Ben Sasse: The GOP is becoming the party of QAnon kooks and loons

Wow, a Fascist calling someone else to the left a Fascist. Benito would proud.

Daryl, honey, I realize you are one incredibly stupid individual, but you should at least TRY to learn the meaning of words before using them.

Have one of the older kids help you if need be.

Okay, cupcake, here is the definition of Fascism.

Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe

The 14 points of Fascism

1: Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
Rump is a Nationalist. While this isn't a good or a bad thing if by itself.

2: Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
Too many times he openly threatened or condoned the reduction in Human Rights.

3: Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
He always had someone to blame. And he did it in a venomous way. Over and Over.

4: Supremacy of the Military
Rump started out with this until he found out that the Federal Military could not be used in the methods he tried to use them.

5: Rampant Sexism
This one has Rump's name written all over it.

6: Controlled Mass Media
There are many ways to control the Mass Media. You could shut them down except for those favorable with the Fascist. But Rump put another twist on it and created the term"Fake News" and pushed the ones that only agreed with him. It amounted to the same thing as shutting them down.

7: Obsession with National Security
Using fear to drive National Security. This is Rump 101.

8: Religion and Government are Intertwined
Rump is NOT a religious type. He didn't attend any services unless it was for a photo op. But the major Religions in the US blindly backed him.

9: Corporate Power is Protected
Giving extreme tax breaks to the ultra rich Corporations and others in a time when the US could ill afford to do this. For instance, I lost a little on his "Tax Breaks" when I total all the balance sheet. But large Corporations made out like bandits. Yes, some did benefit but I think for the middle class and below,it probably broke even. But to pay for it, the deficit had to sky rocket. And this was BEFORE Covid.

10: Labor Power is Suppressed
This has been going on a very long time. In order for a Fascist Government to exist, ALL Unions must be busted as a Fascist sees them as their biggest threat.

11: Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
A Fascist sees education as an enemy. This means that they have to go after the schools of all levels including Universities, Colleges and K-12. Attempt at discrediting them as much as possible.

12: Obsession with Crime and Punishment
Attempt at giving an extraordinary amount of power to the Police. When Rump cancelled the "Consent Decree" that allowed Police Forces to overstep their boundaries. Cases like Choking them out and placing a knew on the Artery that feeds the brain which results in death in a matter of seconds. And a few other things that leads to unrest. The major Cities that are still under the Consent Decree had protests but ZERO looting and rioting. Portland was one of the cities that was scheduled to fall under the Consent Decree but it was cancelled right after Rump too office.

13: Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
What can I say. To say this isn't true is just lying. What it led to is the most inept bunch of advisors that has ever assembled.

14: Fraudulent Elections
There are many ways to do a fraudulent election. One is to actually have fraudulent elections. But the way that Rump did it amounted to the same thing. You discredit the elections.

Before, Rump owned 12 out of 14 of how to be a successful Fascist Leader.

4: Supremacy of the Military
We have some laws that prevented Rump from owning this one although he tried. The biggest was the Uniform Code of Military Justice that the Federal Military operates under. In order to accomplish this, Rump would have had to completely own Congress. He did the first 2 years but not the last 2 when he tried to misuse the Federal Military for his own ends. Remember, the 82nd was sent to DC to "Help" the DC cops during that last Protest that also had looting and Rioting? The 82nd did go but didn't join in since there are laws that prevent them from joining in unless Congress gives their consent. Rump made threats to use the Federal Military but that was the first time he follows through with it. But the Joint Chiefs follows the orders until it conflicted with the UCMJ.

14: Fraudulent Elections
Rump was almost successful on this one. He did discredit the elections nearly to death. But what stopped him was the Judicial Branch. And still, he came way too close for comfort.

So Rump owns 12 of the 14 and the only reason he failed was that the other two had outside organizations that thwarted him.

They only list 14 but I am going to add a 15th that Mussolini had in his playbook. And this one is critical. Mussolini controlled over 60% of the Italian Congress and he used that to desolve the Italian Supreme Court. The 60% weren't just of the same party, they were blind followers. Rump failed because he never got the Party of the Rump to control both the House and the Senate by 60%.

So, cupcake, THAT is fascism and how we nearly waltzed into it. Had it not been for two documents, we would now have a Fascist Dictator. God preserve the Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Something that Italy and Germany did not have.

Unlike you, I am capable of writing in my own words.

This started off with you defending a person who wants to send those who disagree with him to the Gulags. Now, I don't have to look this up as I already know, but the term fascism is derived from an Ancient Etruscan implement called a fasces which consists of a bundle of sticks wound tightly together around a cutting blade. The symbolism is obvious, but I will explain it to you because you are stupid, as the sticks represent a group of people absolutely unified in opinion, and the blade represents the political power thus wielded by that conformity. With this understanding in mind, the statement that groups of people should be sent to the Gulags for being something other than the ones marching in lock-step is undeniably fascist in nature.

Actually, the only parts that weren't my own words are the bold print. Sorta deflates yer balloon, don't it.

As for your typing, it can either be a Fascist (extreme right wing) or a Stalanist (extreme left wing) that will march people to the Gulags, Siberian Work Camps or worse. Both lead to Dictators and there isn't a hill of beans difference.

Besides, may we should start a poll to see if YOU should be trotted into the nearest FEMA camp that your bunch claims that the Dems are constructing to house you. Not saying it's going to happen but it does cheer me up a bit thinking about it.

You have just used Rule #3. 3: Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
The party has a choice: Be the party of the Constitution, or be the party of batshit crazy QAnon conspiracies. It can’t be both.

Sasse is a true conservative. That's why the Trumpletons hate him so much
Wow, a Fascist calling someone else to the left a Fascist. Benito would proud.

Daryl, honey, I realize you are one incredibly stupid individual, but you should at least TRY to learn the meaning of words before using them.

Have one of the older kids help you if need be.

Okay, cupcake, here is the definition of Fascism.

Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe

The 14 points of Fascism

1: Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
Rump is a Nationalist. While this isn't a good or a bad thing if by itself.

2: Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
Too many times he openly threatened or condoned the reduction in Human Rights.

3: Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
He always had someone to blame. And he did it in a venomous way. Over and Over.

4: Supremacy of the Military
Rump started out with this until he found out that the Federal Military could not be used in the methods he tried to use them.

5: Rampant Sexism
This one has Rump's name written all over it.

6: Controlled Mass Media
There are many ways to control the Mass Media. You could shut them down except for those favorable with the Fascist. But Rump put another twist on it and created the term"Fake News" and pushed the ones that only agreed with him. It amounted to the same thing as shutting them down.

7: Obsession with National Security
Using fear to drive National Security. This is Rump 101.

8: Religion and Government are Intertwined
Rump is NOT a religious type. He didn't attend any services unless it was for a photo op. But the major Religions in the US blindly backed him.

9: Corporate Power is Protected
Giving extreme tax breaks to the ultra rich Corporations and others in a time when the US could ill afford to do this. For instance, I lost a little on his "Tax Breaks" when I total all the balance sheet. But large Corporations made out like bandits. Yes, some did benefit but I think for the middle class and below,it probably broke even. But to pay for it, the deficit had to sky rocket. And this was BEFORE Covid.

10: Labor Power is Suppressed
This has been going on a very long time. In order for a Fascist Government to exist, ALL Unions must be busted as a Fascist sees them as their biggest threat.

11: Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
A Fascist sees education as an enemy. This means that they have to go after the schools of all levels including Universities, Colleges and K-12. Attempt at discrediting them as much as possible.

12: Obsession with Crime and Punishment
Attempt at giving an extraordinary amount of power to the Police. When Rump cancelled the "Consent Decree" that allowed Police Forces to overstep their boundaries. Cases like Choking them out and placing a knew on the Artery that feeds the brain which results in death in a matter of seconds. And a few other things that leads to unrest. The major Cities that are still under the Consent Decree had protests but ZERO looting and rioting. Portland was one of the cities that was scheduled to fall under the Consent Decree but it was cancelled right after Rump too office.

13: Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
What can I say. To say this isn't true is just lying. What it led to is the most inept bunch of advisors that has ever assembled.

14: Fraudulent Elections
There are many ways to do a fraudulent election. One is to actually have fraudulent elections. But the way that Rump did it amounted to the same thing. You discredit the elections.

Before, Rump owned 12 out of 14 of how to be a successful Fascist Leader.

4: Supremacy of the Military
We have some laws that prevented Rump from owning this one although he tried. The biggest was the Uniform Code of Military Justice that the Federal Military operates under. In order to accomplish this, Rump would have had to completely own Congress. He did the first 2 years but not the last 2 when he tried to misuse the Federal Military for his own ends. Remember, the 82nd was sent to DC to "Help" the DC cops during that last Protest that also had looting and Rioting? The 82nd did go but didn't join in since there are laws that prevent them from joining in unless Congress gives their consent. Rump made threats to use the Federal Military but that was the first time he follows through with it. But the Joint Chiefs follows the orders until it conflicted with the UCMJ.

14: Fraudulent Elections
Rump was almost successful on this one. He did discredit the elections nearly to death. But what stopped him was the Judicial Branch. And still, he came way too close for comfort.

So Rump owns 12 of the 14 and the only reason he failed was that the other two had outside organizations that thwarted him.

They only list 14 but I am going to add a 15th that Mussolini had in his playbook. And this one is critical. Mussolini controlled over 60% of the Italian Congress and he used that to desolve the Italian Supreme Court. The 60% weren't just of the same party, they were blind followers. Rump failed because he never got the Party of the Rump to control both the House and the Senate by 60%.

So, cupcake, THAT is fascism and how we nearly waltzed into it. Had it not been for two documents, we would now have a Fascist Dictator. God preserve the Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Something that Italy and Germany did not have.
These fourteen points should be posted often on these message boards. The RWNJs, and the moderators should be reminded regularly how this country barely avoided becoming their orange-tinted messiah's fourth reich. It would not be the conservative utopia the believed he would create.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)


Rump isn't a conservative. He's a John Birch Society. Born into it and raised as one. He was born a Fascist and will die a Fascist.
Wow, a Fascist calling someone else to the left a Fascist. Benito would proud.

Daryl, honey, I realize you are one incredibly stupid individual, but you should at least TRY to learn the meaning of words before using them.

Have one of the older kids help you if need be.

Okay, cupcake, here is the definition of Fascism.

Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe

The 14 points of Fascism

1: Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
Rump is a Nationalist. While this isn't a good or a bad thing if by itself.

2: Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
Too many times he openly threatened or condoned the reduction in Human Rights.

3: Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
He always had someone to blame. And he did it in a venomous way. Over and Over.

4: Supremacy of the Military
Rump started out with this until he found out that the Federal Military could not be used in the methods he tried to use them.

5: Rampant Sexism
This one has Rump's name written all over it.

6: Controlled Mass Media
There are many ways to control the Mass Media. You could shut them down except for those favorable with the Fascist. But Rump put another twist on it and created the term"Fake News" and pushed the ones that only agreed with him. It amounted to the same thing as shutting them down.

7: Obsession with National Security
Using fear to drive National Security. This is Rump 101.

8: Religion and Government are Intertwined
Rump is NOT a religious type. He didn't attend any services unless it was for a photo op. But the major Religions in the US blindly backed him.

9: Corporate Power is Protected
Giving extreme tax breaks to the ultra rich Corporations and others in a time when the US could ill afford to do this. For instance, I lost a little on his "Tax Breaks" when I total all the balance sheet. But large Corporations made out like bandits. Yes, some did benefit but I think for the middle class and below,it probably broke even. But to pay for it, the deficit had to sky rocket. And this was BEFORE Covid.

10: Labor Power is Suppressed
This has been going on a very long time. In order for a Fascist Government to exist, ALL Unions must be busted as a Fascist sees them as their biggest threat.

11: Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
A Fascist sees education as an enemy. This means that they have to go after the schools of all levels including Universities, Colleges and K-12. Attempt at discrediting them as much as possible.

12: Obsession with Crime and Punishment
Attempt at giving an extraordinary amount of power to the Police. When Rump cancelled the "Consent Decree" that allowed Police Forces to overstep their boundaries. Cases like Choking them out and placing a knew on the Artery that feeds the brain which results in death in a matter of seconds. And a few other things that leads to unrest. The major Cities that are still under the Consent Decree had protests but ZERO looting and rioting. Portland was one of the cities that was scheduled to fall under the Consent Decree but it was cancelled right after Rump too office.

13: Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
What can I say. To say this isn't true is just lying. What it led to is the most inept bunch of advisors that has ever assembled.

14: Fraudulent Elections
There are many ways to do a fraudulent election. One is to actually have fraudulent elections. But the way that Rump did it amounted to the same thing. You discredit the elections.

Before, Rump owned 12 out of 14 of how to be a successful Fascist Leader.

4: Supremacy of the Military
We have some laws that prevented Rump from owning this one although he tried. The biggest was the Uniform Code of Military Justice that the Federal Military operates under. In order to accomplish this, Rump would have had to completely own Congress. He did the first 2 years but not the last 2 when he tried to misuse the Federal Military for his own ends. Remember, the 82nd was sent to DC to "Help" the DC cops during that last Protest that also had looting and Rioting? The 82nd did go but didn't join in since there are laws that prevent them from joining in unless Congress gives their consent. Rump made threats to use the Federal Military but that was the first time he follows through with it. But the Joint Chiefs follows the orders until it conflicted with the UCMJ.

14: Fraudulent Elections
Rump was almost successful on this one. He did discredit the elections nearly to death. But what stopped him was the Judicial Branch. And still, he came way too close for comfort.

So Rump owns 12 of the 14 and the only reason he failed was that the other two had outside organizations that thwarted him.

They only list 14 but I am going to add a 15th that Mussolini had in his playbook. And this one is critical. Mussolini controlled over 60% of the Italian Congress and he used that to desolve the Italian Supreme Court. The 60% weren't just of the same party, they were blind followers. Rump failed because he never got the Party of the Rump to control both the House and the Senate by 60%.

So, cupcake, THAT is fascism and how we nearly waltzed into it. Had it not been for two documents, we would now have a Fascist Dictator. God preserve the Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Something that Italy and Germany did not have.
These fourteen points should be posted often on these message boards. The RWNJs, and the moderators should be reminded regularly how this country barely avoided becoming their orange-tinted messiah's fourth reich. It would not be the conservative utopia the believed he would create.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)


It's time for a Midol and nap with the heating pad.
Wow, a Fascist calling someone else to the left a Fascist. Benito would proud.

Daryl, honey, I realize you are one incredibly stupid individual, but you should at least TRY to learn the meaning of words before using them.

Have one of the older kids help you if need be.

Okay, cupcake, here is the definition of Fascism.

Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe

The 14 points of Fascism

1: Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
Rump is a Nationalist. While this isn't a good or a bad thing if by itself.

2: Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
Too many times he openly threatened or condoned the reduction in Human Rights.

3: Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
He always had someone to blame. And he did it in a venomous way. Over and Over.

4: Supremacy of the Military
Rump started out with this until he found out that the Federal Military could not be used in the methods he tried to use them.

5: Rampant Sexism
This one has Rump's name written all over it.

6: Controlled Mass Media
There are many ways to control the Mass Media. You could shut them down except for those favorable with the Fascist. But Rump put another twist on it and created the term"Fake News" and pushed the ones that only agreed with him. It amounted to the same thing as shutting them down.

7: Obsession with National Security
Using fear to drive National Security. This is Rump 101.

8: Religion and Government are Intertwined
Rump is NOT a religious type. He didn't attend any services unless it was for a photo op. But the major Religions in the US blindly backed him.

9: Corporate Power is Protected
Giving extreme tax breaks to the ultra rich Corporations and others in a time when the US could ill afford to do this. For instance, I lost a little on his "Tax Breaks" when I total all the balance sheet. But large Corporations made out like bandits. Yes, some did benefit but I think for the middle class and below,it probably broke even. But to pay for it, the deficit had to sky rocket. And this was BEFORE Covid.

10: Labor Power is Suppressed
This has been going on a very long time. In order for a Fascist Government to exist, ALL Unions must be busted as a Fascist sees them as their biggest threat.

11: Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
A Fascist sees education as an enemy. This means that they have to go after the schools of all levels including Universities, Colleges and K-12. Attempt at discrediting them as much as possible.

12: Obsession with Crime and Punishment
Attempt at giving an extraordinary amount of power to the Police. When Rump cancelled the "Consent Decree" that allowed Police Forces to overstep their boundaries. Cases like Choking them out and placing a knew on the Artery that feeds the brain which results in death in a matter of seconds. And a few other things that leads to unrest. The major Cities that are still under the Consent Decree had protests but ZERO looting and rioting. Portland was one of the cities that was scheduled to fall under the Consent Decree but it was cancelled right after Rump too office.

13: Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
What can I say. To say this isn't true is just lying. What it led to is the most inept bunch of advisors that has ever assembled.

14: Fraudulent Elections
There are many ways to do a fraudulent election. One is to actually have fraudulent elections. But the way that Rump did it amounted to the same thing. You discredit the elections.

Before, Rump owned 12 out of 14 of how to be a successful Fascist Leader.

4: Supremacy of the Military
We have some laws that prevented Rump from owning this one although he tried. The biggest was the Uniform Code of Military Justice that the Federal Military operates under. In order to accomplish this, Rump would have had to completely own Congress. He did the first 2 years but not the last 2 when he tried to misuse the Federal Military for his own ends. Remember, the 82nd was sent to DC to "Help" the DC cops during that last Protest that also had looting and Rioting? The 82nd did go but didn't join in since there are laws that prevent them from joining in unless Congress gives their consent. Rump made threats to use the Federal Military but that was the first time he follows through with it. But the Joint Chiefs follows the orders until it conflicted with the UCMJ.

14: Fraudulent Elections
Rump was almost successful on this one. He did discredit the elections nearly to death. But what stopped him was the Judicial Branch. And still, he came way too close for comfort.

So Rump owns 12 of the 14 and the only reason he failed was that the other two had outside organizations that thwarted him.

They only list 14 but I am going to add a 15th that Mussolini had in his playbook. And this one is critical. Mussolini controlled over 60% of the Italian Congress and he used that to desolve the Italian Supreme Court. The 60% weren't just of the same party, they were blind followers. Rump failed because he never got the Party of the Rump to control both the House and the Senate by 60%.

So, cupcake, THAT is fascism and how we nearly waltzed into it. Had it not been for two documents, we would now have a Fascist Dictator. God preserve the Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Something that Italy and Germany did not have.
These fourteen points should be posted often on these message boards. The RWNJs, and the moderators should be reminded regularly how this country barely avoided becoming their orange-tinted messiah's fourth reich. It would not be the conservative utopia the believed he would create.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)


It's time for a Midol and nap with the heating pad.

Not a bad idea. But let's use an overdose of Ibuprofen and an electric blanket instead. Poor People like me have to keep the heat down on a cold day. And Nap sounds like a jim dandy idea. Thanks for the thought.
..more babbleshit from the left
Harris is a racist dumbass--she fell for the Smollet Hoax
the Dems LOVE criminals and hate police = LOONEY/idiocy
AOC = no more needs to said there
etc etc
the Dems are the dumbass jackasses

Yeah, Ben Sasse is “Left,”

I guess you’re on the “loon” side
hate police--love criminals--dumb
..more babbleshit from the left
Harris is a racist dumbass--she fell for the Smollet Hoax
the Dems LOVE criminals and hate police = LOONEY/idiocy
AOC = no more needs to said there
etc etc
the Dems are the dumbass jackasses
Ben Sasse threads are horrible for conservatives. They are forced to talk about left-wing politicians instead of Ben Sase. Because they have nothing on Ben Sasse.
????!!! who cares--the Dems are still idiots---they HATE police/whites/America and love criminals
Trump is leaving office in disgrace and shame, just like Bush. The country is in ruin (just like in 2008) and Trump has lied about the vaccine reserve, there is no vaccine reserve.

Both Bush and Trump have been total failures and the GOP party is the party of complete and total failure.

If you voted for Bush and Trump you need to be held responsible for that. You should be thrown in Gitmo and stricken of all rights and money to pay for the damage you have done to America.

There is nothing you can say. Nothing you can cry about. Bush and Trump have been a complete and total miserable failure and their supporters/enablers need to be held accountable for this total failure.

Shame on you. Shame on the pathetic GOP.
.....shame on the Dems/Biden/Harris--they will fk up America...Trump has not been a failure--he is the first POTUS in a long time that tried to help America and not KISS someone's a$$
..more babbleshit from the left
Harris is a racist dumbass--she fell for the Smollet Hoax
the Dems LOVE criminals and hate police = LOONEY/idiocy
AOC = no more needs to said there
etc etc
the Dems are the dumbass jackasses
Ben Sasse threads are horrible for conservatives. They are forced to talk about left-wing politicians instead of Ben Sase. Because they have nothing on Ben Sasse.
????!!! who cares--the Dems are still idiots---they HATE police/whites/America and love criminals
Trump is leaving office in disgrace and shame, just like Bush. The country is in ruin (just like in 2008) and Trump has lied about the vaccine reserve, there is no vaccine reserve.

Both Bush and Trump have been total failures and the GOP party is the party of complete and total failure.

If you voted for Bush and Trump you need to be held responsible for that. You should be thrown in Gitmo and stricken of all rights and money to pay for the damage you have done to America.

There is nothing you can say. Nothing you can cry about. Bush and Trump have been a complete and total miserable failure and their supporters/enablers need to be held accountable for this total failure.

Shame on you. Shame on the pathetic GOP.
.....shame on the Dems/Biden/Harris--they will fk up America...Trump has not been a failure--he is the first POTUS in a long time that tried to help America and not KISS someone's a$$
Great comeback (sigh) :abgg2q.jpg:

Too bad in the big boy world of facts, Trump has failed miserably, just like Bush. Trump is leaving office with a country that is substantially worse off and weaker than when he took over, just like Bush did. The country is in crisis and ruin, just like in 2008, and now the Democrats have to fix the GOP mess again. Per usual...

Bush and Trump 2 failed GOP presidents, which one is worse? Hard to say, but they both left office in total disgrace.

Shame on the pathetic failed GOP, party of total failure.
The party has a choice: Be the party of the Constitution, or be the party of batshit crazy QAnon conspiracies. It can’t be both.

Eugene Goodman is an American hero. At a pivotal moment on January 6, the veteran United States Capitol Police officer single-handedly prevented untold bloodshed. Staring down an angry, advancing mob, he retreated up a marble staircase, calmly wielding his baton to delay his pursuers while calling out their position to his fellow officers. At the top of the steps, still alone and standing just a few yards from the chamber where senators and Vice President Mike Pence had been certifying the Electoral College’s vote, Goodman strategically lured dozens of the mayhem-minded away from an unguarded door to the Senate floor.​

The leader of that flank of the mob, later identified by the FBI as Douglas Jensen, wore a T-shirt emblazoned with a red-white-and-blue Q—the insignia of the delusional QAnon conspiracy theory. Its supporters believe that a righteous Donald Trump is leading them in a historic quest to expose the U.S. government’s capture by a global network of cannibalistic pedophiles: not just “deep state” actors in the intelligence community, but Chief Justice John Roberts and a dozen-plus senators, including me. Now Trump’s own vice president is supposedly in on it, too. According to the FBI, Jensen “wanted to have his T-shirt seen on video so that ‘Q’ could ‘get the credit.’”​

January 6 is a new red-letter day in U.S. history, not just because it was the first time that the Capitol had been ransacked since the War of 1812, but because a subset of the invaders apparently were attempting to disrupt a constitutionally mandated meeting of Congress, kidnap the vice president, and somehow force him to declare Trump the victor in an election he lost. En route, the mob ultimately injured scores of law-enforcement officers. The attack led to the deaths of two officers and four other Americans. But the toll could have been much worse: Police located pipe bombs at the headquarters of both the Republican and Democratic National Committees. Investigators discovered a vehicle fully loaded with weaponry and what prosecutors are calling “homemade napalm bombs.”​

The violence that Americans witnessed—and that might recur in the coming days—is not a protest gone awry or the work of “a few bad apples.” It is the blossoming of a rotten seed that took root in the Republican Party some time ago and has been nourished by treachery, poor political judgment, and cowardice. When Trump leaves office, my party faces a choice: We can dedicate ourselves to defending the Constitution and perpetuating our best American institutions and traditions, or we can be a party of conspiracy theories, cable-news fantasies, and the ruin that comes with them. We can be the party of Eisenhower, or the party of the conspiracist Alex Jones. We can applaud Officer Goodman or side with the mob he outwitted. We cannot do both.​

If and when the House sends its article of impeachment against Trump to the Senate, I will be a juror in his trial, and thus what I can say in advance is limited. But no matter what happens in that trial, the Republican Party faces a separate reckoning. Until last week, many party leaders and consultants thought they could preach the Constitution while winking at QAnon. They can’t. The GOP must reject conspiracy theories or be consumed by them. Now is the time to decide what this party is about.​

If USMB is any indication, the party is sliding into the swamp of crazy.
They really need to split the party. But both sides need the infrastructure, so they both want to boot the other out.

Kinda like when Pink Floyd broke up.
Plus I don’t worry about conspiracy theories. I want to keep more of my money, get rid of sanctuary cites, and keep the police funded.
Any Republican who doesn’t kiss Trump’s ass is a RINO who needs be voted out.

Sasse, McCarthy, McConnell, Cheney, etc.

Watching this implosion is hilariously satisfying. Just remember, you did this to yourselves. :popcorn:
Plus I don’t worry about conspiracy theories. I want to keep more of my money, get rid of sanctuary cites, and keep the police funded.

You get your wish. Biden is going to reinstate the Consent Decree for City Public Safety. Portland was scheduled for that in 2017 but Rump cancelled the program. He needed the Riots and Looting to get re-elected.
Not really. But the psy-op is to make you think they are. No one I know takes Q as anything but a limited hang-out disinformation campaign. If a few people hold Q signs so what? They could be anybody.
Plus I don’t worry about conspiracy theories. I want to keep more of my money, get rid of sanctuary cites, and keep the police funded.

You get your wish. Biden is going to reinstate the Consent Decree for City Public Safety. Portland was scheduled for that in 2017 but Rump cancelled the program. He needed the Riots and Looting to get re-elected.

maybe I don’t know. I didn’t follow the whole Portland thing and the George Flyod riots. All of that seemed to be an extension of the problems we‘ve been dealing with. i soured on Trump because Americans died because of his rhetoric. The guy simple doesn’t care about anyone but his own ass. I don’t trust Biden, and I didn’t vote for neither Trump or Biden, but I hope for a level of normalcy when Biden is in office.
the way I see it is Democrats and Republicans often do what they accuse each of and many claims against each other are baseless. Meanwhile libertarians (I only mention them they have a big presence on here) pretend they are above all the partisan BS, when in reality they’re selfish, paranoid, and only offer cynicism. conservatives usual have policy’s that I can agree with more than the other party. As far as the mud slinging between the parties, I’ve lost interest a long time ago.
Plus I don’t worry about conspiracy theories. I want to keep more of my money, get rid of sanctuary cites, and keep the police funded.

You get your wish. Biden is going to reinstate the Consent Decree for City Public Safety. Portland was scheduled for that in 2017 but Rump cancelled the program. He needed the Riots and Looting to get re-elected.

maybe I don’t know. I didn’t follow the whole Portland thing and the George Flyod riots. All of that seemed to be an extension of the problems we‘ve been dealing with. i soured on Trump because Americans died because of his rhetoric. The guy simple doesn’t care about anyone but his own ass. I don’t trust Biden, and I didn’t vote for neither Trump or Biden, but I hope for a level of normalcy when Biden is in office.

I don't care for Biden either but the Circus had to leave town sooner or later. WE are fortunate that it left sooner. 4 years of quiet gets my vote.

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