Biden DOJ Sides with Porn Industry's Lawsuit Against Texas's Age Verification Law

Except that isn't what happened. What happened was, based ontheir names, it was clear they were PACs when they claimed to be social welfare groups.

In other words, they were committing tax fraud.

That can be your opinion. I have a simple enough solution to that. Get rid of Section 230 protections for libel and slander on Social Media, and watch how fast they clean up their own act with no prodding from the government.
I agree with that one. Right now we let them straddle the fence.
Porn was never hard to get. Parents can install filters on their kids computers and phones.

They don’t work. Unless you are with your child every minute they’re online, you cannot prevent them from accessing the stuff.

The only way to prevent it is no wifi, no data. And even that won’t prevent kids from sending other kids pictures.
Their parents can take them away from the situation. When kids are in school, they are captive to the government and depend on it for protection. Hence, an exception to the 1st.

You think it's silly because you don't approve of it and want to keep ranting about the names of schools instead. You don't think we routinely violate the 1st Amendment?

Okay, hate speech laws violate the 1st Amendment.
Abortion clinic buffer zones violate the 1st Amendment.
Targeting organizations for IRS audits and denying them certain tax statuses because they might be conservative based on their name violates the 1st Amendment.
The government colluding with a social media platform to censor speech violates the 1st Amendment IMO.
Arresting people sitting in their cars in a church parking lot because Covid reasons violates the 1st Amendment.
Making tobacco advertising illegal violates the 1st Amendment.

We routinely violate the 1st in many ways. Now, what exactly are you arguing against? Someone posted that the 1st Amendment prevents us from taking steps to prevent children from accessing adult content on the internet. I'm showing it doesn't. Do you disagree with that or are you just arguing with me because you don't want to agree?

No one was arrested for sitting in their cars in parking lots. That’s a lie.

Regarding the IRS, you do know that it is illegal non-profits to participate in politics don’t you. If the name suggested a partisan purpose the IRS is REQUIRED to either deny the application, or at the least investigate it.

This isn’t a violation of free speech, since they’re free to speak as they please but right wing political groups are not legally entitled to non-profit status and that doesn’t violate any of their rights.

The right to free speech doesn’t include any right for tax free status.

Republicans don’t seem to understand the concept of “free speech” at all. It does not confirm the right to say or do anything at any time to anyone with no consequences whatsoever.

Lying cheating, and stealing, are still illegal in anything done to in furtherance of these crimes is still illegal. Lying isn’t “free speech”. It’s fraud.
Nanny state

Simply requiring a person to verify he's an adult before he can enter a porn site is "nanny state"???!!! Yikes.

So do you just want teen boys and preteen boys and girls to be able to enter porn sites? Is that it?

The liberal responses in this thread are a sad but glaring example of how amoral/immoral and devoid of common sense many liberals have become. You guys can't even bring yourselves to acknowledge that of course we don't want young boys and girls viewing porn, given the mountain of science on how incredibly addictive porn is, not to mention the degrading way porn usually portrays women.

No, requiring age verification cannot stop every single teen/preteen from accessing porn sites, but it will stop the vast majority.
Simply requiring a person to verify he's an adult before he can enter a porn site is "nanny state"???!!! Yikes.

So do you just want teen boys and preteen boys and girls to be able to enter porn sites? Is that it?

The liberal responses in this thread are a sad but glaring example of how amoral/immoral and devoid of common sense many liberals have become. You guys can't even bring yourselves to acknowledge that of course we don't want young boys and girls viewing porn, given the mountain of science on how incredibly addictive porn is, not to mention the degrading way porn usually portrays women.

No, requiring age verification cannot stop every single teen/preteen from accessing porn sites, but it will stop the vast majority.

Back in the day,they didn't allow children into smut stores or Triple X rated cinemas.

Its the same principle.
Simply requiring a person to verify he's an adult before he can enter a porn site is "nanny state"???!!! Yikes.

They already do this. This isn't what the law does.

So do you just want teen boys and preteen boys and girls to be able to enter porn sites? Is that it?

The liberal responses in this thread are a sad but glaring example of how amoral/immoral and devoid of common sense many liberals have become. You guys can't even bring yourselves to acknowledge that of course we don't want young boys and girls viewing porn, given the mountain of science on how incredibly addictive porn is, not to mention the degrading way porn usually portrays women.

No, requiring age verification cannot stop every single teen/preteen from accessing porn sites, but it will stop the vast majority.

If you want better replies, maybe be more honest with yours.
Simply requiring a person to verify he's an adult before he can enter a porn site is "nanny state"???!!! Yikes.

So do you just want teen boys and preteen boys and girls to be able to enter porn sites? Is that it?

The liberal responses in this thread are a sad but glaring example of how amoral/immoral and devoid of common sense many liberals have become. You guys can't even bring yourselves to acknowledge that of course we don't want young boys and girls viewing porn, given the mountain of science on how incredibly addictive porn is, not to mention the degrading way porn usually portrays women.

No, requiring age verification cannot stop every single teen/preteen from accessing porn sites, but it will stop the vast majority.
The problem is, the elephant in the room, is how do they do that?

Just for giggles, I tried to log on to a site here in TN that is blocked by the law. The site comes up with a notice that it has been blocked by the state and "tough titty said the kitty when the milk ran dry". You're screwed. Have a nice day! Nice knowing you!
No. But apparently you think access to the internet should be restricted for them also! Or am I reading your comments incorrectly?
I think kids should be protected from online smut, and when they're at school, the school is responsible for that. Do you want your kids and grandkids to have open access to the stuff?
I think kids should be protected from online smut, and when they're at school, the school is responsible for that. Do you want your kids and grandkids to have open access to the stuff?
That is why you have parental controls on your computer's internet access, just like I did when my grandkids lived in my house. I also had it on the TV in their room. It's not rocket science.
That is why you have parental controls on your computer's internet access, just like I did when my grandkids lived in my house. I also had it on the TV in their room. It's not rocket science.
I'm talking about when they're at school. At home they're the parents' responsibility.

Parenthetically, this is one reason why parents homeschool, so they have personal control over things like this.
I'm talking about when they're at school. At home they're the parents' responsibility.

Parenthetically, this is one reason why parents homeschool, so they have personal control over things like this.
The school is responsible for setting up the blocks. If they failed in their mission, then it is their fault. If their precautions were reasonable, the fault lays with the kids for not following the rules.

I guess you don't understand the concept of in loco parentis. If parents want that much control, don't have internet access at all. You do know schools will deny your child internet access if you request it by not allowing permission?

If they allow them access and they screw up, whose fault is it?
Simply requiring a person to verify he's an adult before he can enter a porn site is "nanny state"???!!! Yikes.

So do you just want teen boys and preteen boys and girls to be able to enter porn sites? Is that it?

The liberal responses in this thread are a sad but glaring example of how amoral/immoral and devoid of common sense many liberals have become. You guys can't even bring yourselves to acknowledge that of course we don't want young boys and girls viewing porn, given the mountain of science on how incredibly addictive porn is, not to mention the degrading way porn usually portrays women.

No, requiring age verification cannot stop every single teen/preteen from accessing porn sites, but it will stop the vast majority.

Um, here's the problem. To get that verification that is required, the adult has to pay out money.

I shouldn't have to pay out money because other people can't keep an eye on their kids or don't want to answer awkward questions.

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