Biden on bended knee to Saudi Arabia, begging for oil…yet 2 years ago Biden called it a “Pariah State”.


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
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Biden has not arrived in Saudi Arabia and here we go, inventing any reason as to why he is going.

If Israel is seeking relations with Saudi Arabia, why can't the US government?
I thought that the trip had been cancelled?

I dont know if he is still physically going, but he is definitely begging for oil from SA and also Venezuela.

WHY??? It's called $pecial intere$t & the ca$h cow! The crude extraction corporation$ make a lot more $$$$$ by selling le$$ petroleum ba$ed product$ for MORE $$$$$ than they do $elling more petroleum ba$ed product$ for le$$ $$$$$!!! It'$ a number$ game ba$ed on ever more $$$$$(Power & Control)!!! Elementary my dear Wat$on, $imply elementary!
Biden is such a fraud. Why are we getting oil from SA? Why arent we producing our own?


Saudi Arabia is very environmentally conscious. Much cleaner oil operations than in the US. We haven't bought much oil from KSA in 15 years. We imported from Canada, Mexico and Venezuela until Trump's sanctions against Venezuela. Then since 2017 we began importing much more from Russia.
What a weak and pathetic POTUS. Plus after vowing on video to "end fossil fuels" he looks like a blithering idiot begging the Saudi's for oil. We get it Joe, USA oil bad, Saudi oil good you putz.
We still import 7-9 million bpd.
Biden has not arrived in Saudi Arabia and here we go, inventing any reason as to why he is going.

If Israel is seeking relations with Saudi Arabia, why can't the US government?

Did you forget how they bashed Trump over his close relationship with the Saudis'? Which close relations was broken under Biden?

The rats refuse to even refer to the 'Abraham Accords' by name, and don't even mention the peace that Trump brokered between Israel and numerous Arab nations.
Putin dictator bad.
Any other dictator good.
download (50).webp
Our oil producers are making record profits. They have no interest in pumping more oil. It would be anti-capitalist to pump more oil right now.

Big oil isn't drilling because most new drilling in the USA is done by medium and small outfits.

And while there are many leases out the Biden regime refuses to grant drilling permission on those leases. Duh.
Our oil producers are making record profits. They have no interest in pumping more oil. It would be anti-capitalist to pump more oil right now.

The high profits is BECAUSE of the high price of oil per barrel and no they were FORCED to reduce oil pumping and now facing the next round of oil leases being cancelled.

Biden Considering Retroactive Cancellation of Federal Oil & Gas Leases… As Gas Prices Approach $10/gal in California

Your ignorance is pathetic.
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