Biden Giving A Press Conference Announcing A Return to Failed Obama Policy Of Giving $700 Million to SA Country's To Prevent Illegals Coming To US


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Before declaring he was going to abdicate part of his power to Harris, Biden declared he was re-instating the failed Obama policy of paying South American nations $700 BILLION dollars to make those nations more pleasing / successful so Illegals would stop coming to the US. History has proven that none of that moneyis ever used on those nation's citizens and that recods of numbers of illegals still come to the US, thatthis tax payer Billions are a complete waste.

President Biden is lying his ass off, falsely claiming again this massive surge and disaster is Trump's fault.

The President of Mexico has declared Trump's wall and policies were working.

Harris has said we have to research the root cause for the surge, why illegals are coming to the US.
-- The illegals being caught at the border are openly declaring they are coming to the US because of Biden's failed policies.

Harris dec;ared she would be building relationships and working to coordinate agreements with the Southern Triangle nations when the Trump already had agreements with those nations and a policy that those nations said was working!

Fragile Joe is once again declaring Harris is taking over this issue, tha the wields his power and speaks for him.

Joe asked 'what is next' after Harris stopped talking, and the Media was immediately usher out of the room - Joe again did not answer any questions.

It was announced as well that a group of 14 politicians are being allowed to visit a cherry-picked detention facility where there is no over-crowding - a propaganda stunt.
Since when does the Constitution say the President has the power to spend money on his own?
Since when does the Constitution say the President has the power to spend money on his own?
Since when does the Constitution say the President can rule by edict? Yet Biden has been doing it.
One highly noticeable comment by Biden was how HARRIS was going to be 'sending him a few things' that he was going to sign more weight to the argument about who is really acting as President / controlling Biden.

Its been reported Harris has taken over Biden's responsibility of speaking to foreign leaders, and now Biden just announced he is abdicating his responsibility to talk to the leaders of the South American and find an answer to this disaster.

The fact is, as pointed out - by these leaders already, the President of Mexico, and even the flood of illegals coming in - this problem has already been addressed and the Trump policy was working, that Biden's failed policies are directly responsible for this crisis.

Biden and the Democrats were so eager to eliminate / reverse all of Trump's policies they ended up f*ing themselves and this country in doing so. They did not visit the border. They did not talk to the experts. they did not talk to the BPAs, the Mexican President......and now Biden has announced a rerun to Obama's failed policy of paying $700 Billion to South American governments that will pocket the money while waving good-bye to their citizens heading to our border.
Just Bizarre.

I know these guys hate Trump down to his core, but some things he did were working.

Now these idiots want to roll it all back and revert to things that never worked.

It really is some strange shit....
Biden said this disaster started under Trump, but the official record / reporting shows that immediately after Biden took over and started reversing Trump policy more than 3 times the number of illegals that were coming to the US under Trump were nom coming a result of Biden's failed policies.

Before being elected, Biden and Harris were telling illegals, 'COME to the US', but their policy has been such a disastrous failure it has been forced to do a 180 degrees.

"While the concept of increasing foreign aid to assist struggling countries may sound good on paper, it is highly ineffective — especially in the Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

Throwing billions of dollars at these countries will not reduce illegal migration to the United States. The money likely will be abused by corrupt government officials, and the investment does not address the pull factors that incentivize illegal immigration at our southern border.

Foreign aid packages have not reduced or controlled migration from the Northern Triangle countries in recent years. In response to the 2014 humanitarian and border crisis, largely fueled by migrating families from these three countries, the United States introduced the Alliance for Prosperity initiative that committed an initial $750 million to these countries to help alleviate poor economic conditions and violence."

But this aid package did little to deter illegal immigration.

In Guatemala, former president Jimmy Morales prevented a United Nations-backed anti-corruption investigation into his government and was accused of widespread crimes. He then questionably received immunity while his administration officials were prosecuted.

Similarly, Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández was recently charged for taking bribes from drug traffickers and, according to U.S. prosecutors, had the country’s armed forces protect a cocaine laboratory and shipments to the United States.

These incidents reveal that there is little trust in these leaders. Rewarding them with billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars in aid likely will not help their impoverished citizens.

Biden believes that addressing the root causes of migration in Central America will solve the nation’s illegal migration problem. But what he should be addressing are his own policies that encourage migrants to come to our border.

The problem is these countries' leaders are corrupt as hell, and they pocket the money we have given them instead of using it to end their pepp[le's illegal immigration, which is a result of them trying to get away from their corrupt leaders!

So Biden's answer to HIS Illegal Immigration disaster is to adopt Barry's failed Immigration policy.

Throwing money at Central America will not curb illegal migration
Biden said this disaster started under Trump, but the official record / reporting shows that immediately after Biden took over and started reversing Trump policy more than 3 times the number of illegals that were coming to the US under Trump were nom coming a result of Biden's failed policies.

Before being elected, Biden and Harris were telling illegals, 'COME to the US', but their policy has been such a disastrous failure it has been forced to do a 180 degrees.

That "It's Trump's fault" is nonsense, of course. Immigration fell by nearly half in the first 3 years of his presidency, according to NPR.

But, they can't take the blame, despite how glaringly obvious it is that this is Biden's fault, so they blame Trump despite the fact that Trump warned anyone and everyone about exactly this over and over again while on the campaign trail.

Biden owns this lock, stock and barrel....

Now he's putting The Giggler in charge. I'm sure that'll help. LOL.

The Illegal crisis happening now is President Trump's Fault. They are NOT
coming here because of me or my failed policies!


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