Biased Political Poll Getting Answers They Want

“How would you rate the Biden-Harris Administration and Congressional Democrats’ handling of the COVID-19 pandemic so far?
1. Excellent
2. Very Good
3. Good
4. Okay
5. Unsure

I welcome comments from all posters who can shed more light about how polling orgs use polls- just like this one

Even if I were a stringent Democrat, I would be up in arms about the dishonesty of such pollsters and their trickery.
A lot of polls are asked in a way to get the results the pollster wanted.
Maybe its time we the people start up a polling center and do our own sounds undoable but its not...we deserve the truth...
A great solution, with truth being the only goal, and nothing else! The important part will be extending these polls to represent a true cross-section of voters, not narrowly defined by skewed questions or limited answers. By the People Polling!

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