Ben Carson Proves Once Again That He is Nuttier Than A Fruit Cake

The ACA was a compromise. It included many republican proposals.

Not a single Republican Vote was cast for obamaScare. Not a single Conservative bill, notion, thought, day dream, comment or suggestion is found ANYWHERE in obamaScare.

The Bill was shoved through the legislature by illicit means, passed without debate and not so much as ONE INDIVIDUAL THAT VOTED FOR IT, SO MUCH AS READ THE DAM' THING... .

Proving that you're simply... a lyin' fool.
Well, there were concepts in the bill that gopers at one time supported, but discarded. But, there was no real attempt at a compromise bill, because the acceptable and required provisions Obama set could never be agreed to by gopres.

Obama didn't have much luck with forging alliances in the Senate, which makes me wonder why the gop has any love for cruz, Rubio and Randian Paul.
There were attempts to compromise. But the right offered no alternative.
No. I'm sorry but the GOP could not support a hard mandate. We might have seen the Medicaid expansion in all 57 states (-:.
The ACA was a compromise. It included many republican proposals.

Not a single Republican Vote was cast for obamaScare. Not a single Conservative bill, notion, thought, day dream, comment or suggestion is found ANYWHERE in obamaScare.

The Bill was shoved through the legislature by illicit means, passed without debate and not so much as ONE INDIVIDUAL THAT VOTED FOR IT, SO MUCH AS READ THE DAM' THING... .

Proving that you're simply... a lyin' fool.
Well, there were concepts in the bill that gopers at one time supported, but discarded. But, there was no real attempt at a compromise bill, because the acceptable and required provisions Obama set could never be agreed to by gopres.

Obama didn't have much luck with forging alliances in the Senate, which makes me wonder why the gop has any love for cruz, Rubio and Randian Paul.
There were attempts to compromise. But the right offered no alternative.


A host of alternatives were proffered... not the least of which is to set aside law which prevents insurance carriers from operating in a given state... thus allowing national access by all carriers, thus instilling significant competition among carriers. Along with suggestions to set aside the means of carriers to pay medical bill directly, requiring that all bills for medical care be presented directly to the user of the service FIRST... further requiring Doctors and Hospitals to publish their rates in advance of services... providing patients the means to shop services, and so on.

Naturally, the result would be a dramatically lower cost, greater freedom, which requires greater responsibility... thus the Left considered all of such by be a burden on their constituents OKA: The Intellectually Less Fortunate. Which when it was realized that these ideas stripped government of the means to use medical care as a coercive bludgeon, they were rejected.
The ACA was a compromise. It included many republican proposals.

Not a single Republican Vote was cast for obamaScare. Not a single Conservative bill, notion, thought, day dream, comment or suggestion is found ANYWHERE in obamaScare.

The Bill was shoved through the legislature by illicit means, passed without debate and not so much as ONE INDIVIDUAL THAT VOTED FOR IT, SO MUCH AS READ THE DAM' THING... .

Proving that you're simply... a lyin' fool.

Of course, the famous line:

"We have to pass it, so we can find out what's in it." - Nancy Pelosi

All the closed door deals (remember Obama's promise of transparency on CSpan right?) , months of wasted time bogging down Congress because, as many seem to forget, Republicans couldn't stop the bill as all that was required was getting these blue dog Democrats to tag along.

IF they had all this supposed "support" from the American people that these liberals claimed they had,
(1) passing this bill wouldn't take this long,
(2) you wouldn't see Representatives in Congress being told they couldn't go back home to face their angry constituents
(3) Peosi and Reed wouldn't feel the need to threaten these blue dogs from receiving reelection support
(4) Nancy Pelosi wouldn't have lost her position as Speaker of the House to the Republicans.

Heelloooo !!!!! .... think McFly .. think !! lol
The famous line that morons have taken out of context for years. The entire quote, given in a speech to a group of Americans:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday that people won’t appreciate how great the Democrat’s health plan is until after it passes.

“You’ve heard about the controversies, the process about the bill…but I don’t know if you’ve heard that it is legislation for the future – not just about health care for America, but about a healthier America,” she told the National Association of Counties annual legislative conference, which has drawn about 2,000 local officials to Washington. “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it – away from the fog of the controversy.”

During a 20-minute speech, she touted benefits she thinks will be tangible to the audience’s employers. She said there’s support for public health infrastructure and investments in community health centers that will reduce uncompensated care that hospitals now need to deliver.

“You know as well as anyone that our current system is unsustainable,” said Pelosi (D-Calif.). “The final health care legislation, which will soon be passed by the Congress, will deliver successful reforms at the local level.”

So, she was telling Americans that they would finally know what the bill would do once it was passed. Because passing it and having it go into effect would prove that the opponents were lying about it. You still are. The bill passed like others have passed. The only constituents that were angry were the tea party crowd demanding that congress keep government out of their medicare. It passed and it is working better than promised.
The ACA was a compromise. It included many republican proposals.

Not a single Republican Vote was cast for obamaScare. Not a single Conservative bill, notion, thought, day dream, comment or suggestion is found ANYWHERE in obamaScare.

The Bill was shoved through the legislature by illicit means, passed without debate and not so much as ONE INDIVIDUAL THAT VOTED FOR IT, SO MUCH AS READ THE DAM' THING... .

Proving that you're simply... a lyin' fool.
Well, there were concepts in the bill that gopers at one time supported, but discarded. But, there was no real attempt at a compromise bill, because the acceptable and required provisions Obama set could never be agreed to by gopres.

Obama didn't have much luck with forging alliances in the Senate, which makes me wonder why the gop has any love for cruz, Rubio and Randian Paul.
There were attempts to compromise. But the right offered no alternative.
No. I'm sorry but the GOP could not support a hard mandate. We might have seen the Medicaid expansion in all 57 states (-:.
The GOP invented the hard mandate. And the law could not work without it.
The ACA was a compromise. It included many republican proposals.

Not a single Republican Vote was cast for obamaScare. Not a single Conservative bill, notion, thought, day dream, comment or suggestion is found ANYWHERE in obamaScare.

The Bill was shoved through the legislature by illicit means, passed without debate and not so much as ONE INDIVIDUAL THAT VOTED FOR IT, SO MUCH AS READ THE DAM' THING... .

Proving that you're simply... a lyin' fool.
Well, there were concepts in the bill that gopers at one time supported, but discarded. But, there was no real attempt at a compromise bill, because the acceptable and required provisions Obama set could never be agreed to by gopres.

Obama didn't have much luck with forging alliances in the Senate, which makes me wonder why the gop has any love for cruz, Rubio and Randian Paul.

Yes. they GOP Progs... but even THEY did not vote for obamaScare.

But how hysterical is the notion that oScare enjoyed great support, given that > 90% of those who voted for it, were removed from office in their next election cycle.

Since the passing of oScare... the Democrats have been removed from more than 1000 seats of government, at every strata of governance.
The ACA was a compromise. It included many republican proposals.

Not a single Republican Vote was cast for obamaScare. Not a single Conservative bill, notion, thought, day dream, comment or suggestion is found ANYWHERE in obamaScare.

The Bill was shoved through the legislature by illicit means, passed without debate and not so much as ONE INDIVIDUAL THAT VOTED FOR IT, SO MUCH AS READ THE DAM' THING... .

Proving that you're simply... a lyin' fool.
Well, there were concepts in the bill that gopers at one time supported, but discarded. But, there was no real attempt at a compromise bill, because the acceptable and required provisions Obama set could never be agreed to by gopres.

Obama didn't have much luck with forging alliances in the Senate, which makes me wonder why the gop has any love for cruz, Rubio and Randian Paul.
There were attempts to compromise. But the right offered no alternative.


A host of alternatives were proffered... not the least of which is to set aside law which prevents insurance carriers from operating in a given state... thus allowing national access by all carriers, thus instilling significant competition among carriers. Along with suggestions to set aside the means of carriers to pay medical bill directly, requiring that all bills for medical care be presented directly to the user of the service FIRST... further requiring Doctors and Hospitals to publish their rates in advance of services... providing patients the means to shop services, and so on.

Naturally, the result would be a dramatically lower cost, greater freedom, which requires greater responsibility... thus the Left considered all of such by be a burden on their constituents OKA: The Intellectually Less Fortunate. Which when it was realized that these ideas stripped government of the means to use medical care as a coercive bludgeon, they were rejected.
No alternative were offered. There was talk similar to the suggestion from the idiot we are discussing, Carson, about just having folks save up for that bypass or kidney transplant or cancer treatment. That was it.
No alternative were offered. There was talk similar to the suggestion from the idiot we are discussing, Carson, about just having folks save up for that bypass or kidney transplant or cancer treatment. That was it.

You're either an ignorant fool, or a liar.

It doesn't matter which, as neither is worthy of trust. And that is all the Reader of this board needs to know, with regard to consideration of your point of view.
Obviously the tissue must be ALIVE in order to help those affected by illnesses.

So, human embryos are alive then? Doesn't that throw the whole "a fetus isn't a human life" thing out the window? Wouldn't that also imply that "dead" fetal tissue came from something that was alive before?

Non human cells may be alive.


Good to know... .

Sadly, that's quite irrelevant here, as the issue here is Humans... particularly humans in the earliest stages of development.
I have the same view of Hillary. She is one scary bitch.

The ACA was a compromise. It included many republican proposals.

Not a single Republican Vote was cast for obamaScare. Not a single Conservative bill, notion, thought, day dream, comment or suggestion is found ANYWHERE in obamaScare.

The Bill was shoved through the legislature by illicit means, passed without debate and not so much as ONE INDIVIDUAL THAT VOTED FOR IT, SO MUCH AS READ THE DAM' THING... .

Proving that you're simply... a lyin' fool.
Well, there were concepts in the bill that gopers at one time supported, but discarded. But, there was no real attempt at a compromise bill, because the acceptable and required provisions Obama set could never be agreed to by gopres.

Obama didn't have much luck with forging alliances in the Senate, which makes me wonder why the gop has any love for cruz, Rubio and Randian Paul.
There were attempts to compromise. But the right offered no alternative.


A host of alternatives were proffered... not the least of which is to set aside law which prevents insurance carriers from operating in a given state... thus allowing national access by all carriers, thus instilling significant competition among carriers. Along with suggestions to set aside the means of carriers to pay medical bill directly, requiring that all bills for medical care be presented directly to the user of the service FIRST... further requiring Doctors and Hospitals to publish their rates in advance of services... providing patients the means to shop services, and so on.

Naturally, the result would be a dramatically lower cost, greater freedom, which requires greater responsibility... thus the Left considered all of such by be a burden on their constituents OKA: The Intellectually Less Fortunate. Which when it was realized that these ideas stripped government of the means to use medical care as a coercive bludgeon, they were rejected.
The laws that prohibit health insurance companies from doing business across state lines are STATE laws. You assholes control the majority of state legislatures. What have you done to eliminate the selecting of insurance across state lines? And the ACA, but standardizing the kinds of plans that can be sold on the exchange eliminated the negative effects of such laws. Finally, since nearly half of health care insurance is provided by state of federal governments through mediate, medicaid, Tri Care and the VA and another 40% is provided through employer based health plans largely governed by the federal ERISA law and not subject to state law, the state law prohibition on out of state insurance companies selling across state lines has little effect on health care.
The ACA was a compromise. It included many republican proposals.

Not a single Republican Vote was cast for obamaScare. Not a single Conservative bill, notion, thought, day dream, comment or suggestion is found ANYWHERE in obamaScare.

The Bill was shoved through the legislature by illicit means, passed without debate and not so much as ONE INDIVIDUAL THAT VOTED FOR IT, SO MUCH AS READ THE DAM' THING... .

Proving that you're simply... a lyin' fool.
Well, there were concepts in the bill that gopers at one time supported, but discarded. But, there was no real attempt at a compromise bill, because the acceptable and required provisions Obama set could never be agreed to by gopres.

Obama didn't have much luck with forging alliances in the Senate, which makes me wonder why the gop has any love for cruz, Rubio and Randian Paul.
There were attempts to compromise. But the right offered no alternative.


A host of alternatives were proffered... not the least of which is to set aside law which prevents insurance carriers from operating in a given state... thus allowing national access by all carriers, thus instilling significant competition among carriers. Along with suggestions to set aside the means of carriers to pay medical bill directly, requiring that all bills for medical care be presented directly to the user of the service FIRST... further requiring Doctors and Hospitals to publish their rates in advance of services... providing patients the means to shop services, and so on.

Naturally, the result would be a dramatically lower cost, greater freedom, which requires greater responsibility... thus the Left considered all of such by be a burden on their constituents OKA: The Intellectually Less Fortunate. Which when it was realized that these ideas stripped government of the means to use medical care as a coercive bludgeon, they were rejected.
Laissez faire health care. Get the health care you can afford. Can't afford it? Tough luck. Die in the streets.
More nuttiness from that asshat:

“I actually have something I would use the Department of Education to do,” Carson explained. “It would be to monitor our institutions of higher education for extreme political bias and deny federal funding if it exists.”
I’ve read this a few times, and watched the video of the exchange, and I can’t help but wonder if he realizes how ridiculous this sounds.
What Carson seems to be saying is that he wants a federal cabinet agency to “monitor” speech on college campuses, and if a Carson administration decides it doesn’t approve of the school’s politics, the Republican would cut off universities’ federal funding.

Ben Carson has an odd plan for the Dept of Education

So, he wants the department of education to monitor college campuses and educators and determine if the government approves of their speech. If not, shut them down by denying them funds. This is the "freedom" conservatives would bring to America? On campus censorship. And not the censorship rights complain about, when students use their first amendment right to oppose and protest the haters like Ann Coulter. No, this would be true censorship. The government deciding what speech on campus is politically acceptable.
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The ACA was a compromise. It included many republican proposals.

Not a single Republican Vote was cast for obamaScare. Not a single Conservative bill, notion, thought, day dream, comment or suggestion is found ANYWHERE in obamaScare.

The Bill was shoved through the legislature by illicit means, passed without debate and not so much as ONE INDIVIDUAL THAT VOTED FOR IT, SO MUCH AS READ THE DAM' THING... .

Proving that you're simply... a lyin' fool.
Well, there were concepts in the bill that gopers at one time supported, but discarded. But, there was no real attempt at a compromise bill, because the acceptable and required provisions Obama set could never be agreed to by gopres.

Obama didn't have much luck with forging alliances in the Senate, which makes me wonder why the gop has any love for cruz, Rubio and Randian Paul.
There were attempts to compromise. But the right offered no alternative.


A host of alternatives were proffered... not the least of which is to set aside law which prevents insurance carriers from operating in a given state... thus allowing national access by all carriers, thus instilling significant competition among carriers. Along with suggestions to set aside the means of carriers to pay medical bill directly, requiring that all bills for medical care be presented directly to the user of the service FIRST... further requiring Doctors and Hospitals to publish their rates in advance of services... providing patients the means to shop services, and so on.

Naturally, the result would be a dramatically lower cost, greater freedom, which requires greater responsibility... thus the Left considered all of such by be a burden on their constituents OKA: The Intellectually Less Fortunate. Which when it was realized that these ideas stripped government of the means to use medical care as a coercive bludgeon, they were rejected.
The laws that prohibit health insurance companies from doing business across state lines are STATE laws. You assholes control the majority of state legislatures. What have you done to eliminate the selecting of insurance across state lines? And the ACA, but standardizing the kinds of plans that can be sold on the exchange eliminated the negative effects of such laws. Finally, since nearly half of health care insurance is provided by state of federal governments through mediate, medicaid, Tri Care and the VA and another 40% is provided through employer based health plans largely governed by the federal ERISA law and not subject to state law, the state law prohibition on out of state insurance companies selling across state lines has little effect on health care.


Keep whining whelp... . The OScare is a catastrophe and has cost more people to lose their medical insurance than it has provided for.

The indigents which you claim were served, still cannot afford it. As the OScare brings with it, MASSIVE increases in Co-Pays and Deductibles... thus they are finding that despite their subsidized monthly payment, any treatment of any substance requires that they pay their Co-Pay and Deductible in advance, which given their limited means, they are typically prohibited from doing so.

What's more, given the nature of third party programs, the oScare is quite literally driving the cost of medical insurance UP and is it doing so rapidly and substantially, as nature requires it must.

As a result, the same consequence of setting a perverse notion of fairness as the basis for mortgage lending, will soon take place in the medical insurance industry... which, in the event you've forgotten the lessons learned in the catastrophic failure of the socialist "Fairness in Housing" ruse... it resulted in the near total destruction of the international financial markets.

And this was due to the certainty that a market will only rise to the point at which the market can no longer sustain it, at which point it will collapse.

Now this is a law of nature and is not subject to being ignored, and it doesn't care why its ignored.

OScam will destroy the US Medical Insurance Industry... and there's no potential scenario where such can be avoided.

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