Biden obviously cut a deal with the Taliban

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
In my opinion, Biden must have told the Taliban he would let them have all the US military weapons currently in the country. If they promised not to harm any American citizens or hold them as hostages, and let them exit Afghanistan.
It's the only explanation I can think of for his administrations strange lack of concern for the welfare of the thousands of American citizens stranded in Afghanistan. .... :cool:
In my opinion, Biden must have told the Taliban he would let them have all the US military weapons currently in the country. If they promised not to harm any American citizens or hold them as hostages, and let them exit Afghanistan.
It's the only explanation I can think of for his administrations strange lack of concern for the welfare of the thousands of American citizens stranded in Afghanistan. .... :cool:
I don't think so, not required. The Afghan government were, that is apparent. Their entire power structure stood down in unison.
Giving up the air base we built in the middle of the night caused the afghan government to high tail it out...that caused the afghan troops to drop their weapons remove their uniforms and blend back into society...Biden made no deal...he wanted a stage win for the 20 year anniversary of 9-11...his stupid mind thought it would help him raise his poll was purely political to the 50 year politician....he has been doing this kind of stuff for fifty years....

And he has been screwing things up the whole time....

The afghan troops do not have the luxury of knowing their families are home safe...their families are in harms way right there with them...believe me that changes the way you think and the way in which you fight....

One day soon the afghans will begin to stand up and fight but unfortunately for them the dems stole the election put Joe in and he is just not up to the task and will sadly get many of them killed before they can fight successfully again....and at that time we will need to rearm them and send in troops to help them and we will be right back to where we were in 2005....

I'll say this over and over until it sinks in....if you voted for Joe you are very stupid and you should never vote again....
It was Trumpyberra who made the deal in Feb 2020. He took our troop level from 14,000 to 2500 mere days before he left office.

He wants credit for it.

It's the only explanation I can think of for his administrations strange lack of concern for the welfare of the thousands of American citizens stranded in Afghanistan.

JMO, but I think Biden wanted to believe that the Afghan Army wouldn't fold that fast and he would have time to evacuate any US citizens living there. I believe his advisors lied to him and told him what he wanted to hear rather than the real truth of the situation there, and the return of the Taliban took him and his administration totally by surprise and also totally unprepared. Biden is not really that smart IMHO, he was trying to divert attention away from the southern border problem and created an even bigger problem in Afghanistan. I'm surprised nobody has been fired yet.
It was Trumpyberra who made the deal in Feb 2020. He took our troop level from 14,000 to 2500 mere days before he left office.

He wants credit for it.

You cultists keep bringing that up even though it has no relevance to the subject at hand. And thats every time you people bring it up.
Wouldnt it be better to just not say anything?
There was no reason to pull out what we had left in Afghanistan...can any of you tell me why we had to cut and run like we did?...for what reason? allied troops have been shot in well over a year....the Taliban was stuck in the mountains with winter just around the winter the Taliban stop has to be political and that is unforgivable and should be impeachable.....this is what a precedency of a 50 year swamper looks like....
In my opinion, Biden must have told the Taliban he would let them have all the US military weapons currently in the country. If they promised not to harm any American citizens or hold them as hostages, and let them exit Afghanistan.
It's the only explanation I can think of for his administrations strange lack of concern for the welfare of the thousands of American citizens stranded in Afghanistan. .... :cool:
What lead you to think Biden cares about American citizens?
In my opinion, Biden must have told the Taliban he would let them have all the US military weapons currently in the country. If they promised not to harm any American citizens or hold them as hostages, and let them exit Afghanistan.
It's the only explanation I can think of for his administrations strange lack of concern for the welfare of the thousands of American citizens stranded in Afghanistan. ....

They have the weapons already thus to suggest we would give them the weapons when they already have them is ridiculous.
Something is fishy. One after another we've had administrations focused on getting our troops out with no concern for citizens or weapons left behind.
It is not fishy just a demonstration of incompetence.

But it is only this administration not administrations as you claim.

I do not agree with Trump's decision to pull out but he would have done it in a orderly manner and he would have gotten all of the Americans out.

Biden or his handlers lived in some sort of fantasy world not grasping the reality of the situation in Afghanistan.

Now they are being given a crash course in reality but they have learned too late.

The humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan is a direct result of the democratic partys stupidity.
In my opinion, Biden must have told the Taliban he would let them have all the US military weapons currently in the country. If they promised not to harm any American citizens or hold them as hostages, and let them exit Afghanistan.
It's the only explanation I can think of for his administrations strange lack of concern for the welfare of the thousands of American citizens stranded in Afghanistan. .... :cool:

When ya still have thousands of American stranded expect those nicely wrapped pallets of cash to be airlifted shortly

That they can airlift probably in hours ....go figure
When ya still have thousands of American stranded expect those nicely wrapped pallets of cash to be airlifted shortly

That they can airlift probably in hours ....go figure
Yes, I think you got it. Biden will be forced to pay a huge, huge amount of cash to get American hostages out.

Unless he can get them all out by the end of the month which at the rate they have been going seems unlikely.

The Taliban man has ordered sloe joe to get our military out by the end of the month and of course biden will do that whilst leaving behind a untold number of American citizens; notice how they refuse to say how many American citizens are still stranded?

Why do they refuse to telll that? They are simply trying to cover up just how big of a humanitarian crisis this is.

No President in history has ever abandoned American citizens like this.

It goes beyond the pale.
JMO, but I think Biden wanted to believe that the Afghan Army wouldn't fold that fast and he would have time to evacuate any US citizens living there. I believe his advisors lied to him and told him what he wanted to hear rather than the real truth of the situation there, and the return of the Taliban took him and his administration totally by surprise and also totally unprepared. Biden is not really that smart IMHO, he was trying to divert attention away from the southern border problem and created an even bigger problem in Afghanistan. I'm surprised nobody has been fired yet.
Dems don't get fired, they get promoted.
When ya still have thousands of American stranded expect those nicely wrapped pallets of cash to be airlifted shortly

That they can airlift probably in hours ....go figure
the Taliban has a cash crop called opium [heroin] that the Chicoms will be buying and shipping to America !....spiced with deadly fentanyl.
If sleepy Joe was even the least bit concerned about leaving perfectly good US military weapons to the Taliban.
We have all kinds of drones and combat aircraft that could quickly bomb all the weapons left behind into worthless piles of smoldering junk.
So obviously Biden made some kind of deal with the Taliban to leave all the military weapons and hardware intact and functional. .... :cool:
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The deal was cut by Trumpybear with the Taliban to undermine, undercut, and or hamstring, the next Administration.
Nonsense; Biden could have done anything he wanted; care to tell us how Trump hamstrung joe?

When biden took over he had to make a decision to pull out or not to pull out.

He could have nixed Trumps deal to pull out.

Yet of his own free will biden decided to pull out.

Thus to claim he was hamstrung or under some sort of order to pull out is beyond stupid.

The real tragedy is the way sloe joe did it; as in too sloe.

Not understanding time was of the essence because he thought he had all the time in the world; thus the lack of planning and the result we see is a huge humanitarian crisis.

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