Bernie's sell-out is complete

I wonder if they offered him a new sports car or a new Dacha.
Or offshore account...

No, what they offered him was a chance to shape Democrat policy going forward....Just as dangerous as if he were running, maybe more so, considering that he would then be able to do things from the shadows....

Are saying he sold out with Biden promising to run on a platform to make America a Socialist Shithole?
I wonder if they offered him a new sports car or a new Dacha.
Or offshore account...

No, what they offered him was a chance to shape Democrat policy going forward....Just as dangerous as if he were running, maybe more so, considering that he would then be able to do things from the shadows....

The democratic party is not going anywhere other than to the dustbin of history.....being led there by a 80 yr. old brain damaged phoney as he repeats his story of how little colored kids liked to play with his blond leg hairs. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Time to tell it like it is.....The Emperor has no clothes.

BTW We have never had a 80 yr. old president...Reagan came the closest to it and we all know what happened to him towards the end..

Joe biden is at that point right now....and he has not even been officially nominated yet.

Wake up peeps...........

It will be fun, deplorables will be losing their minds with Joe's lapses, and we r gonna say "just joe being joe". karma is a bitch...
The unpalatable truth some Trumpers won’t admit is that they actually respected Bernie because on many issues he stood up to the corporate Democrats who run the party. I knew quite a few Trump supporters in 2016 who told me they would have voted for Sanders if he had been the Democratic candidate then. Bernie was hardly perfect, but he was always a sincere and practical politician who pushed the limits of the possible. His strategy of building a genuine leftwing coalition in the Democratic Party, and changing it thoroughly, was impossible in his day. But his task was always going to be more difficult than Trump’s success in the Republican Party, for many reasons. He is too old now to do much more than be an inspiration to a new wave of radicals, who will hopefully emerge to challenge the status quo in a truly progressive manner.

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