Biden stands with Antifa and BLM...

not all blacks are criminals. not all whites are racist. not all cops are bad. ignorance comes in all colors
...Law enforcement is controlled by mayors and governors. That the police and National Guard weren't used to protect the people and businesses from rioters and looters says all that needs to be said about democrats, the party of looters.
I'm not talking about Reaction... I'm talking about Leadership... Inspiration... Empathy... Vision... Gravitas... Calming... the things your POS sadly lacks.
Someone let Trump know when it’s safe to come out from under his desk.
Duh, the Secret Service makes sure the president is safe. That you don't know that means you're from some other country.
They do the same for the VP by the way just in case that ignorant prick your responding to is also reading this.
Trump hiding under twitter while Joe is engaged in community discussions. I understand Trump’s bone spurs are acting up so he has to stay away from scary people.
Didn’t see old man Joe out with protesters. All I see is a well choreographed photo op with patted down actors vetted by the secret service.
Uh, yea. That’s it. We trust you.

Americans getting fed up with all that Left Wing terrorism and Black looting and rioting in 1968 led to Richard Nixon getting elected.

Just saying...
Our privilege is the problem. White privilege is not just the ability to move through the world without your race defining your interactions. It’s not just the subconscious comfort of seeing a world that serves you as normal. It’s also the power to remain silent in the face of racial inequity. It’s the power to weigh the need for protest or confrontation against the discomfort/inconvenience of speaking up. It’s getting to choose when/where you want to take a stand. It’s knowing that you and your humanity are safe. Discomfort is not an excuse to disengage. We need to be actively anti racist so that more black lives aren’t prosecuted against & murdered. Put your privilege under a fucking microscope so black people aren’t the only ones fighting to clean up the mess that we made!

thank you Joe Biden for not embodying white privilege

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