Biden: After Gun Control defeat in Senate, Obama preparing Executive Actions

The rule of the Senate which requires 60 votes for some items to pass and a simple majority for others were agreed to by both parties, knowing fully well that from time to time it may work for you sometimes and it may come back to bite you in the ass some other time.

Before this administration was less than a 60 vote plateau ever used for anything other than budgetary reasons? My memory ain't what it used to be but I can't think of any off hand.

Me neither.
I have to admit, the Dictator's hissyfit was pretty entertaining. Dictators cant handle not getting their way. I expect many Executive Orders to come. But they're meaningless. States can do what they want. Executive Orders are not Laws. So let him throw his temper tantrums. Who cares.

It is true EOs are not laws. They are enforcement actions. So you are an idiot if you think they are meaningless.

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