Because He Said So

This lady is a minority. They do not lie according to Democrats. Why were things like this never investigated? This is fraud and an eyewitness to that fraud.

Guiliani lead a plot to overthrow a legal election with Trumps blessings. We have concrete evidence;
Think any of this was investigated? Show me it was or admit that there was not any investigation. Do you recall this ever being explained? Things like this should not be ignored.

"Potentially so more fraud going on." :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Think any of this was investigated? Show me it was or admit that there was not any investigation. Do you recall this ever being explained? Things like this should not be ignored.

:laughing0301:🤪:spinner:You are weak. I actually watched that video. Dude, you need mental assistance. I'm not kidding.
Was it investigated? No. Why not?
You could investigate conspiracy theories, fantasies, lies, etc. until time freezes over. Don't you understand that? Obviously not. You are hooked on your own wild imagination. Forensic evidence separates nonsense from fact. You pedal in nonsense. It's all you do here on this forum.

I will give you this, I couldn't come on here every day as you do, and pedal fantasies, without feeling stupid. How you do that is beyond me.

You are in a constant tizzy because no legitimate venue anywhere where credible evidence is essential takes the Cry Baby Loser's vapid whining seriously.

His goons who savaged outnumbered police defending democracy swallowed his lie, of course, but they're being prosecuted, convicted, or confessing.

It's past time the Cry Baby Loser found the honesty, integrity, and patriotism to admit he lost the democratic election, and behaved like a big boy.

"You lost the election!"

View attachment 594418
"Awww, poo poo!"

I'm glad you admit it was a Democrat election, where the Democrats illegally changed rules to make their desired goals easier to obtain. Now, if it had been a fair United States election, the results might have been quite different.
... it was a Democrat election, where the Democrats illegally changed rules to make their desired goals easier to obtain. Now, if it had been a fair United States election, the results might have been quite different.
Sore losers whining noted, yet the reality persists - that there is still no empirical evidence of the Cry Baby Loser's fake claims: All have been discredited by recounts, audits, investigations into bamboo ballots and Italian satellites, etc., as well as dozens of court appeals, the Loser's attempted intimidation of Republican governors and secretaries of state, and the Loser's goon attack on Congress. All fizzled.

McConnell's Final Remark to Trump Was "You Lost the Election!"

Screen Shot 2022-02-04 at 5.47.07 PM.png
Sore losers whining noted, yet the reality persists - that there is still no empirical evidence of the Cry Baby Loser's fake claims: All have been discredited by recounts, audits, investigations into bamboo ballots and Italian satellites, etc., as well as dozens of court appeals, the Loser's attempted intimidation of Republican governors and secretaries of state, and the Loser's goon attack on Congress. All fizzled.

And you forgot about Yugo Chavez stealing the software from the voting machines. :laughing0301: :spinner: 🤪 :aargh: 😂:rofl:
And you forgot about Yugo Chavez stealing the software from the voting machines. :laughing0301: :spinner: 🤪 :aargh: 😂:rofl:
My theory is that it was bamboo ballots for Trump that were printed by China, and a migrant caravan of stealthy, hungry panda bears crossed from Mexico into Arizona.
Sep 25, 2021
The Arizona Audit results are damning! 23,344 mail-in ballots from persons no longer living at that address 17,322 duplicate ballots, which surged AFTER the election 2,382 voters who voted in-person but had moved out of Maricopa Co 2,081 voters moved out of state
Sep 25, 2021
The Arizona Audit results are damning! 23,344 mail-in ballots from persons no longer living at that address 17,322 duplicate ballots, which surged AFTER the election 2,382 voters who voted in-person but had moved out of Maricopa Co 2,081 voters moved out of state
Specifically damning how?
Sore losers whining noted, yet the reality persists - that there is still no empirical evidence of the Cry Baby Loser's fake claims: All have been discredited by recounts, audits, investigations into bamboo ballots and Italian satellites, etc., as well as dozens of court appeals, the Loser's attempted intimidation of Republican governors and secretaries of state, and the Loser's goon attack on Congress. All fizzled.

You TRULY believe that Biden was so much more popular than Obama that he got that many more votes? You're delusional.

And I didn't say anything about Trump's claims. I talked about how rules were changed to benefit Democrats. For example, Pennsylvania's mail in voting rule changes were unconstitutional. Pennsylvania’s mail voting law ruled unconstitutional, but remains in place as Wolf appeals | Spotlight PA
You TRULY believe that Biden was so much more popular than Obama that he got that many more votes? You're delusional.
"Delusional" characterizes the inability to handle the vote totals certified by 50 states under both Republican and Democratic administrations, and officially recognized by Congress with the Vice President presiding: 81,268,924 for the President; 74,216,154 for the Loser.
Electoral vote306232
Would Obama have won by an even wider margin over Trump? Your speculation is entirely plausible.
So, you have decided that a law that received overwhelming support by Pennsylvania Republicans is a case of Democratic cheating, and is unconstitutional because Trump lost, yet the Supreme Court has not decided that it is unconstitutional?

Some cling to this pretext after the Loser lost, all his other fake claims and his goon attack on the Capitol having fizzled.

Over two-and-a-half million Americans having their votes nullified is not about to happen, nor would it impact the outcome.
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