Biden just pledged to shut down 60% of America’s electric power

My opinion is based upon what has happened elsewhere when they don't have enough fossil fuels.

Are the laws of physics different under Biden than they are in the Union of South Fucking Africa?
Are we South Africa? If you think we should never stop burning fossil fuels, them we have nothing to talk about.

If you agree we should go to something cleaner, then we agree we shouldn't just switch off our current plants, and nobody is advocating this.
More deep thoughts for the Goldfish herd.

"We were heading to retiring coal by the end of the decade anyway,” climate analyst Alden Meyer of the European think tank E3G told the Associated Press, noting that no new facilities are being constructed in the United States because natural gas and renewable energy are both cleaner and more cost effective. About 20 percent of US electricity now comes from coal, and the country is burning less than half of what it was in 2008."

NG is killing coal. As far as the other NG lie the NYP has fed them....." For the first time, the US government will require oil and gas producers to detect and fix leaks of methane,"

More deep thoughts for the Goldfish herd.

"We were heading to retiring coal by the end of the decade anyway,” climate analyst Alden Meyer of the European think tank E3G told the Associated Press, noting that no new facilities are being constructed in the United States because natural gas and renewable energy are both cleaner and more cost effective. About 20 percent of US electricity now comes from coal, and the country is burning less than half of what it was in 2008."

NG is killing coal. As far as the other NG lie the NYP has fed them....." For the first time, the US government will require oil and gas producers to detect and fix leaks of methane,"

"Climate analyst"
Are we South Africa? If you think we should never stop burning fossil fuels, them we have nothing to talk about.

If you agree we should go to something cleaner, then we agree we shouldn't just switch off our current plants, and nobody is advocating this.

Actually Sleepy Joe is suggesting exactly that. Proposing to dump current plants before new ones are online and generating the amount of energy America needs.
That’s a complete lie. Utterly false.

Ontario eliminated coal fired plants in the 1990s and we’ve never gone back. All electricity produced in the province of Ontario is green, and Ontario has some of the cheapest electrical power in North America
Ontario only has about 14 million people, and a GDP of only 800 billion, vermin.

A tiny fraction of the US.
Too funny. Everywhere they've tried to eliminate coal, they were forced to bring it back because coal is just too good of a concentrated energy source to do without, and methane, while being a potent GHG, is also what gives NG its kick and what gets burned off when you burn it.

The idiots in DC need to learn that you cannot eliminate one (major) source of energy until you have something at least as good or better to replace it with.

Solar panels and wind farms don't come within a mile.
The problem is we have a huge government that affect Gross National Product with many of the politicians at the helm not very good. In many areas of the nation, they last a lifetime and are corrupted beyond belief. Therefore, we spend huge amounts of resources on things we can spend less on.
Ontario only has about 14 million people, and a GDP of only 800 billion, vermin.

A tiny fraction of the US.

14.5 million. That gives Ontario a higher population than all but 4 states in the USA. And some of the cheapest power in North America. Only California, Texas, Florida and New York have more people than Ontario.

Americans always claim they can't do things because their country is "too large", like universal health care. You use your population as an excuse for doing nothing. It's really the opposite. Your population is so large and diverse, you should be able to do ANYTHING, you set your minds to.

Land on the moon - sure. You did that. The USA doesn't lack the ability or the resources to solve any of its problems, it lacks the will to do it.
Not far from here is an underground facility that stores old Nuclear Reactor Rods. Nuclear is NOT biodegradable or renewable. And it certainly is not recyclable.
Same with wind and solar. Plus they don't last and produce enough to pay off their costs. Especially when factoring their disposal due to their premature disfunction.

Wind Turbine Blades Can’t Be Recycled, So They’re Piling Up in Landfill​


Wind energy has a massive waste problem. New ...

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The NYPost story is correct

Biden snd the greenies have put 60% of the country's electric energy production via coal and natural gas in the crosshairs of regulatory hell

Maybe we wont go dark tomorrow but they will cause elect prices to go up
And that 60% reduction will be completed about ten years from now, if not sooner.
So Biden Said there will be no new Coal Plants

View attachment 871274

Seems about right... At this rate Coal is effectively dead as electricity source in 10 - 15 years...

Don't blame Biden, blame Gas..
Find the one for 2020 to 2050 that shows projections.
Per the OP article, impossible emissions requirements will result in default shut down of most coal and gas generation in the USA by about 2030-2035.
Same with wind and solar. Plus they don't last and produce enough to pay off their costs. Especially when factoring their disposal due to their premature disfunction.

Wind Turbine Blades Can’t Be Recycled, So They’re Piling Up in Landfill​


Old wind turbines blades are not radioactive.
There will be no switches going off. The plan is to phase out coal plants over time. It's in the one article you posted that not an editorial.

It's hyperbole to state that one day we will wake up without coal or natural gas with no replacement available.
Name the replacements then Mr. Wizard.
Information here so far is that there is nothing in the works to replace that 60% loss that will occur within a decade if molestor Joe Biden and the Greenie idiots have their way.

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