Bernie Sanders Fans Leave Iowa College’s Mock Caucus in Protest As he Gets Trounced by 1/1,000


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

Hilarious. What a time to be alive to witness.

Bernie Sanders Supporters Leave Iowa Mock Caucus in Protest
If Sanders or Warren win the Democratic Nomination I am going to say it clear as Day Trump win all fifty states come November...
Mysterious delay.


Cynical me says that when Democrats have a “mysterious delay” in reporting votes, it’s because they’re cheating on the results.

They robbed Bernie last time, think they are trying to figure out how much they can cheat Bernie without causing a riot?
If Sanders or Warren win the Democratic Nomination I am going to say it clear as Day Trump win all fifty states come November...

It will still be a landslide even if that clown Biden gets nominated.

Biden was out 3 days after he announced. Biden is a non issue. They will take Bernie out, Biden will collapse and the DNC will send in a pinch hitter to lose it for them.
Mysterious delay.


Cynical me says that when Democrats have a “mysterious delay” in reporting votes, it’s because they’re cheating on the results.

They robbed Bernie last time, think they are trying to figure out how much they can cheat Bernie without causing a riot?

OMG...the shit I'm reading following up on this^
is so NOT unfuckingbelievable

I read 1 of Sanders precinct captains didn't show up
1 of Yangs realigned with Warren in the 2nd vote
Sanders voters were told to leave after the first round
and they were using the paper ballots as back ups,
using head counts for their totals

They are blaming the 'delay' on 'user error'
with #'s coming in on their reporting app
aren't adding up with the electronic tabulation systems
and they are looking at photos of the paper trail and....
yada yada yada yada yada yada yada yada yada yada


McClure emphasized that this was not the result of a “hack or intrusion” and that the “underlying data and paper trail is sound.”

Really...that statement is to suggest what?
Russia isn't involved and nothing sinister is going on

Around 10:30 p.m. in Des Moines on Monday, during a short conference with representatives from each campaign, the IDP said they currently had just 35% of precinct numbers reported and that due to “user error” with their reporting app, they found some slight “inconsistencies,” according to participants on the call. Some numbers, the party said, “didn’t add up.”

The party told campaigns they were comparing the app results with cell phone pictures of the caucus paper worksheets, where caucus results are recorded manually by hand.

The IDP did not take any questions.

At one point, a participant could be heard shouting on the call: “This is an unbelievable explanation.” Another person chimed in, “I think he speaks for all of us.”

One campaign aide described the call as being “hung up” on.

On Twitter and even on radio and television, local officials have reported hour-long hold times with the Iowa state party while trying to report results

The Biden campaign’s general counsel, Dana Remus, sent a sternly worded letter to the state party’s top leaders Monday night, expressing frustration with “considerable flaws” in the reporting process.

“The app that was intended to relay Caucus results to the Party failed; the Party’s back-up telephonic reporting system likewise has failed,” Remus wrote. “Now, we understand that caucus chairs are attempting to — and, in many cases, failing to — report results telephonically to the party. These acute failures are occurring statewide.”

Remus also asked that official results not be released until campaigns had a chance to hear more about “quality control” measures and respond to such information. It was not immediately clear if the letter was sent before the conference call.

The Iowa Caucus Results Are Still Delayed And Campaigns Are Angry

Relax...nothing to see one is rigging anything
C'mon folks...cut them some slack.

They are a party made up of mostly minorities...and y'all expect them to be able to count?
Iowa is too white, that's the problem
Our Democracy has been misserved by a broken system

ROFLMFAO, talking about technology ^
Bernard Sanders may be 78 but we're about to make him 46

Yes, because America needs Communism. What could possibly go wrong?

Funny thing about Communism. You can be stupid and vote your way into it but you have to shoot your way out.

Fuck Bernie! He should go back and live in the Communist paradise that he honeymooned in. Oh wait, he can't. It collapsed.
If Sanders or Warren win the Democratic Nomination I am going to say it clear as Day Trump win all fifty states come November...

It will still be a landslide even if that clown Biden gets nominated.

Biden was out 3 days after he announced. Biden is a non issue. They will take Bernie out, Biden will collapse and the DNC will send in a pinch hitter to lose it for them.

John Kerry said no fucking way he is running...
Bernard Sanders may be 78 but we're about to make him 46

Yes, because America needs Communism. What could possibly go wrong?

Funny thing about Communism. You can be stupid and vote your way into it but you have to shoot your way out.

Fuck Bernie! He should go back and live in the Communist paradise that he honeymooned in. Oh wait, he can't. It collapsed.

Yes, the former Soviet Union collapsed and now you know why it is Bernie, Cortez and Warren passion to raise it from the ashes and bring it here to the United Socialist States of America...
Come on, everyone knows the reason it's screwed up. DEMOCRATS ARE IN CHARGE. Nothing new here. Anyone rember the ACA website? Anyone notice how well the California high speed rail is working? How about the pristine sanitary conditions in San Fransisco?
Then everyone seems surprised that the caucuses are screwed up. Can hardly wait until they take on Medicare for all.
Come on, everyone knows the reason it's screwed up. DEMOCRATS ARE IN CHARGE. Nothing new here. Anyone rember the ACA website? Anyone notice how well the California high speed rail is working? How about the pristine sanitary conditions in San Fransisco?
Then everyone seems surprised that the caucuses are screwed up. Can hardly wait until they take on Medicare for all.

There is absolutely nothing the Democrats do well. They screw up everything they touch.

All these big city Democrat shitholes are screwed up like Hogan's Goat. Democrat controlled California has the worst poverty, most Illegals, worst schools, highest taxes, least personal liberty, most regulation and most homeless.

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