Best Buy's Geek Squad - Getting More (Or Less) Than You Bargained For

toobfreek's assertions are simply loony. He makes Marty look center mainstream in his opinions. Wow!
He's a bit off, but your assumption that the middle of a given position is the right position is wrong.
Your assumption of what you think I assumed is wrong, as usual. You are speaking in absolutes: so foolish.
No, I am not. Try to keep up farkey.
Yes, you are, and you are about to be lapped.
toobfreek's assertions are simply loony. He makes Marty look center mainstream in his opinions. Wow!
He's a bit off, but your assumption that the middle of a given position is the right position is wrong.
Your assumption of what you think I assumed is wrong, as usual. You are speaking in absolutes: so foolish.
No, I am not. Try to keep up farkey.
Yes, you are, and you are about to be lapped.

Only in your own addled 10 cent head.
toobfreek's assertions are simply loony. He makes Marty look center mainstream in his opinions. Wow!
He's a bit off, but your assumption that the middle of a given position is the right position is wrong.
Your assumption of what you think I assumed is wrong, as usual. You are speaking in absolutes: so foolish.
No, I am not. Try to keep up farkey.
Yes, you are, and you are about to be lapped.
Only in your own addled 10 cent head.
:) You are goofy, my friend.

You know it freaking kills me that infowars warned of this years ago as people who are idiots say he is fake, that's fake news a conspiracy blbah bblah.... but then some MSM jackholes come out with it and suddenly it's trusted. It takes the MSM GODS for sheep to believe anything . Having no understanding that when MSM comes out with it they are forced to it, and the incident has been taking place for years and years before they even report on whichever techie. incident they're referring too.

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The most recent of the same thing.
You see, freak, mind wars is not to be trusted. If there is a nugget of truth in any steaming pile to be found there, it can be found elsewhere.
Did you even read what I quoted? One, they tell customers their policy ahead of time. Two, they are legally obligated to report child porn. The perps own fault for being both a perv and stupid.

Still, I don't know their policy. It might be buried in a lengthy legal document full of legal crap that no one ever reads, like most agreements. You bought your computer at Best Buy and are obligated to take it there for service when it breaks never expecting that someone is going to go rooting all through your computer! Like I said, it could be other things than porn (you keep coming back to that for some reason), and it isn't like the stuff is sitting right out in the open on your desktop, is it? What do they do, go through all of your folders and files looking for it? I could see it if they just happened to come across it by accident, but to me, it sounds like they are rooting all through your computer looking for anything they can find.

I don't know about you, but I run a business where I keep customer documents and other things which I'm obligated to protect. Service or not, that computer is yours, private property, and I'm not aware that taking it to a service center for repair, unless it involves the installation of a new OS or other apps that would REQUIRE extensive handling of files or folders is a waver of your private property rights? I would never buy a computer at Best Buy much less use their Geek Squad, but knowing this now, I would never use them on principle, I don't give a flying fuck what their policy is (probably on a placard up on a store wall); THERE IS NO DAMNED LAW IN THE WORLD that REQUIRES a company to search and seize your private property against your wishes and permission---- UNLESS THEY ALREADY KNOW A LAW HAS BEEN VIOLATED. And you seem to keep dodging that issue. It sounds like the GS is going out of its way snooping all through your computer LOOKING for a crime without having prior reason to suspect one has been committed! And I thought reasonable people would be concerned about that and share my feelings---- I might have known some jackass on USMB would actually DEFEND an invasion of privacy. Let me guess, your a geek squad tech at Best Buy.
I keep coming back to the porn because that is what the story was about you stupid ass. Best Buy reporting child porn on clients computers.

Your mischaracterization of Best Buy is slanderous and the output of a deep idiocy on your part.

Go smoke your weed, jackass. So your saying that if Best Buy finds a file showing where you defrauded a bank or stole from a credit union, the store won't report it? And I characterized nothing, moron, I merely reported a national article in the Modus Ponens style. Go fuck yourself. Frankly, I don't give a crap what is in your computer that you are so dear to protect, all I'm saying is to be aware that if you send your computer in for service, don't be surprised if some $8/hr kid doesn't go all through it hunting for crap to turn you in for, just like the Soviets used to do. And my guess is that if Best Buy ever got a hold of your computer, they'd have to send the Feds to your House because I can smell a creep when I see one. :1peleas:
Says the asshole that wants to protect child pornographers.

That's not the point of is dumbass..........

It is an invasion of privacy, without your knowledge and no they DO NOT tell you the gawd dam FBI will be sent your information.

They use kids to pass BS LAWS as it spill out into just spying on everyone .

The FBI has been caught planting CHILD PORN on people's computers, and you don't even have to take it to geek squad doofus.
It's sad to see how little you actually comprehend.
"We have a moral and, in more than 20 states, a legal obligation to report these findings to law enforcement," Best Buy said in a statement. "We share this policy with our customers in writing before we begin any repair."

Fuck the stupid child pornographers.

So you like the idea of a stranger searching through your private files and folders while there to fix a power supply or wiring problem? It can involve much more than pornography, it is a privacy issue, and having pictures in your computer doesn't make you a child pornographer, the people on the web taking the pictures where I assume you GOT the pictures are, and the FBI ought to be more concerned with them. If the web wasn't full of the stuff to begin with, people wouldn't have it on their computers to look at.
Not sure what the complaint is, here. This is no different than any other aspect of life, save for, possibly, you deluding yourself into thinking electronic info is somehow "more privileged". If the HVAC repairman saw child porn pictures sitting out on your desk, he is obligated to report this to the police. If he was working on your neighbor's house and saw you do something illegal, he is supposed to report that. If Wal-Mart develops your filmand discivers illegal pictures, they are obligated to report it.
Still, I don't know their policy. It might be buried in a lengthy legal document full of legal crap that no one ever reads, like most agreements. You bought your computer at Best Buy and are obligated to take it there for service when it breaks never expecting that someone is going to go rooting all through your computer! Like I said, it could be other things than porn (you keep coming back to that for some reason), and it isn't like the stuff is sitting right out in the open on your desktop, is it? What do they do, go through all of your folders and files looking for it? I could see it if they just happened to come across it by accident, but to me, it sounds like they are rooting all through your computer looking for anything they can find.

I don't know about you, but I run a business where I keep customer documents and other things which I'm obligated to protect. Service or not, that computer is yours, private property, and I'm not aware that taking it to a service center for repair, unless it involves the installation of a new OS or other apps that would REQUIRE extensive handling of files or folders is a waver of your private property rights? I would never buy a computer at Best Buy much less use their Geek Squad, but knowing this now, I would never use them on principle, I don't give a flying fuck what their policy is (probably on a placard up on a store wall); THERE IS NO DAMNED LAW IN THE WORLD that REQUIRES a company to search and seize your private property against your wishes and permission---- UNLESS THEY ALREADY KNOW A LAW HAS BEEN VIOLATED. And you seem to keep dodging that issue. It sounds like the GS is going out of its way snooping all through your computer LOOKING for a crime without having prior reason to suspect one has been committed! And I thought reasonable people would be concerned about that and share my feelings---- I might have known some jackass on USMB would actually DEFEND an invasion of privacy. Let me guess, your a geek squad tech at Best Buy.
I keep coming back to the porn because that is what the story was about you stupid ass. Best Buy reporting child porn on clients computers.

Your mischaracterization of Best Buy is slanderous and the output of a deep idiocy on your part.

Go smoke your weed, jackass. So your saying that if Best Buy finds a file showing where you defrauded a bank or stole from a credit union, the store won't report it? And I characterized nothing, moron, I merely reported a national article in the Modus Ponens style. Go fuck yourself. Frankly, I don't give a crap what is in your computer that you are so dear to protect, all I'm saying is to be aware that if you send your computer in for service, don't be surprised if some $8/hr kid doesn't go all through it hunting for crap to turn you in for, just like the Soviets used to do. And my guess is that if Best Buy ever got a hold of your computer, they'd have to send the Feds to your House because I can smell a creep when I see one. :1peleas:
Says the asshole that wants to protect child pornographers.

That's not the point of is dumbass..........

It is an invasion of privacy, without your knowledge and no they DO NOT tell you the gawd dam FBI will be sent your information.

They use kids to pass BS LAWS as it spill out into just spying on everyone .

The FBI has been caught planting CHILD PORN on people's computers, and you don't even have to take it to geek squad doofus.
It's sad to see how little you actually comprehend.

Oh you don't even know what you don't know ............. your own stupidity keeps you dumber than you could ever imagine and it's all taught to you.
You know it freaking kills me that infowars warned of this years ago as people who are idiots say he is fake, that's fake news a conspiracy blbah bblah.... but then some MSM jackholes come out with it and suddenly it's trusted. It takes the MSM GODS for sheep to believe anything . Having no understanding that when MSM comes out with it they are forced to it, and the incident has been taking place for years and years before they even report on whichever techie. incident they're referring too.

View attachment 181259

The most recent of the same thing.
You see, freak, mind wars is not to be trusted. If there is a nugget of truth in any steaming pile to be found there, it can be found elsewhere.
STFUP a.h .. you don't even know what you don't know that's why Democrats politicians love iditos like you they can tell you assholes anything and you believe it and stop at their words. They know you all are that stupid.
No one is reporting them for regular porn you idiot. They are getting reported for having child porn.

And how do you know what is child porn when it gets intermixed in with everything? You ask to see a washing machine and you get dirty pictures! Do you know if that girl is really 18 just because the picture says so? You are beating a dead horse ruining innocent people's lives for having pictures for personal use that are freely available and hosted around the world by every internet provider and search engine in the world. Downloading a picture does not create a "demand" or a "market." The stuff was there before you were born and would still be there had you never seen it. Your saving a photo to file is an INTERNAL PROCESS in your computer, it isn't like you ordered it off of Amazon, paid them, and they are mailing it to you!!!!! The real issue here is the free access to the stuff provided by the Internet which the FBI and DOJ do nothing about.

Possession of child porn is a crime, and the type you get busted for CANNOT be mistaken for anything else.

You can make possession of crab grass a crime too but it is still everywhere and does NOTHING about the supply of it and only makes further victims of people already victimized by the rampant, widespread free access to it everywhere you look. If you want to kill a tree, it's a lot easier to kill it off by going after the trunk of the tree rather than trying to prune its leaves.

BTW, it also used to be a crime for a black man not to sit in the back of a bus or eat in the same restaurant as you! Sometimes laws are simply wrongheaded and like raising the age of rifle ownership in Florida does nothing to address the cause of school shootings, criminalizing the saving of pictures widely and freely available EVERYWHERE does nothing to curb the exploitation of and harm to little children.

my god, you are a loon.

Possession of child porn is a crime. production is a crime. I have no issues with throwing the book at either.

Marty, you are being deliberately obtuse. I'll try one last time and I shant repeat myself anymore: "Child porn" is anything under the age of 18. Half the porn on the internet might qualify as that! What if a person is a nudist and raises their family as such? Are their family pictures child porn too? What if a picture shows part of a woman's body that appears young/underage? How do you prove she was really under age or not? SAD to say, but in this age now of THIRTY-ONE legally recognized sexual orientations, being attracted to children is likely to end up just one more sexual preference, otherwise, it leads to discrimination. That's not MY opinion or wish, but I believe the only reason why it hasn't happened yet is a lack of organization and lobbying. But clearly, the argument is there waiting to be proven that pedophiles is just the 32nd type of sexual orientation to be legally identified and eventually protected. If you think that is crazy, did you ever think 20 years ago that there would be 31 legally identified sexual orientations (of which man and woman are but only two)? Did you ever think 20 years ago that marijuana would be legally sold in stores like so much basil and thyme? Did you ever think 20 years ago the government would be arguing for a guy's right to consider himself a woman trapped in a man's body and therefore legally entitled to use the girl's bathroom, locker-room and showers with women, girls and children?

So where does that really leave us: photos of underage girls (including children) is widespread on the internet. Saving any of the files to your own personal hard drive does NOTHING to stimulate demand or cause further harm to any children unless you are BUYING THEM direct from a producer of it. Therefore, criminally punishing ordinary, everyday people who might have stuff on their computer really SOLVES NOTHING, and at best, these people might want to get some help. Maybe that should be legally mandated.

I've seen pictures I consider child porn (it pops up in most any search that isn't filtered) that are clearly marked with identifying websites and such things! Why isn't the authorities going after these people? They are telling you right where they are at! Also, I would guess that most of this stuff is made in California around LA, a branch off of the Harvey Weinstein matter that people are only starting to publicly acknowledge as a HOLLYWOOD and SAN FRANCISCO INDUSTRY built around the abuse of women, especially YOUNG women, and yes, children. Why isn't the internet search engines being required to block and filter this stuff out when CLEARLY, THEY HAVE THE MEANS TO DO SO?

Have you ever seen the active facial recognition software on search engines? As a fair computer expert, I can tell you that it is EASILY within our grasp to create recognition software that would identify child porn and block it. Who's working on that?

If you want to make this thread about child porn, then GET SERIOUS about it: we have the means to find and prosecute the people who take these pictures but aren't doing nearly enough to stop them. Why? Because there's a lot of money behind the industry! Always follow the money trail. I bet there are THOUSANDS of people right around LA who make BIG MONEY on kid porn. We hide behind catching some poor schlep at Best Buy with some kiddy pictures only because it MAKES US FEEL GOOD when in fact, like electing Obama did nothing for racial equality or progress, it doesn't do a thing to end child pornography. We have the means to block such content, thereby cutting off the supply that feeds the need and interest of people so afflicted, yet are not doing anything about it. THEREFORE I CONCLUDE that such actions as paying Best Buy to report anything found and criminally prosecuting ordinary people for the mere POSSESSION of PHOTOGRAPHS is both ineffective, wrongheaded, hypocritical, puritanical, and largely driven by the ease in which people automatically condemn such activity (as seen here) as a means for agencies to constantly move people through the legal system to make more work for federal agents, lawyers, judges and courts.

In other words, it is all just GOOD BUSINESS and JOB SECURITY for the massively overblown and largely corrupt and ineffective criminal justice system! Look at that Florida school shooting: half a dozen cops there and NO ONE even entered the building to try to save those kid's lives!!! It's all a sham, and while I agree that a pedophile concerns me and needs psychological help, simply busting them and DESTROYING THEIR LIVES for mere procession of a picture (it only takes one) is just one more false genuflection to the IMPRESSION of combating a problem while actually doing nothing about it at all. Kind of like making smoking cigarettes illegal and arresting people for smoking them while looking the other way on growing tobacco and actually producing them would be. Because if we really wanted to end the porn problem, we could end it in a day by cutting off the DISTRIBUTION and ready access to these horrible matters! My guess is that some of your biggest kiddy porn users are YOUR CONGRESSMEN working right in D.C., and are heavily lobbied and invested in not hurting the industry too much, so they make all the rest of the public think they are "fighting it" by busting some schlep at the local Best Buy.

So, good intentions, Marty, but the joke is on you. It isn't a simple matter of just seeing criminal behavior and like Pavlov's dog turning them in out of good civic conscience, it is a matter of what really should be a serious crime and whether it is effective at all. And unless it is found that the BB customer is found to be actually running a child-porn ring as a CREATOR, SUPPLIER and PRODUCER, my opinion is you are just wasting time and money better spent elsewhere. And if you made distribution via internet of child porn a crime tomorrow, and threatened the IPs with prosecution, they would find a way OVERNIGHT of cutting off the supply of it via Google (because the means already exists). But then, Google has a lot of lobbying power. And you are just being gamed. Ultimately, the Child Porn Problem exists only because the authorities at some level WANT IT TO EXIST.
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No one is reporting them for regular porn you idiot. They are getting reported for having child porn.

And how do you know what is child porn when it gets intermixed in with everything? You ask to see a washing machine and you get dirty pictures! Do you know if that girl is really 18 just because the picture says so? You are beating a dead horse ruining innocent people's lives for having pictures for personal use that are freely available and hosted around the world by every internet provider and search engine in the world. Downloading a picture does not create a "demand" or a "market." The stuff was there before you were born and would still be there had you never seen it. Your saving a photo to file is an INTERNAL PROCESS in your computer, it isn't like you ordered it off of Amazon, paid them, and they are mailing it to you!!!!! The real issue here is the free access to the stuff provided by the Internet which the FBI and DOJ do nothing about.

Possession of child porn is a crime, and the type you get busted for CANNOT be mistaken for anything else.

You can make possession of crab grass a crime too but it is still everywhere and does NOTHING about the supply of it and only makes further victims of people already victimized by the rampant, widespread free access to it everywhere you look. If you want to kill a tree, it's a lot easier to kill it off by going after the trunk of the tree rather than trying to prune its leaves.

BTW, it also used to be a crime for a black man not to sit in the back of a bus or eat in the same restaurant as you! Sometimes laws are simply wrongheaded and like raising the age of rifle ownership in Florida does nothing to address the cause of school shootings, criminalizing the saving of pictures widely and freely available EVERYWHERE does nothing to curb the exploitation of and harm to little children.

my god, you are a loon.

Possession of child porn is a crime. production is a crime. I have no issues with throwing the book at either.

Marty, you are being deliberately obtuse. I'll try one last time and I shant repeat myself anymore: "Child porn" is anything under the age of 18. Half the porn on the internet might qualify as that! What if a person is a nudist and raises their family as such? Are their family pictures child porn too? What if a picture shows part of a woman's body that appears young/underage? How do you prove she was really under age or not? SAD to say, but in this age now of THIRTY-ONE legally recognized sexual orientations, being attracted to children is likely to end up just one more sexual preference, otherwise, it leads to discrimination. That's not MY opinion or wish, but I believe the only reason why it hasn't happened yet is a lack of organization and lobbying. But clearly, the argument is there waiting to be proven that pedophiles is just the 32nd type of sexual orientation to be legally identified and eventually protected. If you think that is crazy, did you ever think 20 years ago that there would be 31 legally identified sexual orientations (of which man and woman are but only two)? Did you ever think 20 years ago that marijuana would be legally sold in stores like so much basil and thyme? Did you ever think 20 years ago the government would be arguing for a guy's right to consider himself a woman trapped in a man's body and therefore legally entitled to use the girl's bathroom, locker-room and showers with women, girls and children?

So where does that really leave us: photos of underage girls (including children) is widespread on the internet. Saving any of the files to your own personal hard drive does NOTHING to stimulate demand or cause further harm to any children unless you are BUYING THEM direct from a producer of it. Therefore, criminally punishing ordinary, everyday people who might have stuff on their computer really SOLVES NOTHING, and at best, these people might want to get some help. Maybe that should be legally mandated.

I've seen pictures I consider child porn (it pops up in most any search that isn't filtered) that are clearly marked with identifying websites and such things! Why isn't the authorities going after these people? They are telling you right where they are at! Also, I would guess that most of this stuff is made in California around LA, a branch off of the Harvey Weinstein matter that people are only starting to publicly acknowledge as a HOLLYWOOD and SAN FRANCISCO INDUSTRY built around the abuse of women, especially YOUNG women, and yes, children. Why isn't the internet search engines being required to block and filter this stuff out when CLEARLY, THEY HAVE THE MEANS TO DO SO?

Have you ever seen the active facial recognition software on search engines? As a fair computer expert, I can tell you that it is EASILY within our grasp to create recognition software that would identify child porn and block it. Who's working on that?

If you want to make this thread about child porn, then GET SERIOUS about it: we have the means to find and prosecute the people who take these pictures but aren't doing nearly enough to stop them. Why? Because there's a lot of money behind the industry! Always follow the money trail. I bet there are THOUSANDS of people right around LA who make BIG MONEY on kid porn. We hide behind catching some poor schlep at Best Buy with some kiddy pictures only because it MAKES US FEEL GOOD when in fact, like electing Obama did nothing for racial equality or progress, it doesn't do a thing to end child pornography. We have the means to block such content, thereby cutting off the supply that feeds the need and interest of people so afflicted, yet are not doing anything about it. THEREFORE I CONCLUDE that such actions as paying Best Buy to report anything found and criminally prosecuting ordinary people for the mere POSSESSION of PHOTOGRAPHS is both ineffective, wrongheaded, hypocritical, puritanical, and largely driven by the ease in which people automatically condemn such activity (as seen here) as a means for agencies to constantly move people through the legal system to make more work for federal agents, lawyers, judges and courts.

In other words, it is all just GOOD BUSINESS and JOB SECURITY for the massively overblown and largely corrupt and ineffective criminal justice system! Look at that Florida school shooting: half a dozen cops there and NO ONE even entered the building to try to save those kid's lives!!! It's all a sham, and while I agree that a pedophile concerns me and needs psychological help, simply busting them and DESTROYING THEIR LIVES for mere procession of a picture (it only takes one) is just one more false genuflection to the IMPRESSION of combating a problem while actually doing nothing about it at all. Kind of like making smoking cigarettes illegal and arresting people for smoking them while looking the other way on growing tobacco and actually producing them would be. Because if we really wanted to end the porn problem, we could end it in a day by cutting off the DISTRIBUTION and ready access to these horrible matters! My guess is that some of your biggest kiddy porn users are YOUR CONGRESSMEN working right in D.C., and are heavily lobbied and invested in not hurting the industry too much, so they make all the rest of the public think they are "fighting it" by busting some schlep at the local Best Buy.

So, good intentions, Marty, but the joke is on you. It isn't a simple matter of just seeing criminal behavior and like Pavlov's dog turning them in out of good civic conscience, it is a matter of what really should be a serious crime and whether it is effective at all. And unless it is found that the BB customer is found to be actually running a child-porn ring as a CREATOR, SUPPLIER and PRODUCER, my opinion is you are just wasting time and money better spent elsewhere. And if you made distribution via internet of child porn a crime tomorrow, and threatened the IPs with prosecution, they would find a way OVERNIGHT of cutting off the supply of it via Google (because the means already exists). But then, Google has a lot of lobbying power. And you are just being gamed. Ultimately, the Child Porn Problem exists only because the authorities at some level WANT IT TO EXIST.

Holy wall of text batman.

First the things people actually get prosecuted for cannot be mistaken for anything but. Any stuff with any level of production uses of age actresses, and cannot be mistaken for the ameatuer level of most kiddie diddler productions.

You prosecute what you can catch. Plus catching the moron who brought his kid porn laden computer to Best Buy may allow him to be rolled for the producers, or at least the distributors.

In the end, your constitutional rights don't prevent you from being a fucking idiot. Some moron bringing his porn computer to Best Buy and having best buy drop a dime on him (AS THEY SHOULD, because if they don't they become accomplices) Does not all of a sudden remove your 4th amendment protections if you keep your computer at home and not give it to a third party for work.

The issue is making the IP criminal is REALLY going after actual civil liberties, because all they are transmitting is 0001010101010101 ad nauseum, and we would prefer they NOT snoop on what is being transmitted.

Again, you seem to be wasting a huge amount of time on a Constitutional non-issue, and I see myself as a strict constructionist and a civil liberties person. A kid porn picture on an item given to a third party is no different than you lending your handgun to a friend, and that friend handing it over to the cops because he suspects you did something bad, or even if he noticed something like blood on it.

Once you willingly give away something to a non-government actor (or even sometimes a government actor) all bets are off.
First the things people actually get prosecuted for cannot be mistaken for anything but.

WRONG. AS shown below.

Any stuff with any level of production uses of age actresses, and cannot be mistaken for the ameatuer level of most kiddie diddler productions.

Not even sure what that bullshit means.

You prosecute what you can catch.

I bet you can prosecute a TON of it available on your search engine right now! Easily blocked by the IP if they wanted to! Why do you keep sidestepping that issue?

Plus catching the moron who brought his kid porn laden computer to Best Buy may allow him to be rolled for the producers, or at least the distributors.

That doesn't even make sense, so I will ignore it.

In the end, your constitutional rights don't prevent you from being a fucking idiot.

Who says you have to be a fucking idiot? Read below. Why do you keep rationalizing an illegal search and seizure of your private property claiming you sign your rights away at Best Buy (show me the contract)?

Some moron bringing his porn computer to Best Buy and having best buy drop a dime on him (AS THEY SHOULD, because if they don't they become accomplices) Does not all of a sudden remove your 4th amendment protections if you keep your computer at home and not give it to a third party for work.

Non sequitur and a total cop out. No one becomes an "accomplice," if they fail to find something (how do you tell the difference between not finding something and failing to report it?) The 4th amendment does not stop at your doorstep. This is an unwarranted search and seizure and your flawed understanding of the law and shocking dismissal of clear abuses JUST BECAUSE IT INVOLVES PORN is incredibly dissonant. The WHOLE POINT of the Constitution is not to protect what we like but even those things we don't.

The issue is making the IP criminal is REALLY going after actual civil liberties, because all they are transmitting is 0001010101010101 ad nauseum, and we would prefer they NOT snoop on what is being transmitted.

BULLSHIT. So I can transmit national secrets because they are all just 1's and 0's while sending them?

Again, you seem to be wasting a huge amount of time on a Constitutional non-issue, and I see myself as a strict constructionist and a civil liberties person.

THAT'S HILARIOUS! You see yourself as a civil liberties person all the while denying people their civil liberties!

A kid porn picture on an item given to a third party is no different than you lending your handgun to a friend, and that friend handing it over to the cops because he suspects you did something bad, or even if he noticed something like blood on it.


Once you willingly give away something to a non-government actor.

You are fucked up. Try this:


Best Buy's Geek Squad searched customer computers for the FBI, report claims

1). A child pornography case involving a California doctor has revealed that Best Buy's Geek Squad technicians allegedly worked with the FBI to uncover data on customer's computers for years. It does not say to report anything appearing illegal you just happen to find through no fault of your own, but to UNCOVER DATA. LOOK FOR IT.

2). A non-profit organization claims that the nature of the FBI's relationship with the technicians may have violated the U.S. Constitution. May have VIOLATED the US Constitution, Jackass. Gee, how many times have we seen the FBI and DOJ breaking their own laws in the past couple of years?

3). EFF filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit last year. The FBI is being sued over this!

4). One search led to felony child porn charges against a doctor after a technician reportedly went through the oncologist's deleted files and called the FBI in 2011. This wasn't some careless idiot. This wasn't some causal blunder by the Geek Squad. Best Buy ACTIVELY and DELIBERATELY WENT THROUGH HIS DELETED FILES LOOKING FOR FILES TO USE AGAINST THE GUY AND RECOVERED THEM FOR THE FBI and this man was charged with FELONY PORN CHARGES.

5). In 2017, a judge ruled that the images found in Rettenmaier's computer could not be considered child porn and the invasive search was illegal. The material recovered by Best Buy and sent to the FBI, then used to charge this man with a FELONY was ruled by a JUDGE to NOT EVEN BE CHILD PORN and that THE ACT WAS ILLEGAL. But it's too late. This doctor's reputation and career have been ruined. And God knows what it all cost him. But that's OK in your book.

6). All of the charges were dropped and the case was dismissed after a judge said an FBI agent made "false and misleading statements" to obtain a search warrant for the doctor's house. Just as I've been trying to tell you, this is nothing more than an FBI witch-hunt looking to entrap otherwise normal and harmless people in order to ramp up crime stats and to justify their jobs, and they will LIE in order to get these people because it is EASY to do! The case was THROWN OUT. The FBI looks the other way on where they could REALLY stop kiddy porn! And so do you.

7). An FBI memo acquired in the lawsuit shows that Best Buy hosted a meeting and tour of their Kentucky repair facility for the FBI's Cyber Working Group in 2008. The memo and related email also claim that agents "maintained close liaison with the Geek Squad's management in an effort to glean case initiations and to support the division's Computer Intrusion and Cyber Crime programs. That's as crooked as it comes. It's entrapment. They don't want to bust Child Porn, they want to catch people just looking at pictures! There is no difference between looking at a picture on the web and looking at the same picture on your computer. If the web wasn't giving it to you, in most cases, flashing it in your face, you couldn't download and save it. The entire argument of "possession" is a total cop out because the end user is THE LAST PERSON TO HOLD IT! He could not get hold of it if it wasn't being freely distributed, and the case can easily be made that it is the distribution of it that creates the demand and does the harm, not some poor slob who happens to save it to look at it again later. In either case, how do you rationalize a felony charge against a guy just because some geek THOUGHT he had child porn vs. no charges against those willingly distributing the stuff?

8). Other court records uncovered in the FOIA search found that Geek Squad technicians were paid between $500 and $1,000 to actively search a client's computer. So the Geeks had a VESTED interest in both finding and reporting anything even remotely, possibly of value and interest to the FBI, and were riffing through who knows how many computers looking for it! BUSTED! Now, THAT is a crime!

9). The reports have raised concerns that the FBI is using the Geek Squad to bypass the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures. Won't be the first time the government tried to bypass any laws they thought they could get away with!

10). If illegal material is found during those repairs, Geek Squad employees are obligated to contact law enforcement. That's a lie. For one thing, how do you know what's illegal material unless it is OVERTLY illegal? Some $8.50 an hour kid determines that? And without a very CLOSE examination of the documents? Only 20 states ask that you contact them and even at that, it is a personal choice. Some alarm isn't going to sound because you found some dicey pictures and minded your own business. Again, we are not talking about cases where it is very evident that the computer in question contains original photos being created by its owner! But then, what kind of person running an actual child porn ring would leave it to find easily on one's computer? NONE OF THEM, while means all of this is about the FBI busting harmless people because they might get their kicks out of looking at kids.

11). Best Buy confirmed that three of four managers who received payments from the FBI are no longer at the company. Best Buy admits that having now been publicly CAUGHT, they have fired 3 of the 4 managers they could tie this to. They did not try to defend or justify it as you have.

We're all against kiddy porn, but what's amazing is your blindness as to the real crime going on here and your willing to allow the government to trample your rights just because it involves something you find unpalatable. We could substitute something else involving your free speech and leave everything else the SAME, and if the Geek Squad did the EXACT SAME THING to you tomorrow, searched through your computer with no need, cause or permission and found something they did not like, you would be OUTRAGED. You DESERVE Orwell's 1984. And the irony is that NONE OF THIS has done SHIT to counter actual kid porn, because just looking at it does not make it HAPPEN.
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First the things people actually get prosecuted for cannot be mistaken for anything but.

WRONG. AS shown below.

Any stuff with any level of production uses of age actresses, and cannot be mistaken for the ameatuer level of most kiddie diddler productions.

Not even sure what that bullshit means.

You prosecute what you can catch.

I bet you can prosecute a TON of it available on your search engine right now! Easily blocked by the IP if they wanted to! Why do you keep sidestepping that issue?

Plus catching the moron who brought his kid porn laden computer to Best Buy may allow him to be rolled for the producers, or at least the distributors.

That doesn't even make sense, so I will ignore it.

In the end, your constitutional rights don't prevent you from being a fucking idiot.

Who says you have to be a fucking idiot? Read below. Why do you keep rationalizing an illegal search and seizure of your private property claiming you sign your rights away at Best Buy (show me the contract)?

Some moron bringing his porn computer to Best Buy and having best buy drop a dime on him (AS THEY SHOULD, because if they don't they become accomplices) Does not all of a sudden remove your 4th amendment protections if you keep your computer at home and not give it to a third party for work.

Non sequitur and a total cop out. No one becomes an "accomplice," if they fail to find something (how do you tell the difference between not finding something and failing to report it?) The 4th amendment does not stop at your doorstep. This is an unwarranted search and seizure and your flawed understanding of the law and shocking dismissal of clear abuses JUST BECAUSE IT INVOLVES PORN is incredibly dissonant. The WHOLE POINT of the Constitution is not to protect what we like but even those things we don't.

The issue is making the IP criminal is REALLY going after actual civil liberties, because all they are transmitting is 0001010101010101 ad nauseum, and we would prefer they NOT snoop on what is being transmitted.

BULLSHIT. So I can transmit national secrets because they are all just 1's and 0's while sending them?

Again, you seem to be wasting a huge amount of time on a Constitutional non-issue, and I see myself as a strict constructionist and a civil liberties person.

THAT'S HILARIOUS! You see yourself as a civil liberties person all the while denying people their civil liberties!

A kid porn picture on an item given to a third party is no different than you lending your handgun to a friend, and that friend handing it over to the cops because he suspects you did something bad, or even if he noticed something like blood on it.


Once you willingly give away something to a non-government actor.

You are fucked up. Try this:


Best Buy's Geek Squad searched customer computers for the FBI, report claims

1). A child pornography case involving a California doctor has revealed that Best Buy's Geek Squad technicians allegedly worked with the FBI to uncover data on customer's computers for years. It does not say to report anything appearing illegal you just happen to find through no fault of your own, but to UNCOVER DATA. LOOK FOR IT.

2). A non-profit organization claims that the nature of the FBI's relationship with the technicians may have violated the U.S. Constitution. May have VIOLATED the US Constitution, Jackass. Gee, how many times have we seen the FBI and DOJ breaking their own laws in the past couple of years?

3). EFF filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit last year. The FBI is being sued over this!

4). One search led to felony child porn charges against a doctor after a technician reportedly went through the oncologist's deleted files and called the FBI in 2011. This wasn't some careless idiot. This wasn't some causal blunder by the Geek Squad. Best Buy ACTIVELY and DELIBERATELY WENT THROUGH HIS DELETED FILES LOOKING FOR FILES TO USE AGAINST THE GUY AND RECOVERED THEM FOR THE FBI and this man was charged with FELONY PORN CHARGES.

5). In 2017, a judge ruled that the images found in Rettenmaier's computer could not be considered child porn and the invasive search was illegal. The material recovered by Best Buy and sent to the FBI, then used to charge this man with a FELONY was ruled by a JUDGE to NOT EVEN BE CHILD PORN and that THE ACT WAS ILLEGAL. But it's too late. This doctor's reputation and career have been ruined. And God knows what it all cost him. But that's OK in your book.

6). All of the charges were dropped and the case was dismissed after a judge said an FBI agent made "false and misleading statements" to obtain a search warrant for the doctor's house. Just as I've been trying to tell you, this is nothing more than an FBI witch-hunt looking to entrap otherwise normal and harmless people in order to ramp up crime stats and to justify their jobs, and they will LIE in order to get these people because it is EASY to do! The case was THROWN OUT. The FBI looks the other way on where they could REALLY stop kiddy porn! And so do you.

7). An FBI memo acquired in the lawsuit shows that Best Buy hosted a meeting and tour of their Kentucky repair facility for the FBI's Cyber Working Group in 2008. The memo and related email also claim that agents "maintained close liaison with the Geek Squad's management in an effort to glean case initiations and to support the division's Computer Intrusion and Cyber Crime programs. That's as crooked as it comes. It's entrapment. They don't want to bust Child Porn, they want to catch people just looking at pictures! There is no difference between looking at a picture on the web and looking at the same picture on your computer. If the web wasn't giving it to you, in most cases, flashing it in your face, you couldn't download and save it. The entire argument of "possession" is a total cop out because the end user is THE LAST PERSON TO HOLD IT! He could not get hold of it if it wasn't being freely distributed, and the case can easily be made that it is the distribution of it that creates the demand and does the harm, not some poor slob who happens to save it to look at it again later. In either case, how do you rationalize a felony charge against a guy just because some geek THOUGHT he had child porn vs. no charges against those willingly distributing the stuff?

8). Other court records uncovered in the FOIA search found that Geek Squad technicians were paid between $500 and $1,000 to actively search a client's computer. So the Geeks had a VESTED interest in both finding and reporting anything even remotely, possibly of value and interest to the FBI, and were riffing through who knows how many computers looking for it! BUSTED! Now, THAT is a crime!

9). The reports have raised concerns that the FBI is using the Geek Squad to bypass the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures. Won't be the first time the government tried to bypass any laws they thought they could get away with!

10). If illegal material is found during those repairs, Geek Squad employees are obligated to contact law enforcement. That's a lie. For one thing, how do you know what's illegal material unless it is OVERTLY illegal? Some $8.50 an hour kid determines that? And without a very CLOSE examination of the documents? Only 20 states ask that you contact them and even at that, it is a personal choice. Some alarm isn't going to sound because you found some dicey pictures and minded your own business. Again, we are not talking about cases where it is very evident that the computer in question contains original photos being created by its owner! But then, what kind of person running an actual child porn ring would leave it to find easily on one's computer? NONE OF THEM, while means all of this is about the FBI busting harmless people because they might get their kicks out of looking at kids.

11). Best Buy confirmed that three of four managers who received payments from the FBI are no longer at the company. Best Buy admits that having now been publicly CAUGHT, they have fired 3 of the 4 managers they could tie this to. They did not try to defend or justify it as you have.

We're all against kiddy porn, but what's amazing is your blindness as to the real crime going on here and your willing to allow the government to trample your rights just because it involves something you find unpalatable. We could substitute something else involving your free speech and leave everything else the SAME, and if the Geek Squad did the EXACT SAME THING to you tomorrow, searched through your computer with no need, cause or permission and found something they did not like, you would be OUTRAGED. You DESERVE Orwell's 1984. And the irony is that NONE OF THIS has done SHIT to counter actual kid porn, because just looking at it does not make it HAPPEN.

He. Brought. his. computer. there. he. is. a fucking. moron. like. you. are. a. fucking. moron.

Did I spell that out enough for you?

Go hide in the conspiracy zone. I waste enough time with other people who equate a wall of fucking text for actual content.
So you like the idea of a stranger searching through your private files and folders while there to fix a power supply or wiring problem? It can involve much more than pornography, it is a privacy issue, and having pictures in your computer doesn't make you a child pornographer, the people on the web taking the pictures where I assume you GOT the pictures are, and the FBI ought to be more concerned with them. If the web wasn't full of the stuff to begin with, people wouldn't have it on their computers to look at.

If you have child pornography on your computer, you're a pedophile. The pictured did not load themselves onto your computer by itself. Sort of like a gun. If you don't pull the trigger, nothing goes BANG!
So you like the idea of a stranger searching through your private files and folders while there to fix a power supply or wiring problem? It can involve much more than pornography, it is a privacy issue, and having pictures in your computer doesn't make you a child pornographer, the people on the web taking the pictures where I assume you GOT the pictures are, and the FBI ought to be more concerned with them. If the web wasn't full of the stuff to begin with, people wouldn't have it on their computers to look at.

If you have child pornography on your computer, you're a pedophile. The pictured did not load themselves onto your computer by itself. Sort of like a gun. If you don't pull the trigger, nothing goes BANG!

Clueless , yeah it can show up out of no where

Did I spell that out enough for you?

Apparently it doesn't mean shit to you and isn't "content" that the FBI is being SUED for what they did, they broke the law, they tried to hide what they did, they never informed their customers that their computers were subject to illegal searches by the employees leading to possible felony charges just for wanting their computer serviced, the guy who had his life ruined was deemed by the court to not even have illegal content on his computer and Best Buy has fired all involved in an apparent revulsion to what was done, and if they can get away with this today, then tomorrow it will just be something else they justify doing it for! Apparently that is too difficult for you to understand and here goes Marty Beggin trying to slough it all off as perfectly legal, normal and fine! What a fucking cracker!
The evidence found in the doctor's home was ruled inadmissible because the FBI didn't properly get a search warrant. So the doctor gets away with possessing child porn. Not sure why you are melting down over this or feeling sorry for the perv doctor. It sounds as if you want to decriminalize child porn and that makes you a shit of the first order.
Did I spell that out enough for you?

Apparently it doesn't mean shit to you and isn't "content" that the FBI is being SUED for what they did, they broke the law, they tried to hide what they did, they never informed their customers that their computers were subject to illegal searches by the employees leading to possible felony charges just for wanting their computer serviced, the guy who had his life ruined was deemed by the court to not even have illegal content on his computer and Best Buy has fired all involved in an apparent revulsion to what was done, and if they can get away with this today, then tomorrow it will just be something else they justify doing it for! Apparently that is too difficult for you to understand and here goes Marty Beggin trying to slough it all off as perfectly legal, normal and fine! What a fucking cracker!

An employee isn't a government actor usually, and in any event the machines were again given willingly. There was no implied privacy on the devices because they were handed over to a 3rd party with explicit permission to examine the machines.
The evidence found in the doctor's home was ruled inadmissible because the FBI didn't properly get a search warrant. So the doctor gets away with possessing child porn. Not sure why you are melting down over this or feeling sorry for the perv doctor. It sounds as if you want to decriminalize child porn and that makes you a shit of the first order.

Don't try to compound your spin with more lies. If the FBI had any real evidence of child porn on the guy from his Best Buy computer, they wouldn't have needed to make false and misleading statements to the judge to get into his home. The judge's own words. This is not about people with a porn problem, it is about how the government takes any issue and corrupts it. If they went after the actual producers and distributors of kid porn with such vigor, we would not have any problem. And it is about how the government cannot be trusted to handle any legal matter within the law. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Big Brother is out of control.

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