Being Liberal Makes You a Fascist

It's impossible not to be wrong when you take two opposing positions on the same issue, one day to the next.

You need to occasionally remind yourself that what you've said here in the past is a retrievable record. You can't really get away with praising FDR for the Japanese internment one day, and then excoriating him for it another day.

It looks downright imbecilic.

Never happened.

You're the same lying simpleton you always were, and always will be.

I've reduced you to childish namecalling with irrefutable evidence. Again. Isn't it frustrating to have started a thread that results in you being consumed with anger and me just having a laugh?

I didn't have to reduce've always been a lying sack of sewage.
Under Progressive President Woodrow Wilson America was the first Fascist nation.
Newspapers and magazines were closed for criticizing the government
Almost 100,000 government propaganda agents were sent out to whip up support for the regime and the war
Nearly a quarter million ‘goons’ were given legal authority to beat and intimidate ‘slackers’ and dissenters. p. 9

Take note of frequency with which Liberal board members attempt to shut down opposing voices, telling others to go away and/or "STFU" in one form or another.

There is only one reason for this desire: in the market place of ideas, they lose.

Daniel Henninger spotlights the latest iteration of fascism:

1. "Harry Reid is the Majority Leader of the Senate of the United States. He occupies a position of influence at the pinnacle of the American system of government. Of late, the senator from Nevada has become a one-man, First Amendment wrecking crew.

2. If ... your political opinions offend Harry Reid's ears...Sen. Reid will use his office to try to shut you up or make you disappear.

3. In recent weeks, people across the political spectrum professed to be aghast when a small coterie of "offended" students shut down commencement speeches by conservatives, centrists and liberals.

4. How, the world of astonished adults wondered, have these students come to believe they could shut people up on any aggrieved whim? They got it from the Majority Leader of the United States Senate and 49 senators. They got it from the many adults who think a little restriction on some speech is OK,....

5. It's part of a broader, active effort to define and limit what people can say—not just in politics or sports, but anywhere anyone tries to open his or her mouth.

6. The New York Times, the New Republic and others have carried articles on the suppressive phenomenon known as "trigger warnings" for college courses. The idea is that professors should post warnings about course content that may "trigger" traumatic memories or thoughts in some students for a list of reasons related to feminist concerns, sex and multiple violations of social justice.

7. Last fall at a private party at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Ore., two athletes—one of them white, the other black—were overheard trading racial jokes during a game of beer pong. Someone reported them to the administration. Lewis & Clark convicted the students of hate speech and ordered them to undergo "Bias Reduction and Bystander Intervention Training."

8. In another corner of Harry Reid's Senate sits an attempt to expand federal surveillance of "hate speech." Sen. Edward Markey of Massachusetts just introduced a bill called the Hate Crimes Reporting Act. Its purpose, said Sen. Markey, is "to ensure the Internet, television and radio are not encouraging hate crimes and hate speech that is not outside the protections of the First Amendment." The potential causes of offense are "gender, race, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation." In other words, anything.

9. Sophisticates will recognize that the bill should be better known as the Shut Up Fox News and Rush Limbaugh Act (newspapers are protected from any such regulation).
But on their current, unrestrained course, federally deputized talk censors would get around to cleansing and sterilizing MSNBC, too.

10. We are moving way past the amusements of political correctness. A creeping, even creepy, effort is under way to shut people up for a broad swath of offenses. The distance is shortening between the First Amendment's formal protections and a "Fahrenheit 451" regime for torching speech in America. The time for adult pushback is overdue."
Harry Reid Hates the Redskins -

Attention Liberals: this is what you voted for....."adults who think a little restriction on some speech is OK,...."


Your complete and total lack of understanding of the political dynamics of Fascism is truly amazing.

Fascism is a totally Conservative means of dictatorship, a marriage of the corporate and the government.

You know, like the Great Taker Naps, Eater of Jelly Beans, the one, the only...the man who best remembered movies are with a chimp...the great Ronnie God.
Never happened.

You're the same lying simpleton you always were, and always will be.

I've reduced you to childish namecalling with irrefutable evidence. Again. Isn't it frustrating to have started a thread that results in you being consumed with anger and me just having a laugh?

I didn't have to reduce've always been a lying sack of sewage.

See, people. This is the intellectual dysfunction of PC. I'm a liar for quoting her,


in context.
Never happened.

You're the same lying simpleton you always were, and always will be.

I've reduced you to childish namecalling with irrefutable evidence. Again. Isn't it frustrating to have started a thread that results in you being consumed with anger and me just having a laugh?

I didn't have to reduce've always been a lying sack of sewage.

Even my ex-wife had better comebacks than that, and she set records for stupidity.
I've reduced you to childish namecalling with irrefutable evidence. Again. Isn't it frustrating to have started a thread that results in you being consumed with anger and me just having a laugh?

I didn't have to reduce've always been a lying sack of sewage.

See, people. This is the intellectual dysfunction of PC. I'm a liar for quoting her,


in context.

Provide same.
Under Progressive President Woodrow Wilson America was the first Fascist nation.
Newspapers and magazines were closed for criticizing the government
Almost 100,000 government propaganda agents were sent out to whip up support for the regime and the war
Nearly a quarter million ‘goons’ were given legal authority to beat and intimidate ‘slackers’ and dissenters. p. 9

Take note of frequency with which Liberal board members attempt to shut down opposing voices, telling others to go away and/or "STFU" in one form or another.

There is only one reason for this desire: in the market place of ideas, they lose.

Daniel Henninger spotlights the latest iteration of fascism:

1. "Harry Reid is the Majority Leader of the Senate of the United States. He occupies a position of influence at the pinnacle of the American system of government. Of late, the senator from Nevada has become a one-man, First Amendment wrecking crew.

2. If ... your political opinions offend Harry Reid's ears...Sen. Reid will use his office to try to shut you up or make you disappear.

3. In recent weeks, people across the political spectrum professed to be aghast when a small coterie of "offended" students shut down commencement speeches by conservatives, centrists and liberals.

4. How, the world of astonished adults wondered, have these students come to believe they could shut people up on any aggrieved whim? They got it from the Majority Leader of the United States Senate and 49 senators. They got it from the many adults who think a little restriction on some speech is OK,....

5. It's part of a broader, active effort to define and limit what people can say—not just in politics or sports, but anywhere anyone tries to open his or her mouth.

6. The New York Times, the New Republic and others have carried articles on the suppressive phenomenon known as "trigger warnings" for college courses. The idea is that professors should post warnings about course content that may "trigger" traumatic memories or thoughts in some students for a list of reasons related to feminist concerns, sex and multiple violations of social justice.

7. Last fall at a private party at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Ore., two athletes—one of them white, the other black—were overheard trading racial jokes during a game of beer pong. Someone reported them to the administration. Lewis & Clark convicted the students of hate speech and ordered them to undergo "Bias Reduction and Bystander Intervention Training."

8. In another corner of Harry Reid's Senate sits an attempt to expand federal surveillance of "hate speech." Sen. Edward Markey of Massachusetts just introduced a bill called the Hate Crimes Reporting Act. Its purpose, said Sen. Markey, is "to ensure the Internet, television and radio are not encouraging hate crimes and hate speech that is not outside the protections of the First Amendment." The potential causes of offense are "gender, race, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation." In other words, anything.

9. Sophisticates will recognize that the bill should be better known as the Shut Up Fox News and Rush Limbaugh Act (newspapers are protected from any such regulation).
But on their current, unrestrained course, federally deputized talk censors would get around to cleansing and sterilizing MSNBC, too.

10. We are moving way past the amusements of political correctness. A creeping, even creepy, effort is under way to shut people up for a broad swath of offenses. The distance is shortening between the First Amendment's formal protections and a "Fahrenheit 451" regime for torching speech in America. The time for adult pushback is overdue."
Harry Reid Hates the Redskins -

Attention Liberals: this is what you voted for....."adults who think a little restriction on some speech is OK,...."


Your complete and total lack of understanding of the political dynamics of Fascism is truly amazing.

Fascism is a totally Conservative means of dictatorship, a marriage of the corporate and the government.

You know, like the Great Taker Naps, Eater of Jelly Beans, the one, the only...the man who best remembered movies are with a chimp...the great Ronnie God. this a copy of your application for the "I Am A Liberal" merit badge?

If not.....I should advise you that there's no award for stop competing.
Anyone know who rewrote history for the common conservative, and when it was done? Those who run the GOP know better, but the little guys bought it.

Pop quiz:

Which of the following is based the primacy of freedom of speech?

Liberal, Progressive, Democrat, communist, Nazi, socialist, or fascist?

You might want to review the OP before you make a mistake in your answer.
Anyone know who rewrote history for the common conservative, and when it was done? Those who run the GOP know better, but the little guys bought it.

Yawnnnnnn :eusa_hand:

Anyone know who rewrote history for the common conservative, and when it was done? Those who run the GOP know better, but the little guys bought it.

Pop quiz:

Which of the following is based the primacy of freedom of speech?

Liberal, Progressive, Democrat, communist, Nazi, socialist, or fascist?

You might want to review the OP before you make a mistake in your answer.

1. Brandenburg v. Ohio, decided in favor of the right of free speech for KKK'er Brandenburg,

by the Liberal Warren Court 1969.

2. National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie - ACLU challenged Skokie's attempt to deny American Nazi Party their rights to freedom of assemby and free speech.
I've reduced you to childish namecalling with irrefutable evidence. Again. Isn't it frustrating to have started a thread that results in you being consumed with anger and me just having a laugh?

I didn't have to reduce've always been a lying sack of sewage.

Even my ex-wife had better comebacks than that, and she set records for stupidity.

being parted from you makes her pretty smart in my OPINION
Perhaps some of the 2 digit IQ'd liberal women should go over this small poster a few times, stop and THINK what they are doing to themselves.....perhaps not!

Most liberals do not support religionist suppression of women. It is a myth your side made up.
Your complete and total lack of understanding of the political dynamics of Fascism is truly amazing.

Your deep understanding comes from ThinkProgress, or DailyKOS?

Fascism is a totally Conservative means of dictatorship, a marriage of the corporate and the government.

You believe a centrally planned economy directed by the state is "conservative?"

You know, like the Great Taker Naps, Eater of Jelly Beans, the one, the only...the man who best remembered movies are with a chimp...the great Ronnie God.

I assume that when that was up on Huffington, it seemed like it made a point, right?

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