Biden Goes To Ground


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Biden has taken today off.

See below.

Jake Schneider


Annnnd there it is: at 9:22 a.m., 42 days before the election, a lid has been called by the Biden campaign
8:31 AM · Sep 22, 2020·Twitter Web App


To the press corp "a lid" being called by any campaign means the candidate will not be in public today. He has now done this every other day for several days. They fly him to some state, allow only a handful of "reliable" reporters into an otherwise empty room. He reads a speech...pretty much the same one every wears him out...and they fly him home.

He goes to bed, and then takes the next day off.

He is obviously not well.

What else could explain a candidate for President campaigning only every other day during full campaign season---which starts Labor Day?

Neo-Bolsheviks who cannot understand people voting for Donald Trump because he looks to have some personality disorders (as do most of us) never seem to comprehend that our other choice in 2016 was Pure Depravity and now our other choice appears to be Mid-Stage Dementia.

Even if you thought Trump was Half-Crazy in 2016---well, you had to take a chance on Crazy. And sometimes it works. Andrew Jackson was half Crazy, and Mean. Served two terms and is on the $20 bill. Theodore Roosevelt was half crazy. He's on Mt. Rushmore. The Brits were certain in the 1930's that Winston Churchill was bat-shit crazy. Then Hitler got to nipping on their ass---and now Churchill is generally considered the greatest man of the 20th century.

I had to take a chance on crazy in 2016, and now I am sending him money, because I have never seen a man battle FOR AMERICA like him; battle fanatic resistance at home that probably amounted to Sedition---to build a great economy, and otherwise do his very best to fulfill every campaign promise; started no new wars and ended some---God Bless him.

Sometimes you have to take a chance on Crazy, and sometimes it works!
Back to his bunker?? Wonder if he can find his way out again??
They fly him to some state, allow only a handful of "reliable" reporters into an otherwise empty room. He reads a speech...pretty much the same one every wears him out...and they fly him home. He goes to bed, and then takes the next day off. He is obviously not well. What else could explain a candidate for President campaigning only every other day during full campaign season---which starts Labor Day?

NOTHING. The man can't even campaign much less do the job. Wait till he gets out there battling Russia, China, Iran, NK, Europe, Covid-19, Riots, investigations, hearings, hurricanes, disasters, accusations, press meetings DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY with no let up.

The only way Joe would make it is to simple acquiesce to every nation's demands and give everyone what they want!

Oh Slam-- -- -- that's what the democrat's normally do anyway!
This is the formula. The Democrats pump Biden full of fluids and stimulants that get him through a day of travel and speeches. He comes back barely able to walk off the plane by himself and they spend the next 48 hours pumping him up again. He is headed for a serious physical break down.
This is the formula. The Democrats pump Biden full of fluids and stimulants that get him through a day of travel and speeches. He comes back barely able to walk off the plane by himself and they spend the next 48 hours pumping him up again. He is headed for a serious physical break down.

It's senior abuse I tell ya'!

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