Betting Pool: How Long Until Delegates Walk Out?


Trump's already the nominee...
Really? When was the nomination held?
Appears NOW to have been decided with the LAST PRIMARY,,,since the insurrection was put down like the RABBI dog that it was!
People who voted for Trump expect the delegates to cast their vote for Trump. Those who don't should be sued in a class action suit and removed from the party. People wanted a non-political candidate and they got one. Now the candy ass Rinos want to take their ball and go home. Screw every one of the sonsabitches.
I wonder if democrats will chant "USA" during their convention. Somehow I doubt it. I wonder if they will even recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. I saw a photo of the aftermath of a Hillary rally with the venerable American Flags tossed into the corner with the trash.
People who voted for Trump expect the delegates to cast their vote for Trump. Those who don't should be sued in a class action suit and removed from the party. People wanted a non-political candidate and they got one. Now the candy ass Rinos want to take their ball and go home. Screw every one of the sonsabitches.

"Sued"?? :lmao:

What for?
People who voted for Trump expect the delegates to cast their vote for Trump. Those who don't should be sued in a class action suit and removed from the party. People wanted a non-political candidate and they got one. Now the candy ass Rinos want to take their ball and go home. Screw every one of the sonsabitches.
“If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it.”

Mark Twain
People who voted for Trump expect the delegates to cast their vote for Trump. Those who don't should be sued in a class action suit and removed from the party. People wanted a non-political candidate and they got one. Now the candy ass Rinos want to take their ball and go home. Screw every one of the sonsabitches.

"Sued"?? :lmao:

What for?
That's better than beating their bony heads to a pulp for not following the rules..
Democrats will hang on to the very last second. It's over. If you missed the vote, too bad. The committee vote was held a week ago. Trump won 85 to 12. The Cruz supporters tried to get a motion to the floor this morning and was shouted down. You can't keep making up fanciful scenarios where the RNC will miraculously snatch the nomination away.

Delegates won't walk out. It's done.
The proposed idea is that the delegates will eventually walk out on Trump...when reality, if they do walk out, they will be walking out on everyone who voted for Trump and on Democracy itseld, demonstrating a belief that they know what is better for the people and country than the majority who voted for Trump. That's pretty much espousing the same elitist arrogance in which liberals shroud themelves.

It is not their job to 'save' the people who cast their votes but rather to REPRESENT them and the will of the people.
No they are there to nominate someone who can win the presidency. That's what political parties do. And Trump cannot win. Look at the hash the RNC has already become. If the party is so divided what about everyone else? Trump is cruising to the biggest electoral defeat since McGovern (another candidate who slipped in via a divided vote).
The GOP is not a suicide pact. They need to dump Trump and get someone who can win.
So somehow you believe you know better than others, too.

People like you said Trump couldn't win a primary...they were wrong. People like you said he couldn't win the nomiation. They were wrong. It's people like you who are responsible for Trump's success. People are tired of people like you telling them THEY are wrong, that you know better, and ignore them / their vote.

With all due repect F* you and people like you who believe you know better, have ignored the will of the people in order to do what people like you want / think is better...and have managed to f* this country up while/by doing so.

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