Before You Claim A Democrat Victory In The Election....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....tell me that the majority of Americans voted for this sort of administration:



There was some other aspect of the, Democrat agenda that won your support????


The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,
opposition to free speech,
substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,
support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,
accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,
and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

And, perhaps you can offer your analysis of which Trump policy turned Americans against his policies. could if there were any.

Otherwise we're left with the theft of the election explanation.
Looking forward to Biden's inauguration.

I just hope we don't have another Trumpster terrorist attack.

In an earlier post I offered this challenge.
I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.

After I provided what I promised, you reneged and were unwilling or unable to offer any similar list of Trump policies.

No surprise, as you are generally known as a lying windbag.

Looking forward to Biden's inauguration.

I just hope we don't have another Trumpster terrorist attack.

In an earlier post I offered this challenge.
I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.

After I provided what I promised, you reneged and were unwilling or unable to offer any similar list of Trump policies.

No surprise, as you are generally known as a lying windbag.

You've tried this before, so I'll ask again:

Who will be the judge of this thought exercise?

I never use vulgarity, but I don't mind pointing out that you claimed that the policies of a candidate are of no concern for you.

Truly an ignorant position.

Me: I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

You: “This isn't about policies.
Trump and his cult are attacking the fundamental premise of the republic and the sovereign will of the people. It's a disgrace.”
Why We Lost America…. post #21

Perhaps you see the problem you engendered, here:

Last edited:
Looking forward to Biden's inauguration.

I just hope we don't have another Trumpster terrorist attack.

In an earlier post I offered this challenge.
I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.

After I provided what I promised, you reneged and were unwilling or unable to offer any similar list of Trump policies.

No surprise, as you are generally known as a lying windbag.

You've tried this before, so I'll ask again:

Who will be the judge of this thought exercise?

Where are the Trump policies to which you object, that you find unAmerican and anti-liberty, liar?
Looking forward to Biden's inauguration.

I just hope we don't have another Trumpster terrorist attack.

In an earlier post I offered this challenge.
I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.

After I provided what I promised, you reneged and were unwilling or unable to offer any similar list of Trump policies.

No surprise, as you are generally known as a lying windbag.

You've tried this before, so I'll ask again:

Who will be the judge of this thought exercise?

Where are the Trump policies to which you object, that you find unAmerican and anti-liberty, liar?
You didn't answer my question.

So not only can I make you derail your own thread with zero (0) effort, I can get you to dodge direct questions.

So again, who is going to be the judge of this little thought exercise?
Looking forward to Biden's inauguration.

I just hope we don't have another Trumpster terrorist attack.

In an earlier post I offered this challenge.
I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.

After I provided what I promised, you reneged and were unwilling or unable to offer any similar list of Trump policies.

No surprise, as you are generally known as a lying windbag.

You've tried this before, so I'll ask again:

Who will be the judge of this thought exercise?

Where are the Trump policies to which you object, that you find unAmerican and anti-liberty, liar?
You didn't answer my question.

So not only can I make you derail your own thread with zero (0) effort, I can get you to dodge direct questions.

So again, who is going to be the judge of this little thought exercise?

I can never resist proving you a lying fact, I kinda like it.
Looking forward to Biden's inauguration.

I just hope we don't have another Trumpster terrorist attack.

In an earlier post I offered this challenge.
I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.

After I provided what I promised, you reneged and were unwilling or unable to offer any similar list of Trump policies.

No surprise, as you are generally known as a lying windbag.

You've tried this before, so I'll ask again:

Who will be the judge of this thought exercise?

Where are the Trump policies to which you object, that you find unAmerican and anti-liberty, liar?
You didn't answer my question.

So not only can I make you derail your own thread with zero (0) effort, I can get you to dodge direct questions.

So again, who is going to be the judge of this little thought exercise?
You have no answers!!

Looking forward to Biden's inauguration.

I just hope we don't have another Trumpster terrorist attack.

In an earlier post I offered this challenge.
I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.

After I provided what I promised, you reneged and were unwilling or unable to offer any similar list of Trump policies.

No surprise, as you are generally known as a lying windbag.

You've tried this before, so I'll ask again:

Who will be the judge of this thought exercise?

Where are the Trump policies to which you object, that you find unAmerican and anti-liberty, liar?
You didn't answer my question.

So not only can I make you derail your own thread with zero (0) effort, I can get you to dodge direct questions.

So again, who is going to be the judge of this little thought exercise?
So your answer is ZERO!! Thanks for playing; now go back to your sandbox.

We get that you're not happy...but it's over,

The votes haver been counted.

Breathe. Go out to dinner. Call a friend you haven't talked to in a while

Life goes on
Looking forward to Biden's inauguration.

I just hope we don't have another Trumpster terrorist attack.

In an earlier post I offered this challenge.
I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.

After I provided what I promised, you reneged and were unwilling or unable to offer any similar list of Trump policies.

No surprise, as you are generally known as a lying windbag.

You've tried this before, so I'll ask again:

Who will be the judge of this thought exercise?

Where are the Trump policies to which you object, that you find unAmerican and anti-liberty, liar?
You didn't answer my question.

So not only can I make you derail your own thread with zero (0) effort, I can get you to dodge direct questions.

So again, who is going to be the judge of this little thought exercise?
So your answer is ZERO!! Thanks for playing; now go back to your sandbox.


(Psssstt......don't scare him away.....I might have to find another piñata ....)

Looking forward to Biden's inauguration.

I just hope we don't have another Trumpster terrorist attack.

In an earlier post I offered this challenge.
I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.

After I provided what I promised, you reneged and were unwilling or unable to offer any similar list of Trump policies.

No surprise, as you are generally known as a lying windbag.


You lost. Get over it.
Looking forward to Biden's inauguration.

I just hope we don't have another Trumpster terrorist attack.

In an earlier post I offered this challenge.
I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.

After I provided what I promised, you reneged and were unwilling or unable to offer any similar list of Trump policies.

No surprise, as you are generally known as a lying windbag.

You've tried this before, so I'll ask again:

Who will be the judge of this thought exercise?

Where are the Trump policies to which you object, that you find unAmerican and anti-liberty, liar?
You didn't answer my question.

So not only can I make you derail your own thread with zero (0) effort, I can get you to dodge direct questions.

So again, who is going to be the judge of this little thought exercise?

I can never resist proving you a lying fact, I kinda like it.
Whatever you say, Trumpster. You run again.

I don't know what makes you think you can intimidate me, but if it helps your feelz, that's fine.
Joe said he is going to create another covid stimulus bill and gear it towards non whites only...he wants the cash to go to Hispanics and blacks and other minorities.....good thing that I have a Spanish sir name.....cha-ching cha-ching...
Looking forward to Biden's inauguration.

I just hope we don't have another Trumpster terrorist attack.

In an earlier post I offered this challenge.
I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.

After I provided what I promised, you reneged and were unwilling or unable to offer any similar list of Trump policies.

No surprise, as you are generally known as a lying windbag.

You've tried this before, so I'll ask again:

Who will be the judge of this thought exercise?

Where are the Trump policies to which you object, that you find unAmerican and anti-liberty, liar?
You didn't answer my question.

So not only can I make you derail your own thread with zero (0) effort, I can get you to dodge direct questions.

So again, who is going to be the judge of this little thought exercise?
You have no answers!!

So are YOU going to be the judge? Are YOU objective?

She doesn't have the guts to answer me. Are YOU objective?

Looking forward to Biden's inauguration.

I just hope we don't have another Trumpster terrorist attack.

In an earlier post I offered this challenge.
I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.

After I provided what I promised, you reneged and were unwilling or unable to offer any similar list of Trump policies.

No surprise, as you are generally known as a lying windbag.

You've tried this before, so I'll ask again:

Who will be the judge of this thought exercise?

Where are the Trump policies to which you object, that you find unAmerican and anti-liberty, liar?

"And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." John1:5.

They can't see it, PC.

I never use vulgarity, but I don't mind pointing out that you claimed that the policies of a candidate are of no concern for you.

Truly an ignorant position.

Me: I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

You: “This isn't about policies.
Trump and his cult are attacking the fundamental premise of the republic and the sovereign will of the people. It's a disgrace.”
Why We Lost America…. post #21

Perhaps you see the problem you engendered, here:


Talk to the hand, threadkaren


October 28, 1994
In response to those who defend The Bell Curve ("Defending The Bell Curve," Opinion, Oct. 24, 1994), please use the following theories and observations to assist you in your search for truth regarding the genetic differences between Blacks and whites.
One: Dr. Richard King reveals that at the core of the human brain is the "locus coeruleus" which is a structure that is Black because it contains large amounts of (neuro) melanin which is essential for its operation.
Two: Black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk sooner than whites.
Three: Carol Barnes notes that human mental processes are controlled by melanin--that same chemical which gives Blacks their superior physical and mental abilities.
Four: Some scientists have revealed that most whites are unable to produce melanin because their pineal glands are often calcification or non-functioning. Pineal calcification rates with Africans are five to 15 percent, Asians 15 to 25 percent and Europeans 60 to 80 percent. This is the chemical basis for the cultural differences between Blacks and whites.
Five: Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities--something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards.
We can readily admit that an abused child is less likely to achieve academically than a child that has grown up in a supportive atmosphere. Black children, whether rich or poor, grow up with an added abuse which white children never have to face. Imagine the message that misguided information like The Bell Curve would send to a Black child who is trying to find her place in school. It's degrading, belittling and outrageously false.
Attacks on Black people such as those in The Bell Curve are not unique. Black children face this abuse daily through television shows, jokes aired on the radio, textbooks with truncated history, etc. Liberal whites underestimate the damage which racism causes on the minds of Black children, and conservative whites know all too well how to enlarge that damage. No matter how rich or supportive a Black person's home might be, by the time she is ready to take the SAT or apply to college, she has struggled far more extensively than any white person of the same social and economic background.
In addition, it is completely naive to say that Blacks have achieved economic equality with whites. It seems that whites have grown tired of hearing about racism. So, some have turned to measures such as The Bell Curve to relieve themselves of blame.

It's just ridiculous. Black people are not asking for political correctness, but truthfulness, fairness and an end to this abuse. Kristen Clarke '97 Victoria Kennedy '97

But I disagree, my penial gland processes melanin just fine.

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