If Biden is so popular, why did he have fewer yard signs? If Biden's so popular, why did he have smaller crowds? Fewer Twitter followers?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
The unsuccessful "If Biden is so popular, why did (insert non-electoral event) happen" meme continues.
The latest one is... that if there are insurrections and a country, it follows that the elected president did not really win.
By this logic, all an opposition party has to do in order to declare the opposite candidate illegitimate is to gather in a rotunda and break doors.
if the other guy won, then why are we being sore losers?
The traitors will then pretend that gathering and breaking doors is proof that the other guy didn't win.
The good news is that Joe Biden supporters have the only and best argument:
If Trump won the elections, why did Biden get more votes?
And no, your arguments to the contrary weren't proved correct. See embarrassing court verdicts.
by the way, if Abraham Lincoln was so popular, why was there a civil war? If John f Kennedy was so popular, why was he killed? And why did a lot of people in Dallas call him a traitor?
If Trump is so popular, why did pro-Trump lawsuits claiming fraud fail in Court?
The unsuccessful "If Biden is so popular, why did (insert non-electoral event) happen" meme continues.
The latest one is... that if there are insurrections and a country, it follows that the elected president did not really win.
By this logic, all an opposition party has to do in order to declare the opposite candidate illegitimate is to gather in a rotunda and break doors.
if the other guy won, then why are we being sore losers?
The traitors will then pretend that gathering and breaking doors is proof that the other guy didn't win.
The good news is that Joe Biden supporters have the only and best argument:
If Trump won the elections, why did Biden get more votes?
And no, your arguments to the contrary weren't proved correct. See embarrassing court verdicts.
by the way, if Abraham Lincoln was so popular, why was there a civil war? If John f Kennedy was so popular, why was he killed? And why did a lot of people in Dallas call him a traitor?
If Trump is so popular, why did pro-Trump lawsuits claiming fraud fail in Court?
The unsuccessful "If Biden is so popular, why did (insert non-electoral event) happen" meme continues.
The latest one is... that if there are insurrections and a country, it follows that the elected president did not really win.
By this logic, all an opposition party has to do in order to declare the opposite candidate illegitimate is to gather in a rotunda and break doors.
if the other guy won, then why are we being sore losers?
The traitors will then pretend that gathering and breaking doors is proof that the other guy didn't win.
The good news is that Joe Biden supporters have the only and best argument:
If Trump won the elections, why did Biden get more votes?
And no, your arguments to the contrary weren't proved correct. See embarrassing court verdicts.
by the way, if Abraham Lincoln was so popular, why was there a civil war? If John f Kennedy was so popular, why was he killed? And why did a lot of people in Dallas call him a traitor?
If Trump is so popular, why did pro-Trump lawsuits claiming fraud fail in Court?

Easy answer. The people,largely, that voted for Biden aren't cult members. We voted against the cult. To give you an idea, the Lincoln Project has over 3 million supporters and most of them are disenfranchised Republicans like me. Think of this, Biden won the popular vote by 7 million over Rump. Now if those over 3 million disenfranchised Republicans that voted for Biden, there would only be less than 1 million in Bidens favor. Chances are, had Rump went with what was best for the Nation rather than what was good for himself and his rich buddies, he would have won hands down. Then he got into a panic and started with his "Here hold my whole Beer Refinery" moments. So the number of disenfranchised Republicans continued to build. Biden didn't win the Election, Rump threw it away starting right after Year 1.
The unsuccessful "If Biden is so popular, why did (insert non-electoral event) happen" meme continues.
The latest one is... that if there are insurrections and a country, it follows that the elected president did not really win.
By this logic, all an opposition party has to do in order to declare the opposite candidate illegitimate is to gather in a rotunda and break doors.
if the other guy won, then why are we being sore losers?
The traitors will then pretend that gathering and breaking doors is proof that the other guy didn't win.
The good news is that Joe Biden supporters have the only and best argument:
If Trump won the elections, why did Biden get more votes?
And no, your arguments to the contrary weren't proved correct. See embarrassing court verdicts.
by the way, if Abraham Lincoln was so popular, why was there a civil war? If John f Kennedy was so popular, why was he killed? And why did a lot of people in Dallas call him a traitor?
If Trump is so popular, why did pro-Trump lawsuits claiming fraud fail in Court?
you are all over the place and make no sense whatsoever.....
Lincoln popularity and the Civil War???!!!!! what????
JFK murdered-popularity???!!!
Xiden is a complete fraud. No one believes he got way more of the black vote than the Hussein did. Especially considering that President Trump got ten percent more of the black vote compared to 2016 all across the country.

The unsuccessful "If Biden is so popular, why did (insert non-electoral event) happen" meme continues.
The latest one is... that if there are insurrections and a country, it follows that the elected president did not really win.
By this logic, all an opposition party has to do in order to declare the opposite candidate illegitimate is to gather in a rotunda and break doors.
if the other guy won, then why are we being sore losers?
The traitors will then pretend that gathering and breaking doors is proof that the other guy didn't win.
The good news is that Joe Biden supporters have the only and best argument:
If Trump won the elections, why did Biden get more votes?
And no, your arguments to the contrary weren't proved correct. See embarrassing court verdicts.
by the way, if Abraham Lincoln was so popular, why was there a civil war? If John f Kennedy was so popular, why was he killed? And why did a lot of people in Dallas call him a traitor?
If Trump is so popular, why did pro-Trump lawsuits claiming fraud fail in Court?
View attachment 444204

And yet, none of that was put into the various (and numerous) court suits. The problem is, just making a Chart isn't proof of fact. It just means that someone is handy at making up charts. Had any of this been included in the lawsuits and brought up in the courts (most courts did at least listen to opening statements) then the rulings would have been different. But what do you get when you go off on a binge like Rudy was doing outside the court but when asked point blank if there is any large scale Voter Fraud then it gets bounced on it's ear. Once Rudy answered the one Judge in Court that way, it meant that that court was used as precedence for the other courts to toss out the other court suits. And don't try and deny any of this. We ain't buying what you are selling. Personally, I don't need any snake oil at this time.
This fucked-up "ratings mentality" that thinks value is measured like some kind of TV show, demonstrates the cluelessness that would impel some idiot toward Orange Crash in the first place. "How many yard signs", "how many rally attendees", really?? Suckers of consumer culture.

I saw many a Rump sign around where I live. One guy had a giant Rump flag planted above his front door. I figured they were acts of desperation to plead with anyone driving by to please join them in their Sysyphustic silliness. Perhaps it also exhibits the personality of an authoritarian-passive, those who look for some authority figure to tell them what to do and what to think, to be festooning somebody else's name all over your own yard.
Xiden is a complete fraud. No one believes he got way more of the black vote than the Hussein did. Especially considering that President Trump got ten percent more of the black vote compared to 2016 all across the country.

View attachment 444205

You keep posting this Googly Image as if it means something.

What it means is that (a) anyone who wants to can generate their own Googly Image saying whatever they want it to say, and (b) that you apparently think we vote for President based on "counties" and "bellwethers".

It's also ironic that an element continually whining about elections "being driven by California and New York", then pivots a 180 and expects elections to be driven by Florida, Ohio and Iowa.

Xiden is a complete fraud. No one believes he got way more of the black vote than the Hussein did. Especially considering that President Trump got ten percent more of the black vote compared to 2016 all across the country.

View attachment 444205
LOL Let's see. Trump twice lost the popular vote. Trump was impeached twice. In less than a year, more Americans will have died of Covid due to Trump's catastrophic incompetence and criminal negligence than died in four years of WW2. President Obama won two terms, Trump is a one term President that lost by 7 million votes. Trump lost the House, the Senate, and the Executive for the GOP. And Trump faces multiple legal challenges for his criminal activities both in and out of office after noon 20Jan21.
Biden is EXTREMELY popular.

Let's not forget that there are nearly 1 1/2 billion people living in China these days.
This fucked-up "ratings mentality" that thinks value is measured like some kind of TV show, demonstrates the cluelessness that would impel some idiot toward Orange Crash in the first place. "How many yard signs", "how many rally attendees", really?? Suckers of consumer culture.

I saw many a Rump sign around where I live. One guy had a giant Rump flag planted above his front door. I figured they were acts of desperation to plead with anyone driving by to please join them in their Sysyphustic silliness. Perhaps it also exhibits the personality of an authoritarian-passive, those who look for some authority figure to tell them what to do and what to think, to be festooning somebody else's name all over your own yard.

How many times did we see brilliant anecdotal evidence involving the number of Rump yard signs and bumper stickers from the wacky right and hear that "nobody I know is voting for Joe"? So he couldn't possibly win! ;)
This fucked-up "ratings mentality" that thinks value is measured like some kind of TV show, demonstrates the cluelessness that would impel some idiot toward Orange Crash in the first place. "How many yard signs", "how many rally attendees", really?? Suckers of consumer culture.

I saw many a Rump sign around where I live. One guy had a giant Rump flag planted above his front door. I figured they were acts of desperation to plead with anyone driving by to please join them in their Sysyphustic silliness. Perhaps it also exhibits the personality of an authoritarian-passive, those who look for some authority figure to tell them what to do and what to think, to be festooning somebody else's name all over your own yard.

How many times did we see brilliant anecdotal evidence involving the number of Rump yard signs and bumper stickers from the wacky right and hear that "nobody I know is voting for Joe"? So he couldn't possibly win! ;)

I don't know how many times but it's a bigly number. YUGE.

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Biden had both his own voters and those who hate Trump worse than Satan

Hard combination to beat
The unsuccessful "If Biden is so popular, why did (insert non-electoral event) happen" meme continues.
The latest one is... that if there are insurrections and a country, it follows that the elected president did not really win.
By this logic, all an opposition party has to do in order to declare the opposite candidate illegitimate is to gather in a rotunda and break doors.
if the other guy won, then why are we being sore losers?
The traitors will then pretend that gathering and breaking doors is proof that the other guy didn't win.
The good news is that Joe Biden supporters have the only and best argument:
If Trump won the elections, why did Biden get more votes?
And no, your arguments to the contrary weren't proved correct. See embarrassing court verdicts.
by the way, if Abraham Lincoln was so popular, why was there a civil war? If John f Kennedy was so popular, why was he killed? And why did a lot of people in Dallas call him a traitor?
If Trump is so popular, why did pro-Trump lawsuits claiming fraud fail in Court?

Easy answer. The people,largely, that voted for Biden aren't cult members. We voted against the cult. To give you an idea, the Lincoln Project has over 3 million supporters and most of them are disenfranchised Republicans like me. Think of this, Biden won the popular vote by 7 million over Rump. Now if those over 3 million disenfranchised Republicans that voted for Biden, there would only be less than 1 million in Bidens favor. Chances are, had Rump went with what was best for the Nation rather than what was good for himself and his rich buddies, he would have won hands down. Then he got into a panic and started with his "Here hold my whole Beer Refinery" moments. So the number of disenfranchised Republicans continued to build. Biden didn't win the Election, Rump threw it away starting right after Year 1.
Tell us exactly how Obama made your life better.
Tell us exactly how Trump made your life worse.
No ad hominem.
The unsuccessful "If Biden is so popular, why did (insert non-electoral event) happen" meme continues.
The latest one is... that if there are insurrections and a country, it follows that the elected president did not really win.
By this logic, all an opposition party has to do in order to declare the opposite candidate illegitimate is to gather in a rotunda and break doors.
if the other guy won, then why are we being sore losers?
The traitors will then pretend that gathering and breaking doors is proof that the other guy didn't win.
The good news is that Joe Biden supporters have the only and best argument:
If Trump won the elections, why did Biden get more votes?
And no, your arguments to the contrary weren't proved correct. See embarrassing court verdicts.
by the way, if Abraham Lincoln was so popular, why was there a civil war? If John f Kennedy was so popular, why was he killed? And why did a lot of people in Dallas call him a traitor?
If Trump is so popular, why did pro-Trump lawsuits claiming fraud fail in Court?

You really need to drop everything you're doing today and apply for a patent on stupid. Your damned dancing around a primeval bonfire celebrating the sweeping criminal activity of your beloved Democratic Party nullifies any claims you present to relevance or truth as sunken beneath the sewer waters of lunacy. Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election by hundreds of electoral votes, meaning your corpse-man, Biden lost it by the same amount.

What really happened, as you are no doubt aware, is the election was decided by our illustrious "free press" long before any final tallies were levied by official channels or outlets. When a lie becomes so monumentally big no one could ever believe it, the only way to force-feed such deception to the masses is to align a gauntlet of denial so tight lipped so as to convince the world said lie was never spoken at all. And that is exactly what your heroes in on the state run cable media channels have done. You swallowed it hook, line and sinker. Don't be too surprised when you end up on some fisherman's cutting board.

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