Biden confronts Russia — and Republicans are listening


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
About time...long past time, in fact--that we acknowledge that Putin is not our friend..he is our adversary!

Congressional Republicans quietly grumbled for four years that former President Donald Trump’s passive rhetoric about Russia didn’t match the severity of his administration’s actions targeting the Kremlin.
President Joe Biden’s more aggressive public posture toward Vladimir Putin is begrudgingly refreshing for Republicans — and it’s something they wish they saw from Trump.
Now, President Joe Biden’s more aggressive public posture toward Vladimir Putin is begrudgingly refreshing for Republicans — and it’s something they wish they saw from Trump.
“Clearly, Putin is a malign force in the world. He is a terrible leader. He is thuggish in his behavior. And I’m glad we’re pushing back,” said Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), a member of GOP leadership and the Intelligence Committee.
Indeed, Biden is already striking a different tone. According to the White House, the president confronted Putin during a phone call this week over Russia’s malign activities, including its alleged bounties on American troops in the Middle East, the suspected poisoning of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, and the massive cyberattack targeting the U.S. government and the private sector.
“President Biden made clear that the United States will act firmly in defense of its national interests in response to actions by Russia that harm us or our allies,” the White House said.
The shift is a welcome development on the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, where lawmakers were consumed with scandals and investigations about Trump’s relationship with Moscow. And it underscored Biden’s efforts to keep Russia at bay, neither mending nor further inflaming the relationship between the two countries.
“Maybe Biden’s approach will serve us better. We’ll have to see,” Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) said. “Certainly this president’s rhetoric, maybe in the first week or two, is different. Whether there’s a different relationship or outcome remains to be seen.”
On the campaign trail, Biden harangued Trump as a Putin apologist, and the former president often drew criticism from his own party, especially after he contradicted and undermined the U.S. intelligence community when he said he believed Putin’s denials of election interference.

Republicans lauded Biden’s consistency, but they said the new administration should maintain the Trump team’s robust policies against Russia, which included expelling Russian diplomats. To the chagrin of many in the GOP, those actions were often overshadowed by the former president’s deferential posture toward Putin, including his persistent efforts to downplay the Kremlin’s interference in the 2016 election.
Biden threatens to "act firmly" towards the 2nd most prolific power on earth while the U.S. shares the Space Station with the Russians and have to hitch a ride on Russian junk to get to outer space. God help us in the next 4 years.
No we don't you seem to be behind in the times..We do share an International Space Station(ISS) but we use Space-X to deliver and pick up and to supply now, ever hear of them?
Wait just a fucking second here. WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WAS SAID IN THE CONVERSATION BETWEEN BIDEN AND PUTIN! We have nothing more than the self-serving bullshit coming out of the White House.

If this were Trump, we would have either a recording or a transcript illegally released to the NYT by some miserable bastard in the White House.

But as it is, we, the public, have NO INFORMATION on this conversation. Knowing what a pussy Biden is, I will draw my own conclusions.
Get back to me when the administration clarifies what act firmly means. All Presidents talk big that's the easy part they don't all follow it up with action thats the tough part.
Biden is taking advantage of unrest in Russia to talk some smack...
Uncle Pooty would have pissed his pants in laughter if Sleepy Joe would have seriously repeated the lies about Russia "offering bounties" on US servicemen.

Unless Biden can show Putin's cleaning bill, he was just lying about that.

I'd really like to hear from a Patriotic Whistleblower what Biden and Putin actually talked about?
Wait just a fucking second here. WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WAS SAID IN THE CONVERSATION BETWEEN BIDEN AND PUTIN! We have nothing more than the self-serving bullshit coming out of the White House.

If this were Trump, we would have either a recording or a transcript illegally released to the NYT by some miserable bastard in the White House.

But as it is, we, the public, have NO INFORMATION on this conversation. Knowing what a pussy Biden is, I will draw my own conclusions.

No wonder you are lost.
President Trump went to 'extraordinary lengths' to hide details of Putin meetings, report says
President Donald Trump went to "extraordinary lengths" to keep details from his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin secret – even from officials within his own administration, The Washington Post reported this weekend, citing unnamed sources.

Congressional Republicans quietly grumbled for four years that former President Donald Trump’s passive rhetoric about Russia didn’t match the severity of his administration’s actions targeting the Kremlin.

So, they like the "tone" of Biden while admitting the actual severity of Trump's actions! Form over substance! :21:
Wait just a fucking second here. WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WAS SAID IN THE CONVERSATION BETWEEN BIDEN AND PUTIN! We have nothing more than the self-serving bullshit coming out of the White House.

If this were Trump, we would have either a recording or a transcript illegally released to the NYT by some miserable bastard in the White House.

But as it is, we, the public, have NO INFORMATION on this conversation. Knowing what a pussy Biden is, I will draw my own conclusions.

No wonder you are lost.
President Trump went to 'extraordinary lengths' to hide details of Putin meetings, report says
President Donald Trump went to "extraordinary lengths" to keep details from his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin secret – even from officials within his own administration, The Washington Post reported this weekend, citing unnamed sources.

I'm sure that President Trump did. Particularly in the early days of his administration, there was a lot of leaking going on, with staff members in the WH passing confidential notes from Russia and other nations as well to the Main Stream Media.

To control the flow of confidential info , he kept most of his so-called "advisors" in the dark. Characters like the Vindman brothers , Taylor and Kent weren't told a damn thing. Trump figured if he wanted everyone to know, he'd just put it out on Twitter rather than have these guys leak.

Instead, Trump conducted most of his diplomacy through people he knew and trusted. Giuliani, Kushner, etc., instead of Deep State operatives who he trusted mostly with running the office football polls and collecting money for flowers when someone's mum died.
Wait just a fucking second here. WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WAS SAID IN THE CONVERSATION BETWEEN BIDEN AND PUTIN! We have nothing more than the self-serving bullshit coming out of the White House.

If this were Trump, we would have either a recording or a transcript illegally released to the NYT by some miserable bastard in the White House.

But as it is, we, the public, have NO INFORMATION on this conversation. Knowing what a pussy Biden is, I will draw my own conclusions.

No wonder you are lost.
President Trump went to 'extraordinary lengths' to hide details of Putin meetings, report says
President Donald Trump went to "extraordinary lengths" to keep details from his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin secret – even from officials within his own administration, The Washington Post reported this weekend, citing unnamed sources.

I'm sure that President Trump did. Particularly in the early days of his administration, there was a lot of leaking going on, with staff members in the WH passing confidential notes from Russia and other nations as well to the Main Stream Media.

To control the flow of confidential info , he kept most of his so-called "advisors" in the dark. Characters like the Vindman brothers , Taylor and Kent weren't told a damn thing. Trump figured if he wanted everyone to know, he'd just put it out on Twitter rather than have these guys leak.

Instead, Trump conducted most of his diplomacy through people he knew and trusted. Giuliani, Kushner, etc., instead of Deep State operatives who he trusted mostly with running the office football polls and collecting money for flowers when someone's mum died.
Kushner couldn't pass his security check so he was totally unqualified.
About time...long past time, in fact--that we acknowledge that Putin is not our friend..he is our adversary!

Congressional Republicans quietly grumbled for four years that former President Donald Trump’s passive rhetoric about Russia didn’t match the severity of his administration’s actions targeting the Kremlin.
President Joe Biden’s more aggressive public posture toward Vladimir Putin is begrudgingly refreshing for Republicans — and it’s something they wish they saw from Trump.
Now, President Joe Biden’s more aggressive public posture toward Vladimir Putin is begrudgingly refreshing for Republicans — and it’s something they wish they saw from Trump.
“Clearly, Putin is a malign force in the world. He is a terrible leader. He is thuggish in his behavior. And I’m glad we’re pushing back,” said Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), a member of GOP leadership and the Intelligence Committee.
Indeed, Biden is already striking a different tone. According to the White House, the president confronted Putin during a phone call this week over Russia’s malign activities, including its alleged bounties on American troops in the Middle East, the suspected poisoning of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, and the massive cyberattack targeting the U.S. government and the private sector.
“President Biden made clear that the United States will act firmly in defense of its national interests in response to actions by Russia that harm us or our allies,” the White House said.
The shift is a welcome development on the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, where lawmakers were consumed with scandals and investigations about Trump’s relationship with Moscow. And it underscored Biden’s efforts to keep Russia at bay, neither mending nor further inflaming the relationship between the two countries.
“Maybe Biden’s approach will serve us better. We’ll have to see,” Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) said. “Certainly this president’s rhetoric, maybe in the first week or two, is different. Whether there’s a different relationship or outcome remains to be seen.”
On the campaign trail, Biden harangued Trump as a Putin apologist, and the former president often drew criticism from his own party, especially after he contradicted and undermined the U.S. intelligence community when he said he believed Putin’s denials of election interference.

Republicans lauded Biden’s consistency, but they said the new administration should maintain the Trump team’s robust policies against Russia, which included expelling Russian diplomats. To the chagrin of many in the GOP, those actions were often overshadowed by the former president’s deferential posture toward Putin, including his persistent efforts to downplay the Kremlin’s interference in the 2016 election.
I will take Putin over the corrupt, decomposing crook called China Joe
Putin probably LHAO talking to Biden. Biden isn't Trump and never will be.

He has sucked off the tax payer tit for 50 years and hasn't accomplished anything.

He get elected in a fraudulent election and sets out to ruin America. Oh yeah. Putin probably died laughing.
Wait just a fucking second here. WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WAS SAID IN THE CONVERSATION BETWEEN BIDEN AND PUTIN! We have nothing more than the self-serving bullshit coming out of the White House.

If this were Trump, we would have either a recording or a transcript illegally released to the NYT by some miserable bastard in the White House.

But as it is, we, the public, have NO INFORMATION on this conversation. Knowing what a pussy Biden is, I will draw my own conclusions.
You don't have to get all sideways about it.
About time...long past time, in fact--that we acknowledge that Putin is not our friend..he is our adversary!

Congressional Republicans quietly grumbled for four years that former President Donald Trump’s passive rhetoric about Russia didn’t match the severity of his administration’s actions targeting the Kremlin.
President Joe Biden’s more aggressive public posture toward Vladimir Putin is begrudgingly refreshing for Republicans — and it’s something they wish they saw from Trump.
Now, President Joe Biden’s more aggressive public posture toward Vladimir Putin is begrudgingly refreshing for Republicans — and it’s something they wish they saw from Trump.
“Clearly, Putin is a malign force in the world. He is a terrible leader. He is thuggish in his behavior. And I’m glad we’re pushing back,” said Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), a member of GOP leadership and the Intelligence Committee.
Indeed, Biden is already striking a different tone. According to the White House, the president confronted Putin during a phone call this week over Russia’s malign activities, including its alleged bounties on American troops in the Middle East, the suspected poisoning of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, and the massive cyberattack targeting the U.S. government and the private sector.
“President Biden made clear that the United States will act firmly in defense of its national interests in response to actions by Russia that harm us or our allies,” the White House said.
The shift is a welcome development on the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, where lawmakers were consumed with scandals and investigations about Trump’s relationship with Moscow. And it underscored Biden’s efforts to keep Russia at bay, neither mending nor further inflaming the relationship between the two countries.
“Maybe Biden’s approach will serve us better. We’ll have to see,” Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) said. “Certainly this president’s rhetoric, maybe in the first week or two, is different. Whether there’s a different relationship or outcome remains to be seen.”
On the campaign trail, Biden harangued Trump as a Putin apologist, and the former president often drew criticism from his own party, especially after he contradicted and undermined the U.S. intelligence community when he said he believed Putin’s denials of election interference.

Republicans lauded Biden’s consistency, but they said the new administration should maintain the Trump team’s robust policies against Russia, which included expelling Russian diplomats. To the chagrin of many in the GOP, those actions were often overshadowed by the former president’s deferential posture toward Putin, including his persistent efforts to downplay the Kremlin’s interference in the 2016 election.
It is not Russia we should be worried about... it is China that is our #1 enemy
Wait a sec!
Biden just did Russia a big favor by signing his climate change EO's. When we are no longer able to supply NG to western Europe, he has made them dependent on Russia for their future NG!
Putin is absolutely giddy over this prospect.
About time...long past time, in fact--that we acknowledge that Putin is not our friend..he is our adversary!

Congressional Republicans quietly grumbled for four years that former President Donald Trump’s passive rhetoric about Russia didn’t match the severity of his administration’s actions targeting the Kremlin.
President Joe Biden’s more aggressive public posture toward Vladimir Putin is begrudgingly refreshing for Republicans — and it’s something they wish they saw from Trump.
Now, President Joe Biden’s more aggressive public posture toward Vladimir Putin is begrudgingly refreshing for Republicans — and it’s something they wish they saw from Trump.
“Clearly, Putin is a malign force in the world. He is a terrible leader. He is thuggish in his behavior. And I’m glad we’re pushing back,” said Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), a member of GOP leadership and the Intelligence Committee.
Indeed, Biden is already striking a different tone. According to the White House, the president confronted Putin during a phone call this week over Russia’s malign activities, including its alleged bounties on American troops in the Middle East, the suspected poisoning of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, and the massive cyberattack targeting the U.S. government and the private sector.
“President Biden made clear that the United States will act firmly in defense of its national interests in response to actions by Russia that harm us or our allies,” the White House said.
The shift is a welcome development on the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, where lawmakers were consumed with scandals and investigations about Trump’s relationship with Moscow. And it underscored Biden’s efforts to keep Russia at bay, neither mending nor further inflaming the relationship between the two countries.
“Maybe Biden’s approach will serve us better. We’ll have to see,” Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) said. “Certainly this president’s rhetoric, maybe in the first week or two, is different. Whether there’s a different relationship or outcome remains to be seen.”
On the campaign trail, Biden harangued Trump as a Putin apologist, and the former president often drew criticism from his own party, especially after he contradicted and undermined the U.S. intelligence community when he said he believed Putin’s denials of election interference.

Republicans lauded Biden’s consistency, but they said the new administration should maintain the Trump team’s robust policies against Russia, which included expelling Russian diplomats. To the chagrin of many in the GOP, those actions were often overshadowed by the former president’s deferential posture toward Putin, including his persistent efforts to downplay the Kremlin’s interference in the 2016 election.

LOL! A good chunk of Biden's administration works for Putin:


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