Bennett's Visit: Why???


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Democrat voters are no more than trained seals, bloodless automatons, who never confront, never question, simply vote as ordered.

The single and central "achievement" of the man they voted into office, twice, is the guarantee of nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, 7th century savages who have openly declared war on civilization and the desire for world wide conflagration.

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

No Democrats voter can give a substantive answer.

2. Today..... "Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s visit to the Oval Office on Aug. 26 will prompt the Biden administration to refocus on the slow-motion Iran nuclear crisis, which is fast approaching a critical juncture.

Iran’s nuclear brinkmanship has reached dangerous proportions. Not only has Tehran violated the 2015 nuclear agreement that the U.S. withdrew from in 2018, it also has repeatedly violated its obligations under its Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Safeguards Agreement by concealing nuclear activities and restricting the access of inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Iran also has failed to address the nonproliferation concerns of International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors who discovered discrepancies at three nuclear sites. If Tehran continues to stonewall the agency on these issues, the issue could be referred to the U.N. Security Council in the coming months.

In recent months, Iran also has orchestrated a steady drumbeat of proxy attacks on U.S. military advisers in Iraq, sought to kidnap an Iranian dissident in New York City, and ratcheted up covert attacks on Israeli-owned cargo ships.
Yet, the Biden administration remains publicly committed to rejoining the fundamentally flawed nuclear agreement."

3. One more unanswered question:
Why would those who have benefitted so very greatly from Western Civilization, particularly allegedly Jewish folks, ..... Democrat?????
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The Great Obama built a coalition that got Iran to abandon its nuclear program

Trump tore up the deal and allowed Iran to rebuild its program

The Atlantic, which is not a right-leaning publication, explains why Obama's deal with Iran was a joke:

"It was surely Barack Obama’s profound aversion to the use of American military power that so enfeebled his nuclear diplomacy and made his atomic accord with Iran the worst arms-control agreement since the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922."

Read the full article, you might learn something.
The Atlantic, which is not a right-leaning publication, explains why Obama's deal with Iran was a joke:

"It was surely Barack Obama’s profound aversion to the use of American military power that so enfeebled his nuclear diplomacy and made his atomic accord with Iran the worst arms-control agreement since the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922."

Read the full article, you might learn something.

Nothing you offer him will alter the steady stream of lies.

By now, every reader knows that nothing that fool posts is true.

He is the most prodigious liar on the board.
The Atlantic, which is not a right-leaning publication, explains why Obama's deal with Iran was a joke:

"It was surely Barack Obama’s profound aversion to the use of American military power that so enfeebled his nuclear diplomacy and made his atomic accord with Iran the worst arms-control agreement since the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922."

Read the full article, you might learn something.

As far as the Obama sell-out, if it was a joke, it was this sort:

And if I laugh at any mortal thing, 'tis that I may not weep.
Lord Byron
My hope is that he is a paid poster just doing his job because the alternative would mean that he is really as stupid as he appears to be.



He is simply one of the horde who was poorly brought up, and lacks integrity.

A sociopath.
4. "Bennett has indicated that Iran would be the core issue to be discussed in his meeting with President Joe Biden, their first face-to-face meeting since both took office earlier this year.

The Israeli leader reportedly will present Biden with a strategy for confronting Iran’s nuclear challenge and its regional threats without returning to the 2015 nuclear agreement.

Bennett will argue that Iran’s nuclear program has advanced too far to be adequately constrained by the progressively diminishing restrictions built into the nuclear deal, which lapse over time.

Israel opposed the nuclear deal from the beginning because key restrictions end by 2030, and the agreement did not address Iran’s growing missile threat and regional proxy attacks.

Moreover, the sanctions relief provided by a renewed agreement would boost Iran’s potential threats to Israel on those and other fronts."
5. And, you may remember this:

"Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"
Zbigniew Brzezinski suggests that Barack Obama do more than just refuse to support an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear sites -- the American president must give the order to shoot down Israeli aircraft as they cross Iraqi airspace:
Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"

This is Democrat policy.
Nothing you offer him will alter the steady stream of lies.

By now, every reader knows that nothing that fool posts is true.

He is the most prodigious liar on the board.
Let’s see

Obama got Iran to abandon its enriched uranium stockpiles (verified) and destroy its centrifuges (witnessed)
Trump tore up the deal and promised something better. He FAILED

Iran restarted its nuclear program under Trump
Let’s see

Obama got Iran to abandon its enriched uranium stockpiles (verified) and destroy its centrifuges (witnessed)
Trump tore up the deal and promised something better. He FAILED

Iran restarted its nuclear program under Trump

You are wrong. Read the article:

If you have trouble with the big words let me know and I'll explain it to you.

You are wrong. Read the article:

If you have trouble with the big words let me know and I'll explain it to you.

Wherever one can find America's enemies, one finds Democrats/Liberals shoulder to shoulder with 'em.

Barack Obama was ushering in the age of the ‘Iranian Nuclear Bomb’ and fueling Iran’s war machine.
Barack Obama, the #1 funder of radical Islamic fundamentalism and of the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism, in the history of the world.
Under Hussein Obama, the United States was the lead benefactor of Islamic terrorism
He gave his nod to ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons for 7th century barbarians.
Barack Obama, in addition to slowing the rise of the oceans, also made the world a safer place to be by funding the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism while not restricting their ballistic missile program and, at the same time, supporting Hezbollah.
The best friend the homicidal maniacs in charge of Iran ever had was Barack Hussein Obama.
The big question about Hussein Obama was always was he Sunni or Shia…and with the Iran deal, we got answer.

Their Risen Yahweh

There were never any inspections in the deal, since the plan was simply to award nuclear weapons to the bloodiest savages extant.
You are wrong. Read the article:

If you have trouble with the big words let me know and I'll explain it to you.

It fails to mention Trump getting a better deal…..he didn’t.
Instead, he allowed Iran to rebuild its nuclear stockpiles

Your article seems to advocate Obama should have gone to war. Idiocy
I like Obama’s treaty better
So did the rest of the world
1. Democrat voters are no more than trained seals, bloodless automatons, who never confront, never question, simply vote as ordered.

The single and central "achievement" of the man they voted into office, twice, is the guarantee of nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, 7th century savages who have openly declared war on civilization and the desire for world wide conflagration.

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

No Democrats voter can give a substantive answer.

2. Today..... "Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s visit to the Oval Office on Aug. 26 will prompt the Biden administration to refocus on the slow-motion Iran nuclear crisis, which is fast approaching a critical juncture.

Iran’s nuclear brinkmanship has reached dangerous proportions. Not only has Tehran violated the 2015 nuclear agreement that the U.S. withdrew from in 2018, it also has repeatedly violated its obligations under its Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Safeguards Agreement by concealing nuclear activities and restricting the access of inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Iran also has failed to address the nonproliferation concerns of International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors who discovered discrepancies at three nuclear sites. If Tehran continues to stonewall the agency on these issues, the issue could be referred to the U.N. Security Council in the coming months.

In recent months, Iran also has orchestrated a steady drumbeat of proxy attacks on U.S. military advisers in Iraq, sought to kidnap an Iranian dissident in New York City, and ratcheted up covert attacks on Israeli-owned cargo ships.
Yet, the Biden administration remains publicly committed to rejoining the fundamentally flawed nuclear agreement."

3. One more unanswered question:
Why would those who have benefitted so very greatly from Western Civilization, particularly allegedly Jewish folks, ..... Democrat?????

Why? Because nears the day of Bennett's choice.

To look the guy in the eye at least...
1...What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

No Democrats voter can give a substantive answer.

You know the answer, they don't even hide it much anymore.

3. One more unanswered question:
Why would those who have benefitted so very greatly from Western Civilization, particularly allegedly Jewish folks, ..... Democrat?????

What was it,
60% of the hate crimes in the US?

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