Believe the science they said


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
After days of fighting my way up the chain of command, I finally found a responsible hospital administrator willing to speak the truth to me. I will refrain from publishing his name for his own protection. He told me that he has “tons” of asymptomatic patients across his hospital system occupying expensive and badly needed hospital beds who cannot be released to rehab or nursing homes because their PCR tests are still coming back positive. Some for months.
Well at least the corporations are recouping some of their loses by others being denied treatment cause of covid craziness.
To begin, why are you not putting quotations in quotations marks? Quotation marks indicate that YOU are not speaking but that you are repeating something someone else said. Not using quotation marks indicates you are speaking from personal experience. And you aren't.

" because their PCR tests are still coming back positive. "

The hospital administrator wasn't "admitting" anything. The administrator was explaining to you how it is. The administrator didn't ask that his name be withheld. Bill Frezza decided to "refrain from publishing his name for his own protection." A

A positive PCR test means they have tested positive for coronavirus gene fragments. That would mean they have had and likely still have COVID-19. A large percentage of people with the coronavirus are asymptomatic. Asymptomatic tells us nothing about whether they are or are not infected. That is why there are further tests. Releasing them to a nursing home would likely result in everyone in that nursing home to become infected. Yes, with hospitals hitting the level that ICUs are running out of space, the pandemic is resulting in COVID patients taking up hospital beds. That's the whole point. Until the pandemic ends, this will remain the case.

The question that you gotta ask is why isn't the hospital testing patients with a culture test that will differentiate between live virus and gene fragments?

So what it YOUR point? Is it YOUR 89 year old mother with dementia?

Either way, Cuomo didn't give her dementia. Dementia is a degenerative disease. It is a tragedy that anyone should suffer from dementia. It is also a tragedy that over a quarter of a million people have died of COVID-19, Which do you suppose is a bigger tragedy? Or a little old lady with dementia that is a potential infection risk being cared for in the hospital?

The author of they article you cited, Bill Frezza is "the former host of RealClear Radio Hour and the author of New Zealand’s Far-Reaching Reforms: A Case Study in How to Save Democracy from Itself. " So, he is a talking head. He is neither an economics or a medical expert. He wrote a book about economics. He is writing about a medical issue in an online blog about economics. And his motivation is clear. He cares about his stock portfolio and his mother. That's sweet, but there are a lot of elderly parents stuck in hospitals, nursing homes, and even their own home.

There are all sorts of issues surrounding this epidemic. The question you gotta ask is why the hospital isn't doing a culture of these patients? Bill Freeze hasn't answered that one. Did he ask? Does Cuomo's orders restrict even cultured patients from being released?

And if you read the conclusion of the cited article, is says, "These findings strengthen the justification for relying on a symptom based, rather than test-based strategy for ending isolation of these patients " That says that the decision should be based on a culture test. Indeed, it says is "strengthens the justification for" cultured tests. It doesn't say, release patients who had COVID, continue to test positive on a PCR test, and haven't been tested with a culture.

I am very sorry that Bill's mother is suffering from dementia. I am very sorry that she contracted COVID-19. Half the country has been quarentening since this epidemic began. I don't go out. I order online and get shipments from Walmart. My wife is severely immunocompromised. On the rare occasions that I have to go to the hospital, clinic, or to pick up milk and cheese, I wear a mask. I don't have COVID. My wife doesn't have COVID. And we won't get COVID.

So, how did Bill's mother manage to contract COVID? We get a virus from someone else. Who gave it to her? And if she is released, is she just going to continue to be irresponsible and contract it again. Worse yet, is she going to continue to be irresponsible and give it to someone else? Or is it that whomever actually cares for her at home (apparently Bill is too busy) is going to re-infect her?

And let's just suppose that all of those PRC patients are released back into the community. Do you suppose that some of them may still be infectious? One, two, ten out of a hundred? Do you understand what exponential growth means? Oh, here is something that is exponential growth, and fission explosion is exponential growth. Jumping off a cliff is exponential growth. So your idea is to release thousands of potential atomic bombs into the community. Your idea is to push everyone off a cliff because Bill Frezza's mother feels bad and the hospital doesn't have the right test.

And lastly, why are you trying to kill Americans? America is in the middle of an epidemic. Over 250,000 people have died from COVID.

Really why do you hate America?
To begin, why are you not putting quotations in quotations marks? Quotation marks indicate that YOU are not speaking but that you are repeating something someone else said. Not using quotation marks indicates you are speaking from personal experience. And you aren't.

" because their PCR tests are still coming back positive. "

The hospital administrator wasn't "admitting" anything. The administrator was explaining to you how it is. The administrator didn't ask that his name be withheld. Bill Frezza decided to "refrain from publishing his name for his own protection." A

A positive PCR test means they have tested positive for coronavirus gene fragments. That would mean they have had and likely still have COVID-19. A large percentage of people with the coronavirus are asymptomatic. Asymptomatic tells us nothing about whether they are or are not infected. That is why there are further tests. Releasing them to a nursing home would likely result in everyone in that nursing home to become infected. Yes, with hospitals hitting the level that ICUs are running out of space, the pandemic is resulting in COVID patients taking up hospital beds. That's the whole point. Until the pandemic ends, this will remain the case.

The question that you gotta ask is why isn't the hospital testing patients with a culture test that will differentiate between live virus and gene fragments?

So what it YOUR point? Is it YOUR 89 year old mother with dementia?

Either way, Cuomo didn't give her dementia. Dementia is a degenerative disease. It is a tragedy that anyone should suffer from dementia. It is also a tragedy that over a quarter of a million people have died of COVID-19, Which do you suppose is a bigger tragedy? Or a little old lady with dementia that is a potential infection risk being cared for in the hospital?

The author of they article you cited, Bill Frezza is "the former host of RealClear Radio Hour and the author of New Zealand’s Far-Reaching Reforms: A Case Study in How to Save Democracy from Itself. " So, he is a talking head. He is neither an economics or a medical expert. He wrote a book about economics. He is writing about a medical issue in an online blog about economics. And his motivation is clear. He cares about his stock portfolio and his mother. That's sweet, but there are a lot of elderly parents stuck in hospitals, nursing homes, and even their own home.

There are all sorts of issues surrounding this epidemic. The question you gotta ask is why the hospital isn't doing a culture of these patients? Bill Freeze hasn't answered that one. Did he ask? Does Cuomo's orders restrict even cultured patients from being released?

And if you read the conclusion of the cited article, is says, "These findings strengthen the justification for relying on a symptom based, rather than test-based strategy for ending isolation of these patients " That says that the decision should be based on a culture test. Indeed, it says is "strengthens the justification for" cultured tests. It doesn't say, release patients who had COVID, continue to test positive on a PCR test, and haven't been tested with a culture.

I am very sorry that Bill's mother is suffering from dementia. I am very sorry that she contracted COVID-19. Half the country has been quarentening since this epidemic began. I don't go out. I order online and get shipments from Walmart. My wife is severely immunocompromised. On the rare occasions that I have to go to the hospital, clinic, or to pick up milk and cheese, I wear a mask. I don't have COVID. My wife doesn't have COVID. And we won't get COVID.

So, how did Bill's mother manage to contract COVID? We get a virus from someone else. Who gave it to her? And if she is released, is she just going to continue to be irresponsible and contract it again. Worse yet, is she going to continue to be irresponsible and give it to someone else? Or is it that whomever actually cares for her at home (apparently Bill is too busy) is going to re-infect her?

And let's just suppose that all of those PRC patients are released back into the community. Do you suppose that some of them may still be infectious? One, two, ten out of a hundred? Do you understand what exponential growth means? Oh, here is something that is exponential growth, and fission explosion is exponential growth. Jumping off a cliff is exponential growth. So your idea is to release thousands of potential atomic bombs into the community. Your idea is to push everyone off a cliff because Bill Frezza's mother feels bad and the hospital doesn't have the right test.

And lastly, why are you trying to kill Americans? America is in the middle of an epidemic. Over 250,000 people have died from COVID.

Really why do you hate America?
What a total douche commie.
To begin, why are you not putting quotations in quotations marks? Quotation marks indicate that YOU are not speaking but that you are repeating something someone else said. Not using quotation marks indicates you are speaking from personal experience. And you aren't.

" because their PCR tests are still coming back positive. "

The hospital administrator wasn't "admitting" anything. The administrator was explaining to you how it is. The administrator didn't ask that his name be withheld. Bill Frezza decided to "refrain from publishing his name for his own protection." A

A positive PCR test means they have tested positive for coronavirus gene fragments. That would mean they have had and likely still have COVID-19. A large percentage of people with the coronavirus are asymptomatic. Asymptomatic tells us nothing about whether they are or are not infected. That is why there are further tests. Releasing them to a nursing home would likely result in everyone in that nursing home to become infected. Yes, with hospitals hitting the level that ICUs are running out of space, the pandemic is resulting in COVID patients taking up hospital beds. That's the whole point. Until the pandemic ends, this will remain the case.

The question that you gotta ask is why isn't the hospital testing patients with a culture test that will differentiate between live virus and gene fragments?

So what it YOUR point? Is it YOUR 89 year old mother with dementia?

Either way, Cuomo didn't give her dementia. Dementia is a degenerative disease. It is a tragedy that anyone should suffer from dementia. It is also a tragedy that over a quarter of a million people have died of COVID-19, Which do you suppose is a bigger tragedy? Or a little old lady with dementia that is a potential infection risk being cared for in the hospital?

The author of they article you cited, Bill Frezza is "the former host of RealClear Radio Hour and the author of New Zealand’s Far-Reaching Reforms: A Case Study in How to Save Democracy from Itself. " So, he is a talking head. He is neither an economics or a medical expert. He wrote a book about economics. He is writing about a medical issue in an online blog about economics. And his motivation is clear. He cares about his stock portfolio and his mother. That's sweet, but there are a lot of elderly parents stuck in hospitals, nursing homes, and even their own home.

There are all sorts of issues surrounding this epidemic. The question you gotta ask is why the hospital isn't doing a culture of these patients? Bill Freeze hasn't answered that one. Did he ask? Does Cuomo's orders restrict even cultured patients from being released?

And if you read the conclusion of the cited article, is says, "These findings strengthen the justification for relying on a symptom based, rather than test-based strategy for ending isolation of these patients " That says that the decision should be based on a culture test. Indeed, it says is "strengthens the justification for" cultured tests. It doesn't say, release patients who had COVID, continue to test positive on a PCR test, and haven't been tested with a culture.

I am very sorry that Bill's mother is suffering from dementia. I am very sorry that she contracted COVID-19. Half the country has been quarentening since this epidemic began. I don't go out. I order online and get shipments from Walmart. My wife is severely immunocompromised. On the rare occasions that I have to go to the hospital, clinic, or to pick up milk and cheese, I wear a mask. I don't have COVID. My wife doesn't have COVID. And we won't get COVID.

So, how did Bill's mother manage to contract COVID? We get a virus from someone else. Who gave it to her? And if she is released, is she just going to continue to be irresponsible and contract it again. Worse yet, is she going to continue to be irresponsible and give it to someone else? Or is it that whomever actually cares for her at home (apparently Bill is too busy) is going to re-infect her?

And let's just suppose that all of those PRC patients are released back into the community. Do you suppose that some of them may still be infectious? One, two, ten out of a hundred? Do you understand what exponential growth means? Oh, here is something that is exponential growth, and fission explosion is exponential growth. Jumping off a cliff is exponential growth. So your idea is to release thousands of potential atomic bombs into the community. Your idea is to push everyone off a cliff because Bill Frezza's mother feels bad and the hospital doesn't have the right test.

And lastly, why are you trying to kill Americans? America is in the middle of an epidemic. Over 250,000 people have died from COVID.

Really why do you hate America?
Boy you are one dense moron,,,you really think its about my mom.....wholly cow
why are you trying to kill Americans?

To begin, why are you not putting quotations in quotations marks? Quotation marks indicate that YOU are not speaking but that you are repeating something someone else said. Not using quotation marks indicates you are speaking from personal experience. And you aren't.

" because their PCR tests are still coming back positive. "

The hospital administrator wasn't "admitting" anything. The administrator was explaining to you how it is. The administrator didn't ask that his name be withheld. Bill Frezza decided to "refrain from publishing his name for his own protection." A

A positive PCR test means they have tested positive for coronavirus gene fragments. That would mean they have had and likely still have COVID-19. A large percentage of people with the coronavirus are asymptomatic. Asymptomatic tells us nothing about whether they are or are not infected. That is why there are further tests. Releasing them to a nursing home would likely result in everyone in that nursing home to become infected. Yes, with hospitals hitting the level that ICUs are running out of space, the pandemic is resulting in COVID patients taking up hospital beds. That's the whole point. Until the pandemic ends, this will remain the case.

The question that you gotta ask is why isn't the hospital testing patients with a culture test that will differentiate between live virus and gene fragments?

So what it YOUR point? Is it YOUR 89 year old mother with dementia?

Either way, Cuomo didn't give her dementia. Dementia is a degenerative disease. It is a tragedy that anyone should suffer from dementia. It is also a tragedy that over a quarter of a million people have died of COVID-19, Which do you suppose is a bigger tragedy? Or a little old lady with dementia that is a potential infection risk being cared for in the hospital?

The author of they article you cited, Bill Frezza is "the former host of RealClear Radio Hour and the author of New Zealand’s Far-Reaching Reforms: A Case Study in How to Save Democracy from Itself. " So, he is a talking head. He is neither an economics or a medical expert. He wrote a book about economics. He is writing about a medical issue in an online blog about economics. And his motivation is clear. He cares about his stock portfolio and his mother. That's sweet, but there are a lot of elderly parents stuck in hospitals, nursing homes, and even their own home.

There are all sorts of issues surrounding this epidemic. The question you gotta ask is why the hospital isn't doing a culture of these patients? Bill Freeze hasn't answered that one. Did he ask? Does Cuomo's orders restrict even cultured patients from being released?

And if you read the conclusion of the cited article, is says, "These findings strengthen the justification for relying on a symptom based, rather than test-based strategy for ending isolation of these patients " That says that the decision should be based on a culture test. Indeed, it says is "strengthens the justification for" cultured tests. It doesn't say, release patients who had COVID, continue to test positive on a PCR test, and haven't been tested with a culture.

I am very sorry that Bill's mother is suffering from dementia. I am very sorry that she contracted COVID-19. Half the country has been quarentening since this epidemic began. I don't go out. I order online and get shipments from Walmart. My wife is severely immunocompromised. On the rare occasions that I have to go to the hospital, clinic, or to pick up milk and cheese, I wear a mask. I don't have COVID. My wife doesn't have COVID. And we won't get COVID.

So, how did Bill's mother manage to contract COVID? We get a virus from someone else. Who gave it to her? And if she is released, is she just going to continue to be irresponsible and contract it again. Worse yet, is she going to continue to be irresponsible and give it to someone else? Or is it that whomever actually cares for her at home (apparently Bill is too busy) is going to re-infect her?

And let's just suppose that all of those PRC patients are released back into the community. Do you suppose that some of them may still be infectious? One, two, ten out of a hundred? Do you understand what exponential growth means? Oh, here is something that is exponential growth, and fission explosion is exponential growth. Jumping off a cliff is exponential growth. So your idea is to release thousands of potential atomic bombs into the community. Your idea is to push everyone off a cliff because Bill Frezza's mother feels bad and the hospital doesn't have the right test.

And lastly, why are you trying to kill Americans? America is in the middle of an epidemic. Over 250,000 people have died from COVID.

Really why do you hate America?

The virus has not been isolated yet.

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