Beethoven must be destroyed!

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Cause waycism and reasons

Feb 07 2021
Beethoven Considered for Cancelation

Equity precludes greatness. Consequently, great music is ideologically problematic. That is to say, it must be abolished. Rather than waste time nibbling at the edges, we may as well start by canceling Beethoven. Varsity, the student newspaper of the University of Cambridge, considers this proposal:
When Vox published an article describing Beethovenā€™s Fifth Symphony as ā€œa reminder of classical musicā€™s history of exclusion and elitismā€, the right-wing media threw up a storm over it and declared it ā€œwoke madnessā€, with even Ben Shapiro offering his own ā€œdelicateā€ response. In light of the recent #MeToo and BLM movements, Beethovenā€™s symbolic nature as the potentially prototypical ā€˜pale, male and staleā€™ composer has become ever more prominent. The feminist musicologist Susan McClary infamously compared the recapitulation in his Ninth Symphony to ā€œthe throttling murderous rage of a rapist incapable of attaining releaseā€. Is it therefore time to throw the whole man out? If we ā€˜cancelledā€™ Beethoven, wouldnā€™t that eventually result in a more diverse, inclusive and accessible classical music scene?
The author then attempts to associate Beethoven with German nationalism on the grounds that Germans have understandably been proud of him. He demonstrates the level of intellectual sophistication of the elitist savages tearing our culture down by calling Beethovenā€™s fellow giant Richard Wagner a ā€œbuttmunch.ā€

But maybe Ludwig Van can escape cancelation after all:
The question of ā€œWas Beethoven Black?ā€ keeps resurfacing over 100 years after being first proposed.
Unless we pretend he was black, we may have to cancel him:
Being a guaranteed ticket-seller and donor pleaser, he keeps reappearing in concert programmes to the exclusion of other, more diverse composers.
The author then explicitly calls for the ā€œcancellingā€ of ā€œcomposers like Beethovenā€ ā€” i.e., great composers, arguably all of whom were European men.
Canceling Beethoven alone solves nothing:
[R]emoving Beethoven from the scene would only result in a different ā€˜pale, male and staleā€™ composer (e.g. Mozart) taking his symbolic place.
The reader is left to conclude that all great music must be abolished. Due to the decay that is expressed in politics through liberalism and in the arts through postmodernism, virtually no music that even deserves to be called classical has been composed outside of Eastern Europe for decades. All we have to do is delete the catalog of all that came before us. That will enable a glorious utopian future of non-Caucasians generating meaningless noise.

Progressives are waging total war against Western Civilization. The war will not end until either liberalism or everything we could conceivably take pride in or find meaning in has been eradicated.
On a tip from Lyle.

Throw his works on the fire ....for unity and equity....derp
News About The Retarded should be a named forum for these stories about these left wing idiots. I don't care much for Beethoven, but I guess I'll have to get a collection going before he and the others disappear from the shelves under Biden's Red Republic.
News About The Retarded should be a named forum for these stories about these left wing idiots. I don't care much for Beethoven, but I guess I'll have to get a collection going before he and the others disappear from the shelves under Biden's Red Republic.

This is exactly the kind of thing that will lead to diminishing obviously brainless "cancellations". The overt absurdity of it must repulse active brain cells.
Here by the way a video, which shows how a great artist is able to make himselve to a great diletant only on reason of an absurde nationalism:

Here the German text in an English translation:

Here the complete poem of Friedrich Schiller in an English translation:

Ode an die Freude, Friedrich Schiller
Ode to Joy, translated by William F. Wertz

Joy, thou beauteous godly lightning,
Daughter of Elysium,
Fire drunken we are entā€™ring
Heavenly, thy holy home!
Thy enchantments bind together,
What did custom stern divide,
Every man becomes a brother,
Where thy gentle wings abide.

Be embracā€™d, ye millions yonder!
Take this kiss throughout the world!
Brothersā€”oā€™er the stars unfurlā€™d
Must reside a loving Father.

Who the noble prize achieveth,
Good friend of a friend to be;
Who a lovely wife attaineth,
Join us in his jubilee!
Yesā€”he too who but one being
On this earth can call his own!
He who neā€™er was able, weeping
Stealeth from this league alone!

He who in the great ring dwelleth,
Homage pays to sympathy!
To the stars above leads she,
Where on high the Unknown reigneth.

Joy is drunk by every being
From kind natureā€™s flowing breasts,
Every evil, every good thing
For her rosy footprint quests.
Gave she us both vines and kisses,
In the face of death a friend,
To the worm were given blisses
And the Cherubs God attend.

Fall before him, all ye millions?
Knowā€™st thou the Creator, world?
Seek above the stars unfurlā€™d,
Yonder dwells He in the heavens.

Joy commands the hardy mainspring
Of the universe eterne.
Joy, oh joy the wheel is driving
Which the worldsā€™ great clock doth turn.
Flowers from the buds she coaxes,
Suns from out the hyaline,
Spheres she rotates through expanses,
Which the seer canā€™t divine.

As the suns are flying, happy
Through the heavenā€™s glorious plane,
Travel, brothers, down your lane,
Joyful as in heroā€™s victā€™ry.

From the truthā€™s own fiery mirror
On the searcher doth she smile.
Up the steep incline of honor
Guideth she the suffā€™rerā€™s mile.
High upon faithā€™s sunlit mountains
One can see her banner flies,
Through the breach of openā€™d coffins
She in angelā€™s choir doth rise.

Suffer on courageous millions!
Suffer for a better world!
Oā€™er the tent of stars unfurlā€™d
God rewards you from the heavens.

Gods can never be requited,
Beauteous ā€™tis, their like to be.
Grief and want shall be reported,
So to cheer with gaiety.
Hate and vengeance be forgotten,
Pardonā€™d be our mortal foe,
Not a teardrop shall him dampen,
No repentance bring him low.

Let our book of debts be cancellā€™d!
Reconcile the total world!
Brothersā€”oā€™er the stars unfurlā€™d
God doth judge, as we have settlā€™d.

Joy doth bubble from this rummer,
From the golden blood of grape
Cannibals imbibe good temper,
Weak of heart their courage take ā€”
ā€” Brothers, fly up from thy places,
When the brimming cup doth pass,
Let the foam shoot up in spaces:
To the goodly Soul this glass!

Whom the crown of stars doth honor,
Whom the hymns of Seraphs bless,
To the goodly Soul this glass
Oā€™er the tent of stars up yonder!

Courage firm in grievous trial,
Help, where innocence doth scream,
Oaths which sworn to are eternal,
Truth to friend and foe the same,
Manly pride ā€™fore kingly powerā€”
Brothers, cost it life and blood,ā€”
Honor to whom merits honor,
Ruin to the lying brood!

Closer draw the holy circle,
Swear it by this golden wine,
Faithful to the vow divine,
Swear it by the Judge celestial!

Rescue from the tyrantā€™s fetters,
Mercy to the villain eā€™en,
Hope within the dying hours,
Pardon at the guillotine!
Eā€™en the dead shall live in heaven!
Brothers, drink and all agree,
Every sin shall be forgiven,
Hell forever cease to be.

A serene departing hour!
Pleasant sleep beneath the pall!
Brothersā€”gentle words for all
Doth the Judge of mortals utter!
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I heavily favor the Russian composers most, but I have a couple of Beethoven performances on compilations, but no whole symphonies yet.
Beethoven is unbeatable. Listen to the second movement of his symphony #7! This is not to say he is unrivaled, just not surpassed.

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