslighting media wants suppressed. These are scary times because this level of censorship quickly leads to persecution to enforce it.
Today Jen Pskai confirmed the destruction of the first 11,000 jobs. How soon before coal miners, and gas and petroleum worker in Pennsylvania and Texas and thown out of their jobs.
Now that Marxists control everything in D.C., by having been either fruadulently elected, infiltrated, or appointed have now otherwise threatened, extorted or bribed politicians including judges at all levels across the country, it won't work out that way.
The question is will American citizens go quietly into the abyss of totalitarian control created by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left or stand up and fight for the Rights and God given Freedom.

I'm sure CNN and MSNBC will be outraged, the way fox was when Jim the Accoster had his white house pass pulled.
Get ready for a bunch of these for the full year or less Biden is the POTUS:

Press briefings? Hard questions? What are they? I hardly remember them. There was the prayerful princess of Arkansas, long stretches of nothing, and then a flurry of bleached-blonds who didn't know what a question was. When did the Gateway Pundit become a legitimate news organization?
Press briefings? Hard questions? What are they? I hardly remember them. There was the prayerful princess of Arkansas, long stretches of nothing, and then a flurry of bleached-blonds who didn't know what a question was. When did the Gateway Pundit become a legitimate news organization?
This has to be the most disingenuous post.....EVER.
Press briefings? Hard questions? What are they? I hardly remember them. There was the prayerful princess of Arkansas, long stretches of nothing, and then a flurry of bleached-blonds who didn't know what a question was. When did the Gateway Pundit become a legitimate news organization?
It was the vicious attacks by the Prog Socialist deep state shills that you are taking the attention away from.
How did they feel when the WH no longer held daily briefings?

I wonder if they shouldn't try berating the reporter(s) and accuse the organizations asking the tough questions of "being the enemy of the people" instead of just banning them. Where's the fun in that?
I love the delicious irony that a thread purportedly about the legitmacy of "conservative media" ----- links to Jim the Fuck Hoft, as fake-news a source as exists on planet Terra.

Why the fuck would there be "conservative media" in the WH anyway? That press room is for journalistic media, not punditry. The commentators already have their own platform for their crackpot agenda. They don't get to hitch a free ride at the People's House. Fuck 'em. Let 'em get their material from real journalists just like everybody else, and pay their dues instead of whining to get shit for free.

NOTHING the Hateway Plunder site does has anything to do with "reporting" or "journalism". Fuck him and the whores he rode in on.
Press briefings? Hard questions? What are they? I hardly remember them. There was the prayerful princess of Arkansas, long stretches of nothing, and then a flurry of bleached-blonds who didn't know what a question was. When did the Gateway Pundit become a legitimate news organization?

I believe that was on the Twelfth of Never.

Hateway Plunder --- what a fucking JOKE. That's like getting your history lessons from Pregger "U". Like declaring you can fly this plane because you used to play Galaga. Like calling yourself a doctor because you once applied a band-aid.
Look, just because a media outlet was demanding the violent overthrow of the government is no reason to ban them from government press briefings.

Oh wait, it actually is. Domestic terrorists shouldn't expect their terrorism to be rewarded with special press access.
No More Hard Questions:
Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings

No More Hard Questions: Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings (
27 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

In January 2017 the Gateway Pundit announced we would be represented in the Trump White House with a reporter at the daily briefings.
The liberals did not take the news well and our reporter Lucian Wintrich was attacked nearly every day he set his foot into the press room. Lucian was even accosted and harassed at one point by the vicious reporter-activists in the room.
It was clear during the Trump years that the media’s goal was to smear President Trump and ignore his successes. They were threatened by any real news outlet. It is not a surprise that today the media is not trusted and despised by a significant segment of the population.
Maybe it’s all the lying?
The Biden regime is not taking any chances with confrontations by real reporters. Earlier this week Biden’s deputy press secretary announced that “conspiracy” organizations will no longer be allowed in the White House… By that, he means conservative outlets.
Like their president, they are not willing or capable of answering difficult questions on their insane policies.

Via Big League Politics:
President Joe Biden’s press team may move to restrict the briefings held at the White House to liberal mainstream media outlets, if language from the new President’s deputy press secretary if more than just talk.​
Questioning climate science, reporting on election fraud, or exposing flawed COVID science will get you banned and silenced by the elites.

Obviously those handling China Joey Xi can't allow journalists to differ with the aims of this Marxist administration. I wonder how long Peter Doocy will be reporting too.
CNN's Jim Acosta is in seventh heaven, except now he can't hassle the speaker or the president.
Any conservative questions would likely expose something the gaslighting media wants suppressed. These are scary times because this level of censorship quickly leads to persecution to enforce it.
Today Jen Pskai confirmed the destruction of the first 11,000 jobs. How soon before coal miners, and gas and petroleum worker in Pennsylvania and Texas and thown out of their jobs.
Now that Marxists control everything in D.C., by having been either fruadulently elected, infiltrated, or appointed have now otherwise threatened, extorted or bribed politicians including judges at all levels across the country, it won't work out that way.
The question is will American citizens go quietly into the abyss of totalitarian control created by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left or stand up and fight for the Rights and God given Freedom.

LOLOL.. Why not just have the National Enquirer?
No More Hard Questions:
Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings

No More Hard Questions: Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings (
27 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

In January 2017 the Gateway Pundit announced we would be represented in the Trump White House with a reporter at the daily briefings.
The liberals did not take the news well and our reporter Lucian Wintrich was attacked nearly every day he set his foot into the press room. Lucian was even accosted and harassed at one point by the vicious reporter-activists in the room.
It was clear during the Trump years that the media’s goal was to smear President Trump and ignore his successes. They were threatened by any real news outlet. It is not a surprise that today the media is not trusted and despised by a significant segment of the population.
Maybe it’s all the lying?
The Biden regime is not taking any chances with confrontations by real reporters. Earlier this week Biden’s deputy press secretary announced that “conspiracy” organizations will no longer be allowed in the White House… By that, he means conservative outlets.
Like their president, they are not willing or capable of answering difficult questions on their insane policies.

Via Big League Politics:
President Joe Biden’s press team may move to restrict the briefings held at the White House to liberal mainstream media outlets, if language from the new President’s deputy press secretary if more than just talk.​
Questioning climate science, reporting on election fraud, or exposing flawed COVID science will get you banned and silenced by the elites.

Obviously those handling China Joey Xi can't allow journalists to differ with the aims of this Marxist administration. I wonder how long Peter Doocy will be reporting too.
CNN's Jim Acosta is in seventh heaven, except now he can't hassle the speaker or the president.
Any conservative questions would likely expose something the gaslighting media wants suppressed. These are scary times because this level of censorship quickly leads to persecution to enforce it.
Today Jen Pskai confirmed the destruction of the first 11,000 jobs. How soon before coal miners, and gas and petroleum worker in Pennsylvania and Texas and thown out of their jobs.
Now that Marxists control everything in D.C., by having been either fruadulently elected, infiltrated, or appointed have now otherwise threatened, extorted or bribed politicians including judges at all levels across the country, it won't work out that way.
The question is will American citizens go quietly into the abyss of totalitarian control created by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left or stand up and fight for the Rights and God given Freedom.
Ha! Ha! Look at the Gateway Pundit calling himself a "real news outlet". :lol:

Press briefings? Hard questions? What are they? I hardly remember them. There was the prayerful princess of Arkansas, long stretches of nothing, and then a flurry of bleached-blonds who didn't know what a question was. When did the Gateway Pundit become a legitimate news organization?
It was the vicious attacks by the Prog Socialist deep state shills that you are taking the attention away from.

LOLOL.. You must be a loon.
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I love the delicious irony that a thread purportedly about the legitmacy of "conservative media" ----- links to Jim the Fuck Hoft, as fake-news a source as exists on planet Terra.

Why the fuck would there be "conservative media" in the WH anyway? That press room is for journalistic media, not punditry. The commentators already have their own platform for their crackpot agenda. They don't get to hitch a free ride at the People's House. Fuck 'em. Let 'em get their material from real journalists just like everybody else, and pay their dues instead of whining to get shit for free.

NOTHING the Hateway Plunder site does has anything to do with "reporting" or "journalism". Fuck him and the whores he rode in on.


The Reich will CRUSH freedom of the press.

Uber Alles Democrat

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