Biden Says He Would Not Pardon Trump....Then He & The Other Exposed Anti-Trump Criminals Should Not Expect One


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Biden says he would not pardon Trump

Biden says he would not pardon Trump

"Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday said that if he is elected president he would not use his power to pardon President Trump or stop any investigations into the current president and his administration."

“It is not something the president is entitled to do, to direct a prosecution or decide to drop a case. It’s a dereliction of duty. It's hands off completely. The attorney general is not the president's lawyer. It's the people's lawyer. We never saw anything like the prostitution of that office like we see it today."
-- Joe Biden

Biden, the new 'leader' of the criminal syndicate known as the Democratic party, represents well by continuing to push the assault on the TRUTH by pushing the false narrative that Barr - who the Democrats praised for his objectivity and integrity BEFORE he was appointed US AG - is acting solely on behalf of the President.

The FACT is US AG, Durham, and HIS DOJ is a serious, immediate threat to the former Obama administration, to Democrats, and especially to Joe Biden. Barr is a threat to all of the criminals who have been proven to have engaged in the illegal targeting of Trump and his team and participated in the failed coup attempts against the newly elected President - the largest political criminal scandal in US history, as evidence has revealed and as new evidence revealed every day continue to reveal.

It is because of this Biden and Democrats are desperately attempting to attack and undermine Barr as they did the President for 4 years and continue to do so.

Biden, already having to deal with his video-taped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM and facing growing backlash from his alleged sexual assault on Tara Reade, is desperately attempting to play defense against newly released Russian Probe transcripts, Official FBI document just released, and his name being include on a list of Obama administrations that unmasked General Flynn while attending meetings on the Flynn case in the Oval office.

So of course Joe is attacking Barr, as Joe is almost assured to be in Durham's sights as he investigates all of this.


In the meantime, I hope Joe knows that by announcing he would not Pardon President Trump, he himself should now expect no quarter / no pardon should he (and his son) end up being indicted at the end of Durham's investigation for crimes he may have actively or passively engaged in / crimes he may have facilitated.

Trump says that he can't be arrested for anything he did as President, so doesn't that mean Obama can't be arrested for anything he did as president?

Look at it this way Evgeny. Trump is very likely to go to live in Russia when this is over - to avoid extradidition or jail. Your hero will come home!!!
Biden says he would not pardon Trump

Biden says he would not pardon Trump

"Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday said that if he is elected president he would not use his power to pardon President Trump or stop any investigations into the current president and his administration."

“It is not something the president is entitled to do, to direct a prosecution or decide to drop a case. It’s a dereliction of duty. It's hands off completely. The attorney general is not the president's lawyer. It's the people's lawyer. We never saw anything like the prostitution of that office like we see it today."
-- Joe Biden

Biden, the new 'leader' of the criminal syndicate known as the Democratic party, represents well by continuing to push the assault on the TRUTH by pushing the false narrative that Barr - who the Democrats praised for his objectivity and integrity BEFORE he was appointed US AG - is acting solely on behalf of the President.

The FACT is US AG, Durham, and HIS DOJ is a serious, immediate threat to the former Obama administration, to Democrats, and especially to Joe Biden. Barr is a threat to all of the criminals who have been proven to have engaged in the illegal targeting of Trump and his team and participated in the failed coup attempts against the newly elected President - the largest political criminal scandal in US history, as evidence has revealed and as new evidence revealed every day continue to reveal.

It is because of this Biden and Democrats are desperately attempting to attack and undermine Barr as they did the President for 4 years and continue to do so.

Biden, already having to deal with his video-taped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM and facing growing backlash from his alleged sexual assault on Tara Reade, is desperately attempting to play defense against newly released Russian Probe transcripts, Official FBI document just released, and his name being include on a list of Obama administrations that unmasked General Flynn while attending meetings on the Flynn case in the Oval office.

So of course Joe is attacking Barr, as Joe is almost assured to be in Durham's sights as he investigates all of this.


In the meantime, I hope Joe knows that by announcing he would not Pardon President Trump, he himself should now expect no quarter / no pardon should he (and his son) end up being indicted at the end of Durham's investigation for crimes he may have actively or passively engaged in / crimes he may have facilitated.

Well, of course, if lard donnie and his minions didn't break the law and doesn't get convicted of anything, there's nothing to pardon..............................right?
Biden says he would not pardon Trump

Biden says he would not pardon Trump

"Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday said that if he is elected president he would not use his power to pardon President Trump or stop any investigations into the current president and his administration."

“It is not something the president is entitled to do, to direct a prosecution or decide to drop a case. It’s a dereliction of duty. It's hands off completely. The attorney general is not the president's lawyer. It's the people's lawyer. We never saw anything like the prostitution of that office like we see it today."
-- Joe Biden

Biden, the new 'leader' of the criminal syndicate known as the Democratic party, represents well by continuing to push the assault on the TRUTH by pushing the false narrative that Barr - who the Democrats praised for his objectivity and integrity BEFORE he was appointed US AG - is acting solely on behalf of the President.

The FACT is US AG, Durham, and HIS DOJ is a serious, immediate threat to the former Obama administration, to Democrats, and especially to Joe Biden. Barr is a threat to all of the criminals who have been proven to have engaged in the illegal targeting of Trump and his team and participated in the failed coup attempts against the newly elected President - the largest political criminal scandal in US history, as evidence has revealed and as new evidence revealed every day continue to reveal.

It is because of this Biden and Democrats are desperately attempting to attack and undermine Barr as they did the President for 4 years and continue to do so.

Biden, already having to deal with his video-taped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM and facing growing backlash from his alleged sexual assault on Tara Reade, is desperately attempting to play defense against newly released Russian Probe transcripts, Official FBI document just released, and his name being include on a list of Obama administrations that unmasked General Flynn while attending meetings on the Flynn case in the Oval office.

So of course Joe is attacking Barr, as Joe is almost assured to be in Durham's sights as he investigates all of this.


In the meantime, I hope Joe knows that by announcing he would not Pardon President Trump, he himself should now expect no quarter / no pardon should he (and his son) end up being indicted at the end of Durham's investigation for crimes he may have actively or passively engaged in / crimes he may have facilitated.


Prosecutions in the Obamagate scandal really need to be done with the Media. They were the ones who really benefited with their avalanche of Fake News, and the literally billions of dollars of ads they sold peddling lies. Make CNN pay back the money they received for their lies. As far as Sleepy Joe and B. Hussein O. are concerned , let them go.
Biden says he would not pardon Trump

Biden says he would not pardon Trump

"Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday said that if he is elected president he would not use his power to pardon President Trump or stop any investigations into the current president and his administration."

“It is not something the president is entitled to do, to direct a prosecution or decide to drop a case. It’s a dereliction of duty. It's hands off completely. The attorney general is not the president's lawyer. It's the people's lawyer. We never saw anything like the prostitution of that office like we see it today."
-- Joe Biden

Biden, the new 'leader' of the criminal syndicate known as the Democratic party, represents well by continuing to push the assault on the TRUTH by pushing the false narrative that Barr - who the Democrats praised for his objectivity and integrity BEFORE he was appointed US AG - is acting solely on behalf of the President.

The FACT is US AG, Durham, and HIS DOJ is a serious, immediate threat to the former Obama administration, to Democrats, and especially to Joe Biden. Barr is a threat to all of the criminals who have been proven to have engaged in the illegal targeting of Trump and his team and participated in the failed coup attempts against the newly elected President - the largest political criminal scandal in US history, as evidence has revealed and as new evidence revealed every day continue to reveal.

It is because of this Biden and Democrats are desperately attempting to attack and undermine Barr as they did the President for 4 years and continue to do so.

Biden, already having to deal with his video-taped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM and facing growing backlash from his alleged sexual assault on Tara Reade, is desperately attempting to play defense against newly released Russian Probe transcripts, Official FBI document just released, and his name being include on a list of Obama administrations that unmasked General Flynn while attending meetings on the Flynn case in the Oval office.

So of course Joe is attacking Barr, as Joe is almost assured to be in Durham's sights as he investigates all of this.


In the meantime, I hope Joe knows that by announcing he would not Pardon President Trump, he himself should now expect no quarter / no pardon should he (and his son) end up being indicted at the end of Durham's investigation for crimes he may have actively or passively engaged in / crimes he may have facilitated.


Prosecutions in the Obamagate scandal really need to be done with the Media. They were the ones who really benefited with their avalanche of Fake News, and the literally billions of dollars of ads they sold peddling lies. Make CNN pay back the money they received for their lies. As far as Sleepy Joe and B. Hussein O. are concerned , let them go.

Yes, let's start with Sean Hannity for his hit piece of Seth Rich. FOX has admitted the piece was "not up to their journalistic standards". The Rich Family sued, the "investigator" said he quotes were editted to make it look like he said things he didn't say. Hannitty gets 5 years - no parole.
Does he mean Obama? Trump should just pardon Obama and be done with this. Our long national nightmare will be over.
Well, of course, if lard donnie and his minions didn't break the law and doesn't get convicted of anything, there's nothing to pardon..............................right?

Of course, and since the best efforts by the Democrats for 4 years ended in failed coup attempts, crimes, time and millions of dollars wasted, and the previous criminal organization and criminal Democrats now being investigated President Trump and his administration can let the US Department of Justice, US AG Barr, and his team handle the crimes that have been exposed.

No reason to get nasty or even mad., Biden simply laid his cards on the table: If he becomes President he would not pardon President Trump.

Let's see how fast the criminals who acted against the president and his administration beg for pardons after Barr and Durham are done. After what Joe just said, though, they should expect none.
Trump says that he can't be arrested for anything he did as President, so doesn't that mean Obama can't be arrested for anything he did as president?

Look at it this way Evgeny. Trump is very likely to go to live in Russia when this is over - to avoid extradidition or jail. Your hero will come home!!!
Excellent point!!
Good thing I'm not President. We'd quickly run out of rope and low-hanging tree limbs, from all those felonious Democrat bastards swinging from them.
I tend to agree with letting Obama go, his punishment is the legacy he now has.
A weight that will have to be carried the rest of his life.

Nothing personal and no attack on you meant; however, I think that is a double-standard bullshit cop out!

Do you think YOU or I would get such 'mercy' / consideration if we were caught committing any of the crimes Hillary, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, or others have been exposed as having committed?

We would be in prison already.

The United States Constitution establishes a nation / government based on the fact that ALL MEN / WOMEN ARE CREATED EQUAL...and that the laws should apply to each and every American EQUALLY! That means EQUAL JUSTICE!

This is the largest political criminal scandal in this nation's history and consists of crimes committed by leaders in the highest positions of government, crimes against the very core foundations that make up this Republic - the Rule of Law and the Constitution - and commits egregious crimes against the very people that make up the government which was created to serve the people - violations of Constitutional and Civil Rights.

This is NOT the 1s time these same crimes have been committed because there has never been ant accountability and thus there has been o deterrent for committing them again....which means if those responsible do not receive fierce, harsh punishment it will happen again.

Every one of these criminals should face a very open, public trial for the entire world to see that we are not some 3rd World country who puts up with this shit and to restore Americans' faith in our government and a legal and societal belief that a 2-tiered Unequal Justice system will not longer be accepted. The punishment should be so severe that no one - of either party - will ever consider doing such a thing again.

Convicted criminals should be sent to jail for the extreme maximum time possible. Some of these traitors should be sent to GITMO - POSes like Brennan. Heavy monetary fines should be imposed in addition to jail time - every dime 'earned' while abusing their power and committing crimes on the tax payer dime should be recovered. Any government pension they had earned should be forfeited. Last but not least, the SOBs should have to appear on nation-wide televised TV and confess their crimes - tell the Americxan people exactly what they did. (I don't give a damn why they did it & any BS attempt to justify what they did should result in time added on to their sentences.)

Enough of this BS letting them go free crap! WE would never be afforded the same treatment, and these SOBs should have to pay serious consequences for such treasonous / criminal act.

I agree - no matter what happens, Barak Obama's Legacy will be one huge criminal stain in this nation's history; however, if he or anyone else if found guilty of crimes then PRISON should be the final page in their chapter in our nation's history.

I tend to agree with letting Obama go, his punishment is the legacy he now has.
A weight that will have to be carried the rest of his life.

Well, Trump will not be treated with such charity. When you kill more than 100,000 Americans due to incompetence and corruption, while looting the public treasury, Trump needs that orange jump suit.
Yes, let's start with Sean Hannity for his hit piece of Seth Rich.

Of course you would want to start with Hannity / Fox instead of the proven fake news, coup narrative-pushing / facilitating media such as CNN, MSLSD, ABC, and others who have been devastated by being exposed for their BS, who have had to make corrections, admit to faking transcripts / video clips, who have had to fire reporters /journalists over and over, who have received Pulitzers for reporting completely debunked lies, and who have watched their ratings plunge to the bottom of the toilet, kept going only by the support of the minority of TDS0-suffering Trump-hating sheep like yourself.
I tend to agree with letting Obama go, his punishment is the legacy he now has.
A weight that will have to be carried the rest of his life.

Well, Trump will not be treated with such charity. When you kill more than 100,000 Americans due to incompetence and corruption, while looting the public treasury, Trump needs that orange jump suit.
Yeah, you run with that, darling. Just a typical lie from a garden variety socialist, thanks for your response.
Biden says he would not pardon Trump

Biden says he would not pardon Trump

"Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday said that if he is elected president he would not use his power to pardon President Trump or stop any investigations into the current president and his administration."

“It is not something the president is entitled to do, to direct a prosecution or decide to drop a case. It’s a dereliction of duty. It's hands off completely. The attorney general is not the president's lawyer. It's the people's lawyer. We never saw anything like the prostitution of that office like we see it today."
-- Joe Biden

Biden, the new 'leader' of the criminal syndicate known as the Democratic party, represents well by continuing to push the assault on the TRUTH by pushing the false narrative that Barr - who the Democrats praised for his objectivity and integrity BEFORE he was appointed US AG - is acting solely on behalf of the President.

The FACT is US AG, Durham, and HIS DOJ is a serious, immediate threat to the former Obama administration, to Democrats, and especially to Joe Biden. Barr is a threat to all of the criminals who have been proven to have engaged in the illegal targeting of Trump and his team and participated in the failed coup attempts against the newly elected President - the largest political criminal scandal in US history, as evidence has revealed and as new evidence revealed every day continue to reveal.

It is because of this Biden and Democrats are desperately attempting to attack and undermine Barr as they did the President for 4 years and continue to do so.

Biden, already having to deal with his video-taped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM and facing growing backlash from his alleged sexual assault on Tara Reade, is desperately attempting to play defense against newly released Russian Probe transcripts, Official FBI document just released, and his name being include on a list of Obama administrations that unmasked General Flynn while attending meetings on the Flynn case in the Oval office.

So of course Joe is attacking Barr, as Joe is almost assured to be in Durham's sights as he investigates all of this.


In the meantime, I hope Joe knows that by announcing he would not Pardon President Trump, he himself should now expect no quarter / no pardon should he (and his son) end up being indicted at the end of Durham's investigation for crimes he may have actively or passively engaged in / crimes he may have facilitated.

Let your trials begin. This aught to be hilarious. This is all talk. Trying to distract from the embarrassment
Well, Trump will not be treated with such charity. When you kill more than 100,000 Americans ...

Oh, STFU you angry, bitter, miserable, deranged, Trump-hating, Canadian drama queen.

The fact that you and other TDS-suffering, mentally manipulated Gruber SHEEP have been beaten down by fact / reality to the point where you have to resort to trying to blame the President for Americans who have died due to an unfathomable crime against humanity committed by the Chinese and facilitated by the WHO is just despicable and pathetic....

Especially when many of those deaths are due to:

- Joe Biden leading the opposition to a life-saving China Travel Ban imposed by the President, one Biden called Xenophobic while Democrats authored legislation to try to prevent the Travel Ban from going into effect....

- Democrats giving Americans advice on how to become and infected and DIE rather than how to be safe, advice like: Ignore the warnings, COVID-19 is no threat, continue to live your lives as normal,herd in large numbers, lick windows, ride the subways, come to Chinatown....

- Cuomo acknowledging the elderly were the #1 most At Risk group then ordering COVID-19-Positive patients be packed into Senior Living Centers, sentencing them, in essence, to DIE

- Mismanaged resources / the emergency, like Cuomo blowing off the CDCs warning 2 yeas ago that he needed to buy more ventilator beds to prepare for a situation like this...and then begging the President fo Ventilator Beds that he ended up NOT needing - Trump was right again, telling he needed far less...and then making sure Cuomo had everything / the number he needed + even more resources that went unused.

So, again, STFU spreading your lies and BS, you beau cave.
The difference here is that tRump's crimes are not imaginary.
Projection is one of the primary symptoms of your TDS.

4 years of Conspiracy, crimes, and failed coup attempts based on a proven debunked / false narrative of Russian Collusion manufactured based on Russian Intelligence Service Counter-Intel propaganda (according to the FBI itself) purchased by Hillary and the DNC and delive3red to the FBI / Obama administration by a known untrustworthy, Trump-hating, lying, foreign ex-spy who was working for the Russians...

...all of which has been confirmed / substantiated through the Mueller Report, FBI and others' testimony, official texts, official documents, recently released Russian Probe transcripts, official FBI documents withheld by the FBI / Wray, the FISA Court itself, and more.

Currently the DOJ - under leadership by the US AG and consisting of hundreds of Agents and by Durham who has already convened a Criminal Grand Jury - is investing the Obama administration, his Cabinet Members, His Agency Director, the previous (and some current_ DOJ, NIA, CIA, FBI, and more for crimes based on existing and newly released evidence.

-- President Trump and his team was probed, investigated, spied upon, set-up, etc for 4 years and not 1 Trump team, member was ever indicted for the false coup narrative of 'Russian Collusion' -- NO CRIME, NO EVIDENCE, NO WITNESSES

-- While the US IG has already recommended several key Obama conspirators for indictment for crimes committed during their coup attempt on the President...and Durham's investigations are making progress and full steam ahead.

President Trump and his team are no longer the ones under the criminally tainted microspore of Obama's conspirators. It is the conspirators who are now under investigation for their proven violations of Rule of Law, Constitution, Constitutional Rights, and Civil Rights.

The 'crimes' claimed by criminal Obama syndicate members, their surrogate coup-facilitating media, Democrats, and snowflakes claimed for 4+ ears has been debunked - proven 'imaginary', and the real crimes committed have been exposed.

Durham is a prosecutor praised by both Democrats and GOP for his objectivity, integrity, and relentless dedication to the law. Like a true bulldog, once he gets his jaws into evidence of crimes he never stops, never lets go. That scares the shit out of Obama, Biden, and the other conspirators. It should.....he's going to rip them a new one...on their way to prison.
Let your trials begin. This aught to be hilarious. This is all talk. Trying to distract from the embarrassment

Go ahead and laugh....while you can.

THS guy is going to rip the conspirators' / criminals' hearts out through their asses and shove them down their throats...proverbially speaking:

Missing from debate over John Durham's investigation of Trump ...

My advice to Obama, Hillary, Biden, Powers, Rice, Lynch, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, and the others is IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY LAWYERED-UP YOU BETTER DO SO QUICKLY .... THE END OF JULY / 1ST OF AUGUST IS COMING FAST, AND A CRIMINAL GRAND JURY HAS ALREADY BEEN CONVENED.

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