Biden sends 3000 troops to Europe to defend Ukraine’s border

If we go to war, this one will not be popular. Even if the swamp detonates some red flag disasters in our nation.
What is biden doing to bring germany into the coalition to defend ukraine?

With german willingness to resist aggression I think putin will attack ukraine
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Well, here we go.

The corporate press and Biden need a war so badly.

I realize your point is simply that we have no biz in europe, but you could at least try to not lie so blatantly. The troops are not anywhere near where the former Soviets would march, and the deployment is simply Biden putting a thumb in Putin's eye over former Soviet conquests joining Nato. I'm not quite sure why Putin convinced himself this was a clever PR move, but by putting 100K troops on Ukraine's border, he actually justified why places like Romania were allowed into Nato.

Of course, Putin might have thought at one time that a quick foray into Ukraine to secure a land route to Crimea was possible. It would still be possible, but he might find Ukrainian long term resistance sort of a tar baby. And the US and UK were going to fund it.
I realize your point is simply that we have no biz in europe, but you could at least try to not lie so blatantly. The troops are not anywhere near where the former Soviets would march, and the deployment is simply Biden putting a thumb in Putin's eye over former Soviet conquests joining Nato. I'm not quite sure why Putin convinced himself this was a clever PR move, but by putting 100K troops on Ukraine's border, he actually justified why places like Romania were allowed into Nato.

Of course, Putin might have thought at one time that a quick foray into Ukraine to secure a land route to Crimea was possible. It would still be possible, but he might find Ukrainian long term resistance sort of a tar baby. And the US and UK were going to fund it.

You were one of the people saying just a week or so ago that Biden would never send troops, he was just putting them on alert as a threat.
That shouldn't be too hard since he's already in bed with the Chinese and probably even the Russian government.
I dont understand the germans

through merkel and now the new guy the voters seem to embrace all thats bad for germany and the free world
What is biden doing to bring germany into the coalition to defend ukraine?

Without german willingness to resist aggression I think putin will attack ukraine
Nato will not militarily defend Ukraine. BUT if Russia occupies part of Ukraine, imo both the US and UK (and other E European Nato members) will help finance a long term resistance.
Nato will not militarily defend Ukraine. BUT if Russia occupies part of Ukraine, imo both the US and UK (and other E European Nato members) will help finance a long term resistance.
Imo this is a play by Putin to instigate xiden and show how xiden would rather defend Europe borders than his own! It’s playing loud and clear
I dont understand the germans

through merkel and now the new guy the voters seem to embrace all thats bad for germany and the free world
imo Germany was only a reliable Nato partner when it was divided into the Eastern and Western zones, and the Soviets logical place to begin a conventional war on Europe was through W.Germany's "fulda gap." (see linked map)


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