Biden Could Not Answer Pre-Scripted Softball Questions From Pre-Selected Reporters Without Pictures Of The Reporters, Notes, & A Script


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015


Frail, incompetent......
I feel his pain when it comes to people's names. I certainly don't know the names of all those reporters. However, I suspect that they are wearing name tags with what ever media source they represent.
I am not concerned about the photos of journalist, a lot of people have trouble with names.

What I AM concerned about:
1) The photos had numbers and circles showing who to call on (and therefore who not to call on)
2) Every question about foreign policy, he just read the talking points off of a script. Which begs the question, just how involved is he on foreign policy? As obviously he couldn't answer any questions about it.
3) Only one reporter didn't allow him to wander off topic and talk about non-sensical "grandfather stories" and forced him to stick to the question. And he failed badly. That question was about when will reporters be allowed to come back. He messed up and TOLD THE TRUTH - "not till plans are implemented"... in other words "not till it is cleaned up and don't look so bad"... and when questioned how long will that be - he answered "I don't know" - HOLY SHIT!!.... can you imagine if that would have been Trumps response???
I feel his pain when it comes to people's names. I certainly don't know the names of all those reporters. However, I suspect that they are wearing name tags with what ever media source they represent.

Or B, the entire thing was scripted and they selected who would be called and the reasons why. It's really simple. He needed the names to call on those selected, and he needed the faces to know who to call. As a matter of fact he confused one reporter for another early on. He said the Asian I assume had the same name as the previous reporter who was likely Latino :abgg2q.jpg:

The pictures & names have little meaning other to demonstrate the entire thing was scripted, and you don't need to see what Biden was looking at to know it. Biden was also reading from his notes to answer questions.
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Well-organized competent press conference. The information provided was accurate and truthful.

You mind providing a video & can you provide the time where the information was accurate & truthful?

I know the abstract is the best you can do considering you're emotionally invested in President Houseplant, but something tangle as opposed your feelings would be cool.
Well-organized competent press conference. The information provided was accurate and truthful.

You mind providing a video & can you provide the time where the information was accurate & truthful?

I know the abstract is the best you can do considering you're emotionally invested in President Houseplant, but something tangle as opposed your feelings would be cool.
Something tangle? The entire speech was as I described. He dispelled the lies about being senile or having some kind of mental handicap.
Biden should have never been allowed to take office. He is nothing but a Senile old fool, and he is not running the country. He doesn't know where he is, when he last changed his diaper or what he is signing.

America is in trouble with these frauds in power.
Well-organized competent press conference. The information provided was accurate and truthful.

You mind providing a video & can you provide the time where the information was accurate & truthful?

I know the abstract is the best you can do considering you're emotionally invested in President Houseplant, but something tangle as opposed your feelings would be cool.
Something tangle? The entire speech was as I described. He dispelled the lies about being senile or having some kind of mental handicap.
Wrong. He re-enforced the truth about his needing to be removed from office. He doesn't even know where he is without a map and a cheat sheet in front of him. Does not know when his diaper was last changed, and cannot answer a single off the cuff question.
Well-organized competent press conference. The information provided was accurate and truthful.

You mind providing a video & can you provide the time where the information was accurate & truthful?

I know the abstract is the best you can do considering you're emotionally invested in President Houseplant, but something tangle as opposed your feelings would be cool.
Something tangle? The entire speech was as I described. He dispelled the lies about being senile or having some kind of mental handicap.
Wrong. He re-enforced the truth about his needing to be removed from office. He doesn't even know where he is without a map and a cheat sheet in front of him. Does not know when his diaper was last changed, and cannot answer a single off the cuff question.
Everything you say is delusional and wrong. You are seemingly just a typical frustrated USMB Trump incel whiner. USMB is full of you losers.
Well-organized competent press conference. The information provided was accurate and truthful.

You mind providing a video & can you provide the time where the information was accurate & truthful?

I know the abstract is the best you can do considering you're emotionally invested in President Houseplant, but something tangle as opposed your feelings would be cool.
Something tangle? The entire speech was as I described. He dispelled the lies about being senile or having some kind of mental handicap.
Wrong. He re-enforced the truth about his needing to be removed from office. He doesn't even know where he is without a map and a cheat sheet in front of him. Does not know when his diaper was last changed, and cannot answer a single off the cuff question.
Everything you say is delusional and wrong. You are seemingly just a typical frustrated USMB Trump incel whiner. USMB is full of you losers.









Anyone who cares about this country can see that.

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