For those who won't vote, answer me this


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Here's what I think will happen if Biden wins and the Dems take the Senate:

The Senate filibuster gets shit-canned, simple majority vote for everything. Do you think this is a good idea?

DC gets admitted as the 51st state, giving the Dems an extra 2 seats in the Senate and 3 or more electoral college votes. Maybe Puerto Rico gets admitted too, so that's 4 new Senate seats and perhaps 6 or more EC votes. Which makes it harder for the GOP to take back the WH or the Senate. Both places will be a drain on our resources.

Bailouts for fiscally strapped states and cities. We pay for the riot damage done in the big cities that didn't even try to contain the violence and destruction. What makes you think all that goes away if Biden wins? What'll happen when the next black guy is killed by a cop, justified or not?

Will democrat run cities and states defund their PDs, or will the federal gov't provide additional funding for those cities?

Repeal of the SALT deduction for rich people.

Higher taxes, more spending. More regulations too, none of which will help the economy grow.

More lockdowns and social distancing. Won't help the economy either.

My guess is, the stock market will take a hit, maybe a crash. A lot of less than rich people will suffer a drop in their 401ks.

Reinstitute the Iran deal. Maybe restart the Paris Accords too. How many ways can we send billions and trillions of our tax dollars overseas?

China resumes it's rape of American businesses. Hunter Biden gets really wealthy.

No doubt some other stuff I didn't think of.

Okay, so here's my question: what on earth is Trump going to do that is worse than this?
Here's what I think will happen if Biden wins and the Dems take the Senate:

The Senate filibuster gets shit-canned, simple majority vote for everything. Do you think this is a good idea?

DC gets admitted as the 51st state, giving the Dems an extra 2 seats in the Senate and 3 or more electoral college votes. Maybe Puerto Rico gets admitted too, so that's 4 new Senate seats and perhaps 6 or more EC votes. Which makes it harder for the GOP to take back the WH or the Senate. Both places will be a drain on our resources.

Bailouts for fiscally strapped states and cities. We pay for the riot damage done in the big cities that didn't even try to contain the violence and destruction. What makes you think all that goes away if Biden wins? What'll happen when the next black guy is killed by a cop, justified or not?

Will democrat run cities and states defund their PDs, or will the federal gov't provide additional funding for those cities?

Repeal of the SALT deduction for rich people.

Higher taxes, more spending. More regulations too, none of which will help the economy grow.

More lockdowns and social distancing. Won't help the economy either.

My guess is, the stock market will take a hit, maybe a crash. A lot of less than rich people will suffer a drop in their 401ks.

Reinstitute the Iran deal. Maybe restart the Paris Accords too. How many ways can we send billions and trillions of our tax dollars overseas?

China resumes it's rape of American businesses. Hunter Biden gets really wealthy.

No doubt some other stuff I didn't think of.

Okay, so here's my question: what on earth is Trump going to do that is worse than this?
If they won't take the time to vote, what makes you think they would take the time to answer?
Any never Trumper republican that intends to vote for Biden had better keep it to him or herself...
Any never Trumper republican that intends to vote for Biden had better keep it to him or herself...
Why? You going to beat them up? I have voted Republican more often than not. I am a never trumper, though did give him 9 months to prove my evaluation of how he might grow into the job. He didn't. I not only intend to vote Joe Biden for President of the United States in 2020. I definitely will vote and encourage all to Vote for Joseph R. Biden, Jr for President of the United State of America in 2020 as soon as early voting starts or as soon as you get your absentee/mail in ballot.
Any never Trumper republican that intends to vote for Biden had better keep it to him or herself.
Well, they're not.

Republican Voters Against Trump- 144K subscribers & counting
Then they will pay...check out Romneys popularity ratings....the left and the swamp have no idea just how popular the president is....not a clue....

Oh, we are paying and paying and paying every day. America is paying. We've paid enough. In fact, we've paid too much. I am not pro biden, I am for getting Rump out of office, period.
Okay, so here's my question: what on earth is Trump going to do that is worse than this?

Continue to divide the country.

I am amazed that any democrat would say that, in view of the identity politics that the democrats been practicing for several years now. This country was divided long before Trump showed up, and in my opinion the fault for that lies more with the Dems than it does for the GOP. And since Trump was elected, even before he took office, the Dems and the Dem-leaning MSM have been every bit as divisive as Trump.
Okay, so here's my question: what on earth is Trump going to do that is worse than this?

Continue to divide the country.

I am amazed that any democrat would say that, in view of the identity politics that the democrats been practicing for several years now. This country was divided long before Trump showed up, and in my opinion the fault for that lies more with the Dems than it does for the GOP. And since Trump was elected, even before he took office, the Dems and the Dem-leaning MSM have been every bit as divisive as Trump.

Then you admit that Rump has been divisive. Now, that's a first. Considering one of the most important jobs any President has is to UNITE the nation, sounds like Rump has fallen flat on his face and added to the chaos. I am not Pro Biden. I am for getting the Divider Rump out of Office.
I have said I am not voting. A pox on both parties. I refuse to vote just to vote against. No one has given me a reason to vote for. Just fear mongering. I honestly think we will have violence no matter who wins. You idiots believe your own propaganda.

Elect Trump. Nothing will change. Four years of more violence and hatred. Elect Biden. No difference. Four years of violence and hatred. Both sides are fools.
Here's what I think will happen if Biden wins and the Dems take the Senate:

The Senate filibuster gets shit-canned, simple majority vote for everything. Do you think this is a good idea?

DC gets admitted as the 51st state, giving the Dems an extra 2 seats in the Senate and 3 or more electoral college votes. Maybe Puerto Rico gets admitted too, so that's 4 new Senate seats and perhaps 6 or more EC votes. Which makes it harder for the GOP to take back the WH or the Senate. Both places will be a drain on our resources.

Bailouts for fiscally strapped states and cities. We pay for the riot damage done in the big cities that didn't even try to contain the violence and destruction. What makes you think all that goes away if Biden wins? What'll happen when the next black guy is killed by a cop, justified or not?

Will democrat run cities and states defund their PDs, or will the federal gov't provide additional funding for those cities?

Repeal of the SALT deduction for rich people.

Higher taxes, more spending. More regulations too, none of which will help the economy grow.

More lockdowns and social distancing. Won't help the economy either.

My guess is, the stock market will take a hit, maybe a crash. A lot of less than rich people will suffer a drop in their 401ks.

Reinstitute the Iran deal. Maybe restart the Paris Accords too. How many ways can we send billions and trillions of our tax dollars overseas?

China resumes it's rape of American businesses. Hunter Biden gets really wealthy.

No doubt some other stuff I didn't think of.

Okay, so here's my question: what on earth is Trump going to do that is worse than this?

Well, let's un-clutch those pearls a bit and run down your list, shall we?

1) Yes the filibuster will get canned. But it's not like you didn't see it coming. Republicans have been playing obstructionist for almost a decade now. There are issues facing the country that are more important that jamming conservative judges on the bench because you see your power waning because of shifting demographics. I'm for it.
2) DC yes (as it should be) Puerto Rico?...meh..I doubt it. But really, if the GOP put forth new and fresh ideas that helped working class Americans instead of the 1% and corporations, they could compete on the field of ideas, not ideology.
3) That's coming whether you like it or not. You can blame the governments response to the pandemic for that. As far as rioting/violence, I'm sorry, I'm still not convinced there aren't right wing agitators out there stirring up the violence. It's in their interest and support of their lord and savior to cause trouble. I would focus on the reasons behind the protests.
4) No. As I predicted, calmer heads are already starting to prevail. Will there be re-direction of funds to community programs? Sure. But no one is getting rid of the police.
5) Good
6) Seriously? This is actually funny. With a Democrat, at least I know they are going to raise my taxes and spend that money. With a Republican, they will cut taxes for their wealthy donors and corporations and then STILL spend the same amount of money. How do I know this? Because that's what Republicans do. All at the ever present altar of trickle down and supply side economics. Time to sit down and come up a tax structure that works. Something that I think can only get done if Democrats control the Presidency, House and Senate.
7) Mask wearing and social distancing would help slow and eventually stop the spread of the virus, making additional lockdowns unnecessary. Something that should have been shouted from the rootops by Trump in January. The resulting economic carnage could have been largely avoided. Unfortunately, we have a President who's managed to convince a large bloc of his followers to reject belief in science and has underminded and sown distrust in our norms and institutions.
8) The stock market goes up. The stock market goes down. It is largely a reactionary tool that serves corporations and people buying and selling stocks. The market went up during the Obama and Clinton years as it has during Trump's tenure. I lost a little over a 1/3 of the value of my 401K from February to June. I've gained almost all of it back. Now the market is in roller coaster mode, where I expect it to stay until this pandemic gets sorted out.
9) As they both should be.
10) Again, see my laughter at point #6. Trump and his children? Are we really gonna run down that road? :) Unless you can convince a way to make Americans work for slave labor wages and ignore or overturn every environmental and regulatory law that protects those workers, China will continue to be a player on the world economic stage.

What is Trump going to do that is worse than the above? We get another four years of a guy who has no interest in being President.
Here's what I think will happen if Biden wins and the Dems take the Senate:

The Senate filibuster gets shit-canned, simple majority vote for everything. Do you think this is a good idea?

DC gets admitted as the 51st state, giving the Dems an extra 2 seats in the Senate and 3 or more electoral college votes. Maybe Puerto Rico gets admitted too, so that's 4 new Senate seats and perhaps 6 or more EC votes. Which makes it harder for the GOP to take back the WH or the Senate. Both places will be a drain on our resources.

Bailouts for fiscally strapped states and cities. We pay for the riot damage done in the big cities that didn't even try to contain the violence and destruction. What makes you think all that goes away if Biden wins? What'll happen when the next black guy is killed by a cop, justified or not?

Will democrat run cities and states defund their PDs, or will the federal gov't provide additional funding for those cities?

Repeal of the SALT deduction for rich people.

Higher taxes, more spending. More regulations too, none of which will help the economy grow.

More lockdowns and social distancing. Won't help the economy either.

My guess is, the stock market will take a hit, maybe a crash. A lot of less than rich people will suffer a drop in their 401ks.

Reinstitute the Iran deal. Maybe restart the Paris Accords too. How many ways can we send billions and trillions of our tax dollars overseas?

China resumes it's rape of American businesses. Hunter Biden gets really wealthy.

No doubt some other stuff I didn't think of.

Okay, so here's my question: what on earth is Trump going to do that is worse than this?

I don't often reply to posts, but will remind everyone very little of this happened under Obama, our economy recovered nicely from the great recession left over from Republican George W Bush, and Biden will run things about the same as Obama.

Your fear mongering is duly noted though....:bye1:
Any never Trumper republican that intends to vote for Biden had better keep it to him or herself.
Well, they're not.

Republican Voters Against Trump- 144K subscribers & counting
Then they will pay...check out Romneys popularity ratings....the left and the swamp have no idea just how popular the president is....not a clue....

Oh, we are paying and paying and paying every day. America is paying. We've paid enough. In fact, we've paid too much. I am not pro biden, I am for getting Rump out of office, period.
Had he been military he may have been. Rump. Ranger, brown metal recipient.
Here's what I think will happen if Biden wins and the Dems take the Senate:

The Senate filibuster gets shit-canned, simple majority vote for everything. Do you think this is a good idea?

DC gets admitted as the 51st state, giving the Dems an extra 2 seats in the Senate and 3 or more electoral college votes. Maybe Puerto Rico gets admitted too, so that's 4 new Senate seats and perhaps 6 or more EC votes. Which makes it harder for the GOP to take back the WH or the Senate. Both places will be a drain on our resources.

Bailouts for fiscally strapped states and cities. We pay for the riot damage done in the big cities that didn't even try to contain the violence and destruction. What makes you think all that goes away if Biden wins? What'll happen when the next black guy is killed by a cop, justified or not?

Will democrat run cities and states defund their PDs, or will the federal gov't provide additional funding for those cities?

Repeal of the SALT deduction for rich people.

Higher taxes, more spending. More regulations too, none of which will help the economy grow.

More lockdowns and social distancing. Won't help the economy either.

My guess is, the stock market will take a hit, maybe a crash. A lot of less than rich people will suffer a drop in their 401ks.

Reinstitute the Iran deal. Maybe restart the Paris Accords too. How many ways can we send billions and trillions of our tax dollars overseas?

China resumes it's rape of American businesses. Hunter Biden gets really wealthy.

No doubt some other stuff I didn't think of.

Okay, so here's my question: what on earth is Trump going to do that is worse than this?

You're suddenly concerned with spending? LOL
Okay, so here's my question: what on earth is Trump going to do that is worse than this?

Continue to divide the country.

I am amazed that any democrat would say that, in view of the identity politics that the democrats been practicing for several years now. This country was divided long before Trump showed up, and in my opinion the fault for that lies more with the Dems than it does for the GOP. And since Trump was elected, even before he took office, the Dems and the Dem-leaning MSM have been every bit as divisive as Trump.
They know they are full of shit. The left has to keep people divided or they lose support.
Okay, so here's my question: what on earth is Trump going to do that is worse than this?

Continue to divide the country.

I am amazed that any democrat would say that, in view of the identity politics that the democrats been practicing for several years now. This country was divided long before Trump showed up, and in my opinion the fault for that lies more with the Dems than it does for the GOP. And since Trump was elected, even before he took office, the Dems and the Dem-leaning MSM have been every bit as divisive as Trump.
They know they are full of shit. The left has to keep people divided or they lose support.

Wow, coming from a Rumper about Division. That's rich.

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