Biden Attempts to Blame Trump as Crises Mount: 'Look at What I Inherited'


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Feb 16, 2016

Biden Attempts to Blame Trump as Crises Mount: 'Look at What I Inherited'

26 Sep 2021 ~~ By Jack Davis
President Joe Biden admitted Friday that not everything has gone according to plan since he took office, but he insisted that everyone else was to blame — especially former President Donald Trump.
Biden spoke at the White House Friday and said that it was unfair to criticize him for the debacle in Afghanistan or anything else that might come to mind.
“Remember, I said it’s going to take me a year to deliver everything I’m looking at here,” Biden said, just days after passing the eight-month mark of his administration, according to an official White House transcript of his remarks.

“[T]ake a look at what I inherited when I came into office — when I came into office, the state of affairs, and where we were: We had 4 million people vaccinated. We had no plan. We had — I mean, I can go down the list,” he said.
“So, you know, part of it is dealing with the panoply of things that were landed on my plate. I’m not complaining; it’s just a reality. It’s a reality, number one,” Biden said.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Biden found time to criticize Border Patrol agents photographed on horseback trying to corral Haitian illegal immigrants who are flooding across the border.

t was horrible what — to see, as you saw — to see people treated like they did: horses nearly running them over and people being strapped. It’s outrageous. I promise you, those people will pay. They will be — an investigation is underway now, and there will be consequences. There will be consequences. It’s an embarrassment. But beyond an embarrassment, it’s dangerous; it’s wrong,” he said.

What a loser Joey Xi is. for the past 8 months every decision he's made has blown up in his face and now he has the gall to blame Trump, the mounted Border Patrol, the people that supposedly elected him for not getting vaccinated.
In his delusional dementia, surely Joey Xi has forgotten that he nullified every Executive Order Trump created to slow down illegal immigration, speed up the finding and production of vaccines to combat the Wuhan Covid-19 virus and conduct a safe and orderly withdraw from Afghanistan with built in safeguards.
In the end Joey Xi Bai Dung has become a pathetically deranged old man striking out at all he can blame except himself.

Biden Attempts to Blame Trump as Crises Mount: 'Look at What I Inherited'

26 Sep 2021 ~~ By Jack Davis
President Joe Biden admitted Friday that not everything has gone according to plan since he took office, but he insisted that everyone else was to blame — especially former President Donald Trump.
Biden spoke at the White House Friday and said that it was unfair to criticize him for the debacle in Afghanistan or anything else that might come to mind.
“Remember, I said it’s going to take me a year to deliver everything I’m looking at here,” Biden said, just days after passing the eight-month mark of his administration, according to an official White House transcript of his remarks.

“[T]ake a look at what I inherited when I came into office — when I came into office, the state of affairs, and where we were: We had 4 million people vaccinated. We had no plan. We had — I mean, I can go down the list,” he said.
“So, you know, part of it is dealing with the panoply of things that were landed on my plate. I’m not complaining; it’s just a reality. It’s a reality, number one,” Biden said.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Biden found time to criticize Border Patrol agents photographed on horseback trying to corral Haitian illegal immigrants who are flooding across the border.

t was horrible what — to see, as you saw — to see people treated like they did: horses nearly running them over and people being strapped. It’s outrageous. I promise you, those people will pay. They will be — an investigation is underway now, and there will be consequences. There will be consequences. It’s an embarrassment. But beyond an embarrassment, it’s dangerous; it’s wrong,” he said.

What a loser Joey Xi is. for the past 8 months every decision he's made has blown up in his face and now he has the gall to blame Trump, the mounted Border Patrol, the people that supposedly elected him for not getting vaccinated.
In his delusional dementia, surely Joey Xi has forgotten that he nullified every Executive Order Trump created to slow down illegal immigration, speed up the finding and production of vaccines to combat the Wuhan Covid-19 virus and conduct a safe and orderly withdraw from Afghanistan with built in safeguards.
In the end Joey Xi Bai Dung has become a pathetically deranged old man striking out at all he can blame except himself.

Biden is truly a sack of worthless/demented/criminal/rapist shit.
You could put that meat puppet faggot obozo on a polygraph all these years later and ask if all his failures were Bush's fault and he'd flat line it answering YES
The last two GOP Presidents have left their successor a real shit show. However, Trump's shits show is the shit show to end all such shows. The asshole should be indicted on 500,000 counts of negligent homicide.
Fau-Chi paid for the Chinese Wuhan Lab to do gain-of-function research on bat viruses to make them more deadly to humans, during the OBAMA admin. The virus escaped (or was released) during the Trump admin. Fau-Chi and Obama paid for the Covid pandemic. Trump paid for the vaccines, you're welcome.
Yeah, that 2,500 troop level was a real deal breaker when Trump had 5,000 Taliban prisoners released....
AFG was stable when Trump left AFG, the Taliban knew he would unleash whatever he needed to. Fucking Xiden surrendered, see the difference? The difference between a "conditions based" withdrawal and surrendering?
Biden spent his first couple days in office writing executive orders undoing border protections and energy independence. Then proceeded to screw up Afghanistan and the response to COVID. He created the mess he is in….intentionally.
Look what I inherited?

2 years everything across the board was better in America, everything. No border crisis, no inflation, lots of jobs, no Afghanistan fuck up, illegals not being shipped into the country, much lower violent crime, racism wasnt a huge issue, and everything was just a lot better.

Of course covid came and fucked up the works, but that was no one's fault and any president would have a shitty time with it in the first year of it hitting.

But what's so bad? Biden inherited a fully functional system that was doing pretty good. He is the one that came in changed the rules, wrote a record amount of executive orders to reverse everything trump did, he flooded us with illegals, he kept us locked down.

All of this shit house mess started when he took office, except covid, he fucked it up with his shitty and demented administration that frankly aren't fit to manage a McDonald's.
The last two GOP Presidents have left their successor a real shit show. However, Trump's shits show is the shit show to end all such shows. The asshole should be indicted on 500,000 counts of negligent homicide.
Do you filth ever stop lying?
Biden spent his first couple days in office writing executive orders undoing border protections and energy independence. Then proceeded to screw up Afghanistan and the response to COVID. He created the mess he is in….intentionally.
Biden has been a stuttering disaster thus far. Typical of Dems he's now blaming all his failures on others. The word accountability does not exist in the Dem bible.
Yup. The lefty loons don't want to remember how great this country was doing before the very convenient Chinese virus hit. Hell UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. Oh and lets not forget gas was 1.70 a gallon. All with Trump at the helm.

Bidung gets elected and he gets rid of all of Trump's EO's and leaves our border open so illegals can pour in.

We now have another million illegals in our country that cost we tax payers billions each year. We have Bidung flying and bussing them all over America and dumping them in Towns and cities to take care of. He should have loaded them all in busses and sent them back to the border.

Trump had that border very well contained and Bidung has created a clusterfuck at the border.

As for the Stan, all Bidung had to do was follow the plan Trump left and he would have been a hero. Instead he ignored the plan and his Generals and we still have American and Friendlies still stuck there. We also left billions of dollars worth of military equipment there. Bidung should have bombed the shit out of Bagram but didn't.

Now gas is 3.00 a gallon or more. Give me the Trump years.

Bidungs's an incompetent boob and anyone who voted for him is as incompetent as he is.
The last two GOP Presidents have left their successor a real shit show. However, Trump's shits show is the shit show to end all such shows. The asshole should be indicted on 500,000 counts of negligent homicide.
And Dimmers have gotten stupider and stupider as they keep sucking in their own CO2 with the facediaper you get everything BACKWARDS.
Look what I inherited?

2 years everything across the board was better in America, everything. No border crisis, no inflation, lots of jobs, no Afghanistan fuck up, illegals not being shipped into the country, much lower violent crime, racism wasnt a huge issue, and everything was just a lot better.

Of course covid came and fucked up the works, but that was no one's fault and any president would have a shitty time with it in the first year of it hitting.

But what's so bad? Biden inherited a fully functional system that was doing pretty good. He is the one that came in changed the rules, wrote a record amount of executive orders to reverse everything trump did, he flooded us with illegals, he kept us locked down.

All of this shit house mess started when he took office, except covid, he fucked it up with his shitty and demented administration that frankly aren't fit to manage a McDonald's.
You are delusional and need mental help.
The last two GOP Presidents have left their successor a real shit show. However, Trump's shits show is the shit show to end all such shows. The asshole should be indicted on 500,000 counts of negligent homicide.

While you're at it, why haven't you questioned the fact that your buddy Joey Xi Bai Dung has not mandated that all illegal aliens entering through our borders from the South be vaccinated as they enter. Rather Bai Dung has allowed these to be disbursed throughout the U.S. without testing or vaccinations exposing us all to the Covid-19 and it's variant infections.
Obviously we have enough vaccination material to do it since Joey Xi is now exporting vaccines free of charge.
What part of that was incorrect? Be specific
Not a problem....
1. "no inflation"---There was inflation each and every year Trump was in office. The last time we had deflation was in 2009.
2. "no Afghanistan fuckup"---Under Trump between 2017-2020, Afghan civilian casualties rose 95% specifcally due to him "lifting restrictions and expanding authority" freeing up the US to conduct more airstrikes. Civilian deaths in Afghanistan averaged 1,134 per year.
3."much lower violent crime"----the murder rate spiked by 30% in 2020 while Trump was in office.
4. "racism wasnt a huge issue"----I guess that depends on your perspective. If you are a racist, you didnt enjoy things this much since the 1950's. Trump called racists "good people". It's the perspective here that matters because you had someone in the White House the racists could relate to. So for them, the problem simply disappeared because nobody was coming after them.
5. "everything was just a lot better"---- The worst pandemic in over 100 years that was mismanaged from the start. We now have a segment of the population that no longer believes America has free and fair elections.
Not a problem....
1. "no inflation"---There was inflation each and every year Trump was in office. The last time we had deflation was in 2009.
2. "no Afghanistan fuckup"---Under Trump between 2017-2020, Afghan civilian casualties rose 95% specifcally due to him "lifting restrictions and expanding authority" freeing up the US to conduct more airstrikes. Civilian deaths in Afghanistan averaged 1,134 per year.
3."much lower violent crime"----the murder rate spiked by 30% in 2020 while Trump was in office.
4. "racism wasnt a huge issue"----I guess that depends on your perspective. If you are a racist, you didnt enjoy things this much since the 1950's. Trump called racists "good people". It's the perspective here that matters because you had someone in the White House the racists could relate to. So for them, the problem simply disappeared because nobody was coming after them.
5. "everything was just a lot better"---- The worst pandemic in over 100 years that was mismanaged from the start. We now have a segment of the population that no longer believes America has free and fair elections.
Fake news.

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