"Biden is Essentially a Dead Man Walking Politically".

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
After Biden’s disastrous fourth place finish in Iowa the Vice President essentially conceded New Hampshire at a debate when Biden told the crowd he would “take another hit” in the Granite State.

With polls showing Biden’s support plummeting, the Vice President made the shocking decision to throw in the towel on New Hampshire and flee the state the morning of the primary to retreat to South Carolina.

Polls showed Biden leading in South Carolina thanks to the support of black voters, and the Palmetto State figured to be Biden’s last stand.

Biden attended a “launch party” in South Carolina and claimed the primary campaign was just getting started.

“We just heard from the first two of 50 states. Two of them. Not all the nation, not half the nation, not a quarter of the nation, not ten percent — two,” Biden claimed. “Where I come from, that’s an opening bell.”

Biden also told the crowd that 99.9 percent of African-Americans and 99.8 percent of Latinos had yet to vote and that, “We’re not going to let them take this election away from you.”

Despite these brave words, Biden is essentially a dead man walking politically.

Biden’s campaign is almost out of money and the former Vice President figures to absorb another fourth or fifth place finish in Nevada, which holds its caucus one week before the South Carolina primary.

Black voters gave Biden such strong support in early polls because they judged him to be the most “electable” candidate".
Joe Biden threw in the towel with this stunning confession | Renewed Right

The question is for everyone: WHAT would Biden do if there were no slave trade and illegal immigration?


he was as soon as peachmint was over for which he was the main prop

This is a corrupt political son of... I think we don’t even suspect whose interests he represented in Ukraine, starting a war and supporting financially (at our expense) in the gas-rich Southeast of “Ukraine”

All this dirty show with impeachment, essentially an attempt at a constitutional coup, was an operation to cover up something very dirty and big initiated and managed by Clinton, Pelosi & Co.
The only issue about Joe Biden still worth discussing is:

How stupid anyone is who cannot see that his mind is going, going, gone.

You can cut Blacks some amount of slack...because, based on their life experience, it may well seem to them that every old white man is ready for an Alzheimer's Ward.

But, in the case of Senile Joe, it is time that even Blacks look at reality.

Joe Biden will need a round-the-clock nurse in the next four years....and that means he cannot be our president for the next four years.

"C'mon man!"....is the theme of his campaign. At least, he seems to think so.
The only issue about Joe Biden still worth discussing is:

How stupid anyone is who cannot see that his mind is going, going, gone.

You can cut Blacks some amount of slack...because, based on their life experience, it may well seem to them that every old white man is ready for an Alzheimer's Ward.

But, in the case of Senile Joe, it is time that even Blacks look at reality.

Joe Biden will need a round-the-clock nurse in the next four years....and that means he cannot be our president for the next four years.

"C'mon man!"....is the theme of his campaign. At least, he seems to think so.

They can share one nurse for two with Hillary - the same syndrome: a lack of power and manipulation of people

"Be positive, Hillary, things can change...Remember John and Robert?
Еverything can change in one day. In the meantime, we could do psychological relaxing procedures together IF you don't turn me into another poor Harvey Weinstein..."
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After Biden’s disastrous fourth place finish in Iowa the Vice President essentially conceded New Hampshire at a debate when Biden told the crowd he would “take another hit” in the Granite State.

With polls showing Biden’s support plummeting, the Vice President made the shocking decision to throw in the towel on New Hampshire and flee the state the morning of the primary to retreat to South Carolina.

Polls showed Biden leading in South Carolina thanks to the support of black voters, and the Palmetto State figured to be Biden’s last stand.

Biden attended a “launch party” in South Carolina and claimed the primary campaign was just getting started.

“We just heard from the first two of 50 states. Two of them. Not all the nation, not half the nation, not a quarter of the nation, not ten percent — two,” Biden claimed. “Where I come from, that’s an opening bell.”

Biden also told the crowd that 99.9 percent of African-Americans and 99.8 percent of Latinos had yet to vote and that, “We’re not going to let them take this election away from you.”

Despite these brave words, Biden is essentially a dead man walking politically.

Biden’s campaign is almost out of money and the former Vice President figures to absorb another fourth or fifth place finish in Nevada, which holds its caucus one week before the South Carolina primary.

Black voters gave Biden such strong support in early polls because they judged him to be the most “electable” candidate".
Joe Biden threw in the towel with this stunning confession | Renewed Right

The question is for everyone: WHAT would Biden do if there were no slave trade and illegal immigration?


I would not count him out yet. He has South Carolina win coming and the DNC machine is behind him.
Biden had a stronger black showing than sanders ...sanders can really tank in the south...
make ya ponder will blacks that automatically support the dem establishment swamp candidate will some flip for trump in the general ...

What will thier allies say :10:
After Biden’s disastrous fourth place finish in Iowa the Vice President essentially conceded New Hampshire at a debate when Biden told the crowd he would “take another hit” in the Granite State.

With polls showing Biden’s support plummeting, the Vice President made the shocking decision to throw in the towel on New Hampshire and flee the state the morning of the primary to retreat to South Carolina.

Polls showed Biden leading in South Carolina thanks to the support of black voters, and the Palmetto State figured to be Biden’s last stand.

Biden attended a “launch party” in South Carolina and claimed the primary campaign was just getting started.

“We just heard from the first two of 50 states. Two of them. Not all the nation, not half the nation, not a quarter of the nation, not ten percent — two,” Biden claimed. “Where I come from, that’s an opening bell.”

Biden also told the crowd that 99.9 percent of African-Americans and 99.8 percent of Latinos had yet to vote and that, “We’re not going to let them take this election away from you.”

Despite these brave words, Biden is essentially a dead man walking politically.

Biden’s campaign is almost out of money and the former Vice President figures to absorb another fourth or fifth place finish in Nevada, which holds its caucus one week before the South Carolina primary.

Black voters gave Biden such strong support in early polls because they judged him to be the most “electable” candidate".
Joe Biden threw in the towel with this stunning confession | Renewed Right

The question is for everyone: WHAT would Biden do if there were no slave trade and illegal immigration?


I would not count him out yet. He has South Carolina win coming and the DNC machine is behind him.
538 thinks Bern it Down Bernie has an edge in SC

2020 Democratic Primary: Who will win the South Carolina primary?
Stupid stupid stupid fucking Dimms put Biden’s corruption on the front page of the news for months with their impeachment hoax.

What absolute stupid fucks.
It also looks like Bern It All Down Sanders is going to do very well on Super Tuesday. It might take some of Hillary's noosest work to stop him now.
Stupid stupid stupid fucking Dimms put Biden’s corruption on the front page of the news for months with their impeachment hoax.

What absolute stupid fucks.
Starting to look like Pelosi/Schiff took the Democrat nomination from Biden and handed it to Sanders.
Let’s highlight Biden’s corruption for 5 months and nominate a communist.

You have to love the morons on the left. My goodness they are fucking entertaining.
Stupid stupid stupid fucking Dimms put Biden’s corruption on the front page of the news for months with their impeachment hoax.

What absolute stupid fucks.
Starting to look like Pelosi/Schiff took the Democrat nomination from Biden and handed it to Sanders.


What a colossal political blunder the impeachment was for Dimms.

Just so fucking stupid, it’s amazing. It’s amazing that 60 million morons will end up voting for a communist for POTUS.
Let’s highlight Biden’s corruption for 5 months and nominate a communist.

You have to love the morons on the left. My goodness they are fucking entertaining.
Without the Whistle Blower, no one would have known about Biden extorting Ukraine with a $Billion in US Aid, and Hunter's $Million dollar no show job.
Stupid stupid stupid fucking Dimms put Biden’s corruption on the front page of the news for months with their impeachment hoax.

What absolute stupid fucks.
Starting to look like Pelosi/Schiff took the Democrat nomination from Biden and handed it to Sanders.


What a colossal political blunder the impeachment was for Dimms.

Just so fucking stupid, it’s amazing. It’s amazing that 60 million morons will end up voting for a communist for POTUS.
Never right,
Never uncertain,
Always self-righteous.

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