Bernie's Pinko Democrats...

So all of those western nations with social democracies that have single payer healthcare and government run education have low poverty rates and very little gun related crime.

Sounds like those "pinko democrats" have a viable alternative solution.

It's certainly possible, isn't it?

For the benefit of all the other posters to this thread who are worried about the US going bankrupt, let's look see what's happening to all the wealth that the shrinking middle class ISN'T spending. Where did it go, anyway?

Oh, look! There it is!


-- Paravani

Sheesh, it appears that the American worker really got screwed over since Obamanomics took over and Democrats want more of the same..gads

Obama wasn't POTUS in 1982! :eek:

That was your beloved St Reagan who imposed trickle down voodoo economics on We the People.

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