Biden is not the nominee as of yet, the dems are trial balooning both Cuomo and Cuban

Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.

No one is trial ballooning anything. Just more right wing wet dreams. Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily. Pay attention to the box in the middle of the page.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.
Go back to bed.
Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.

No one is trial ballooning anything. Just more right wing wet dreams. Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily. Pay attention to the box in the middle of the page.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Trump has saved millions of lives despite many in the media and most Dems early saying Wuhan was no big deal. Once he restarts the economy it's over. It's a blow out for Trump and you Biden guys know it. Your attempt to project your fears onto Trump supporters won't make you feel any less uneasy. Just go with it. It's actually better for you, unless you like living in perpetual misery.
You republicans (or actually trumpists, since very few actual republicans left) will never get your trial balloon off the ground. Joe Biden is and will be the nominee. One term trump has to go. I listened to the your Furor yesterday, saying he had total control. The wanna be dictator is out of here, come November.
Trump would beat all 3, no matter what media and pollsters say. The threat of China is an even bigger issue now, this is why Bidens advisers are telling him to give this "sort of, kind of sheepish, China is bad" shtick from time to time. Nobody is buying it and Trump will exploit Bidens own words, over and over. In the debate, it's going to be a trouncing. We all know it, let's not kid ourselves.

It's why when he played the video yesterday, the very first question the Canadian Daniel Dale, formerly of Toronto Star anwered, was the Biden response when he called Trump xenophobic for shutting down the border. He tried to tell the few CNN zombie viewers that Biden wasn't referring to the border closing, in fact, he didn't even know.

That is, on it's face, an inept and laughable explanation. You are the leading candidate for the Dem party and you don't know the border has been closed when all the other Dems AND media know? LOL. Put it this way, you better damn well know if you are the leading Dem candidate!

Cuomo has a career of politics behind him which leaves a great deal to be revealed and he isn't a broadly appealing politician. Cuban wouldn't answer the "China is bad" question from Jessie Waters, and, his NBA lineage would be a major weakness on this issue.

It's possible Trump loses, but only if there are some shenanigans. America First is FAR and away more popular with Americans. Dems are viewed as the China First/Illegal Immigrant First Party. That is major trouble for them, even Bernies Bros like Trumps stance against the Communists. Trump has that video of Biden raising his hand during the debates to give free healthcare to illegals. I'm sure that will go over well in the Rustbelt, along with their jobs that Obama oversaw being shipped out.
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Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.

No one is trial ballooning anything. Just more right wing wet dreams. Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily. Pay attention to the box in the middle of the page.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Trump has saved millions of lives despite many in the media and most Dems early saying Wuhan was no big deal. Once he restarts the economy it's over. It's a blow out for Trump and you Biden guys know it. Your attempt to project your fears onto Trump supporters won't make you feel any less uneasy. Just go with it. It's actually better for you, unless you like living in perpetual misery.

You mean "cost" many lives. By his incompetence and inaction. It will be years before things are back to normal. And I hate to break this to you, he's got no say in restarting anything. He can bloviate all he wants but it's up to governors, mayors, and business leaders.
You republicans (or actually trumpists, since very few actual republicans left) will never get your trial balloon off the ground. Joe Biden is and will be the nominee. One term trump has to go. I listened to the your Furor yesterday, saying he had total control. The wanna be dictator is out of here, come November.
You got to love the crazy left. They were all yelling he should have closed down all travel, ruled with an iron fist. Suddenly they are up in arms when he wants to use the iron fist they said he should have used. I would claim that the left needs to make up its mind but that will never happen.
Remind me again how polls and everyone saying Trump had no chance helped Hillary become president.
Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.

No one is trial ballooning anything. Just more right wing wet dreams. Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily. Pay attention to the box in the middle of the page.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Trump has saved millions of lives despite many in the media and most Dems early saying Wuhan was no big deal. Once he restarts the economy it's over. It's a blow out for Trump and you Biden guys know it. Your attempt to project your fears onto Trump supporters won't make you feel any less uneasy. Just go with it. It's actually better for you, unless you like living in perpetual misery.

You mean "cost" many lives. By his incompetence and inaction. It will be years before things are back to normal. And I hate to break this to you, he's got no say in restarting anything. He can bloviate all he wants but it's up to governors, mayors, and business leaders.

No I live in reality. He saved millions according to estimates despite Dems ignoring the warnings. Of course local governors have a say, but they aren't the end all be all when it comes to what's best. Still will need to act within federal laws and recommendations and what is best for America.
Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.

No one is trial ballooning anything. Just more right wing wet dreams. Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily. Pay attention to the box in the middle of the page.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Trump has saved millions of lives despite many in the media and most Dems early saying Wuhan was no big deal. Once he restarts the economy it's over. It's a blow out for Trump and you Biden guys know it. Your attempt to project your fears onto Trump supporters won't make you feel any less uneasy. Just go with it. It's actually better for you, unless you like living in perpetual misery.

You mean "cost" many lives. By his incompetence and inaction. It will be years before things are back to normal. And I hate to break this to you, he's got no say in restarting anything. He can bloviate all he wants but it's up to governors, mayors, and business leaders.
So tell me again how Trump was expected to act with an iron fist and shut down all travel, gatherings, bussiness etc. But when it comes to opening up the economy he has no say it is up to governors and mayors not the iron fist you wanted him to wield. Sounds as if you don't really have any solid idea of what powers you want him to have.
Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.

No one is trial ballooning anything. Just more right wing wet dreams. Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily. Pay attention to the box in the middle of the page.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
So explain to me how polls and everyone saying Trump had no chance gave Hillary her presidency.
Trump would beat all 3, no matter what media and pollsters say. The threat of China is an even bigger issue now, this is why Bidens advisers are telling him to give this "sort of, kind of sheepish, China is bad" shtick from time to time. Nobody is buying it and Trump will exploit Bidens own words, over and over. In the debate, it's going to be a trouncing. We all know it, let's not kid ourselves.

It's why when he played the video yesterday, the very first question the Canadian Daniel Dale, formerly of Toronto Star anwered, was the Biden response when he called Trump xenophobic for shutting down the border. He tried to tell the few CNN zombie viewers that Biden wasn't referring to the border closing, in fact, he didn't even know.

That is, on it's face, an inept and laughable explanation. You are the leading candidate for the Dem party and you don't know the border has been closed when all the other Dems AND media know? LOL. Put it this way, you better damn well know if you are the leading Dem candidate!

Cuomo has a career of politics behind him which leaves a great deal to be revealed and he isn't a broadly appealing politician. Cuban wouldn't answer the "China is bad" question from Jessie Waters, and, his NBA lineage would be a major weakness on this issue.

It's possible Trump loses, but only if there are some shenanigans. America First is FAR and away more popular with Americans. Dems are viewed as the China First/Illegal Immigrant First Party. That is major trouble for them, even Bernies Bros like Trumps stance against the Communists. Trump has that video of Biden raising his hand during the debates to give free healthcare to illegals. I'm sure that will go over well in the Rustbelt, along with their jobs that Obama oversaw being shipped out.
What indicators are you looking at that makes you believe Trump will be re-elected? Please share that information with us.
Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.

No one is trial ballooning anything. Just more right wing wet dreams. Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily. Pay attention to the box in the middle of the page.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Trump has saved millions of lives despite many in the media and most Dems early saying Wuhan was no big deal. Once he restarts the economy it's over. It's a blow out for Trump and you Biden guys know it. Your attempt to project your fears onto Trump supporters won't make you feel any less uneasy. Just go with it. It's actually better for you, unless you like living in perpetual misery.

You mean "cost" many lives. By his incompetence and inaction. It will be years before things are back to normal. And I hate to break this to you, he's got no say in restarting anything. He can bloviate all he wants but it's up to governors, mayors, and business leaders.

No I live in reality. He saved millions according to estimates despite Dems ignoring the warnings. Of course local governors have a say, but they aren't the end all be all when it comes to what's best. Still will need to act within federal laws and recommendations and what is best for America.

So now you righties want the federal "gubmint" to step in and supersede the will of the states and determine what is best for America? Wow, that was fast. Statists, the lot.
Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.

No one is trial ballooning anything. Just more right wing wet dreams. Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily. Pay attention to the box in the middle of the page.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
So explain to me how polls and everyone saying Trump had no chance gave Hillary her presidency.

Polls were largely on target. Hillary wins the popular vote. Trump squeaks out a razor thin victory with a difference of 46 electoral votes across three states.
Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily.

Wheelchair Joe. Gotta save this one for November. :auiqs.jpg:
Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.

No one is trial ballooning anything. Just more right wing wet dreams. Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily. Pay attention to the box in the middle of the page.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Trump has saved millions of lives despite many in the media and most Dems early saying Wuhan was no big deal. Once he restarts the economy it's over. It's a blow out for Trump and you Biden guys know it. Your attempt to project your fears onto Trump supporters won't make you feel any less uneasy. Just go with it. It's actually better for you, unless you like living in perpetual misery.

You mean "cost" many lives. By his incompetence and inaction. It will be years before things are back to normal. And I hate to break this to you, he's got no say in restarting anything. He can bloviate all he wants but it's up to governors, mayors, and business leaders.

No I live in reality. He saved millions according to estimates despite Dems ignoring the warnings. Of course local governors have a say, but they aren't the end all be all when it comes to what's best. Still will need to act within federal laws and recommendations and what is best for America.

So now you righties want the federal "gubmint" to step in and supersede the will of the states and determine what is best for America? Wow, that was fast. Statists, the lot.

I thought you hated the electoral college?
You republicans (or actually trumpists, since very few actual republicans left) will never get your trial balloon off the ground. Joe Biden is and will be the nominee. One term trump has to go. I listened to the your Furor yesterday, saying he had total control. The wanna be dictator is out of here, come November.
You got to love the crazy left. They were all yelling he should have closed down all travel, ruled with an iron fist. Suddenly they are up in arms when he wants to use the iron fist they said he should have used. I would claim that the left needs to make up its mind but that will never happen.
Remind me again how polls and everyone saying Trump had no chance helped Hillary become president.
Glad I'm not on the left. Too bad you are lockstep (or should I say goosestep) with the extremists on the right. Zig Heil much?
Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.

No one is trial ballooning anything. Just more right wing wet dreams. Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily. Pay attention to the box in the middle of the page.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
So explain to me how polls and everyone saying Trump had no chance gave Hillary her presidency.

Polls were largely on target. Hillary wins the popular vote. Trump squeaks out a razor thin victory with a difference of 46 electoral votes across three states.

Popular vote? That's about as useful as a bag of farts. So Hillary had the most bags of farts? Cool.
Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.

No one is trial ballooning anything. Just more right wing wet dreams. Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily. Pay attention to the box in the middle of the page.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Trump has saved millions of lives despite many in the media and most Dems early saying Wuhan was no big deal. Once he restarts the economy it's over. It's a blow out for Trump and you Biden guys know it. Your attempt to project your fears onto Trump supporters won't make you feel any less uneasy. Just go with it. It's actually better for you, unless you like living in perpetual misery.

You mean "cost" many lives. By his incompetence and inaction. It will be years before things are back to normal. And I hate to break this to you, he's got no say in restarting anything. He can bloviate all he wants but it's up to governors, mayors, and business leaders.
So Lessee, JacksOff, Trump bares the full weight and responsibility in taking all the BLAME, but none of the authority, credit or power in the SUCCESS or solution! :auiqs.jpg:
After Trump says its OK to open things back up, the Dem Governors are going to still keep things closed just to spite him!
Great! Can't wait to see them all end their reelections!!! :auiqs.jpg:
Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.

No one is trial ballooning anything. Just more right wing wet dreams. Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily. Pay attention to the box in the middle of the page.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Trump has saved millions of lives despite many in the media and most Dems early saying Wuhan was no big deal. Once he restarts the economy it's over. It's a blow out for Trump and you Biden guys know it. Your attempt to project your fears onto Trump supporters won't make you feel any less uneasy. Just go with it. It's actually better for you, unless you like living in perpetual misery.

You mean "cost" many lives. By his incompetence and inaction. It will be years before things are back to normal. And I hate to break this to you, he's got no say in restarting anything. He can bloviate all he wants but it's up to governors, mayors, and business leaders.

No I live in reality. He saved millions according to estimates despite Dems ignoring the warnings. Of course local governors have a say, but they aren't the end all be all when it comes to what's best. Still will need to act within federal laws and recommendations and what is best for America.

So now you righties want the federal "gubmint" to step in and supersede the will of the states and determine what is best for America? Wow, that was fast. Statists, the lot.

I thought you hated the electoral college?

I have no opinion on the electoral college other than the fact that some of the less populous states hold too many votes. It's our system and it ain't changing any time soon. Even though it encourages gerrymandering and there are those states that you can pretty much mark down as blue or red before one vote is even cast. No one has proposed anything far.

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