Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

Just letting the bad guys have their way, is your position. Not surprising. It is pretty normal for libs.


Sad that you have to lie about my position. As I expressed already, that is NOT my position. You lose the debate when you lie about what I've said in order to prop up your own failed position.
The facts of the case don't matter to you?

What a shockingly honest admission.

Is this, to you, about the teacher being a conservative? Is that all you care about?

Of course they do. There's nothing to suggest him striking that student was warranted. Those are the facts we know about. He was charged with a crime for hitting the kid. That's another fact we know about. I never said anything about his political leanings, which I don't even know. That's another fact.
Wow. You are bat shit crazy. You admit that it was recently was the way things were done, and yet claim it is impossible.

You are fucking nuts.


You're lying about my position again. How sad you conceded so eagerly. I never said it was done recently. I said it's not been done for decades. That is not recent.
Someone on here suggested it. But searching news articles for it turned up only a bloody lip & nose, and an abrasion and lump on his head, which he complained was throbbing. So I retract "concussion."
The lump on the head and the way his legs buckle strongly suggest a concussion. A concussion does not have to mean lights out.
The lump on the head and the way his legs buckle strongly suggest a concussion. A concussion does not have to mean lights out.

I suffered a concussion once in a football game. I wasn't knocked out but I knew something was wrong when I went back in the huddle and realized I couldn't remember anyone's name. Lasted about 15 minutes and then my memory returned.
No, the kid had his head banged off a CONCRETE BLOCK WALL, you fucking idiot. The teacher should be publicly tortured to death for it.

Not just the slap, the kid's head hit the concrete block wall!
The video in the link blocked out the actual slap. Do you have something different?

That teacher was charged with battery, as he should have been. What did I lose?

He was charged with a misdemeanor. Not a felony as was originally reported.
A speeding ticket is also a misdemeanor.
No biggie. I predict he won't serve a day.
Some who were too lazy to investigate were questioning if Mike Hosinski even had a daughter. He does. She's a beautiful young woman in her 20s. Here with her mom.
And to think this punk threatened to rape her. I can understand Mr. Hosinski's reaction. When you threaten a papa bear's daughter, you're asking for trouble. I actually admire Mike's restraint.
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Some who were too lazy to investigate were questioning if Mike Hosinski even had a daughter. He does. She's a beautiful young woman in her 20s. Here with her mom.
And to think this punk threatened to rape her. I can understand Mr. Hosinski's reaction. When you threaten a papa bear's daughter, you're asking for trouble. I actually admire Mike's restraint.
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Still no proof of the threat.
Don't you find it odd that the teacher has FORTY YEARS in, and was fine until this moment?

I don't care how many years he has in what I wander now is how many other times he assaulted a kid and didn't get caught
There are plenty of bullying methods other than physical assault. You do know that right? Many of them are easily usable by physically weaker people.

Your unsupported assertion makes no sense.

A child calling an adult names is not bullying
Torn on this one. If there are, review should be very strictly limited. Not subject to random FoI requests. Likely only available to law enforcement of the school board disciplinary commitee. There are some people calling for camera in the classroom be available for review by any parent, if not outright livestream. How would you like to have a camera on you while at work, to be looked at and criticized by people who have no idea what your job entails?
It should be available to the parents of the kids in the class as well

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