Biden Makes Trump Look Even Better


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden Makes Trump Look Even Better​

16 Oct 2021 ~~ By Dan Surber
The Trump presidency was a bright shining moment in the history of the United States of America. Wages rose. Unemployment fell to 3.5%. Our foreign policy put America first. ISIS was gone. The Taliban quit killing American soldiers. Illegal border crossings were low. Mexico protected out borders. Taxes fell. Revenues rose. For the first tie in 50 years, we were energy independent and a net exporter of oil.
President Trump was the first president in 40 years not to start a war.
On January 20, the Washington Establishment installed Biden as president.
Inflation rose. As did the Taliban. As did ISIS. As did Red China, Russia, and Iran.
Open borders are now our policy as illegal aliens have more rights than citizens do. Illegals don't have to wear masks or get vaxxed.
Instead of going after lawbreakers who jumped the border, Biden's DOJ calls any parent who dares speak at a public school board meeting a domestic terrorist.
President Trump's children are all hard-working, patriotic and productive Americans.
Biden's son is a cokehead who collects his father's bribes.
To be fair, there was a toilet paper shortage under Trump because consumers emptied the shelves in a panic.
Under Biden, there is a shortage of everything because cargo ships go unloaded, while his transportation secretary is in the second month of a vacation that may never end.
When Trump left office, I thought he was the best president in my lifetime.
After seeing Biden stumble, fumble, and mumble, I appreciate Donald Trump even more than before.

Trump had the temerity to try to stop the most important bipartisan policy of the last 30 years, the importation of a permanent Democrat majority with the aim to use that to subsume to USA to the UN in a New World Order. He also began the move to return manufacturing back to America.
Both Dem and GOP parties wanted him gone because he was interfering with their highest priority, stealing the country from the citizens.
"While Washington hounded Trump for 4 years over an imaginary collusion story. No one in Washington cares that Red China handed Hunter a billion dollars to "invest." The media ignored and covered up Hunter's laptop which revealed the bribes paid and his dalliances with underage girls." As I Continue writing, the "Media" and the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left are in CAHOOTS, and sleep in the share the same bed.
Trump wasn't perfect, no president or person is or has been. He was an asshole sometimes, rambled too much and was an egomaniac.

But he had an amazing ability to look at everything and predict things to come. That's why he has been successful for how many decades? Sure he had failures, but you can't do everything he has done and be a failure.

And deep down I think he actually wanted what was best for the country. He sure as hell improved a great deal over his predecessors, and everything 2 or 3 years ago was better across the board compared to right now. It was amazing to see how far this country fell in the short time it's been since he left office and it only gets worse as time goes by.

So while I am not a Trump super fan, I will admit I do miss him. And we need him and his convictions, strong personality, and balls to undo the shit Biden and his administration have done to this country. Only a Trump or a desantis in the presidents seat can unfuck things right now because it's going to take a person who doesn't give a fuck kind of will to fix things
Trump was a president for the common man...we are back to a guy that is bought and paid for and it shows in his failed policies....Joe has no time for us...he works for the big fish of the globe....

Biden Makes Trump Look Even Better​

16 Oct 2021 ~~ By Dan Surber
The Trump presidency was a bright shining moment in the history of the United States of America. Wages rose. Unemployment fell to 3.5%. Our foreign policy put America first. ISIS was gone. The Taliban quit killing American soldiers. Illegal border crossings were low. Mexico protected out borders. Taxes fell. Revenues rose. For the first tie in 50 years, we were energy independent and a net exporter of oil.
President Trump was the first president in 40 years not to start a war.
On January 20, the Washington Establishment installed Biden as president.
Inflation rose. As did the Taliban. As did ISIS. As did Red China, Russia, and Iran.
Open borders are now our policy as illegal aliens have more rights than citizens do. Illegals don't have to wear masks or get vaxxed.
Instead of going after lawbreakers who jumped the border, Biden's DOJ calls any parent who dares speak at a public school board meeting a domestic terrorist.
President Trump's children are all hard-working, patriotic and productive Americans.
Biden's son is a cokehead who collects his father's bribes.
To be fair, there was a toilet paper shortage under Trump because consumers emptied the shelves in a panic.
Under Biden, there is a shortage of everything because cargo ships go unloaded, while his transportation secretary is in the second month of a vacation that may never end.
When Trump left office, I thought he was the best president in my lifetime.
After seeing Biden stumble, fumble, and mumble, I appreciate Donald Trump even more than before.

Trump had the temerity to try to stop the most important bipartisan policy of the last 30 years, the importation of a permanent Democrat majority with the aim to use that to subsume to USA to the UN in a New World Order. He also began the move to return manufacturing back to America.
Both Dem and GOP parties wanted him gone because he was interfering with their highest priority, stealing the country from the citizens.
"While Washington hounded Trump for 4 years over an imaginary collusion story. No one in Washington cares that Red China handed Hunter a billion dollars to "invest." The media ignored and covered up Hunter's laptop which revealed the bribes paid and his dalliances with underage girls." As I Continue writing, the "Media" and the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left are in CAHOOTS, and sleep in the share the same bed.
It's incredible what Trump accomplished during is 4 years in office. The dems hated the fact that 45 wanted to drain the swamp of the likes of Bidone and all the other scum in the swamp. Bidone and Kamila will go down in the annals of history as the idiot who tried to ruin AMERICA. It's only taken a few month for clueless Joe to fuck it all up.

Biden Makes Trump Look Even Better​

16 Oct 2021 ~~ By Dan Surber
The Trump presidency was a bright shining moment in the history of the United States of America. Wages rose. Unemployment fell to 3.5%. Our foreign policy put America first. ISIS was gone. The Taliban quit killing American soldiers. Illegal border crossings were low. Mexico protected out borders. Taxes fell. Revenues rose. For the first tie in 50 years, we were energy independent and a net exporter of oil.
President Trump was the first president in 40 years not to start a war.
On January 20, the Washington Establishment installed Biden as president.
Inflation rose. As did the Taliban. As did ISIS. As did Red China, Russia, and Iran.
Open borders are now our policy as illegal aliens have more rights than citizens do. Illegals don't have to wear masks or get vaxxed.
Instead of going after lawbreakers who jumped the border, Biden's DOJ calls any parent who dares speak at a public school board meeting a domestic terrorist.
President Trump's children are all hard-working, patriotic and productive Americans.
Biden's son is a cokehead who collects his father's bribes.
To be fair, there was a toilet paper shortage under Trump because consumers emptied the shelves in a panic.
Under Biden, there is a shortage of everything because cargo ships go unloaded, while his transportation secretary is in the second month of a vacation that may never end.
When Trump left office, I thought he was the best president in my lifetime.
After seeing Biden stumble, fumble, and mumble, I appreciate Donald Trump even more than before.

Trump had the temerity to try to stop the most important bipartisan policy of the last 30 years, the importation of a permanent Democrat majority with the aim to use that to subsume to USA to the UN in a New World Order. He also began the move to return manufacturing back to America.
Both Dem and GOP parties wanted him gone because he was interfering with their highest priority, stealing the country from the citizens.
"While Washington hounded Trump for 4 years over an imaginary collusion story. No one in Washington cares that Red China handed Hunter a billion dollars to "invest." The media ignored and covered up Hunter's laptop which revealed the bribes paid and his dalliances with underage girls." As I Continue writing, the "Media" and the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left are in CAHOOTS, and sleep in the share the same bed.

Biden makes Trump look like the total failure he truly was.

In answer to the question posed "Do I have this all right?", no, you have it all wrong. The border is not "wide open" and never has been.

Covid is NOT a biological weapon and the American failure to contain it is on the heads of Trump and the Republican governors who refuse to mandate masks or vaccines.

Your pipelines are not closed, and you still have the lowest gasoline prices in the first world. Construction on one pipeline which should not have started, has ended and one pipeline which was leaking, was shut down.

Germany asked that the sanctions against Russian gas be lifted to help the European economy where gasoline sells for $8 a gallon.

Regurgitating right wing lies and talking points show you're completely out of touch with reality.

The police are not being "defunded". Currently "excessive force" settlements are costing American cities and their taxpayers more than $300 million per year. Short of the Phillipines and Brazil, where police kill the poor with impunity, American police are the most deadly and violent, certainly in the first world, if not the world. Anyone who feels threatened can shoot to kill with impunity. Murder has been legalized in the USA for anyone who even thinks they might be in danger. No real danger is required.

Donald Trump signed Afghanistan over to the Taliban and didn't even include the Afghan government in the negotiations.

Democrats don't really care about trans people. It's Republicans who are losing their minds over this.

But keep regurgitating Republican lies. That's what's lost you the White House, the House and the Senate over the past 4 years. Time to man up and start telling the truth.
President Trump ran the country like a billion dollar business - efficiently and fairly.

This PEDOTUS installed by Dominion is something to laugh and point at. If the stuttering fuck isn't shitting its pants in public its running away from the press and their questions. We've never seen anything like this stammering shit clown..... because we've never had anything like it.

Look at it.... don't avert your eyes, you filthy pieces of shit responsible for this....

President Trump ran the country like a billion dollar business - efficiently and fairly.

This PEDOTUS installed by Dominion is something to laugh and point at. If the stuttering fuck isn't shitting its pants in public its running away from the press and their questions. We've never seen anything like this stammering shit clown..... because we've never had anything like it.

Look at it.... don't avert your eyes, you filthy pieces of shit responsible for this....

View attachment 568244
As Biden turned and ran the other day a CBS reporter yelled, "when will you take our questions?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Biden makes Trump look like the total failure he truly was.

In answer to the question posed "Do I have this all right?", no, you have it all wrong. The border is not "wide open" and never has been.

Covid is NOT a biological weapon and the American failure to contain it is on the heads of Trump and the Republican governors who refuse to mandate masks or vaccines.

Your pipelines are not closed, and you still have the lowest gasoline prices in the first world. Construction on one pipeline which should not have started, has ended and one pipeline which was leaking, was shut down.

Germany asked that the sanctions against Russian gas be lifted to help the European economy where gasoline sells for $8 a gallon.

Regurgitating right wing lies and talking points show you're completely out of touch with reality.

The police are not being "defunded". Currently "excessive force" settlements are costing American cities and their taxpayers more than $300 million per year. Short of the Phillipines and Brazil, where police kill the poor with impunity, American police are the most deadly and violent, certainly in the first world, if not the world. Anyone who feels threatened can shoot to kill with impunity. Murder has been legalized in the USA for anyone who even thinks they might be in danger. No real danger is required.

Donald Trump signed Afghanistan over to the Taliban and didn't even include the Afghan government in the negotiations.

Democrats don't really care about trans people. It's Republicans who are losing their minds over this.

But keep regurgitating Republican lies. That's what's lost you the White House, the House and the Senate over the past 4 years. Time to man up and start telling the truth.
Is there ANYTHING that you're actually in the know about, Dragonlady? Every single thing you just posted is a regurgitation of the crap that you get from CNN to cover for how badly Joe Biden has performed since becoming President! They flat out lie on a daily basis and clueless people like yourself eat it up with a spoon and ask for seconds!
As Biden turned and ran the other day a CBS reporter yelled, "when will you take our questions?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
He runs from the press because he doesn't have answers to those questions other than "We don't know what to do! Our policies are making things worse and we've got no idea how to fix what it is that we've FUBARED except to go back to doing it the way Trump was and we're all too embarrassed to do that!"
The sad thing is...the problems we have right now are all fixable...and the Democrats know it. They can fix the border by reverting back to Trump's policies on the border. They can lower the cost of gas by going back to Trump's polices on oil and natural gas production. Bringing the cost of gas and diesel fuel back down will immediately bring down the cost of goods in the US but they will never DO that because they don't really CARE about your average American working person and haven't for YEARS now! This is about a ruling elite that don't care about the unwashed masses. They have their agenda and they're laser focused on getting it passed now matter what the effects are on the people they represent!
Just remember all of this come next November folks! There is only one thing that they DO understand and that's losing power!
He runs from the press because he doesn't have answers to those questions other than "We don't know what to do! Our policies are making things worse and we've got no idea how to fix what it is that we've FUBARED except to go back to doing it the way Trump was and we're all too embarrassed to do that!"
Biden is the most cowardly POTUS of all time.

Biden Makes Trump Look Even Better​

16 Oct 2021 ~~ By Dan Surber
The Trump presidency was a bright shining moment in the history of the United States of America. Wages rose. Unemployment fell to 3.5%. Our foreign policy put America first. ISIS was gone. The Taliban quit killing American soldiers. Illegal border crossings were low. Mexico protected out borders. Taxes fell. Revenues rose. For the first tie in 50 years, we were energy independent and a net exporter of oil.
President Trump was the first president in 40 years not to start a war.
On January 20, the Washington Establishment installed Biden as president.
Inflation rose. As did the Taliban. As did ISIS. As did Red China, Russia, and Iran.
Open borders are now our policy as illegal aliens have more rights than citizens do. Illegals don't have to wear masks or get vaxxed.
Instead of going after lawbreakers who jumped the border, Biden's DOJ calls any parent who dares speak at a public school board meeting a domestic terrorist.
President Trump's children are all hard-working, patriotic and productive Americans.
Biden's son is a cokehead who collects his father's bribes.
To be fair, there was a toilet paper shortage under Trump because consumers emptied the shelves in a panic.
Under Biden, there is a shortage of everything because cargo ships go unloaded, while his transportation secretary is in the second month of a vacation that may never end.
When Trump left office, I thought he was the best president in my lifetime.
After seeing Biden stumble, fumble, and mumble, I appreciate Donald Trump even more than before.

Trump had the temerity to try to stop the most important bipartisan policy of the last 30 years, the importation of a permanent Democrat majority with the aim to use that to subsume to USA to the UN in a New World Order. He also began the move to return manufacturing back to America.
Both Dem and GOP parties wanted him gone because he was interfering with their highest priority, stealing the country from the citizens.
"While Washington hounded Trump for 4 years over an imaginary collusion story. No one in Washington cares that Red China handed Hunter a billion dollars to "invest." The media ignored and covered up Hunter's laptop which revealed the bribes paid and his dalliances with underage girls." As I Continue writing, the "Media" and the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left are in CAHOOTS, and sleep in the share the same bed.
In addition, thus far more Americans have died from Covid-19 than all of 2020. Way to go Brandon!

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