Bernard Sansaricq, ExPrez of Haiti; Clinton Stole Money Meant for Our People


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Read it for yourself

Fmr Senate President: Clintons Exploited Haiti Earthquake ‘to Steal Billions’

Sansaricq’s statement says:

Sadly, when an earthquake rocked the nation of Haiti in 2010, corruption moved in faster than the help so desperately needed. Today, the people of Haiti are still suffering despite the billions of dollars that have flowed into the Clinton Foundation.

The Clintons exploited this terrible disaster to steal billions of dollars from the sick and starving people of Haiti. The world trusted the Clintons to help the Haitian people during their most desperate time of need and they were deceived.

The Clintons and their friends are richer today while millions still live in tents. The world deserves to know where the money went and why help was never sent.
No, Black Lives Don't Matter to Bill and Hillary Clinton -- Especially Haitian Ones

Indeed, in the wake of the earthquake in Haiti — while 316,000 lifeless bodies lay buried under rubble, and while 300,000 Haitians suffered from injuries, with another 1.3 million displaced — Hillary Clinton’s family and monied cronies cashed in on the back of the tragedy-stricken Caribbean country.

Hillary Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, landed a lucrative and historically rare Haitian “gold exploitation permit,” while Clinton Foundation donors, including Digicel mobile phone company founder Denis O’Brien, were winning multi-million dollar contracts that would siphon massive profits from the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.

While then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s State Department was funneling billions in relief funds to rebuild Haiti, the Clinton Foundation was leveraging its influence to guide high-dollar contracts to Clinton cronies who would go on to make millions off the catastrophe that had claimed so many lives on the island.
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Sometimes the Dimbocrats seem to be taking their news from THE Onion, lol.

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