Biden leads Trump in Texas of all places

According to the poll, 40 percent in Texas say they have already voted

Texas being a pro gun state will not be voting for Biden
Feb 28 trump said law enforcement should confiscated guns from people who might commit acts of violence without due process.

”i like taking guns away early. Take the guns first go through due process second”
yes and Trump realized that was a mistake he backed down
Ha ha. So he backed down because it was unpopular but he said it. That should cause you some concern. The truth slipped out. He'd rather take your gun first and follow due process later.

So don't make shit up about Democrats taking your guns when you ignore what Trump said about taking your guns. He said it. Not fake news.

He backed down? So far he has. But maybe he will change his mind again.
You run with that poll then. Because the polls do show that Biden is slipping in Texas. I can only surmise after
the last debate, he'll even slip more.
Oh was he that bad? Or is that just your narrative?

Doesnt matter we already voted.
His remarks on the oil industry, Sillyboobbo.
Anyone in the oil industry is smart enough to know it can't go on forever, not the way it is now. Biden is looking ahead, and yeah he's probably being starry eyed, but imo it's only being realistic to figure out how to manage a finite resource we would absolutely fail without. If renewables can take even 50% of the load, what is wrong with that? And why can't folks go work in that industry? Jobs will shift, not be lost. No one is going to run out of the need for oil for a long time.
I love it how Republicans pretend to care about the birds that are killed by windmills. If they aren't endangered, fuck them.
You run with that poll then. Because the polls do show that Biden is slipping in Texas. I can only surmise after
the last debate, he'll even slip more.
Oh was he that bad? Or is that just your narrative?

Doesnt matter we already voted.
His remarks on the oil industry, Sillyboobbo.
Anyone in the oil industry is smart enough to know it can't go on forever, not the way it is now. Biden is looking ahead, and yeah he's probably being starry eyed, but imo it's only being realistic to figure out how to manage a finite resource we would absolutely fail without. If renewables can take even 50% of the load, what is wrong with that? And why can't folks go work in that industry? Jobs will shift, not be lost. No one is going to run out of the need for oil for a long time.
I love it how Republicans pretend to care about the birds that are killed by windmills. If they aren't endangered, fuck them.

I love it how Democrats pretend not to care about the birds that are killed by windmills but would stop a hospital from being built if it meant saving a rare dung beetle’s habit.
You run with that poll then. Because the polls do show that Biden is slipping in Texas. I can only surmise after
the last debate, he'll even slip more.
Oh was he that bad? Or is that just your narrative?

Doesnt matter we already voted.
and Trump supporters are voting early
Yea but many detroiters who would not normally take the time to stand in line have done absentee. Trump is most worried about this. He said this is his biggest threat to a second term
You're not being honest. Trump has no issues with absentee ballots whatsoever. A ballot INITIATED by the voter is no issue at all, not even with Trump.

With corona it makes sense to send everyone absentee ballots. If you are smart and practicing social distancing that is. What, do you want us to pack the polls on election day like you guys do at Trump rallies so we can die like Herman Cain?

'It's the same thing': Experts baffled by Trump's misleading distinction between 'absentee' and 'mail-in' ballots

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump has railed against "mail-in voting" while defending "absentee voting," baffling experts who say those voting systems are essentially the same thing.
Trump made the claims in a series of tweets Friday morning, which included some of his previously debunked claims about voter fraud. There is no widespread fraud in US elections.

"Mail-In Ballot fraud found in many elections. People are just now seeing how bad, dishonest and slow it is. Election results could be delayed for months. No more big election night answers? 1% not even counted in 2016. Ridiculous! Just a formula for RIGGING an Election," Trump tweeted. "Absentee Ballots are fine because you have to go through a precise process to get your voting privilege. Not so with Mail-Ins. Rigged Election!!! 20% fraudulent ballots?"

Facts First: Trump is inventing a distinction where none exists, and also peddling baseless claims of rigged elections and fraudulent ballots. Different states use different terms, but "absentee ballots" are "mail-in ballots," and vice versa. Regardless, there are strict measures in place across the country to verify the authenticity of all ballots cast in the mail. These measures are very successful -- more than 99.9% of votes in US elections are legitimate.

Several reporters debunked Trump's claims within minutes of his Twitter post Friday morning. CNN has repeatedly fact-checked Trump's wildly untrue claims about voting-by-mail, allegations of fraudulent elections, and his far-fetched theories about foreign countries printing ballots.
An absentee ballot is initiated by the voter. A mail-in ballot is not, it's initiated by the registrar of the county using a voter database, that may, or may not be current.
It's not all that baffling, other than to CNN.
You run with that poll then. Because the polls do show that Biden is slipping in Texas. I can only surmise after
the last debate, he'll even slip more.
Oh was he that bad? Or is that just your narrative?

Doesnt matter we already voted.
His remarks on the oil industry, Sillyboobbo.
Anyone in the oil industry is smart enough to know it can't go on forever, not the way it is now. Biden is looking ahead, and yeah he's probably being starry eyed, but imo it's only being realistic to figure out how to manage a finite resource we would absolutely fail without. If renewables can take even 50% of the load, what is wrong with that? And why can't folks go work in that industry? Jobs will shift, not be lost. No one is going to run out of the need for oil for a long time.
I love it how Republicans pretend to care about the birds that are killed by windmills. If they aren't endangered, fuck them.

I love it how Democrats pretend not to care about the birds that are killed by windmills but would stop a hospital from being built if it meant saving a rare dung beetle’s habit.
Republicans voted to open up those protected Alaskan lands to oil drilling. It's going to have a devastating impact on the caribou. So don't come crying to me about the poor birds; I don't believe you.
I wonder if this poll was taken before or after we found out Hunter was raping 10-year old girls in China.

We don't cotton to that kind of shit here in Texas.

That's a very small body that fucking shit beast is abusing there:

You run with that poll then. Because the polls do show that Biden is slipping in Texas. I can only surmise after
the last debate, he'll even slip more.
Oh was he that bad? Or is that just your narrative?

Doesnt matter we already voted.
and Trump supporters are voting early
Yea but many detroiters who would not normally take the time to stand in line have done absentee. Trump is most worried about this. He said this is his biggest threat to a second term
You're not being honest. Trump has no issues with absentee ballots whatsoever. A ballot INITIATED by the voter is no issue at all, not even with Trump.

With corona it makes sense to send everyone absentee ballots. If you are smart and practicing social distancing that is. What, do you want us to pack the polls on election day like you guys do at Trump rallies so we can die like Herman Cain?

'It's the same thing': Experts baffled by Trump's misleading distinction between 'absentee' and 'mail-in' ballots

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump has railed against "mail-in voting" while defending "absentee voting," baffling experts who say those voting systems are essentially the same thing.
Trump made the claims in a series of tweets Friday morning, which included some of his previously debunked claims about voter fraud. There is no widespread fraud in US elections.

"Mail-In Ballot fraud found in many elections. People are just now seeing how bad, dishonest and slow it is. Election results could be delayed for months. No more big election night answers? 1% not even counted in 2016. Ridiculous! Just a formula for RIGGING an Election," Trump tweeted. "Absentee Ballots are fine because you have to go through a precise process to get your voting privilege. Not so with Mail-Ins. Rigged Election!!! 20% fraudulent ballots?"

Facts First: Trump is inventing a distinction where none exists, and also peddling baseless claims of rigged elections and fraudulent ballots. Different states use different terms, but "absentee ballots" are "mail-in ballots," and vice versa. Regardless, there are strict measures in place across the country to verify the authenticity of all ballots cast in the mail. These measures are very successful -- more than 99.9% of votes in US elections are legitimate.

Several reporters debunked Trump's claims within minutes of his Twitter post Friday morning. CNN has repeatedly fact-checked Trump's wildly untrue claims about voting-by-mail, allegations of fraudulent elections, and his far-fetched theories about foreign countries printing ballots.
An absentee ballot is initiated by the voter. A mail-in ballot is not, it's initiated by the registrar of the county using a voter database, that may, or may not be current.
It's not all that baffling, other than to CNN.
Doesnt matter

Both ballots are identical and treated the same
Doesn’t bode well for Trump. Losing Texas would mean automatic defeat for Trump.

The poll showed Biden with the support of 48 percent of likely voters, compared with 45 percent for Trump. The results represent a shift from the same poll in September, when Trump led by 2 percentage points. One difference from September is that Biden has expanded his lead among Hispanic voters from 30 percentage points to 48.

I wouldn't start spending your Biden welfare check yet
You run with that poll then. Because the polls do show that Biden is slipping in Texas. I can only surmise after
the last debate, he'll even slip more.
Oh was he that bad? Or is that just your narrative?

Doesnt matter we already voted.
His remarks on the oil industry, Sillyboobbo.
Anyone in the oil industry is smart enough to know it can't go on forever, not the way it is now. Biden is looking ahead, and yeah he's probably being starry eyed, but imo it's only being realistic to figure out how to manage a finite resource we would absolutely fail without. If renewables can take even 50% of the load, what is wrong with that? And why can't folks go work in that industry? Jobs will shift, not be lost. No one is going to run out of the need for oil for a long time.
I love it how Republicans pretend to care about the birds that are killed by windmills. If they aren't endangered, fuck them.
I love how Dimwingers claim to care about the children, but support murdering them.
You run with that poll then. Because the polls do show that Biden is slipping in Texas. I can only surmise after
the last debate, he'll even slip more.
Oh was he that bad? Or is that just your narrative?

Doesnt matter we already voted.
His remarks on the oil industry, Sillyboobbo.
Anyone in the oil industry is smart enough to know it can't go on forever, not the way it is now. Biden is looking ahead, and yeah he's probably being starry eyed, but imo it's only being realistic to figure out how to manage a finite resource we would absolutely fail without. If renewables can take even 50% of the load, what is wrong with that? And why can't folks go work in that industry? Jobs will shift, not be lost. No one is going to run out of the need for oil for a long time.
I love it how Republicans pretend to care about the birds that are killed by windmills. If they aren't endangered, fuck them.

I love it how Democrats pretend not to care about the birds that are killed by windmills but would stop a hospital from being built if it meant saving a rare dung beetle’s habit.
Republicans voted to open up those protected Alaskan lands to oil drilling. It's going to have a devastating impact on the caribou. So don't come crying to me about the poor birds; I don't believe you.
It's going to have a devastating impact on the caribou.

Why would it have that kind of impact on the caribou? The Alaskan pipeline didn't.

  • Bye-bye Caribou?: Many people suddenly developed a passionate concern for the mating habits of Alaska caribou and campaign noisily against intrusion of Arctic pipelines into this essential activity, reported The Christian Science Monitor on Oct. 10, 1972. The New York Times on Oct. 14, 1973, said the question is whether the caribou will go the way of the buffalo.
Reality: Thirty years later we can see the effects of the pipeline on the caribou. Walter Hickel, a former U.S. Secretary of the Interior and governor of Alaska, said that the caribou herd has not only survived, but flourished. In 1977, as the Prudhoe region started delivering oil to America's southern 48 states, the Central Arctic caribou herd numbered 6,000; it has since grown to 27,128. Alaskas Department of Fish and Game Web site reports that in general, caribou have not been adversely affected by human activities in Alaska. Pipelines and other manmade objects have been built to accommodate caribou movements, and the animals have adapted to people and machines.


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You run with that poll then. Because the polls do show that Biden is slipping in Texas. I can only surmise after
the last debate, he'll even slip more.
Oh was he that bad? Or is that just your narrative?

Doesnt matter we already voted.
and Trump supporters are voting early
Yea but many detroiters who would not normally take the time to stand in line have done absentee. Trump is most worried about this. He said this is his biggest threat to a second term
You're not being honest. Trump has no issues with absentee ballots whatsoever. A ballot INITIATED by the voter is no issue at all, not even with Trump.

With corona it makes sense to send everyone absentee ballots. If you are smart and practicing social distancing that is. What, do you want us to pack the polls on election day like you guys do at Trump rallies so we can die like Herman Cain?

'It's the same thing': Experts baffled by Trump's misleading distinction between 'absentee' and 'mail-in' ballots

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump has railed against "mail-in voting" while defending "absentee voting," baffling experts who say those voting systems are essentially the same thing.
Trump made the claims in a series of tweets Friday morning, which included some of his previously debunked claims about voter fraud. There is no widespread fraud in US elections.

"Mail-In Ballot fraud found in many elections. People are just now seeing how bad, dishonest and slow it is. Election results could be delayed for months. No more big election night answers? 1% not even counted in 2016. Ridiculous! Just a formula for RIGGING an Election," Trump tweeted. "Absentee Ballots are fine because you have to go through a precise process to get your voting privilege. Not so with Mail-Ins. Rigged Election!!! 20% fraudulent ballots?"

Facts First: Trump is inventing a distinction where none exists, and also peddling baseless claims of rigged elections and fraudulent ballots. Different states use different terms, but "absentee ballots" are "mail-in ballots," and vice versa. Regardless, there are strict measures in place across the country to verify the authenticity of all ballots cast in the mail. These measures are very successful -- more than 99.9% of votes in US elections are legitimate.

Several reporters debunked Trump's claims within minutes of his Twitter post Friday morning. CNN has repeatedly fact-checked Trump's wildly untrue claims about voting-by-mail, allegations of fraudulent elections, and his far-fetched theories about foreign countries printing ballots.
An absentee ballot is initiated by the voter. A mail-in ballot is not, it's initiated by the registrar of the county using a voter database, that may, or may not be current.
It's not all that baffling, other than to CNN.
Doesnt matter

Both ballots are identical and treated the same
Says you. A person may have moved, or is dead, and one still goes out to them. Don't give me the BS about checking the signature.
Because, we've seen that in Pa. the sig on file doesn't have to match up to the one on the ballot envelope.
You run with that poll then. Because the polls do show that Biden is slipping in Texas. I can only surmise after
the last debate, he'll even slip more.
Oh was he that bad? Or is that just your narrative?

Doesnt matter we already voted.
His remarks on the oil industry, Sillyboobbo.
Anyone in the oil industry is smart enough to know it can't go on forever, not the way it is now. Biden is looking ahead, and yeah he's probably being starry eyed, but imo it's only being realistic to figure out how to manage a finite resource we would absolutely fail without. If renewables can take even 50% of the load, what is wrong with that? And why can't folks go work in that industry? Jobs will shift, not be lost. No one is going to run out of the need for oil for a long time.
I love it how Republicans pretend to care about the birds that are killed by windmills. If they aren't endangered, fuck them.

I love it how Democrats pretend not to care about the birds that are killed by windmills but would stop a hospital from being built if it meant saving a rare dung beetle’s habit.
Republicans voted to open up those protected Alaskan lands to oil drilling. It's going to have a devastating impact on the caribou. So don't come crying to me about the poor birds; I don't believe you.
It's going to have a devastating impact on the caribou.

Why would it have that kind of impact on the caribou? The Alaskan pipeline didn't.

  • Bye-bye Caribou?: Many people suddenly developed a passionate concern for the mating habits of Alaska caribou and campaign noisily against intrusion of Arctic pipelines into this essential activity, reported The Christian Science Monitor on Oct. 10, 1972. The New York Times on Oct. 14, 1973, said the question is whether the caribou will go the way of the buffalo.
Reality: Thirty years later we can see the effects of the pipeline on the caribou. Walter Hickel, a former U.S. Secretary of the Interior and governor of Alaska, said that the caribou herd has not only survived, but flourished. In 1977, as the Prudhoe region started delivering oil to America's southern 48 states, the Central Arctic caribou herd numbered 6,000; it has since grown to 27,128. Alaskas Department of Fish and Game Web site reports that in general, caribou have not been adversely affected by human activities in Alaska. Pipelines and other manmade objects have been built to accommodate caribou movements, and the animals have adapted to people and machines.
I hope that's right. It's not what I heard during the hearings about proposed drilling activity, as much about creating the infrastructure to support it as the drilling itself.

Are you kidding me?
If Republicans losé Texas, they might as well fold up their collapsing tent and stay home

Everyone in Texas has a gun or two or three. You think they would vote a gun grabbing Dem in as POTUS??

If you do you are dumber than I think you are.

Texas will be Trumps despite what polls you look at may say. The polls said the same in 2016 and we all know how wrong they were.

No Madame President thank God.

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