Biden stated he will tell us of his support to pack the court before the election.

He didn’t need to
He had already stolen a seat from Obama

He didn't steal anything. There is no way the Republicans would have voted for his nomination anyway. Like always with you leftists, smoke and mirrors.

A seat was held vacant for him for over a year
Call it what you wish

Mitch made it clear on the night Scalia died......Obama would not be allowed to fill the seat

So what? It's his option. The Democrats can do the same when they control the Senate.
You mean compromise?

There is nothing to compromise. When a Democrat President is in charge, he gets to pick the nominee. When a Republican President is in charge, he too gets to pick the nominee. When ether party have the White House and Senate, the opposing party just loses. There is nothing to compromise about.
I've seen Creepy Joe say this a couple of times. When asked, he said he will give us an answer to the packing court question before the election. Well, it's now three days before the election, and maybe I haven't read the right news sources, but so far, Biden never committed to packing the court or not packing the court.

So when is he going to make this commitment, Monday night at 11:59 pm after all the mail in ballots come in and nobody is paying attention to the news?

Joe Biden is playing this very smartly. He is giving the courts the ropew to hang themselves. There is sufficient evidence to support packing the court with the courts threatening to overrule state courts. If the courts attempt to overturn the election by throwing out votes then that will be the clincher.
Joe Biden is playing this very smartly. He is giving the courts the ropew to hang themselves. There is sufficient evidence to support packing the court with the courts threatening to overrule state courts. If the courts attempt to overturn the election by throwing out votes then that will be the clincher.

He still lied about it. He said he'd give us an answer before the election. Well?????

If votes are illegal, they need to be thrown out.
HORSE PUCKLY, we don't even know who will win the election yet, much less know what Biden Will do if elected.
I've seen Creepy Joe say this a couple of times. When asked, he said he will give us an answer to the packing court question before the election. Well, it's now three days before the election, and maybe I haven't read the right news sources, but so far, Biden never committed to packing the court or not packing the court.

So when is he going to make this commitment, Monday night at 11:59 pm after all the mail in ballots come in and nobody is paying attention to the news?

Ehhh no, that's not what he said.
He said he would appoint a bipartisan commission to evaluate our entire judicial system and make recommendations.

He would then decide what has to be done.

In other words, still not tell us until after the election. He lied. He's not telling us before the election. The man is lying and he's not even in office yet. This is who you're voting for?

Link to him telling us he'd let us know before the election please. Dig deep! :D
Only thing I no for sure is we do not no yet who will be president, until we do its just more hate language aimed at your fellow Americans.
He didn’t need to
He had already stolen a seat from Obama

He didn't steal anything. There is no way the Republicans would have voted for his nomination anyway. Like always with you leftists, smoke and mirrors.

A seat was held vacant for him for over a year
Call it what you wish

Mitch made it clear on the night Scalia died......Obama would not be allowed to fill the seat

So what? It's his option. The Democrats can do the same when they control the Senate.

Packing the court is also a option if Democrats win Congress and the White House. Republicans have shown there are no limits in their quest for power. All bets are off.
Packing the court is also a option if Democrats win Congress and the White House. Republicans have shown there are no limits in their quest for power. All bets are off.

Who did they ever show that?

Yes, it is their option, an option most Americans are against. If Biden does that, he lost the election for Whorris and possibly lose the House (if they still have it) and never get near the Senate for a good number of years. The USSC has been 9 justices for nearly 150 years. If the House decides to add to the court, it will show their true colors of being cheats and liars.
Only thing I no for sure is we do not no yet who will be president, until we do its just more hate language aimed at your fellow Americans.

Yes but it plays into this election. Biden is not telling us his intention because it would cost him the election. People should know what he's up to before they vote.
HORSE PUCKLY, we don't even know who will win the election yet, much less know what Biden Will do if elected.

Yes, that's the whole idea; not telling people what he's going to do. What we do know is he didn't say he wouldn't pack the court.
Ehhh no, that's not what he said.

No? Then what did he say?

He said he would "come out with a clear position." He has done that in announcing a commission to study reforms.
He said he would "come out with a clear position." He has done that in announcing a commission to study reforms.

Which means he still won't tell us before the election. Nice try though. Joe lied to the American people.
He said he would "come out with a clear position." He has done that in announcing a commission to study reforms.

Which means he still won't tell us before the election. Nice try though. Joe lied to the American people.

Nope, it shows thoughtfulness. I'd do the same thing because I'm frankly torn on the issue. Part of me says bad precedent, the other part of me says HELL YA - You stole two judges and now it's time to steal them back!

Why do you hate thoughtfulness and care in making such a weighty decision? You seem to prefer an impulsive orange dunce who makes snap decisions based on personal grievance. Sad :confused:
I've seen Creepy Joe say this a couple of times. When asked, he said he will give us an answer to the packing court question before the election. Well, it's now three days before the election, and maybe I haven't read the right news sources, but so far, Biden never committed to packing the court or not packing the court.

So when is he going to make this commitment, Monday night at 11:59 pm after all the mail in ballots come in and nobody is paying attention to the news?
You think Biden remembers to breath?

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