Benghazi Survivor Refuses To Stand Down As Obama Attacks Benghazi ‘Wild Conspiracy’ Theorists

Those attacks took place over seven hours.

Numerous Congressional reports and testimony from the relevant generals and admirals have confirmed that nothing could have been done.

And "Barry and Hillary" had nothing to do with that. It just wasn't a possibility

I repeat
You LIE....and give the weakest excuses for them....
Seriously bro, 8 investigations. The info is all out there. Get your head out of your ass.

8 investigations, who was searching for evidence? McCabe? Comey? Rosenstein? Mueller? Hmm?

The Republicans. If it was there you bet they'd have found it and milked it.
LOL, where was the transparency from obammy? Yeah, congress can’t do jack as witnessed with the DOJ today

The DOJ is the only branch of government that is getting ANYTHING done in the US Government right now.

Congress isn’t passing any legislation. They’ve abdicated their oversight of the Federal Budget to the White House, as well any oversight or check on this President, out of fear of being “primaried” by their own party.

Ditto the Senate. They’re trying desperately to get Kavanaugh confirmed. If they do this, I think the Republicans will lose the independent vote utterly. This guy is as amoral and corrupt as the rest of Trump’s appointees. If Kavanaugh gets into the SC, Trump will fight the Mueller Investigation to the Supreme Court counting in “his guys” to vote for him.
I have posted it many times here. You can search Benghazi. I’ll give you one then you can search for the many others. It was not a video and they knew it wasn’t from the get-go, proven by their emails. Hillary let her daughter know immediately.
They aren’t playing politics. They tried to get the truth out there, which much of the lies were uncovered, just never carried by the left wing media. That is a patriot, trying to expose the truth. A coverup is, well... aThat is sickening.
And more sickening is the left don’t care and will even seek to destroy anyone that gets in their way.

What specific lies and what cover up?
Assuming it is true and I think in the initial scramble, there was a lot of uncertainty whether it was a terror attack inspired by a video or other things, what does it matter? That is such a trivial thing to focus yet the right have clung to it like a pit bulls to a bone. Even when the focus should have been on making sure such an attack doesn’t happen again.

The focus should be not allowing lobbyests in the defense contracting industry allow any privatizing at all of the military. Just like the failure of a company like Blackwater in Iraq, and lets not mince words, it was a disaster of epic proportions. It lowered the moral of the average soldier and Marine who were fighting for enlisted pay, while these fuckers were getting 6 figure salaries to run around playing Rambo, with assholes like Tanto vying for the glory of which none of it belonged to them.

These people are mercenaries. Hired guns for money. Thats all they are, They're not patriots, and they sure as hell ain't heroes.

My son is a wounded warrior from the Iraq war. Guys like Tanto are an insult to the sacrifice he made, and the 17 guys in his unit that didn't come home alive.

And now we have the same criminal that ran Blackwater, whose sister happens to be the education secretary, trying to talk dotard into privatizing the war in Afghanistan? Are you fucking kidding me?

Hey Tanto. How much of that informercial money are you sharing with the other guys families that didn't come alive?

Eat shit and die.
Thank God for Tanto he was one of the handful of PATRIOTS who answered the call that night while Obama cowered in a corner of the White House. Only a die hard twisted Liberal could figure out a way to ATTACK this man and wish DEATH upon him. You disgust me and you would disgust yourself if you had a functional thought process.

Boy what a heart tugging story you tell. Except it has no basis in reality.

What you have is a situation where Ambassador Stevens was advised to stay away from Benghazi, particularly on the anniversary of 9/11. The US was getting radio traffic from terrorist cells in the area. Ambassador Stevens made a personal choice to go to Benghazi, knowing the risks and counting on his strong relationships in Libya to keep him safe.

Embassy security and lighting in Benghazi had been upgraded several times over the course of the preceding 6 months which records showed. Many of those emails requesting security upgrades were discussions about work which was being completed.

In reality, all he can honestly testify to is what happened in the fire fight that night. He has no clue what went on outside that compound. Your “hero” was a mercenary in the employ of a military contractor. A man who was fired by the CIA and stripped of his security clearance for violating his contract. A disgruntled ex-employee with an ax to grind.

He doesn’t know what orders were given outside that compound or by whom. He doesn’t know what decisions were made or why. He was a grunt in a battle. I don’t see you asking a foot soldier what happened in the battle of Dunkirk and then positing blame on the commanders in that battle, based on his responses, but this is what you’re trying to do here.
I have posted it many times here. You can search Benghazi. I’ll give you one then you can search for the many others. It was not a video and they knew it wasn’t from the get-go, proven by their emails. Hillary let her daughter know immediately.
They aren’t playing politics. They tried to get the truth out there, which much of the lies were uncovered, just never carried by the left wing media. That is a patriot, trying to expose the truth. A coverup is, well... aThat is sickening.
And more sickening is the left don’t care and will even seek to destroy anyone that gets in their way.

What specific lies and what cover up?
Assuming it is true and I think in the initial scramble, there was a lot of uncertainty whether it was a terror attack inspired by a video or other things, what does it matter? That is such a trivial thing to focus yet the right have clung to it like a pit bulls to a bone. Even when the focus should have been on making sure such an attack doesn’t happen again.

The focus should be not allowing lobbyests in the defense contracting industry allow any privatizing at all of the military. Just like the failure of a company like Blackwater in Iraq, and lets not mince words, it was a disaster of epic proportions. It lowered the moral of the average soldier and Marine who were fighting for enlisted pay, while these fuckers were getting 6 figure salaries to run around playing Rambo, with assholes like Tanto vying for the glory of which none of it belonged to them.

These people are mercenaries. Hired guns for money. Thats all they are, They're not patriots, and they sure as hell ain't heroes.

My son is a wounded warrior from the Iraq war. Guys like Tanto are an insult to the sacrifice he made, and the 17 guys in his unit that didn't come home alive.

And now we have the same criminal that ran Blackwater, whose sister happens to be the education secretary, trying to talk dotard into privatizing the war in Afghanistan? Are you fucking kidding me?

Hey Tanto. How much of that informercial money are you sharing with the other guys families that didn't come alive?

Eat shit and die.
Thank God for Tanto he was one of the handful of PATRIOTS who answered the call that night while Obama cowered in a corner of the White House. Only a die hard twisted Liberal could figure out a way to ATTACK this man and wish DEATH upon him. You disgust me and you would disgust yourself if you had a functional thought process.

Obama wasn't cowering in the White House.
I have posted it many times here. You can search Benghazi. I’ll give you one then you can search for the many others. It was not a video and they knew it wasn’t from the get-go, proven by their emails. Hillary let her daughter know immediately.
What specific lies and what cover up?
Assuming it is true and I think in the initial scramble, there was a lot of uncertainty whether it was a terror attack inspired by a video or other things, what does it matter? That is such a trivial thing to focus yet the right have clung to it like a pit bulls to a bone. Even when the focus should have been on making sure such an attack doesn’t happen again.

The focus should be not allowing lobbyests in the defense contracting industry allow any privatizing at all of the military. Just like the failure of a company like Blackwater in Iraq, and lets not mince words, it was a disaster of epic proportions. It lowered the moral of the average soldier and Marine who were fighting for enlisted pay, while these fuckers were getting 6 figure salaries to run around playing Rambo, with assholes like Tanto vying for the glory of which none of it belonged to them.

These people are mercenaries. Hired guns for money. Thats all they are, They're not patriots, and they sure as hell ain't heroes.

My son is a wounded warrior from the Iraq war. Guys like Tanto are an insult to the sacrifice he made, and the 17 guys in his unit that didn't come home alive.

And now we have the same criminal that ran Blackwater, whose sister happens to be the education secretary, trying to talk dotard into privatizing the war in Afghanistan? Are you fucking kidding me?

Hey Tanto. How much of that informercial money are you sharing with the other guys families that didn't come alive?

Eat shit and die.
Thank God for Tanto he was one of the handful of PATRIOTS who answered the call that night while Obama cowered in a corner of the White House. Only a die hard twisted Liberal could figure out a way to ATTACK this man and wish DEATH upon him. You disgust me and you would disgust yourself if you had a functional thought process.

Boy what a heart tugging story you tell. Except it has no basis in reality.

What you have is a situation where Ambassador Stevens was advised to stay away from Benghazi, particularly on the anniversary of 9/11. The US was getting radio traffic from terrorist cells in the area. Ambassador Stevens made a personal choice to go to Benghazi, knowing the risks and counting on his strong relationships in Libya to keep him safe.

Embassy security and lighting in Benghazi had been upgraded several times over the course of the preceding 6 months which records showed. Many of those emails requesting security upgrades were discussions about work which was being completed.

In reality, all he can honestly testify to is what happened in the fire fight that night. He has no clue what went on outside that compound. Your “hero” was a mercenary in the employ of a military contractor. A man who was fired by the CIA and stripped of his security clearance for violating his contract. A disgruntled ex-employee with an ax to grind.

He doesn’t know what orders were given outside that compound or by whom. He doesn’t know what decisions were made or why. He was a grunt in a battle. I don’t see you asking a foot soldier what happened in the battle of Dunkirk and then positing blame on the commanders in that battle, based on his responses, but this is what you’re trying to do here.

I didn't realize that....that would explain a lot.
It was trumped up poutrage by rightwing media solely for the purpose of damaging Clinton ahead of the election.



4 Americans who were under her protection were needlessly abandoned to die, you douche bag, and you want to blame the media / a 'vast right wing conspiracy'?


They were already dead. They would have been dead even if Obama has sent the forces.

They were not dead when the other countries pulled their people out. Barry & Hillary left them there to die.

They were not dead after the 1st terrorist attack. Barry & Hillary left them there to die.

They were not dead after the 2nd terrorist attack. Barry & Hillary left them there to die.
Those attacks took place over seven hours.

Numerous Congressional reports and testimony from the relevant generals and admirals have confirmed that nothing could have been done.

And "Barry and Hillary" had nothing to do with that. It just wasn't a possibility

Hmmm, nothing could have been done, so what the heck let's not even try. More like nothing could have been done...with Barry and Hillary calling the shots.

What could have been done was done. There is no reason to waste forces and lives on unnecessarily. The shots are called in conjunction with military leadership, who, I would presume know more than you about the situation.
It was trumped up poutrage by rightwing media solely for the purpose of damaging Clinton ahead of the election.



4 Americans who were under her protection were needlessly abandoned to die, you douche bag, and you want to blame the media / a 'vast right wing conspiracy'?


They were already dead. They would have been dead even if Obama has sent the forces.

They were not dead when the other countries pulled their people out. Barry & Hillary left them there to die.

They were not dead after the 1st terrorist attack. Barry & Hillary left them there to die.

They were not dead after the 2nd terrorist attack. Barry & Hillary left them there to die.
Those attacks took place over seven hours.

Numerous Congressional reports and testimony from the relevant generals and admirals have confirmed that nothing could have been done.

And "Barry and Hillary" had nothing to do with that. It just wasn't a possibility
Multiple chances to pull Americans out of harm's way, not on the same day, and they CHOSE to leave them there to die.

When countries pulled their people out, they CHOSE to let them stay and die. .

Obama's illegal gun-running was THAT important....
Talk about a complete non-sequitor, not to mention totally fraudulant information.


4 Americans who were under her protection were needlessly abandoned to die, you douche bag, and you want to blame the media / a 'vast right wing conspiracy'?


They were already dead. They would have been dead even if Obama has sent the forces.

They were not dead when the other countries pulled their people out. Barry & Hillary left them there to die.

They were not dead after the 1st terrorist attack. Barry & Hillary left them there to die.

They were not dead after the 2nd terrorist attack. Barry & Hillary left them there to die.
Those attacks took place over seven hours.

Numerous Congressional reports and testimony from the relevant generals and admirals have confirmed that nothing could have been done.

And "Barry and Hillary" had nothing to do with that. It just wasn't a possibility

Hmmm, nothing could have been done, so what the heck let's not even try. More like nothing could have been done...with Barry and Hillary calling the shots.

What could have been done was done. There is no reason to waste forces and lives on unnecessarily. The shots are called in conjunction with military leadership, who, I would presume know more than you about the situation. that the same as "what difference does it make"?
Air Force whistleblower: We could have saved Benghazi victims
Democrats aren’t the ones who ran a traitor for President.
Hillary took $100+ million from Russia, sold them uranium, gave them TOP SECRET data off of her illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server, and colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in attempting to win the WH in 2016.

Again, you can't re-write history ... no matter how much the Russians pay you, Comradelady.

Again with the Uranium One lie. We all know that’s a lie Evgeny. Never happened. The Uranium is still in the USA. There was no bribe.

Trump, on the other hand, has people in his office who stop him from doing what Putin wants.

Trump has his trade negotiator simultaneously trying to renegotiate NAFTA, get a deal going with the EU, and negotiate with the Koreans. And he’s threatening more tariffs with China. Nothing is getting done. What a surprise!

Who opens a trade war with all of your trading partners at once?
Uuranium One is not a lie because you say so, Comradelady. EVIDENCE proves it is very much real and that Barry, Hillary, and even Mueller were ass-deep in the treason.

You keep proving, though, that evidence is meaningless to Ryssuan-Paid Obama ass-kissing Trolls.

Evidence?? What evidence? The evidence is that this is a lie. Even FOX News calls it a lie, Evgeny. You know that.

If there’s all this evidence, why hasn’t Jeff Sessions filed charges? Why hasn’t someone arrested Clinton?

Oh yeah. Because you’re lying.

That bastion of Liberal BIASED MSM even called for an investigation WHICH hasn't been completed by the way...

The New York Times reported in 2015 that "shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, [former President Bill] Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock." In total, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One, which was acquired by the Russian government nuclear agency Rosatum.
Think that was just a coincidence? As former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy points out, the Uranium One deal is not a national security scandal, it is a corruption scandal involving "Clinton family self-dealing." Ask yourself: How many half-a-million-dollar speeches has Bill Clinton given to Kremlin-linked banks since Hillary Clinton was defeated?
How much Russian money is flowing into the Clinton Foundation's coffers today?
If Donald Trump had given a $500,000 speech paid for by a Kremlin bank, and his private foundation had accepted $145 million from Vladimir Putin-linked oligarchs and their Western business partners, do you think that his critics would be insisting there was nothing to see here?
Bill and Hillary Clinton should be investigated

And another debunked conspiracy theory.
Hey Tanto. How much of that informercial money are you sharing with the other guys families that didn't come alive?

Eat shit and die.
Treasonous whiny Brennan stripped him of his lucrative security clearance after he stepped up and told the truth.....

You must be bummed that Hillary and Barry left any American witnesses alive....

If you break the rules governing security clearances, you'll lose it. That's a basic fact.
They were already dead. They would have been dead even if Obama has sent the forces.

They were not dead when the other countries pulled their people out. Barry & Hillary left them there to die.

They were not dead after the 1st terrorist attack. Barry & Hillary left them there to die.

They were not dead after the 2nd terrorist attack. Barry & Hillary left them there to die.
Those attacks took place over seven hours.

Numerous Congressional reports and testimony from the relevant generals and admirals have confirmed that nothing could have been done.

And "Barry and Hillary" had nothing to do with that. It just wasn't a possibility

Hmmm, nothing could have been done, so what the heck let's not even try. More like nothing could have been done...with Barry and Hillary calling the shots.

What could have been done was done. There is no reason to waste forces and lives on unnecessarily. The shots are called in conjunction with military leadership, who, I would presume know more than you about the situation. that the same as "what difference does it make"?
Air Force whistleblower: We could have saved Benghazi victims
He's an anonymous person, who "believes" they could have. Yet even Trey Gowdy eventually acknowledged they could not have. None of this person's claims have been verified, and the military leadership clearly states they could not have.
They were already dead. They would have been dead even if Obama has sent the forces.

They were not dead when the other countries pulled their people out. Barry & Hillary left them there to die.

They were not dead after the 1st terrorist attack. Barry & Hillary left them there to die.

They were not dead after the 2nd terrorist attack. Barry & Hillary left them there to die.
Those attacks took place over seven hours.

Numerous Congressional reports and testimony from the relevant generals and admirals have confirmed that nothing could have been done.

And "Barry and Hillary" had nothing to do with that. It just wasn't a possibility

Hmmm, nothing could have been done, so what the heck let's not even try. More like nothing could have been done...with Barry and Hillary calling the shots.

What could have been done was done. There is no reason to waste forces and lives on unnecessarily. The shots are called in conjunction with military leadership, who, I would presume know more than you about the situation. that the same as "what difference does it make"?
Air Force whistleblower: We could have saved Benghazi victims
That was REALLY weak.

An anonymous whistleblower? That Gowdy couldn't vouch for?

Was it you?
I have posted it many times here. You can search Benghazi. I’ll give you one then you can search for the many others. It was not a video and they knew it wasn’t from the get-go, proven by their emails. Hillary let her daughter know immediately.
What specific lies and what cover up?
Assuming it is true and I think in the initial scramble, there was a lot of uncertainty whether it was a terror attack inspired by a video or other things, what does it matter? That is such a trivial thing to focus yet the right have clung to it like a pit bulls to a bone. Even when the focus should have been on making sure such an attack doesn’t happen again.

The focus should be not allowing lobbyests in the defense contracting industry allow any privatizing at all of the military. Just like the failure of a company like Blackwater in Iraq, and lets not mince words, it was a disaster of epic proportions. It lowered the moral of the average soldier and Marine who were fighting for enlisted pay, while these fuckers were getting 6 figure salaries to run around playing Rambo, with assholes like Tanto vying for the glory of which none of it belonged to them.

These people are mercenaries. Hired guns for money. Thats all they are, They're not patriots, and they sure as hell ain't heroes.

My son is a wounded warrior from the Iraq war. Guys like Tanto are an insult to the sacrifice he made, and the 17 guys in his unit that didn't come home alive.

And now we have the same criminal that ran Blackwater, whose sister happens to be the education secretary, trying to talk dotard into privatizing the war in Afghanistan? Are you fucking kidding me?

Hey Tanto. How much of that informercial money are you sharing with the other guys families that didn't come alive?

Eat shit and die.
Thank God for Tanto he was one of the handful of PATRIOTS who answered the call that night while Obama cowered in a corner of the White House. Only a die hard twisted Liberal could figure out a way to ATTACK this man and wish DEATH upon him. You disgust me and you would disgust yourself if you had a functional thought process.

Obama wasn't cowering in the White House.
Please provide a credible link to exactly where he was what he was doing. The best information I found from several sources: he was physically in the White House and avoiding the Situation Room located in the White House because it might make him look bad politically.
I have posted it many times here. You can search Benghazi. I’ll give you one then you can search for the many others. It was not a video and they knew it wasn’t from the get-go, proven by their emails. Hillary let her daughter know immediately.
What specific lies and what cover up?
Assuming it is true and I think in the initial scramble, there was a lot of uncertainty whether it was a terror attack inspired by a video or other things, what does it matter? That is such a trivial thing to focus yet the right have clung to it like a pit bulls to a bone. Even when the focus should have been on making sure such an attack doesn’t happen again.

The focus should be not allowing lobbyests in the defense contracting industry allow any privatizing at all of the military. Just like the failure of a company like Blackwater in Iraq, and lets not mince words, it was a disaster of epic proportions. It lowered the moral of the average soldier and Marine who were fighting for enlisted pay, while these fuckers were getting 6 figure salaries to run around playing Rambo, with assholes like Tanto vying for the glory of which none of it belonged to them.

These people are mercenaries. Hired guns for money. Thats all they are, They're not patriots, and they sure as hell ain't heroes.

My son is a wounded warrior from the Iraq war. Guys like Tanto are an insult to the sacrifice he made, and the 17 guys in his unit that didn't come home alive.

And now we have the same criminal that ran Blackwater, whose sister happens to be the education secretary, trying to talk dotard into privatizing the war in Afghanistan? Are you fucking kidding me?

Hey Tanto. How much of that informercial money are you sharing with the other guys families that didn't come alive?

Eat shit and die.
Thank God for Tanto he was one of the handful of PATRIOTS who answered the call that night while Obama cowered in a corner of the White House. Only a die hard twisted Liberal could figure out a way to ATTACK this man and wish DEATH upon him. You disgust me and you would disgust yourself if you had a functional thought process.

He's a publicity seeking huckster currently hawking sunglasses
He’s a veteran who suffered because of obammy! And you can get fked. Lady you are one sick fking human congratulations
Hillary took $100+ million from Russia, sold them uranium, gave them TOP SECRET data off of her illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server, and colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in attempting to win the WH in 2016.

Again, you can't re-write history ... no matter how much the Russians pay you, Comradelady.

Again with the Uranium One lie. We all know that’s a lie Evgeny. Never happened. The Uranium is still in the USA. There was no bribe.

Trump, on the other hand, has people in his office who stop him from doing what Putin wants.

Trump has his trade negotiator simultaneously trying to renegotiate NAFTA, get a deal going with the EU, and negotiate with the Koreans. And he’s threatening more tariffs with China. Nothing is getting done. What a surprise!

Who opens a trade war with all of your trading partners at once?
Uuranium One is not a lie because you say so, Comradelady. EVIDENCE proves it is very much real and that Barry, Hillary, and even Mueller were ass-deep in the treason.

You keep proving, though, that evidence is meaningless to Ryssuan-Paid Obama ass-kissing Trolls.

Evidence?? What evidence? The evidence is that this is a lie. Even FOX News calls it a lie, Evgeny. You know that.

If there’s all this evidence, why hasn’t Jeff Sessions filed charges? Why hasn’t someone arrested Clinton?

Oh yeah. Because you’re lying.

That bastion of Liberal BIASED MSM even called for an investigation WHICH hasn't been completed by the way...

The New York Times reported in 2015 that "shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, [former President Bill] Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock." In total, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One, which was acquired by the Russian government nuclear agency Rosatum.
Think that was just a coincidence? As former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy points out, the Uranium One deal is not a national security scandal, it is a corruption scandal involving "Clinton family self-dealing." Ask yourself: How many half-a-million-dollar speeches has Bill Clinton given to Kremlin-linked banks since Hillary Clinton was defeated?
How much Russian money is flowing into the Clinton Foundation's coffers today?
If Donald Trump had given a $500,000 speech paid for by a Kremlin bank, and his private foundation had accepted $145 million from Vladimir Putin-linked oligarchs and their Western business partners, do you think that his critics would be insisting there was nothing to see here?
Bill and Hillary Clinton should be investigated

And another debunked conspiracy theory.


4 Americans who were under her protection were needlessly abandoned to die, you douche bag, and you want to blame the media / a 'vast right wing conspiracy'?


They were already dead. They would have been dead even if Obama has sent the forces.

They were not dead when the other countries pulled their people out. Barry & Hillary left them there to die.

They were not dead after the 1st terrorist attack. Barry & Hillary left them there to die.

They were not dead after the 2nd terrorist attack. Barry & Hillary left them there to die.
Those attacks took place over seven hours.

Numerous Congressional reports and testimony from the relevant generals and admirals have confirmed that nothing could have been done.

And "Barry and Hillary" had nothing to do with that. It just wasn't a possibility
Multiple chances to pull Americans out of harm's way, not on the same day, and they CHOSE to leave them there to die.

When countries pulled their people out, they CHOSE to let them stay and die. .

Obama's illegal gun-running was THAT important....
Talk about a complete non-sequitor, not to mention totally fraudulant information.
It’s all you got, we know!
What happened when the attack is not that important based on THIS:

- That attack was the 3rd (THIRD) and final attack on the compound. Other nations pulled their people out before this attack Hillary and Barry CHOSE not to...the Americans were there...and died...because they left them there to die.

2. HILLARY & BARRY KNEW there was going to be a MIDDLE EAST-WIDE attack on 9/11/12.
- 22 Embassies and compounds were attacked on 9/11/12. 2 were overrun. Americans died in only 1 of the attacks. Only THAT attack was explained as a 'PROREST OVER A VIDEO'.

3. Every other nation had pulled their people out because of the growing violence and pending attack on 9/11/12. Again, Hillary and Barry CHOSE to leave them there, to abandon them.

4. The 2nd attack on the compound left a 4-foot hole in the compound wall...Ambassador Stephens warned the State Department afterward that they would never survive a 3rd larger attack. The State Department / Hillary responded by not only rejecting another request for additional security but also TOOK AWAY some of the compound's security ... and still left them there to die in the attack on 9/11/12 still to come.

'Nothing came of the investigations...Hillary and Barry made no mistakes, did nothing wrong.'


4 Americans are dead because they CHOSE not to save them.

Why don't you STFU. You are nothing but a liar desperate to get anything on Obama or Clinton. You are a fanatic and are not much different than Muslim terrorists.

"Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., is the House member tapped by House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, to head the newly established House Select Committee on Benghazi. In an interview on Fox News Sunday, Gowdy said he wanted to ask former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton this: "Why were we still in Benghazi? The British ambassador was almost assassinated. Our facility was attacked twice. There were multiple episodes of violence. We were the last flag flying in Benghazi, and I would like to know why.

We looked into whether the United was the "last flag flying in Benghazi" and found clear evidence that several other western nations had a presence in Benghazi immediately before and well after the attack on the U.S. compound. We rated his statement False."

"By all accounts, though, this description doesn’t match the timeline of what happened in Benghazi. The four people in Benghazi were already dead when the decision was made to keep the special forces team in Tripoli. (We outline this in more detail in our fact-check.) The mortar attack was over. We rated this statement False."

The facts do not agree with you.
Ditto STFU

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