Biden has created a Humanitarian crisis on our Southern Border


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Yet they are trying to cover it up.....refuse to let journalists go down there.


Texas Gov. : Biden Border Policies Created 'Humanitarian Crisis'


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Dems cheated to get this moron in the WH when Trump was doing a great job and could have continued if not for the steal. Reap what is sown and I pray, yes, pray, that Dems get what they never thought they would get. Betrayal from those they believed and helped get MushBrain in there.
Dems cheated to get this moron in the WH when Trump was doing a great job and could have continued if not for the steal. Reap what is sown and I pray, yes, pray, that Dems get what they never thought they would get. Betrayal from those they believed and helped get MushBrain in there.
mushbrain...I like it!!!!
what a blackeye for America.....humanitarian crisis are what you expect in countries deswtroyed by warlords, cartels or leftist well...I guess Xiden has a leftist regime....didn't take him long to create a humanitarian crisis....not long at all.

It's sad really, sad and scary that this is what the left has created. I feel for these children. Thousands of them, locked in cages on the border, seperated from their familes, denied access to legal representation, denied basic human rights.....
Pelosi said they are leaving because of climate change. Have confidence that congressional leadership isn't spinning this some goofy way, facing facts, and taking effective action.
Biden is very obviously in the pocket of the cartels. Either the communist democrats intend to flood the nation with fentanyl or they don't care that the cartels are flooding in fentanyl. There is no doubt that the mass of humanity now being forced upon us is the army communist democrats hope to use to. crush dissent by Americans.

It's so obvious. The only applicable course of action is for Americans to rise up and secure the border themselves.
Yet they are trying to cover it up.....refuse to let journalists go down there.


Texas Gov. : Biden Border Policies Created 'Humanitarian Crisis'

Let's be fair.

The Figurehead is not responsible.

His woke "advisers" are.

Biden was not forced to run for President......I am sure he even knows himself he is not qualified for that.....hence his willingness to say or do whatever the mysterious cabal that controls him tells him to do....his family also well knows his condition and thus should have persuaded him to not do it.....obviously they must want the perks that they get from biden being President and care not for what is best for America.
The border isn't no crisis. It's a F'in disaster!

Afterall, the Gov't sent FEMA.

The question of the hour is how many more disasters is the democratic party going to tolerate till they decide to dump ole joe.
Yet they are trying to cover it up.....refuse to let journalists go down there.


Texas Gov. : Biden Border Policies Created 'Humanitarian Crisis'

Let's be fair.

The Figurehead is not responsible.

His woke "advisers" are.

Biden was not forced to run for President......I am sure he even knows himself he is not qualified for that.....hence his willingness to say or do whatever the mysterious cabal that controls him tells him to do....his family also well knows his condition and thus should have persuaded him to not do it.....obviously they must want the perks that they get from biden being President and care not for what is best for America.

Bi-Dung should be impeached for not upholding our Constitution and jeopardizing our National Security on the So. Border!
60% of current illegals are not being tested for Wuhanvirus, and this is only starters as far as the effects this Bi-Dung orchestrated infestation is causing!!
If Trump were still in office and this was happening, he would be impeached AGAIN. Why is Biden getting away with all this? Where are our high ranking politicians? Gas is up. Food is up. Hell, even thrift stores are going up in price.

We have to wear masks. Businesses closed for good. Illegals are entering thousands per day carrying who knows what in disease. None are being checked.

Cities are burning. Rioting has not stopped. Taxes are going UP, just as Biden said he would do.

Suicide rates are sky high for teenagers AND older folks. Much needed medicines are raised where people will DIE if they can't afford to buy them.

NK is making noises again, via Rocket Woman since Rocket Man is probably dead. China is busy vamping their military might, Russia is laughing at us and might take the first shot before China does since we are rich pickin's.

Yet, nobody has done a damn thing. NOBODY HAS DONE A DAMN THING. And those nobodies are sitting in the senate and congress and the WH and mansions and fancy restaurants.

When Trump lost, I said "we are totally fucked now" and by "we", I meant ALL of us. Even the morons that STILL backed Biden and see no problem. Not all libs have money to fall back on. They will be screwed just as bad as the conservatives. Even the military who claimed to love Trump has done nothing and I don't give a shit what their superiors tell them to do. They swore an oath. Are they soldiers, or "just doing their job" like the nazi's claimed when finally caught.

In short....again....WE ARE FUCKED.

Karma bites. It might be a day. A month, 35 years, but it WILL bite. Those who let their hate take over their common sense will get bit eventually. Woe unto them. To us.

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