Biden Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy Pours Gasoline on Rising Gas Prices With Ridiculous Announcement


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy Pours Gasoline on Rising Gas Prices With Ridiculous Announcement

29 Oct 2021 ~~ By Mike Miller
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. It’s “almost” like Clueless Joe™ Biden and his equally clueless administration are trying to destroy everything from the demographics of America — that’s a given — to parents’ faith in their kids’ schools to the entire U.S. economy. Only this time it could not be more clear.
Amid soaring gas prices, White House National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy on Thursday announced that the Biden administration is going to increase regulations on the oil industry: “There’s a place for” regulation and “We’re going to use it,” McCarthy said during an appearance on MSNBC’s “Hallie Jackson Reports.” Moreover, McCarthy told Jackson oil executives will soon face “a day of reckoning” on Capitol Hill.
Hold the bus.
So Biden kills the Keystone XL Pipeline ten seconds after he sits his clueless ass down at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, continues to disrupt oil prices, begs OPEC to increase production, cries to the oil companies, and now this nimrod announces on PMSNBC that the hapless administration is going to increase regulations and blister oil executives before deranged Nancy Pelosi’s Democrat-controlled House.
See what I mean about doing this crap on purpose?

The quintessential Democrat panacea for everything, gang. Tax it, regulate it, penalize it, make consumers pay more for it, destroy jobs, kill it. (See: “Build Back Better.”)
Speaking of Build Back Better Joe™, on Wednesday’s episode of “Stupid Crap Joe Biden Says,” Joe explained to America how electric cars work while trashing the oil industry and getting out over his skis:
“When you buy an electric vehicle, you can go across America on a single tank of gas figuratively speaking. It’s not gas. You plug it in.”​
Yeah, no, Joe. Not even close.

Joe Biden’s America™. Where right is wrong and wrong is right.

they've told us what they wanted to do with energy. They've told us they wanted to make energy usage so expensive that people would use less of it.
Astonishingly They didn’t hint at that. They said it aloud. Publicly. And proudly.
Of course what Joey Xi did not mention is that the electricity would be created with fossil fuels or the fact that that recharging the batteries will take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours. Not to mention the said batteries have a penchant for exploding at inopportune times.
Then there's McCarthy herself who was criminally responsible for contaminating the drinking water of thousands of Americans.
Congress ceded their power to the administrative state (i.e. the EPA) decades ago. All bills are written to vague and contain the phrase “the Secretary has to power to make regulations pursuant to this act.” It’s why from one administration to the next President’s can enact their agenda unilaterally and why laws are added and repealed with out voter representation through unelected bureaucrats.
Congress needs to take back their power to rein in these unelected bureaucrats that don’t have to answer to taxpayers in any way, shape
or form. The only one I hear talk about this issue on a continuous basis is Senator Mike Lee.
Unfortunately Joey Xi Bai Dung has been publicly wrong on every single issue for 50 years and has so far, not just kept that record unbroken but increased the volume and speed of failure is now the Face of America.
That is unless, as many of us have been saying along with others--it's all intentional and the purpose is to crash everything here for their "great reset" formerly named by Obama as the "Fundamental Transformation of America"


Biden Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy Pours Gasoline on Rising Gas Prices With Ridiculous Announcement

29 Oct 2021 ~~ By Mike Miller
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. It’s “almost” like Clueless Joe™ Biden and his equally clueless administration are trying to destroy everything from the demographics of America — that’s a given — to parents’ faith in their kids’ schools to the entire U.S. economy. Only this time it could not be more clear.
Amid soaring gas prices, White House National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy on Thursday announced that the Biden administration is going to increase regulations on the oil industry: “There’s a place for” regulation and “We’re going to use it,” McCarthy said during an appearance on MSNBC’s “Hallie Jackson Reports.” Moreover, McCarthy told Jackson oil executives will soon face “a day of reckoning” on Capitol Hill.
Hold the bus.
So Biden kills the Keystone XL Pipeline ten seconds after he sits his clueless ass down at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, continues to disrupt oil prices, begs OPEC to increase production, cries to the oil companies, and now this nimrod announces on PMSNBC that the hapless administration is going to increase regulations and blister oil executives before deranged Nancy Pelosi’s Democrat-controlled House.
See what I mean about doing this crap on purpose?

The quintessential Democrat panacea for everything, gang. Tax it, regulate it, penalize it, make consumers pay more for it, destroy jobs, kill it. (See: “Build Back Better.”)
Speaking of Build Back Better Joe™, on Wednesday’s episode of “Stupid Crap Joe Biden Says,” Joe explained to America how electric cars work while trashing the oil industry and getting out over his skis:
“When you buy an electric vehicle, you can go across America on a single tank of gas figuratively speaking. It’s not gas. You plug it in.”​
Yeah, no, Joe. Not even close.

Joe Biden’s America™. Where right is wrong and wrong is right.

they've told us what they wanted to do with energy. They've told us they wanted to make energy usage so expensive that people would use less of it.
Astonishingly They didn’t hint at that. They said it aloud. Publicly. And proudly.
Of course what Joey Xi did not mention is that the electricity would be created with fossil fuels or the fact that that recharging the batteries will take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours. Not to mention the said batteries have a penchant for exploding at inopportune times.
Then there's McCarthy herself who was criminally responsible for contaminating the drinking water of thousands of Americans.
Congress ceded their power to the administrative state (i.e. the EPA) decades ago. All bills are written to vague and contain the phrase “the Secretary has to power to make regulations pursuant to this act.” It’s why from one administration to the next President’s can enact their agenda unilaterally and why laws are added and repealed with out voter representation through unelected bureaucrats.
Congress needs to take back their power to rein in these unelected bureaucrats that don’t have to answer to taxpayers in any way, shape
or form. The only one I hear talk about this issue on a continuous basis is Senator Mike Lee.
Unfortunately Joey Xi Bai Dung has been publicly wrong on every single issue for 50 years and has so far, not just kept that record unbroken but increased the volume and speed of failure is now the Face of America.
That is unless, as many of us have been saying along with others--it's all intentional and the purpose is to crash everything here for their "great reset" formerly named by Obama as the "Fundamental Transformation of America"


We never had gas from the keystone pipeline and the FED gas tax has been the same since 1993.
Gov't Snyder was responsible to making Flints water full of lead.
We never had gas from the keystone pipeline and the FED gas tax has been the same since 1993.
Gov't Snyder was responsible to making Flints water full of lead.
The Flint Water crisis started or was exposed in 2014…he took office in 2011, the lead didn’t get into the water in 3 years

The reality is the dems running Flint for years ignored the water piping system, and the lead, that made the pipes.

The state over during the crisis and my 2017 Snyder was able to get the water back to normal levels and a new source of water for the people of Flint
This Is how the CCP prosecutes its ongoing war against the USA.

They know they lose the House and Senate in the midterms, so they work tirelessly, daily, to fundamentally destroy what's left of this once great nation.

Neither the Republican Party, which is almost 100% useless, nor our Intel and Law enforcement agencies, who report to Xi, will lead the fight. We're an Archduke Ferdinand away from what comes next.

Biden Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy Pours Gasoline on Rising Gas Prices With Ridiculous Announcement

29 Oct 2021 ~~ By Mike Miller
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. It’s “almost” like Clueless Joe™ Biden and his equally clueless administration are trying to destroy everything from the demographics of America — that’s a given — to parents’ faith in their kids’ schools to the entire U.S. economy. Only this time it could not be more clear.
Amid soaring gas prices, White House National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy on Thursday announced that the Biden administration is going to increase regulations on the oil industry: “There’s a place for” regulation and “We’re going to use it,” McCarthy said during an appearance on MSNBC’s “Hallie Jackson Reports.” Moreover, McCarthy told Jackson oil executives will soon face “a day of reckoning” on Capitol Hill.
Hold the bus.
So Biden kills the Keystone XL Pipeline ten seconds after he sits his clueless ass down at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, continues to disrupt oil prices, begs OPEC to increase production, cries to the oil companies, and now this nimrod announces on PMSNBC that the hapless administration is going to increase regulations and blister oil executives before deranged Nancy Pelosi’s Democrat-controlled House.
See what I mean about doing this crap on purpose?

The quintessential Democrat panacea for everything, gang. Tax it, regulate it, penalize it, make consumers pay more for it, destroy jobs, kill it. (See: “Build Back Better.”)
Speaking of Build Back Better Joe™, on Wednesday’s episode of “Stupid Crap Joe Biden Says,” Joe explained to America how electric cars work while trashing the oil industry and getting out over his skis:
“When you buy an electric vehicle, you can go across America on a single tank of gas figuratively speaking. It’s not gas. You plug it in.”​
Yeah, no, Joe. Not even close.

Joe Biden’s America™. Where right is wrong and wrong is right.

they've told us what they wanted to do with energy. They've told us they wanted to make energy usage so expensive that people would use less of it.
Astonishingly They didn’t hint at that. They said it aloud. Publicly. And proudly.
Of course what Joey Xi did not mention is that the electricity would be created with fossil fuels or the fact that that recharging the batteries will take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours. Not to mention the said batteries have a penchant for exploding at inopportune times.
Then there's McCarthy herself who was criminally responsible for contaminating the drinking water of thousands of Americans.
Congress ceded their power to the administrative state (i.e. the EPA) decades ago. All bills are written to vague and contain the phrase “the Secretary has to power to make regulations pursuant to this act.” It’s why from one administration to the next President’s can enact their agenda unilaterally and why laws are added and repealed with out voter representation through unelected bureaucrats.
Congress needs to take back their power to rein in these unelected bureaucrats that don’t have to answer to taxpayers in any way, shape
or form. The only one I hear talk about this issue on a continuous basis is Senator Mike Lee.
Unfortunately Joey Xi Bai Dung has been publicly wrong on every single issue for 50 years and has so far, not just kept that record unbroken but increased the volume and speed of failure is now the Face of America.
That is unless, as many of us have been saying along with others--it's all intentional and the purpose is to crash everything here for their "great reset" formerly named by Obama as the "Fundamental Transformation of America"


.....I said the same thing about 30 seconds ago--seems like they are PURPOSELY trying to destroy the US
We never had gas from the keystone pipeline and the FED gas tax has been the same since 1993.
Gov't Snyder was responsible to making Flints water full of lead.

Then there's Biden's nominee for the Controller of the Currency, a Moscow University trained Chinese commie who admits the goal of the Biden climate change agenda is forcing coal, oil and gas companies into bankruptcy:

time to hang these anti-AMERICA, evil, fucking SCUM demonRATS....kill them ALL
President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)May 13, 2018

Too many jobs in CHINA LOST?
This Is how the CCP prosecutes its ongoing war against the USA.

They know they lose the House and Senate in the midterms, so they work tirelessly, daily, to fundamentally destroy what's left of this once great nation.

Neither the Republican Party, which is almost 100% useless, nor our Intel and Law enforcement agencies, who report to Xi, will lead the fight. We're an Archduke Ferdinand away from what comes next.
FUCK BEIJING XIDEN,-- XI, and the rest of the SCUM demonRATS....they need to be stopped, shot, hung....they all need to die
If only Trump did.
Trump's cult are even dumber.
FUCK BEIJING XIDEN,-- XI, and the rest of the SCUM demonRATS....they need to be stopped, shot, hung....they all need to die
FUCK Trump.
Trump loves Xi and wanted America to be just like them.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist,
Trump's cult praises communism.

'Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,”

Then, on January 6th, they tried.


Trump said doctors he's come across as the administration tries to get a handle on the outbreak have been surprised about how much he knows about COVID-19.
"Maybe I have a natural ability," he said. "Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president."

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."
Trump said doctors he's come across as the administration tries to get a handle on the outbreak have been surprised about how much he knows about COVID-19.
"Maybe I have a natural ability," he said. "Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president."

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."
4.00 a gallon for gas
40% increase in heating costs
store shelves empty
you, a retarded shit stain, voted for the scum demonRATS to ruin AMERICA
go fuck yourself with rusty nails
if you ever get a brain, get back to us---otherwise, go end it
4.00 a gallon for gas
40% increase in heating costs
What they need is another tax cut.
store shelves empty
My area is fine, always has been.

October 26 2021
Newsmax and Fox News have aired old, out-of-context photos of empty grocery store shelves in recent segments bashing President Joe Biden for the jammed-up supply chain that experts say is backlogged due to the coronavirus pandemic’s strain on the global economy.

Bath tissue shelves were empty at a Hy-Vee supermarket in Omaha, Neb., on March 15, 2020. Fox News aired the photo during an Oct. 19, 2021, segment and represented it as though it were a current image.

you, a retarded shit stain, voted for the scum demonRATS to ruin AMERICA
Your retarded dear leader beat Biden to it.
go fuck yourself with rusty nails
if you ever get a brain, get back to us---otherwise, go end it
Awww, you poor Trumptard.

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