Bernie Sanders is a contemporary Fidel Castro and democrats can't stop him.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Liberal Arts Colleges operate as a de facto payday loan centers, swindling students with a Ponzi scheme that enriches college administrators and saddles kids with debt that cancels out any advantage of a college education. Most of that education today is focused on overturning American Exceptionalism that rejects central planning and supports the belief that individual liberty and hard work pave the way to happiness and personal fulfilment. The state has other ideas which is where this notion of forgiving college loans comes from.

The failure of the impeachment fiasco combined with a goon platoon of weak candidates is likely to deliver a violent and chaotic political Donnybrook reminiscent of the 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago. The problem is that Bernie Sanders is emerging as the frontrunner in the Democratic Party. Sanders is a Bolshevik fellow traveler in the truest sense of the word and he’s the first to admit it-he honeymooned in the former Soviet Union and was a staunch supporter of Hugo Chavez, former president of Venezuela where soap and toilet paper are considered luxuries available only to the rich.

Sanders is wildly popular with young people because they were indoctrinated in school to believe that bad white people, particularly bad old white people, have destroyed the world. Kids in school are systematically brainwashed to believe that their parents and grandparents are ignorant racists, misogynists and homophobes. Sanders, like a lot of pedantic leftists, presents himself as an enlightened white man leading the forward-thinking to a brave new world where aging Caucasians will be put in their place by bureaucratic political policies defending the downtrodden from the academically concocted societal crime of white privilege.

The democrats know that Sanders would have been the candidate in 2016 if they didn’t steal the nomination from him which they did by installing Hillary Clinton with super delegates. It’s going to be much harder this year to push Sanders aside and if they try, civil war in the party will ensue. That’s why they desperately tried to impeach Trump; Sanders will lose in a state vs. people scenario.

Sanders is an academically crafted purveyor of white stereotyping as a vengeful excuse for a revolution using government as the secret police. Forcing citizens to pay for the college loans of indoctrinated revolutionaries is just the tip of the iceberg. Bernie Sanders is a contemporary Fidel Castro-he can’t win a national election and democrats know it.
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Sanders is nightmare for democrats because he is essentially a third party candidate that not only detracts from a major democratic party candidate he is likely to be the major democratic party candidate. He's like Ross Perot on steroids and he will likely re-elect Donald Trump.
Sanders is nightmare for democrats because he is essentially a third party candidate that not only detracts from a major democratic party candidate he is likely to be the major democratic party candidate. He's like Ross Perot on steroids and he will likely re-elect Donald Trump.

I imagine Bernies voters nation wide are loyal, and thus he can expect a certain threshold from every state. None of the other candidates can say that, except for maybe Biden in states like D.C.

Thus, while the others trade off votes on a state by state basis but never rise above the crowd, Bernie will continue to get solid returns and win a larger share.

They have to rig it to stop him. They rig it and his voters turn on their candidate. So, it's Bernie or Trump for the Dems. Some angry Never Trumper are already warming to this idea, like loser Joe Walsh, "I'd rather have a socialist than an autocrat" speech.

Maybe this message will resonate. This is Trumps campaign to lose. He needs to stay near the middle and pick off Independents. If they abandon him, Trump could very well lose to Bernie. I said he could lose to him in 2016. Trump HAS to be surrounded by smart advisers who know that Independents and libertarian voters are the key.
Sanders is nightmare for democrats because he is essentially a third party candidate that not only detracts from a major democratic party candidate he is likely to be the major democratic party candidate. He's like Ross Perot on steroids and he will likely re-elect Donald Trump.

Sanders voters will vote for Trump sooner. Than another Dem.

Sanders is nightmare for democrats because he is essentially a third party candidate that not only detracts from a major democratic party candidate he is likely to be the major democratic party candidate. He's like Ross Perot on steroids and he will likely re-elect Donald Trump.
You can bet when the Super Delegates vote for the short mayor of NYC, the Bernie supporters have said they plan to some revenge destruction. It will not only show how corrupt the Demoncrap party is but also reelect President Trump.
Most of that education today is focused on overturning American Exceptionalism that rejects central planning and supports the belief that individual liberty and hard work pave the way to happiness and personal fulfilment.

I'd like to see ANY candidate espouse other than central planning. It seems to be bi partisan affront to the "exceptionalism" claimed. I'd like to see ANY candidate pay at least lip service to Liberty. I'd like to see ANY candidate pay at least lip service to personal fulfillment other than their own. I'd like to see ANY candidate speak to what is supposed to make someone happy.
I'd like to see ANY candidate admit that the US, centrally planned, education system is an abysmal failure. After all, the educators of today were educated by that system.
Will ANY candidate do the above? If you believe they will, please, hold your breath while waiting. The centrally planned health ins debacle will take care of you-

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