Biden: A Liberal Wolf in Moderate Sheep's Clothing


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
A Liberal Wolf in Moderate Sheep's Clothing

Biden: A Liberal Wolf in Moderate Sheep's Clothing by Cal Thomas (
28 Jn 2021 ~~ By Cal Thomas

President Biden and his press secretary, Jen Psaki, have assured us he is a "devout Catholic" who "attends church regularly." The question is not new but should be asked again and a credible answer demanded. How can one be devout about one's faith and not comport with Scripture and the teachings of the Catholic Church? As the Apostle James wrote, "faith without works is dead." (James 2:14-26)
President Biden might believe his "works" consist of more government programs, executive orders and policies that some believe are contributing to the divisive culture wars, but some of these policies are antithetical to his church's doctrines. Many Catholic leaders have criticized him for his stand on abortion, same-sex marriage, and transgender equality. Biden has added to his pro-choice stand a reversal on federal funding of abortion, which he long opposed until the 2020 presidential campaign.
Archbishop Jose Gomez, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has said: "When politicians who profess the Catholic faith support [abortion rights], there are additional problems. Among other things, it creates confusion among the faithful about what the Catholic Church actually teaches on these questions."
Since Biden is such a "devout Catholic" maybe he should consider what Jesus said about false teachers: "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." (Matthew 7:15)
Biden has reverted to an old and meaningless excuse when he says he doesn't want to "impose" his faith on others. The question then becomes why have a faith at all, if he won't apply what his church teaches as truth? How is Biden different from a person who is about to witness a murder but doesn't try to stop it, or call the police, because he doesn't want to impose his moral views about the value of life on a man about to commit an illegal and immoral act?
If Biden doesn't want to "impose" his view about unborn life, why can't he at least argue in favor of it in an attempt to persuade people of life's value at the start and at all stages until natural death? That is the position of his church. If it is his position, he should say so and publicly defend it, otherwise it becomes devoid of any moral value.

Axtually Cal Thomas miss identified Joey Xi, he's a low life opportunist, dyed in the wool Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat. Leftist. As with most religious and political hypocrites China Joe has hit his apex.
There are no moderate or center Left Progressives. Anything Left of Yahweh's right is left, liberal, and ungodly, including the bulk of today's alleged Rino's who are merely right-leaning liberals.
See article:
Like any religion one shold always beware of those that claim extreme devotion to their religion.
In truth, this weasel China Joey Xi is no devout Catholic based on his actions. He blasphemes the precepts of Catholicism.
Actions speak louder than words of piety, sad for us all that the electorate in our land put Biden into the White House.
Both Biden and Pelosi are genocidal Baby killers and are not devout Catholics, they are Heretics.
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"Moderate sheep's clothing"? Since when? When he was healthy years ago Biden was a radical left winger. Today he is a willing figurehead for the liberal democrat revolution.
If Biden was in a home among his peers, he would never get the not to be their leader. That's pretty much the same circumstances he now finds himself in, but he is the leader. Too crazy.
If Biden was in a home among his peers, he would never get the not to be their leader. That's pretty much the same circumstances he now finds himself in, but he is the leader. Too crazy.

Leaders UNITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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