Biden & China


Gold Member
Jun 16, 2010
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The Chinese Communist Party is America's most serious foe, but Biden is eager to serve the CCP.

The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China

Joe Biden & China: He Takes Its Side, Reliably | National Review

Criticisms of Trump’s coronavirus response are sickening

The CCP does not value human rights and steals American jobs with its unfair trading practices.

What should Americans think of Biden's betrayals?
China bought the Left and they take their side on every point.

China Relations After The Storm:

China may be permanently rebranded and recalibrated by the world at large. Its trading partners will trust it far less to honor any commitments. Supply chains will be diversified. Tourism will be reduced in fears another such coronavirus will follow SARS and COVID-19 - and be hushed up. Countries that had particular close commercial and cultural ties with China - Iran, South Korea, and Italy - were hurt most during the epidemic by Chinese silence and duplicity...

Whatever the ultimate human and economic toll from the coronavirus, there is no doubt that the Left despises the president as does entertainment, academia, and the media, ensuring in popular culture and the news that he will be demonized.

Warmer weather and global quarantines, travel bans, more testing and increased knowledge of the virus may all eventually conspire to slow its spread. And when its cases begin dropping off, the economy will not just recover but take off.

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