Biden fearful of how Black Hawk Down moment might make him look


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Bwahahaha. Gateway pundit? Why not just post shit you found on the inside of your toilet before you flushed?
But I thought Americans weren't trapped.
So it's more of dem Mary Jo Kopeckne moment

He’s just looking for a predetermined excuse for when there are reports of 100s of dead Americans
The Trumpeters are getting really pissed off there isn't dead bodies coming back from Afghanistan...

They would probably ask for Biden to get the death penalty if some one got into a car crash on the way to airport...

Still no real solutions from them after the position Trump put Biden in...
Fucksake... Get a clue...

This is the Trump deal... This is what he signed up too..

Your complaint is Biden stayed inside an international deal...

So please tell us what Biden could have done differently?

Please don't use wild aspirations of hindsight..

Trump had a deal on the Southern border too, how come Dementia Joe didn't honor that?

You democrats own this 100%.

Stolen elections have consequences too
Nothing would make the right happier than seeing a bunch of dead Americans right now. Man, you can just hear them fantasizing about it.

Thank goodness you don't always get what you want.

other than whine what has trump done?
Bwahahaha. Gateway pundit? Why not just post shit you found on the inside of your toilet before you flushed?
It was on a video call, Dumbass. Plenty of folks were watching it.

Nothing would make the right happier than seeing a bunch of dead Americans right now. Man, you can just hear them fantasizing about it.

Thank goodness you don't always get what you want.
No Putz, nobody wants that but it is inevitable, and Clusterfuck Joe will own every one of them.
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But I thought Americans weren't trapped.
So it's more of dem Mary Jo Kopeckne moment

But I thought Americans weren't trapped.
So it's more of dem Mary Jo Kopeckne moment

/——-/ Is dementia joe even aware?
View attachment 530116

other than whine what has trump done?
While I absolutely applaud Hillary Clinton for being so willing to help get people out of there, your meme is an absolute lie on two points.

First, Clinton offered up a few seats on a single flight, seats which ultimately, remained empty. She's not, by any stretch of the imagination, "organizing charter flights":

One option emerged when Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state, offered a few seats for Afghan employees on a charter flight her team was trying to arrange to help Afghan women at risk, according to three people briefed on the discussions. The employees did not end up taking the flight.

How News Organizations Got Afghan Colleagues Out of Kabul

Second, Donald Trump's 757 isn't even air-worthy, as it's sat idle for the four years he was President. You just don't turn the ignition on one of those and and fire it up...
Fucksake... Get a clue...

This is the Trump deal... This is what he signed up too..

Your complaint is Biden stayed inside an international deal...

So please tell us what Biden could have done differently?

Please don't use wild aspirations of hindsight..

Joe Biden is the President. If he looked at this plan and thought it was bad, he could've put the brakes on. He could've said "No, this is bad all around. Let's come up with a better plan."

So, bad Trump p[lan or not, Biden willingly accepted it. He could've changed it. Hell, Trump changed Obama's plans (Paris Accord, etc), so saying that Biden couldn't do it is just ignorant nonsense.

By accepting it, he adopted it. He made it his own. This will forever go down as the Biden Plan.

And he's fucking it up six ways to Sunday.

If even a single American is killed, Joe Biden should be impeached and removed from office...
Bwahahaha. Gateway pundit? Why not just post shit you found on the inside of your toilet before you flushed?
Can you explain to me how political people and TV news channel personalities intertwine? There seems to be a conflict of interest in this. Many seem to change their political views depending on the agendas. One example...Joe Scarborough. Elected from the conservative Panhandle of Florida. To put it to you...Very right leaning with rednecks. But yo....what happened? Joe is to the left AOC in many issues now. See what lies are. See what sell outs are. See what is the swamp. Trust reduces as the agitations cause more and more pain.
Trump had a deal on the Southern border too, how come Dementia Joe didn't honor that?

You democrats own this 100%.

Stolen elections have consequences too
What international deal was on the southern border?

Even if there was did Biden change an international deal witout other signatories?

Trump had a deal with the Taliban... I don't know how the fuck you do business but wanted to Biden to renegotiating a deal after Trump had left just 2500 troops in the country facing an army of 70,000...

Could you tell us why Taliban would sign that deal... Biden got them to delay by 3 months... He encouraged Americans but the didn't, how was that Biden's fault?

So Biden bent the deal as far it was going... Taliban want Americans to leave...
Nothing would make the right happier than seeing a bunch of dead Americans right now. Man, you can just hear them fantasizing about it.

Thank goodness you don't always get what you want.
It was on a video call, Dumbass. Plenty of folks were watching it.

So we ask you again ... What would you expect Biden to do? Lets make it clear most of the options to him were taken off the table..

Please tell us what you would have done when you came in in Jan?

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