Beyond belief...........

What a brazen nerve you have to use the dead victims of the Final Solution to support your cockeyed notion of Americans needing arsenals for protection.
"An Apple Valley father apparently shot his 2-year-old daughter late Wednesday night when his gun discharged in what investigators described as a cleaning accident." Oh! Brother.
Detectives report 2-year-old girl shot by father cleaning gun

Mass murder happened in Europe because the people of Europe gave up their guns in order to be safe.....and their governments surrendered 12 million of them to socialist gas chambers and death camps....

You don't car about kids dying in accidents......since more kids die in car have an irrational fixation on guns....

How many kids died in gun accidents in 2015......out of 74.2 million kids.... 48.

How many kids die in car accidents....
Teenage Car Accident Statistics - Aceable

According to the AAA Foundation, 371,645 people were injured and 2,927 were killed in crashes that involved a teen driver in 2013.

Table for teen driving deaths...
Fatality Facts

Total car accidental death....

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

Death by car and gun by age, 2015...

<1.... Car 64, .....Gun 1

1-4.... Car 332, ...Gun 25

5-9.... Car 351, .....Gun 7

10-14.... Car 412, .....Gun 15

15-19.... Car 2,535, .....Gun 52

Total Car.... 3,694

Total Gun.... 100

Total car accidental death....


Total gun accidental death...

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC


2013 ..... 505
2012 ..... 548
2011 ..... 591
2010 ..... 606
2009 ..... 554
2008 ..... 592
2007..... 613
2006..... 642
2005 ..... 789
2004 ..... 649
2003 ..... 730
2002 ..... 762
2001 ..... 802
2000 ..... 776
1999 ..... 824

So excuse us if we don't take your concern about accidental deaths by guns seriously....since so many other ways to die accidentally outnumber gun accidental deaths......

Cars, Accidental deaths 2015......36,161

Poisons...accidental deaths 2015...47,478

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2015...33,381
Accidental drowning 2015 .....3,602
Accidental suffocation 2015...6,914
Accidental Machiinery 2015... 550

Accidental gun death 2015... 489

If they Left can't be hypocritical, they can't be anything. Their demand for gun control or confiscation is entirely hypocritical, as you have so effectively pointed out.

The gun issue is much like the Left's hypocrisy on so many issues today. Think Black Lives Matter and the NFL idiots protesting cops shooting blacks when on any given weekend in Chicago, more blacks are shot by other blacks than cops shooting blacks in an entire year.

It is amazing how easy the left elite can dupe some Americans over and over again.
Except cops are suppose to be above the level of thug life..
Once again you post stupidity but are so stupid, you don't know it. Of course bad cops exist, just like idiots (you) exist.

Is pushing division and hatred between races over a minor problem, more important than stopping a much larger problem?

Don't answer please...being an idiot, I know you don't know the answer.
Callous disregard is what you, thugs and the cops operate upon..Enjoy your cruddy crust of so called justice from law and order...
I know it is too late for you...being an old fool as you are, but you might study the technique known as "comparative analysis."

Did I just blow your small mind?...LOL!
Toddler shoots two children with handgun in daycare centre

Two children are in serious but stable condition after allegedly being shot by another toddler at their home day care centre.

A toddler in Dearborn, Michigan “accessed a handgun” in a suburban home where several children were being cared for, police said. The weapon discharged, injuring two 3-year-olds who were present.

An outcome of a sick society.

If only the other toddlers had been armed this might have been avoided.

Actually it's okay and not beyond belief Tommy.


Because it wasn't done by a Muslim, so it's okay. If you die at the hands of a deranged killer who's a good old Christian, then it's okay, you won't care, the same as if it's done by good old righteous toddlers, no one cares, it's the way it should be. But had it been a Muslim, wow, your death is going to be a horrible one.

No one thinks it's OK.

But people do stupid shit every single day.

More kids die every day from other causes than firearm accidents but somehow only the gun accidents seem to matter to some people.

Of course no one thinks it's okay.

The problem is there are accidents with kids that happen because kids are kids, and then there are accidents with kids that shouldn't have happened in the first place, and the only reason it did happen is because there are too many guns in society.

There are not too many guns,

There are too many irresponsible parents.

More kids drown in backyard pools every year but we don't have too many pools do we?

Fine, too many irresponsible people. Can you ban irresponsible people?

More people die from heart attacks, maybe we should ban hearts, hey? Great argument there.....

You can't seem to understand that everything you people blame on some inanimate object is caused by PEOPLE not the object.

Saying a gun causes an accident or a crime or a murder is just plain stupid.

In the big picture accidental deaths from guns is one of the least common fatal accidents but because there is a gun involved somehow this least common accidental cause of deaths overshadows everything.
OK, you second amendment nuts, how often do you see a parent prosecuted for the death of a child that resulted from the parent leaving the gun where the child could get at it? I have commented on this board that such cases should all be handled as negligent homicide. And been accused of trying to politicize an accidental tragedy. Such parents are almost never prosecuted.

That we do not prosecute irresponsible parents is irrelevant.
The gun did not cause the accident.

I don't know any gun owner or 2A advocate here that doesn't want severe penalties for crimes committed with guns including negligence.

The powers that be think other wise and would rather ban an object then deal with the source of the problem THE FUCKING PEOPLE
Actually it's okay and not beyond belief Tommy.


Because it wasn't done by a Muslim, so it's okay. If you die at the hands of a deranged killer who's a good old Christian, then it's okay, you won't care, the same as if it's done by good old righteous toddlers, no one cares, it's the way it should be. But had it been a Muslim, wow, your death is going to be a horrible one.

No one thinks it's OK.

But people do stupid shit every single day.

More kids die every day from other causes than firearm accidents but somehow only the gun accidents seem to matter to some people.

Of course no one thinks it's okay.

The problem is there are accidents with kids that happen because kids are kids, and then there are accidents with kids that shouldn't have happened in the first place, and the only reason it did happen is because there are too many guns in society.

There are not too many guns,

There are too many irresponsible parents.

More kids drown in backyard pools every year but we don't have too many pools do we?

Fine, too many irresponsible people. Can you ban irresponsible people?

More people die from heart attacks, maybe we should ban hearts, hey? Great argument there.....

You can't seem to understand that everything you people blame on some inanimate object is caused by PEOPLE not the object.

Saying a gun causes an accident or a crime or a murder is just plain stupid.

In the big picture accidental deaths from guns is one of the least common fatal accidents but because there is a gun involved somehow this least common accidental cause of deaths overshadows everything.

Let's try this.

1) A small child with a gun, compared to a small child without a gun. Which is more likely to end up with someone being killed?

2) A lot of people out there are fucking stupid. You can't change this.
No one thinks it's OK.

But people do stupid shit every single day.

More kids die every day from other causes than firearm accidents but somehow only the gun accidents seem to matter to some people.

Of course no one thinks it's okay.

The problem is there are accidents with kids that happen because kids are kids, and then there are accidents with kids that shouldn't have happened in the first place, and the only reason it did happen is because there are too many guns in society.

There are not too many guns,

There are too many irresponsible parents.

More kids drown in backyard pools every year but we don't have too many pools do we?

Fine, too many irresponsible people. Can you ban irresponsible people?

More people die from heart attacks, maybe we should ban hearts, hey? Great argument there.....

You can't seem to understand that everything you people blame on some inanimate object is caused by PEOPLE not the object.

Saying a gun causes an accident or a crime or a murder is just plain stupid.

In the big picture accidental deaths from guns is one of the least common fatal accidents but because there is a gun involved somehow this least common accidental cause of deaths overshadows everything.

Let's try this.

1) A small child with a gun, compared to a small child without a gun. Which is more likely to end up with someone being killed?

2) A lot of people out there are fucking stupid. You can't change this.

The parent is responsible not the gun.

Yes a lot of people are stupid and it's not my responsibility to change that.

I cannot and will not protect every person in this country from their own poor decisions
No one thinks it's OK.

But people do stupid shit every single day.

More kids die every day from other causes than firearm accidents but somehow only the gun accidents seem to matter to some people.

Of course no one thinks it's okay.

The problem is there are accidents with kids that happen because kids are kids, and then there are accidents with kids that shouldn't have happened in the first place, and the only reason it did happen is because there are too many guns in society.

There are not too many guns,

There are too many irresponsible parents.

More kids drown in backyard pools every year but we don't have too many pools do we?

Fine, too many irresponsible people. Can you ban irresponsible people?

More people die from heart attacks, maybe we should ban hearts, hey? Great argument there.....

You can't seem to understand that everything you people blame on some inanimate object is caused by PEOPLE not the object.

Saying a gun causes an accident or a crime or a murder is just plain stupid.

In the big picture accidental deaths from guns is one of the least common fatal accidents but because there is a gun involved somehow this least common accidental cause of deaths overshadows everything.

Let's try this.

1) A small child with a gun, compared to a small child without a gun. Which is more likely to end up with someone being killed?

2) A lot of people out there are fucking stupid. You can't change this.

Let's try this

1) an unsupervised child in a pool
2) a supervised child in a pool

Which is more likely to end up with a fatal drowning?
Of course no one thinks it's okay.

The problem is there are accidents with kids that happen because kids are kids, and then there are accidents with kids that shouldn't have happened in the first place, and the only reason it did happen is because there are too many guns in society.

There are not too many guns,

There are too many irresponsible parents.

More kids drown in backyard pools every year but we don't have too many pools do we?

Fine, too many irresponsible people. Can you ban irresponsible people?

More people die from heart attacks, maybe we should ban hearts, hey? Great argument there.....

You can't seem to understand that everything you people blame on some inanimate object is caused by PEOPLE not the object.

Saying a gun causes an accident or a crime or a murder is just plain stupid.

In the big picture accidental deaths from guns is one of the least common fatal accidents but because there is a gun involved somehow this least common accidental cause of deaths overshadows everything.

Let's try this.

1) A small child with a gun, compared to a small child without a gun. Which is more likely to end up with someone being killed?

2) A lot of people out there are fucking stupid. You can't change this.

The parent is responsible not the gun.

Yes a lot of people are stupid and it's not my responsibility to change that.

I cannot and will not protect every person in this country from their own poor decisions

No, it's not your responsibility, and based on previous comments it's not the responsibility of anyone to do anything about it either.

You can't protect every person from their own poor decisions, you can't protect every person from the poor decisions of other people, but you will allow those fucking idiots to have a deadly weapon which serves only one purpose, to kill, and you'll even allow it to happen when kids are routinely shooting other toddlers.
Of course no one thinks it's okay.

The problem is there are accidents with kids that happen because kids are kids, and then there are accidents with kids that shouldn't have happened in the first place, and the only reason it did happen is because there are too many guns in society.

There are not too many guns,

There are too many irresponsible parents.

More kids drown in backyard pools every year but we don't have too many pools do we?

Fine, too many irresponsible people. Can you ban irresponsible people?

More people die from heart attacks, maybe we should ban hearts, hey? Great argument there.....

You can't seem to understand that everything you people blame on some inanimate object is caused by PEOPLE not the object.

Saying a gun causes an accident or a crime or a murder is just plain stupid.

In the big picture accidental deaths from guns is one of the least common fatal accidents but because there is a gun involved somehow this least common accidental cause of deaths overshadows everything.

Let's try this.

1) A small child with a gun, compared to a small child without a gun. Which is more likely to end up with someone being killed?

2) A lot of people out there are fucking stupid. You can't change this.

Let's try this

1) an unsupervised child in a pool
2) a supervised child in a pool

Which is more likely to end up with a fatal drowning?

And then let's try this:

A swimming pool, designed for swimming in.
A gun, designed for killing.
Toddler shoots two children with handgun in daycare centre

Two children are in serious but stable condition after allegedly being shot by another toddler at their home day care centre.

A toddler in Dearborn, Michigan “accessed a handgun” in a suburban home where several children were being cared for, police said. The weapon discharged, injuring two 3-year-olds who were present.

An outcome of a sick society.

If only the other toddlers had been armed this might have been avoided.

Actually it's okay and not beyond belief Tommy.


Because it wasn't done by a Muslim, so it's okay. If you die at the hands of a deranged killer who's a good old Christian, then it's okay, you won't care, the same as if it's done by good old righteous toddlers, no one cares, it's the way it should be. But had it been a Muslim, wow, your death is going to be a horrible one.

Typical partisan nonsense by the lunatic left.

If you want to start saving lives then ban autos and cellphones and booze because all those combine do more damage to humans than a fucking gun!

However we all know why the left pushes for the elimination of the 2A. A leftist is first and foremost a big government statist. They believe only the government (and the elites) should have guns. Thus failing to learn from all of civilized history, which clearly shows such arrangements lead to mass murder by the state.

Funny how wanting to do away with the 2A makes you a big govt fascist.

But wanting to do away with the First Amendment makes you a "patriot".

It is those like you that can not stand the Constitution and the rights it grants every citizen.

You are the first one that will silence David Duke for his hate speech while applauding and demanding Louis Farrakhan to be allow to speak freely!

So please you only support the First Amendment when it suits you and how do I know this because you put those that point out your lies and bullshit on ignore which mean you only want to read and hear what you agree with and prefer to silence the opinions that you do not agree with.

Also kids die daily from starvation, abuse, car accidents and much more but individuals like you focus on the firearm because of your irrational fear of a armed public that you can not force under your tyrannical government!

You do not care about the child because if you did you would not use them to push your agenda.

In fact those like you and the op'er wait for a death so you can use it, so tell me why do you and the op'er ignore real issues and focus on something that hardly happens?

Simple, you hate guns and the right to own them.

No matter what you will never get rid of the second amendment unless you destroy the country, so get use to it and if not who cares what you think about the second amendment!
There are not too many guns,

There are too many irresponsible parents.

More kids drown in backyard pools every year but we don't have too many pools do we?

Fine, too many irresponsible people. Can you ban irresponsible people?

More people die from heart attacks, maybe we should ban hearts, hey? Great argument there.....

You can't seem to understand that everything you people blame on some inanimate object is caused by PEOPLE not the object.

Saying a gun causes an accident or a crime or a murder is just plain stupid.

In the big picture accidental deaths from guns is one of the least common fatal accidents but because there is a gun involved somehow this least common accidental cause of deaths overshadows everything.

Let's try this.

1) A small child with a gun, compared to a small child without a gun. Which is more likely to end up with someone being killed?

2) A lot of people out there are fucking stupid. You can't change this.

Let's try this

1) an unsupervised child in a pool
2) a supervised child in a pool

Which is more likely to end up with a fatal drowning?

And then let's try this:

A swimming pool, designed for swimming in.
A gun, designed for killing.

It takes a human to operate a gun!

Don't own one but it is not your right to demand I do not own one either!

Ban humans if you want to end the stupidity!
There are not too many guns,

There are too many irresponsible parents.

More kids drown in backyard pools every year but we don't have too many pools do we?

Fine, too many irresponsible people. Can you ban irresponsible people?

More people die from heart attacks, maybe we should ban hearts, hey? Great argument there.....

You can't seem to understand that everything you people blame on some inanimate object is caused by PEOPLE not the object.

Saying a gun causes an accident or a crime or a murder is just plain stupid.

In the big picture accidental deaths from guns is one of the least common fatal accidents but because there is a gun involved somehow this least common accidental cause of deaths overshadows everything.

Let's try this.

1) A small child with a gun, compared to a small child without a gun. Which is more likely to end up with someone being killed?

2) A lot of people out there are fucking stupid. You can't change this.

The parent is responsible not the gun.

Yes a lot of people are stupid and it's not my responsibility to change that.

I cannot and will not protect every person in this country from their own poor decisions

No, it's not your responsibility, and based on previous comments it's not the responsibility of anyone to do anything about it either.

You can't protect every person from their own poor decisions, you can't protect every person from the poor decisions of other people, but you will allow those fucking idiots to have a deadly weapon which serves only one purpose, to kill, and you'll even allow it to happen when kids are routinely shooting other toddlers.


I swear you make shit up!
Just about the dumbest thing I've read on this forum...and that's saying something.

No, it was a person that shot those kids. A person that pulled a trigger.

Are you suggesting that kids in countries that have banned civilian firearm ownership don't get shot? You really want to go there?

God you're an idiot.
Please list some of the examples of toddler on toddler violence in the civilised world.

Meanwhile in the land of the free......................

Trump fears terrorists, but more Americans are shot dead by toddlers | Gary Younge

Armed toddlers kill twice as many Americans each year as terrorists

Take a knee babe -you are full of shit.

No, you don't get to back peddle out of this one.

Countries don't discharge a firearm, people do, just the like Mexican kid in the link I provided.

Again, you're an idiot.
Americans' fascination with firearms is sick.

My Jewish mother's family, all of which are now ashes in Europe, would disagree. What's sick is government tyranny, What prevents that is free people. People free to speak, free to pray or not, free to pursue happiness and yes, free to protect themselves.
What a brazen nerve you have to use the dead victims of the Final Solution to support your cockeyed notion of Americans needing arsenals for protection.
"An Apple Valley father apparently shot his 2-year-old daughter late Wednesday night when his gun discharged in what investigators described as a cleaning accident." Oh! Brother.
Detectives report 2-year-old girl shot by father cleaning gun

Screw you. My family are among those disarmed dead victims.
Toddler shoots two children with handgun in daycare centre

Two children are in serious but stable condition after allegedly being shot by another toddler at their home day care centre.

A toddler in Dearborn, Michigan “accessed a handgun” in a suburban home where several children were being cared for, police said. The weapon discharged, injuring two 3-year-olds who were present.

An outcome of a sick society.

If only the other toddlers had been armed this might have been avoided.

And your point is...?
Children should not have access to guns. But your insane gun laws make it inevitable. America shot these kids.

Try again.

The parent failed the child and not society.

More than 500 children are accidentally shot every year in the US. It's a national tragedy.

48 are killed in gun accidents...over 1,000 are killed in car accidents......and even more are injured in car accidents...yet not one complaint from you guys about allowing 16 year olds to drive them on public roads without adult supervision......

You guys have an irrational fixation on guns...since the fats, the truth and reality show that guns save more lives than they take...innocent lives saved from rape, robbery and murder......

No they don't. That's just a fiction that the NRA tells you. Countries with strict gun control don't have out-of-control crime or higher rates of death from crime which would be the case if the NRA were correct about all of the lives that are being saved.
And your point is...?
Children should not have access to guns. But your insane gun laws make it inevitable. America shot these kids.

Try again.

The parent failed the child and not society.

More than 500 children are accidentally shot every year in the US. It's a national tragedy.

48 are killed in gun accidents...over 1,000 are killed in car accidents......and even more are injured in car accidents...yet not one complaint from you guys about allowing 16 year olds to drive them on public roads without adult supervision......

You guys have an irrational fixation on guns...since the fats, the truth and reality show that guns save more lives than they take...innocent lives saved from rape, robbery and murder......

No they don't. That's just a fiction that the NRA tells you. Countries with strict gun control don't have out-of-control crime or higher rates of death from crime which would be the case if the NRA were correct about all of the lives that are being saved.

He made point that more kids are killed in the U.S. by idiot drivers than by a firearm.

Can you dispute this or will you turn and focus on something else.

Also the United States of America is not Canada and the population of this country is the third largest in the World where California alone has a larger population than Canada which mean more deaths will happen here in this country.

Americans have rights that are granted by the Bill of Rights and to change any of them it will take an act of Congress and the majority of states to change it, so in the end the second amendment is here to stay!

Humans have free will and with free will they have the right to think for themselves.

If someone does not want to own a gun here in the states or does not want one on their property then so be it, but they can not demand that I can not own one in my home or business unless the State Law restricts my second amendment right.

Each State set it laws and some have been overturned because it infringes on the individual Constitutional Right but in the end the second amendment is here to stay and nothing you say will change that reality...

So please never come to America because us savages prefer our freedom versus being told we're too stupid to think on our own.

The parents that allow their child to get hold of the parent Firearm is the failure and not the laws that are already in place...
There are not too many guns,

There are too many irresponsible parents.

More kids drown in backyard pools every year but we don't have too many pools do we?

Fine, too many irresponsible people. Can you ban irresponsible people?

More people die from heart attacks, maybe we should ban hearts, hey? Great argument there.....

You can't seem to understand that everything you people blame on some inanimate object is caused by PEOPLE not the object.

Saying a gun causes an accident or a crime or a murder is just plain stupid.

In the big picture accidental deaths from guns is one of the least common fatal accidents but because there is a gun involved somehow this least common accidental cause of deaths overshadows everything.

Let's try this.

1) A small child with a gun, compared to a small child without a gun. Which is more likely to end up with someone being killed?

2) A lot of people out there are fucking stupid. You can't change this.

The parent is responsible not the gun.

Yes a lot of people are stupid and it's not my responsibility to change that.

I cannot and will not protect every person in this country from their own poor decisions

No, it's not your responsibility, and based on previous comments it's not the responsibility of anyone to do anything about it either.

You can't protect every person from their own poor decisions, you can't protect every person from the poor decisions of other people, but you will allow those fucking idiots to have a deadly weapon which serves only one purpose, to kill, and you'll even allow it to happen when kids are routinely shooting other toddlers.

Well then I guess I have been using my guns incorrectly for the past 30 years since I have never killed anyone with them.

It's not illegal to be a fucking idiot. If people are not convicted felons or adjudicated to be dangerously mentally ill they have a RIGHT to own a gun.
With rights come responsibilities. I am not responsible if others shirk those responsibilities.

With liberty comes choice. With freedom comes risk.

Accidental gun deaths are one of the least common causes of death.
There are not too many guns,

There are too many irresponsible parents.

More kids drown in backyard pools every year but we don't have too many pools do we?

Fine, too many irresponsible people. Can you ban irresponsible people?

More people die from heart attacks, maybe we should ban hearts, hey? Great argument there.....

You can't seem to understand that everything you people blame on some inanimate object is caused by PEOPLE not the object.

Saying a gun causes an accident or a crime or a murder is just plain stupid.

In the big picture accidental deaths from guns is one of the least common fatal accidents but because there is a gun involved somehow this least common accidental cause of deaths overshadows everything.

Let's try this.

1) A small child with a gun, compared to a small child without a gun. Which is more likely to end up with someone being killed?

2) A lot of people out there are fucking stupid. You can't change this.

Let's try this

1) an unsupervised child in a pool
2) a supervised child in a pool

Which is more likely to end up with a fatal drowning?

And then let's try this:

A swimming pool, designed for swimming in.
A gun, designed for killing.

So the kid is less dead if he drowns?

And far more kids drown than die from accidental gunshots

But you still can't fathom that in both cases, pools and guns, it is the PARENT of the kid not the object that is ultimately responsible for the death
Fine, too many irresponsible people. Can you ban irresponsible people?

More people die from heart attacks, maybe we should ban hearts, hey? Great argument there.....

You can't seem to understand that everything you people blame on some inanimate object is caused by PEOPLE not the object.

Saying a gun causes an accident or a crime or a murder is just plain stupid.

In the big picture accidental deaths from guns is one of the least common fatal accidents but because there is a gun involved somehow this least common accidental cause of deaths overshadows everything.

Let's try this.

1) A small child with a gun, compared to a small child without a gun. Which is more likely to end up with someone being killed?

2) A lot of people out there are fucking stupid. You can't change this.

The parent is responsible not the gun.

Yes a lot of people are stupid and it's not my responsibility to change that.

I cannot and will not protect every person in this country from their own poor decisions

No, it's not your responsibility, and based on previous comments it's not the responsibility of anyone to do anything about it either.

You can't protect every person from their own poor decisions, you can't protect every person from the poor decisions of other people, but you will allow those fucking idiots to have a deadly weapon which serves only one purpose, to kill, and you'll even allow it to happen when kids are routinely shooting other toddlers.

Well then I guess I have been using my guns incorrectly for the past 30 years since I have never killed anyone with them.

It's not illegal to be a fucking idiot. If people are not convicted felons or adjudicated to be dangerously mentally ill they have a RIGHT to own a gun.
With rights come responsibilities. I am not responsible if others shirk those responsibilities.

With liberty comes choice. With freedom comes risk.

Accidental gun deaths are one of the least common causes of death.

It's not illegal to be a fucking idiot, but when they do something stupid, it can often have consequences beyond their own person, wouldn't you agree?

Yes, with rights come responsibilities, and I have no doubt you keep those responsibilities. But can the same be said of everyone else in the country?

I mean, when people shoot other people, there are consequences beyond their own responsibilities.

Yes, with liberty comes choice.

NOW, choice can be trained, and shouldn't schools be training people in how to use their brains a little better?

Look around this forum. How many people on this forum can read a paragraph and then write an answer that response that contains logic, an argument, and something to back that argument up with? I mean, these are basic skills in how to use your brain, and yet most on here struggle. In the US millions of people struggle with these basic skills and then go do stupid stuff with things that are designed to kill with. Hence the reason why the US has a much higher murder rate than EVERY SINGLE first world country.
Toddler shoots two children with handgun in daycare centre

Two children are in serious but stable condition after allegedly being shot by another toddler at their home day care centre.

A toddler in Dearborn, Michigan “accessed a handgun” in a suburban home where several children were being cared for, police said. The weapon discharged, injuring two 3-year-olds who were present.

An outcome of a sick society.

If only the other toddlers had been armed this might have been avoided.

negro or muzzer? tom.
Fine, too many irresponsible people. Can you ban irresponsible people?

More people die from heart attacks, maybe we should ban hearts, hey? Great argument there.....

You can't seem to understand that everything you people blame on some inanimate object is caused by PEOPLE not the object.

Saying a gun causes an accident or a crime or a murder is just plain stupid.

In the big picture accidental deaths from guns is one of the least common fatal accidents but because there is a gun involved somehow this least common accidental cause of deaths overshadows everything.

Let's try this.

1) A small child with a gun, compared to a small child without a gun. Which is more likely to end up with someone being killed?

2) A lot of people out there are fucking stupid. You can't change this.

Let's try this

1) an unsupervised child in a pool
2) a supervised child in a pool

Which is more likely to end up with a fatal drowning?

And then let's try this:

A swimming pool, designed for swimming in.
A gun, designed for killing.

So the kid is less dead if he drowns?

And far more kids drown than die from accidental gunshots

But you still can't fathom that in both cases, pools and guns, it is the PARENT of the kid not the object that is ultimately responsible for the death

No, he's not less dead. However kids who learn to swim might end up not drowning in the future.

So more kids die from drowning. Could this be because more kids swim? Could it also be that more kids will come into contact with water in their life time than with guns?

This isn't a simple comparison you're making here.

Yes, the parent is responsible for the death of their kid. But what of the kid who was shot? Who is responsible for that kid?
You can't seem to understand that everything you people blame on some inanimate object is caused by PEOPLE not the object.

Saying a gun causes an accident or a crime or a murder is just plain stupid.

In the big picture accidental deaths from guns is one of the least common fatal accidents but because there is a gun involved somehow this least common accidental cause of deaths overshadows everything.

Let's try this.

1) A small child with a gun, compared to a small child without a gun. Which is more likely to end up with someone being killed?

2) A lot of people out there are fucking stupid. You can't change this.

The parent is responsible not the gun.

Yes a lot of people are stupid and it's not my responsibility to change that.

I cannot and will not protect every person in this country from their own poor decisions

No, it's not your responsibility, and based on previous comments it's not the responsibility of anyone to do anything about it either.

You can't protect every person from their own poor decisions, you can't protect every person from the poor decisions of other people, but you will allow those fucking idiots to have a deadly weapon which serves only one purpose, to kill, and you'll even allow it to happen when kids are routinely shooting other toddlers.

Well then I guess I have been using my guns incorrectly for the past 30 years since I have never killed anyone with them.

It's not illegal to be a fucking idiot. If people are not convicted felons or adjudicated to be dangerously mentally ill they have a RIGHT to own a gun.
With rights come responsibilities. I am not responsible if others shirk those responsibilities.

With liberty comes choice. With freedom comes risk.

Accidental gun deaths are one of the least common causes of death.

It's not illegal to be a fucking idiot, but when they do something stupid, it can often have consequences beyond their own person, wouldn't you agree?

Yes, with rights come responsibilities, and I have no doubt you keep those responsibilities. But can the same be said of everyone else in the country?

I mean, when people shoot other people, there are consequences beyond their own responsibilities.

Yes, with liberty comes choice.

NOW, choice can be trained, and shouldn't schools be training people in how to use their brains a little better?

Look around this forum. How many people on this forum can read a paragraph and then write an answer that response that contains logic, an argument, and something to back that argument up with? I mean, these are basic skills in how to use your brain, and yet most on here struggle. In the US millions of people struggle with these basic skills and then go do stupid stuff with things that are designed to kill with. Hence the reason why the US has a much higher murder rate than EVERY SINGLE first world country.

And why do you think guns cause murder?

CA has the most strict gun laws in the country. UT has the most lax gun laws in the country. The murder rate in CA is 4 times higher than that of UT.

The UK passed several rounds of very strict gun laws starting in the 1960's including bans and confiscations but their murder rate today is higher than it was before all those laws were passed.

While our murder rate even with the peak in the 90's has dropped to the same rate as it was in 1950.

So looking at this and assuming that guns cause murder and strict gun laws lower the murder rate I can only surmise that any position based on these assumptions is pure bullshit.

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