Biden takes revenge on Red states

Biden is fighting a virus. Pushing for more people to get vaccinated can only save lives. Allocating all of the resources for one area isn't in the national interest. He represents everyone in the United States, not just those who refused to get the vaccine in the first place.
I think you'll justify anything this prick does.
Biden supposedly won the election because he claimed Trump wasn't doing enough to fight COVID.
Says Trump didn't order enough vaccines.
Now he's guilty of not doing enough to fight COVID....cutting the number of antibody doses in half going to states that didn't vote for him.
If Trump had pulled this shit you wouldn't hear the end of it.
Let me remind you when trump threatened to pull funding to blue states if " they don't be nice to me"

You've got a short memory son. Do some research.
I remember when you people wet yourselves about, saying he didn't have that authority, too. Remember?
Your source is a conservative blog. Playing victim seems to be a conservative mantra.

Perhaps if red states spent more resources on ensuring everyone wore masks and had vaccines, they wouldn’t have to worry about supplies of very expensive life saving treatments.
The blog's source is Politico
With all due respect, Doc...are you kidding me? Compared to the dumpster fire that is the Biden Administration...Donald Trump's term was one of the best EVER! I know you on the left LOATHED the man because of his personality and because he beat Hillary but his policies actually worked! In contrast everything that Joe Biden touches turns to shit...from the the foreign policy! He's an idiot and has been since NIXON was in office!!!
I'm not on the left. What policies? How did they work? You living in a bizarro world. Clinton wouldn't been one of the best president's you never had. But, she had too much baggage. Most of it created by the looney right-wing media.
Well.....the problem with that is there seems to be different types of vaccines.....and these antibody shots actually work.
Biden wants everyone to take his poison shit...but when something works....he doesn't want them to get it.
Then getting specific is important as we can generalize to much. Unfortunately that is used all to often for any issue or agenda. Antibodies are as old as humans have been on the planet.
Cherry picking

The global consensus is that MASKS WORK
Vaccines are even better
/——-/ Prov masks work.
BTW, I was vaccinated in March because I brain them, not because of some mandate.

Here’s Dementia Joe demanding everyone wear a mask .


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Jesus Christ!!!
Why do you dumb fucks care if we dont get the jab if you're already protected?
You abject morons are grinding our healthcare systems into mush with your bullshit. Rationing is the only way to ensure it’s available everywhere.
You abject morons are grinding our healthcare systems into mush with your bullshit. Rationing is the only way to ensure it’s available everywhere.
But you must admit that we are doing a service. Our mere presence gives you something to feel smug about, and you like that.
The antibody against COVID should be prioritized for those who have been vaccinated.

If you have not been vaccinated and show up at the hospital with COVID.…..

Back of the line pal

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